i think this brain would be pretty tasty

Zombies……I can’t stop thinking about them….

As soon as it turned October, it’s like my body knows it’s Halloween and I wanna dress up and wear masks and makeup and wigs and stuff. I don’t like scary movies or blood and gore but I love to dress up Zombie.

The walk is coming up Oct. 24th. There’s gong to be a bunch of us and I’d love you to join in the bloody fun. I saw some photo’s on Tony’s blog of the Hollywood Walk last week and I’m pretty sure that’s what got my Zombie thoughts into overdrive.

One more thing…

I mentioned a while ago that fellow blogger and comic drawer extraordinaire Mr. Sean Ward has taken up residence in San Francisco.  His crew just produced this new video. Check ‘er out!

Have a great day 🙂

cash money cash money cash money = $50,000

There’s about a week left in the Koodo Moile Build  Bash a contest. Prize is $50,000 to throw your own party. I entered all you have to do is join with Facebook Connect. I don’t ask for much . We are friends, friends don’t let other friends miss out on $50,000.

Go do it now.Right HERE!

Tell your friends. Omg, imagine the freedom…

we can thank each other at the party! Ya!

pay it backward more than ever

I’m touched every time I see the Where the Wild Things Are preview. Must dig up the ‘Save the Wild Things’ shirt before I go see it.

Notable TV put up a preview video about Pay it Backward Day you can see here. We’ll get the total count this week. I spoke with Daily Challenge co-founder Darius Bashar and he said the numbers are ridiculous.

I ran into some friends there including Warren and Sass who (thankfully!) had camera’s to capture us in action. Warren broke the existing world record and was number 603. Woot!

Check out stylish little Sass from Zucket.com. She’s in the Much VJ search along with Lady Duva. I thought about entering…  Check out Sass’ video here and Duva here. Best of luck to all the girls I know!

Love that we posed kinda the same . Blog girls are so cute

gone with the windows

Nuit Blanche made me really, really miss my camera.  I can’t go on without one any LONGER! This photo is from Torontoist and by fellow top TO blogger Andrew Louis.

Queen & Spadina was a busy, busy place at 3am when we all came back to my house. Almost everyone we went out with last year was away and the night was much less artistic in their absence.

My new room is my favorite place to be right now.  There’s scattered unpacked boxes, electronic equipment and clothes. I’m watching a movie called Leaving Normal from 1992 and having a wonderful Sunday night. I purged a bunch of clothes and have a huge bag of good stuff for Mum to give to these teenage girls she knows my size.

I’m snacking on plain puffed wheat Kashi and drinking hot water with fresh cut ginger. The challenge is to remember to drink it before it gets cold. I had a bath too. My oldbathroom had a stand up shower and I feel like I’ve graduated to absolute bliss!

I’ve got lots to share this week. So much I had to plan it out, the blog beat’s picking up tempo…

that was a really great way to start the morning

I checked out to update blog on lunch and the guys beside me were gabbing away about internet, SEO and social media. I tried my hardest not to pipe up and join the conversation.

They’re in the back of this video and were wondering what the heck I was doing. haha If they only knew! I say ‘layers’ at the end, hard to hear I know. Everyone was talking loud.

I love style but in the summer it’s hot and a dress alone will usually do. Fall, that’s when all the good guys come out. I’ve got a new closet to display them all beautifully and I know they’re all dying to be hung. avatars myspace at Gickr.com

That’s the plan for the weekend, unpack all my crap and put it in its place. I don’t even mind if it rains, I would love to watch a thunder storm over the lake or stomp in some puddles.

Have a great day!

giving feels so good

In my house growing up, we weren’t religious. I remember be nice, share, give, say thanks.  Mum and Dad raised us to be good kids. This week was Pay it Backward Day and I did good with hundreds of others across Ontario.

I’m waiting to find out the final count of just how many wonderful people participated. The Queen and John location alone had over 1,000!

avatars myspace at Gickr.com

I got a heads up from a friend about an Ontario Tourist Attractions photo contest on Lenzr sponsored by Kanetix insurance and mortgage quotes.

You send in a photo of anything in Ontario you think tourists should see. (Me?) The winner gets a $200 American Express gift card and second prize gets $100. Uh, that’s awesome. Who doesn’t love cash?

This big unit is one of my favorite attractions. The lights dance every hour on the hour through the night and it’s just beautiful. Go to  Lenzr to enter.