raincoat & wellies and clouds in the sky

Today is cloudy and I’ve got lots to do. I took these yesterday, they’re for you. I’ve got some things to post later too. Drinking a coffee and feeling neat, I wonder what catering will bring today to eat?
Thank you Daily Challenge for giving me this camera. If you don’t know, I won it in their Holiday Do Gooder contest. I love it. It make me very happy to share all kinds of random snipits of my life with the world. Like this little guy:

sunday boshketball game

Today was rainy but it cleared up after about 1pm. Mum and I walked over to the ACC to see the ball game. Jenie was dancing and we were excited to see her. I don’t really watch any sports as a hobby. I brought my neon pastels to the Raptors game with my Moloeskine and drew some bright stuff. It was fun. So much energy there, it was electric.

Game was exciting, I enjoyed it. Hanging with the fams is really fun. Mum and Jenie & James.

rainy sunday windy raindrops

Last night was really, really windy. I was woken by the fierce raindrops on my window. Yesterday went to the art shop and then I can home and made art with these guys.
Mum is in the city today as we are going to see sister dance at the Raptors game. I took her for a tour of my office this morning and to the Old York. I never go to the office on weekends and I accidentally set off the alarm and all the sirens were going off and I just looked at mum & laughed. I saved the day by calling a lifeline and getting him on the phone before the alarm company did. Phew. Was a close one. No cops showed up. #thankyouverymuch

"…and your little blog too"

Today I got a message that was a link to the following images. At first, I thought oh cool postering, but then I looked a little closer. I noticed the borderline and then the neon and the face and the name, it’s me.
“ll get you my pretty, and your little blog too.” I love it. He suprised me with this today. Toronto Posterboy is a Toronto artist. You can find him on Twitter and if you want to know more about postering his company is called WellHung. He is a smart cookie that Posterboy, I have a site called borderline artistic where I have a collection of artistic things like drawings and poems. It’s an online art gallery. He put my face in neon near the Borderline on Queen Street. Awesomism.

a song for casie by improv song on demand

This deserves it’s own post. This song is lovely. It may be because it’s about me, however, it’s improv and it could be about you next time. This guy performs his puppet show all summer on Queen Street at Spadina. He rules. I love it. I hope I meet him. If you know him, please send him this post. This is Improv Song on Demand singing “A Song for Casie”. Enjoy! I sure did!

a song for casie: improv on Vimeo.

the kiwi girl was in the kitchen again

Last night I made a nice dinner. I really love cooking. I don’t talk about it much because I’m not a food blogger. I hate talking about what I eat. Not fun to me so I don’t do it often. However, last night…
It was lovely. Today I went to the AGO again. I was alone and I took a very introspective view. I only looked at things I like the most and for only as long as I felt like. It is a very free feeling. I had my Moleskine and pencil, camera, the important stuff. I got a picture of one of my favorite guys, but I’m nervous to post it.