new dork, online jungle where geeks are made of

naked people have little or no influence on society

Feeling the spring fever. It’s lovely walking to work in the brightness. Great way to start the day. Ramping up stuff for the magazine at work. Toronto Blog Girl stuff is picking up speed. My Harajuku Girls are coming by Friday learn about blogging. What they don’t know yet is that I’m putting them to WORK. Fairy Blog Mother.

Today I am wearing a dress from Shop My Clothes that’s by a Japanese designer. I love the print heaps, very springy. It was really long so I chopped it and used the excess fabric to make a circle scarf.

Black Betsy Johnson tights from Winners. Gold boots were black leather from Vintage 69. I spray painted them gold. Andy Warhol used to do that. Trench, cardigan, & heart locket are from H&M. Bag was a gift  Calvin Klein. THANKS!

I’m a judge in this FAB contest from Peach Beserk. It’s only open to elementary, high school and college/university students but the prizes are AWESOME. So if you can enter, DO IT.

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Mark Twain

you look prettier when you smile sunshine

Whining. Complaining. Just wah-wah-ing ALL over the place. Maybe you have friend like that or possibly someone at work who just likes to shit on everything? They should be called Lady Wah-Wah. My Dad says “cryning” that’s a worse form of crying and whining mixed. Ew. Sure way to make a pretty girl ugly. Why do people do that? I do not understand.

I like to check trending topics around the world for things that stand out. In Sao Paulo, I found Laura Fontana. She is 8 years old wants to be Lady Gaga when she grows up.  Starts at about 00:50 starting with Bad Romance, then Paparazzi. Kinda weird but whatever. I was dancing on stage wearing makeup when I was 5 and I always wanted to be like that. Way to go little one!

New show aired on MuchMusic last night all videos at 11 weeknights, music videos. Avril’s voice in the new Alice once is like yelling. I do not like it.The kaleidoscope for girls and autotune for boys are a big it it seems. Love the paint throwing in Hedley’s video. I want that.

blog blog fashion baby, work it, move that bitch crazy

Started out as a blog hang and turned into a full blown Red Carpet Oscar EXTRAVAGANZA!

I want your comments
Your RSS feed
I want to tell the world
That hey this is me
I want your love
I want your love

Sean Ward, Keri Canadian, Carly, Breanna, Me, Crystal

I’m an explorer
I wanna shine
‘Cause I’m individual
And this world is mine
I want your love
I want your love

Raymi samesi’s

Caught in a RAD romance

so you wanna play shy with me boy

* All these pix taken with my Motorola Milestone from Telus

yesterday was beautiful as is today

every day is beautiful if you want it to be

i went uptown and around in the sunshine

all the while the tower was playing hide and sneak

brunch with Jonny from Shop My Clothes


Alexi interviewed Jack Osbourne the other day about what kinda girls he likes…I dig it.

jacko part 1: from alexi wasser on Vimeo.

this is lady blogga

this is lady blogga