CottageLife | A Boy And A Girl In A Little Canoe

CottageLife | A Boy And A Girl In A Little Canoe


Back to the grind today after an absolutely wonderful weekend up at the cottage.


Sean and I went for a nice long canoe jaunt yesterday in the sunshine. How lucky are we to have this weather!? You can like this photo on Instagram right here.


We attempted to go through this tunnel to another lake where our friends cottage is. It was like being inside a beautiful painting. The colours of the leaves are so vibrant and the sky was incredibly blue.


We were ill prepared to portage the canoe over this little blunder. Next time I’ll wear better shoes and put my phone in something more secure than a ziplock bag. Did you know you can still use your phone while it’s in a ziplock? The more you know. Learned that trick in Thailand last year.


I finally got to float in my donut. The water was pretty cold but I really didn’t care!


Went on a crazy fast seadoo. Heaps of fun!




This week is gonna be a busy! Tonight my sister and I have a date for the premiere of Gone Girl starring Ben Affleck. I’m hosting a Twitter chat with X Nine West tomorrow then speaking to fashion students at Seneca College. Thursday I fly to Montreal for a couple days exploring culinary awesomeness with Tourism Montreal.

It will be the weekend again before we know it! Happy Monday, make sure you soak up some of that sunshine! 


Events | Streamers + Smiles: Creative Mornings w/ Tiffany Pratt

Events | Streamers + Smiles: Creative Mornings w/ Tiffany Pratt

Just over a week ago I attended my first Creative Mornings event in Toronto. It was one of the first chilly mornings and trench coat weather. Arrived to have my photo taken by a friendly blog babe instantly made friends with another girl outside too. The day was off to a great start!


The theme for September was COLOR and they cold not have picked a better person to light up the room.

There was a pink card on each of our seats with Tiffany’s face and contact info, along with a beaded wooden rainbow mandala bracelet, which had been made by volunteers with Tiffany earlier in the week. There were streamers on the door, the floor, hanging from the ceiling. It was a colour explosion! If you check @thetiffanypratt on Instagram you day will be brighter the second her profile pops up.

Image by Laura Crowell via Creative Mornings




She started her talk with a morning meditation and then threw streamers into the crowd, over our heads. I loved it. Here’s a little Instagram video I made. Creative Mornings just posted about the event and I will update this post with the full video as soon as it’s live.

See what I mean.

She’s so awesome.

Here are some notes I scribbled down on my iPhone while she was talking. Mostly I took in what she was saying and thought about life. There was so much positive energy floating in the room with smiles all around.

  • You need to happen to your life
  • Buy all the streamers
  • Make all the bracelets
  • Gigantic love circus
  • Plant all the seeds
  • Do all the things
  • Velocity
  • Be consistent
  • Putting your brain on paper
  • Beauty happens on budgets
  • And this quote from my #1 fav author growing up Roald Dahl…

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”


From Wikipedia on Velocity:

If there is a change in speed, direction, or both, then the object has a changing velocity and is said to be undergoing an acceleration.

I’ve feel inspired every single time I about that day. She’s one of those super awesome bright people that make you smile the second you see them. I hope you have some of those people in your life. If you need some of that glitter and sunshine, follow her on IG at @thetiffanypratt and me @casiestewart.

Accelerate yourself. Get your wheels in motion. Fill YOUR life with colour. Have an awesome day 🙂


Media | Dundas West #LoveMyHood

Bench Canada #lovemyhood


Throughout September I was featured by Bench Canada in their Love My Hood campaign. You might have seen a couple of these photos on their Instagram or Facebook. We snapped these shot at  the Wallace Ave. bridge that was built in 1907. Their contest ends this week so scroll down for details on how you can enter.

The bridge covers the train tracks that are currently being expanded to service the new GoTrain Express to Person Airport. Alongside the bridge, is the West Toronto Railpath that I like to run on and where I took heaps of GoPro photos at last winter.

Dug up these old photos fro the depths of the Internet. I love seeing how the city has changed. I think about how the Internet has changed my life in the last 10 years, imagine how this bridge feels?! 🙂

Photo from 1951, taken from Dundas St. W.
Photo from 1951, taken from Dundas St. W.

 Wearing: Bench hoodie, dress from Brandy Melville, boots from NastyGal



This is the last week to enter their #LoveMyHood contest. You can win $500 and 2 round trip flights anywhere in Canada. Tag your photos #LoveMyHood and make sure you’re following@BenchCanada. Good luck! You can bring a friend so like, if your BFF is away, you can always invite me. 

Thanks Bench Canada for this new monogrammed hoodie. I love things with my face and or name on them! See all posts tagged Bench from over the years here.

Have an awesome day. Remember, you’ll never be younger than you are today, so make the most of it!


Speaking | Social Summit in Kitchener-Waterloo

Social Summit in KW, Spet. 26th

Are you in KW? I’m heading to my hometown later this week to speak at Social Summit in Kitchener, and visit my parents of course. It’s been ages since I was back in my old stomping ground so I’m pretty excited to be going there to talk about my travels and adventures over the past few years.

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Speakers throughout the morning will enrich the audience with social media tips, tricks, lessons and more. I’ve been added to the mix to share stories from my social media travels around the world with brands and my blog. I’m digging up photos for my presentation and I hope to leave everyone feeling they can accomplish anything they put their mind to.  🙂

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Click to Read More About Each Speaker + Session


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If any of you new or old friends want to come out, get a ticket for $20! Use PROMO10 to knock $10 off the $30 ticket. I’d really love to see some familiar faces and make new friends. Thanks to the sponsors, Mad hatter Tech and the Waterloo Region Small Business Centre for having me.

If you’ll be there, especially if we have never met, please say HI. I’m a hugger. (Please don’t call me CASSIE.) My Mum will be there too.

Here’s to a wonderful week! Looking forward to it. 🙂


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Media | Don’t Be A Can’t: Todd Shapiro Show on SiriusXM

Media | Don’t Be A Can’t: Todd Shapiro Show on SiriusXM

Had a great time on The Todd Shapiro show yesterday. There was a bunch of great guests including Tim Warmels, the new star of Bachelor Canada, and Trish Stratus. We laughed our heads off, talked about Rob Ford, and I swooned over Tim.  Radio is really fun. The show starts with original songs that will make you smile. Trust me.


Tim is a a really nice guy. Smart, charming, successful, a tech founder, farm boy, part-time model. Click here to listen now!


On this Episode:  Trish Stratus, Tim Warmels, and Casie Stewart!

You can listen to this episode in a variety of ways

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I’ll be back on the show Thursday at 5pm. Have something I should talk about or interested in sponsoring? LMK!



Tech | Muse Headband + Google Cardboard

Muse Brain Sensing Headband


Last week I got to try out Google Cardboard. It’s a small Oculus-like box that attaches to your Android phone where you can experience virtual reality games etc. I went on a roller coaster ride and it was pretty trippy. You hold up the box to your eyes then move as if you are on a coaster, I nearly fell over!

1188 Films (Sean’s company) has been working on some pretty rad VR stuff for Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard. I ca’t wait to see what they come up with next. My love for technology knows no bounds. I volunteer to test out everything! I was trying out the Body Mind Change + David Cronenberg Oculus Rift experience and did not know what was going to happen… then, a monster popped out and I totally jumped and screamed. The office at 1188 roared with laugher at me. HAHA GUYS VERY FUNNY.


My other latest technology toy is the Muse brain Sensing Headband. It’s been a neat journey so far trying to make myself relax. I may seem like a care-free, fun loving person, but TBH I can be really uptight sometimes! This is a snapshot of my (lack of) calmness last week on Monday right in the middle of TIFF. The second photo is Friday afternoon, post TIFF. HUGE DIFFERENCE.



I’m going to test out my cottage calmness this weekend. You unlock different milestones the more calm you are. I’m going for a SERENITY NOW mentality.


After I did a session on Friday last week I took the streetcar. A man across the car was playing his music loud, like NO HEADPHONES loud. The driver even yelled for the person playing the music to turn it down. It took every ounce of my patience to hold it together, it is so frustrating and RUDE for someone to do that. So, I reached into my purse, pulled out my headphones, walked across the streetcar and said “Hi, I think you need these”. He was a bit shocked but I insisted he keep them.  I felt instantly calmer and was thanked by a few passengers on the car.

I think the Muse Headband is working. 🙂

Have an awesome day. Nice and sunny out there, go soak it up!


TheTech | Business of YouTube: Buffer Festival Industry Day


There is no doubt that video is a powerful platform to connect with your audience. If you are a brand, blogger, or you want to be famous on the Internet, knowing how to work the YouTube machine is to your advantage. The key to this is to build a large follower base and have plenty of views on your videos. Luckily, you can buy these, just make sure you use the best site to buy youtube views otherwise you might fall to victim to one of the many scam sites out there. You might not like the idea of buying views and followers but it has been proven to lead to their authentic counterpart, and many people have chosen this path to the top. There are plenty of alternatives to Youtube you can also use. I had the opportunity to travel to Thailand last year with some of Canada’s top YouTubers and it was a learning experience. There’s a real science to cracking the YouTube code and the more you know, well, the better you’ll be!

I’ve partnered w/ the CFC to let you know about Buffer Festival Industry Day on October 16th. The one day event is not a YouTube fan event, but rather a chance to soak up information about the business of YouTube from some of the top YouTubers in the world. YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine (to Google) and 1 out of EVERY 2 internet users visits YouTube. Innovation is key to relevancy in our ever changing internet world, so if YouTube is on your radar you don’t wanna miss this.

About Buffer Festival Industry Day:

bufferThis one-day conference is for industry professionals looking to optimize YouTube as a content and talent development platform and a marketing and distribution channel. It provides a unique opportunity to network with celebrity YouTubers, MCNs, CMOs and digital entertainment industry executives.

Who should attend:

  • Agencies
  • Advertisers
  • Broadcasters
  • Content producers
  • Digital executives
  • Bloggers
  • Future stars of THE INTERNET

Where is Buffer Festival Industry Day:

Speakers including top ranking YouTubers:

  • Harley Morenstein, Creator/Host, Epic Meal Time (6,500,000+ Subscribers)
  • Mitchell Moffitt, Co-Creator, AsapSCIENCE (2,800,000+ Subscribers)
  • Shay Carl, Vlogger and YouTube Creator (2,540,000+ Subscribers)
  • Craig Benzine, Creator, Wheezy Waiter (539,000+ Subscribers)
  • Tay Zonday, Creator, TayZonday (880,000+ Subscribers)
  • Shira Lazar, Executive Producer/Host, What’s Trending (195,000+ Subscribers)

Copy some of this post and send to your boss in an email with a ticket link or get one yourself right here. I’m stoked to learn more about YouTube. I’ve had a channel for nearly 10 years and I hardly use it. I need to up my video game!

I’d love to see you there. Hey, maybe you can get a selfie w/ Harley from Epic Meal Time!

If you need some more stats about why YouTube is an amazing content platform. Check out this infographic:

Created by Mushroom Networks

Get a Fresh Perspective ✌️

I’ve given myself a few days to check some tasks off my list. Nothing like the change of seasons to clean out your closet, rediscover your wardrobe, and organize before hibernation. If this winter is anything like last winter, I’ll be spending heaps of time at home and I’d like to be productive.


One of my fav things about winter is to stay home and unleash creativity. I’ve been meaning to break out my sewing machine and creative cabinet since I moved over a year ago. What have I been doing!? Where has the time gone!?

Come Friday, studio will be back in session. I’ve got a few days to make magic happen.

Here’s to a great week! Get your creative juices flowing and share them with the world. There’s no time like right now.


I love you Mum, Happy Birthday!

Mum + Me

When I was a little girl I always wanted to do things my own way. I picked out my own outfits at a very young age and sometimes they were … questionable unique. Once I left the house in one orange sock and one green sock to match my orange and green outfit (mum may have made?). I left the house feeling confident and stylish, ready to take on the world. (I was like, 6 or 7.)  One of the neighbours said to mum, “you’re going to let her go to school that?”, she replied “if she feels confident she can wear whatever she likes”. Bam. Thanks Mum.

You have always encouraged me to be creative in all the things I do and now as a grown up weird and wonderful woman I could not be happier.

You are the best, ILU.



Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

I love this time of year. It really does feel like a second spring with the change in air and trees. It’s a bummer to leave the summer but winter is a time for work.  It’s my most creative time where I hibernate and cultivate ideas. Movies, binge watching shows on Netflix, writing, and cooking.


Drove up to the cottage after work on Friday. It’s crazy that we can roll up here on a long weekend and hit no traffic, then, at the end of cottage season we still managed to catch some coming up Friday. There’s this one great spot just before Barrie where 104.1 The Dock kicks in on the radio and the sky, if you can catch it looks so magical. A photo will never quite capture it but you can imagine.

Woke up like this, actually. Thanks to my babes at Untitled&Co. for my sweater! I’m shooting my favs from their store next week. My hair is wild when I wake up and with this new violet colour, I think it looks rad when it’s mad! It’s been a week since I had the colour put in and it’s got that grey feeling again. Autumn <3


The wifi at the cottage is faster than we have at home. It’s so beautiful and relaxing.


Made a nice brekky  on Saturday morning w/ Martha Stewart style fluffy eggs. One of my fav things about cottage life is all the cooking! I spend heaps of time whipping up things in the kitchen. I’m taking a class on food photography at Henry’s next week so perhaps I will get into sharing some of my culinary creations.


Had fireworks last night.


This morning was so misty. There’s magic in the air.


One of my fav things about Sunday morning is the Will and Grace marathon on The W Network.  I watch 5 or so episodes, read, and do blog stuff. Relax, recharge.

Title is a quite by Albert Camus, a French Philosopher who died in 1960. Here’s another great one by him.

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of.
You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.

With love,


#TIFF14 Bang Bang Baby Premiere

#TIFF14 Bang Bang Baby Premiere


 On Monday night I joined Sean for the premiere of Bang Bang Baby.  The feature debut film is directed by Canadian Jeffrey St. Jules. It’s a surreal, fever-dream fusion of small-town musical and 1950s sci-fi. The event was at Spice Route on King West.

Thanks EXPRESS for this shirt + pants I paired w/ my fav Rudsak leather jacket and clutch from Banana Republic.


Sean (Visual Effects producer) posing w/ Bang Bang Baby producer Don Allen.


Fun night but going on on a Monday sure takes it’s toll! Here’s to a couple more days of TIFF then R&R at the cottage.


In other news, how much do you love these? Blue suede boots from Shelly’s London X NastyGal. I got dinged on customs, $60 but I caved and picked them up from the postie anyways. LOVE.



Anytime is Game Time w/ Mattel. Game On!

Anytime is Game Time

Anytime is Game Time

My friends at Mattel recently send me this pack of games. I decided to take them up to the cottage for some family fun!

They recently hosted a bunch of blogger for Mattel Game Night where everyone was invited to play games over snacks and drinks. I wasn’t able to make it this year but have attended their game night a new times. Here’s me playing Apples to Apples a while back.

You can win games from Mattel too by entering their Anytime is Game Time contest on Facebook. Contest closes Sept. 10th so get your name in there!

Thanks Mattel for sending the games. Heading up to the cottage this weekend and will be crackin’ these boxes!


#TIFF14: CFC Annual BBQ Fundraiser for Canadian Film



Yesterday I attended the Annual CFC BBQ at the Canadian Film Centre w/ Sean and the team from 1188 Films. His company was an event sponsor and was demoing the latest Oculus Rift part of David Cronenberg’s Body Mind Change project. You may remember my slight obsession w/ POD and Body Mind Change last year.  


CFC BBQ Highlights:






The Canadian Film Centre is absolutely gorgeous. Follow @CFCCreates for all kinds of news, info, and behind the scenes stuff about Canadian Film. I’ll be working with CFC later this year for the Buffer Festival celebrating top YouTube talent. Stay tuned right here for that!


#TIFF14: Win a #NKPRIT14 Lounge Experience

#TIFF14: Win a #NKPRIT14 Lounge Experience

Last week I visited the NKPR IT Lounge on media day to check out what celebrities would be recieving when they’re in town and get a little pampered myself. I’v partnered with NKPR to give YOU the same treatment. Scroll down and enter to win a VIP NKPR Lounge giftbag. Some of my favourite items include Rudsak, Christian Rex, Saje, Tweezerman, Yogurty’s, and Yo Sox.

Earlier last week Natasha from NKPR and I attended the premiere of Behind the Red Carpet, a documentary that we are both in, along with Chris CJancelewicz and George Pimentel about the Toronto International Film Festival. We gathered in the screening room of The Spoke Club with the director, distributor, and closest family. After the film we learned that our movie will be on CBC later this year and on iTunes for you all to watch. Squeee! 


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Here’s the dealio. Enter below to win. Contest is open to all residents of Canada except Quebec (sorry guys!). Starts TODAY, September 8th and ends WEDNESDAY, Sept. 10th. Your gift will be sent from NKPR. Winner, I’d love to see a photo of you with all your goodies. I wish you all good luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Live for now. #PepsiPopUp


Last night wrapped 5 days of free concerts and interactive events at the PepsiPopUp at Richmond & John downtown Toronto. I stopped in to meet up with my contest winners and rock out a bit. I like this director’s chair look, don’t you?


The show opened w/ Crystalyne who is about to go on tour across Asia. They were followed by Virginia to Vegas, also from Toronto. The pop-up was really neat because it only fit 200 people making the shows really intimate.



Loved this Pop Art


Projection outside the Pepsi Pop-Up


Virginia to Vegas lead singer before hitting the stage


Style award goes to this man w/ the awesome leather pants, creepers, and killer shades

As I was leaving a colleague at Pepsi said she overheard some girls on their way out say “Did you see Casie Stewart?”, “Yeah, that was her!”.  I think they were too shy to say hello so, girls, if you are reading this, HIIIII! Don’t ever be shy to say hello if you see me out, I wanna meet you!

The Toronto International Film Festival is on for a few more days and I’ve got some fun things in my schedule. My mantra for the day is LIVE FOR NOW. Remember, you’ll never be younger than you are today!


Happiness depends upon ourselves. #TGIF

Happiness depends upon ourselves. #TGIF

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

This week has been a busy one for me and probably for you. Back to school, back to work, TIFF, NYFW, and all the other little life things that pop up can really take a toll on your energy.

I’m channeling this moment from last weekend when Sean and I went on a long drive through the Muskokas, from Gravengurse to Port Carling, Bala, and back. I asked him to stop the car so I could stand in the middle of the road and admire all that surrounded me. The trees, the fresh air, the silence.

It made me think of one of my fav poems, Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken. It’s one of those things I dig up and read when I need to remind myself that taking the not so easy route and toughing through hard work is what makes all the difference in the end. “If it was easy, everyone would do it”, I’m sure someone older than you told you that before.

If you’ve got that stress flow cramping your style, take a nap, take a bath, take a walk, take your phone out of your hand, and take a minute (or hour, or afternoon) to appreciate all the good things in your life. You’ll feel a stress release, I promise.



#TIFF14: The Annual Essentials Lounge #ESSENTIALSLOUNGE5

#TIFF14: The Annual Essentials Lounge #ESSENTIALSLOUNGE5

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Yesterday I went to the Essential Lounge by EGPR and at the Templar Hotel, Toronto. I can’t lie, going to lounges is one of the most fun parts of TIFF! It’s a gathering of media, friends, brands, and it takes a great PR team to pull it all together.

We get a glimpse of how the stars in town for TIFF are treated and to see what brands are gifting. I love rummaging through the goodies and sharing them with Mum, my sisters, bf, friends that come over. Here’s some of my fav moments all shot by Ryan Emberley. You’ll recognize a few faces!

I started out with an express facial by Skinceuticals and went on to have my makeup done by tarte Cosmetics and hair by Schwarzkopf.

I was gifted a fantastic new bra from Calvin Klein and switched into it, tossing my old one before picking up a cute new pair of flats from Rockport.

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Lauren O’Nizzle, BFF from CBC &

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Liem Vu from Global’s Morning Show

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Nelia from

The essentials lounge happens right before TIFF to hook up press with products that’ll help them survice the TIFF madness and recover after the whirlwind.  and a swift recovery.

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Canon Blogtography crew Andrew Dobson (Metro & & Nelia

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Thank you Esther, Jess, and EGPR’s team far having me! Here’s to Essentals Lounge 6 and a happy TIFF ’14!

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#PepsiPopUp: Tickets + Show Details!

#PepsiPopUp Tickets


I saw two shows last night inside the worlds largest Pepsi bottle for a five day entertainment extravaganza, #PepsiPopUp. The location is Richmond & John and you really can’t miss it! It’s huge.

There’s free shows each night this week until Sunday (scroll down for tickets!). Starting at 11am you can pop in for a refreshing drink and a bunch of activities. Tonight, Hollerado and Born Ruffians take the stage at 7pm.  Pepsi is giving away tickets on a first come, first serve basis so you’ll wanna get there early!

What to Expect:

  • Drum Machine and challenging others to a ‘drum-off’. This drum machine was first made famous at the Glastonbury festival and Pepsi is now bringing it to Toronto as part of #PepsiPOPUP– the first time it’s been in North America!
  • Huge huge interactive light wall installation 
  • Get a custom Pepsi T-shirt and receive an ice cold Pepsi


First up last night was Meligrove Band and they were so good I bought their cd. The venue only fits 200 people so catching a show inside is really intimate.


Dwayne Gretzky, is an eight-piece rock n’ roll cover band, aka members of Sweet ThingAl xOur Lady Peace,SheezerDustin Bentall & the Smokes, and July Talk. They closed out the night with rad tunes. I am kinda in love with them all. 



Music Acts:

  • Thurs., September 4 – Born Ruffians and Hollerado
  • Fri., September 5 – USS and The Elwins
  • Sat., September 6 – Nick Cannon will be hosting this day’s event, featuring 4Count and Kreesha Turner
  • Sun., September 7 – Virginia to Vegas and Crystalyne


I’d love you to join me on Sunday for the last show. I’ve got three pairs of tickets for you to skip the line and see Virginia to Vegas and Crystalyne at 7pm. Contest details below. Open to anyone who can get to Richmond & John on Sunday. So, if you’re in town on a whim, enter below!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Although this post is sponsored, all opinions are my own. 🙂

Fashion |Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York

Turn on your internet ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York City. Here you’ll find every runway show from the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2015 Collections, being held in New York September 4th to 11th.



Look for this image in the sidebar and you can click on it any time your little fashion loving heart desires. Love to know your favs if you take a peek!

On another note…

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. No, think about it for one second. It’s 2014 and you are on my little bloggy blog about to watch runway shows as they happen in New York City. A privilege once reserved for only the highest fashion royalty, and now we are among them (from our couches!).



Listen: Sirius XM + @TheToddShapiroShow Ep. 124


Last week I was a guest at Sirius XM Radio on The Todd Shapiro Show. It was my very first time as a radio guest and I loved it! The show is nothing but jokes + hilarity weekdays from 4-6pm. Scroll for the link!


LISTEN HERE: iTunes or Online

EP 124 Casie Stewart and Ken Tizzard! ReleasedAug 28, 2014




Let it Bloom: September

Let it bloom #september #jasminedowling

It’s been such a wonderful weekend. I woke up at the crack of dawn feeling excited about life and the week to come. Took some time to sit on the dock and think about good intentions for the month. September is always one of my favourites.

For my New Zealand (Kiwi) family and friends in Australia it’s the start of spring and always inspiring to see their posts about things in bloom and seasons changing.  I like to keep that in mind when I think about September, there’s heaps of energy in the air with back to work and back to school.

Remember, things are always in bloom!




Words Illustration via Jasmine Dowling


ALL THE CHIPS: My Interview on The Chipping Point

The Chipquisition: The Chipping Point Interview


Toronto journalist (and friend) Kevin Naulls interviewed me for his latest writing series ‘The Chipping Point. Read about my love for chips and the chip love of others right here.

You will be surprised to find out how much you can learn from someone by their love of chips. Great job Kevin and thank you for the interview! Imma go eat some chips now. Ketchup anyone?


Other than chips, I also love California. Photos from Santa Monica last August!





Make Your Skin Glow w/ Dermalogica’s Little Grey Pass


For the past few months I’ve been visiting spas around the city that use Dermalogica’s professional line of products and getting facials with their Little Grey Pass program. I was invited to be an ambassador for Dermalogica and to share my experience with you.

My first Dermalogica facial was in the middle of winter (March) and my skin was so dry and dull. Since then, I’ve switched to a heavier moisturizer and added vitamins & toner to my routine. A few of my fav items below!


Dermalogica’s Little Grey pass is a great way to treat yourself and improve your skin. My skin has really improved, it’s more radiant and I find myself wearing less makeup.

How to Get on the Little Grey Pass train:

  1. Register at (open to Toronto + Vancouver)
  2. Call a Little Grey Skincare Centre listed on your pass (once you get it of course!)
  3. Visit spa & purchase a 60 min spa facial
  4. Get  stamps & receive products like a full size Pre-Cleanse (love this product!) The more stamps, the more goodies for you!
  5. Share your experience on social by tagging @dermalogicaCDN + #LittleGreyPass.
  6. Have great skin! (The most important part!)

Planning my next facial post-TIFF. All the events, films, and parties take a lot of energy and a toll on your skin. I might need a massage and few days at the cottage too! For more info visit



Fashion | TakeTheLead w/ Ted Baker AW2014

Ted Baker AW 2014

I love seeing brands create good video content. Now, I’m a little bias on this one because I’ve been working w/ Ted Baker London for over a year and I absolutely love the clothes. Here’s a look at what’s coming to a store near you for Autumn/Winter 2015.

Since it’s Thursday, here’s a pic Ted Baker posted from my visit to their 5th Avenue Grand House in New York last August. We had a blast! Later that day I met Justin Bieber. NBD!

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Take a peek at all the beauties in the latest collection at There’s a downtown store opening on October too FYI! Huzzah!

With love,



Seasons Change: September I Greet You w/ A Smile

Seasons Change: September I Greet You w/ A Smile

Good morning! Bit chilly out there this AM. Crazy that September is next week. I love this time of year. There’s lots of energy in the air, back to school, back to work, seasons change, NYFW, and TIFF.

I just noticed that a documentary I’m in has been added to my IMDB. ‘Behind the Red Carpet’ premiere is Tuesday at The Spoke Club and I can’t WAIT to see it. When I shot w/ George Pimentel for YYZ Magazine last month I found out he’d added a whole bunch of his work from Getty and award shows and it was looking good. On Wednesday next week I’ve got a portrait session w/ Caitlin Cronenberg at the IT lounge. She took my photo last year too (see here). See what people are saying about #NKPRIT14 on Twitter.

Really loving this violet hair. I think I’m gonna keep it! It’s the first time I’ve permanently dyed my hair anything other than blonde in about 10 years. I really wanna grow it into a bob so this will help it be healthier along the process because  i t    t a  k e s   f o r e v e r .  If you’re looking to add some colour to your hair in a non-permanent way, see my Easy as 1-2-3 post here.

The sweater I’m wearing has a hot rod on it that my Dad built for Paul Horton in the early 80’s. It was Mum’s. 🙂

This afternoon I’m heading to Sirius XM Radio Canada to be a guest on The Todd Shapiro Show. Read about the show here. You can listen by tuning into Sirius XM channel 168 at 4pm or subscribe to the podcast Toddcast in iTunes. This show is rated explicit and it deff not for kids. I don’t think I’ve even been a guest on radio so wish me luck!

Here’s to a great day. It’s  a l m o s t  the long weekend!


Travel |My Stay at Trump Toronto w/ HotelTonight

#OvernightHotelTonight - My stay at Trump Toronto


On Friday night I stayed at the Trump Hotel and booked my room using Hotel Tonight. I’ve known about the app for a while but was yet to use it. I was contacted to take part in an exclusive influencer event where a group of notable Torontonians met up for cocktails with HotelTonight co-founder Jared Simon.

We were asked to pack a bag and come to the event where we’d leave to stay in a hotel later that night. Exciting!  We were each given a unique code that allowed us a stay that night at one of Toronto’s best hotels. I was gunning for the Trump Hotel as I’ve never stayed there before and it’s oh so fancy. Others in the group stayed at The Gladstone, The Beverly, and the Thompson Hotel.

Earlier in the day I chatted HotelTonight co-counder & COO Jared Simon about the app and what’s next. HT is the world’s leading last minute hotel app with a rotating selection of rooms made available each day with bookings open until 2am. After working in the travel/hospitality industry they were inspired to create HotelTonight, knowing that most hotels operate at a 60% occupancy.

I personally think it’s an awesome idea and recommend the app when someone visits my city or when friends are looking to do something special with their partner.  It was very easy to book my room using the app; pick a hotel, add credit card, book, arrive at hotel, checkin, stay, checkout.

I asked Jared what’s next for HotelTonight and he told me expanding to even more than the current 500 cities, growing consumers (like us!), and innovating the app experience. I love adventure so next time I travel somewhere I’m gonna wing it and book a random night w/ HotelTonight. Jared dared me!


HotelTonight is one of the first brands to launch a campaign on Instagram. I love seeing brand get creative with their marketing on such a popular, visual platform.  

It’s called #tonightiam and ‘the campaign juxtaposes mundane everyday situations (painting a house, waiting for the subway) with the potential of where you can go and who you can be with HotelTonight (“Tonight I am Starlet; “Tonight I am Surfer”). ‘ Read more about it here.

Have you used this app before? Love to know your thoughts!


An Afternoon w/ Susur Lee at Bent Restauraunt

VEGGIELICIOUS by Bent Sept. 9-20th, 2014 w/ @susurlee

Yesterday I spent the afternoon at Bent Restaurant w/ world-renowned chef Susur Lee, learning about his cooking an sampling the upcoming Veggielicious menu. The five-course vegetarian menu runs September 9th-20th at Bent, which he owns with his sons. Yes, he is holding two fish in the photo but they’re for the raw sushi bar!

First on the Veggielicious menu is ‘Dip Three Ways’, a mixture of hummus, baba ganoush, olives, and spicy mustard seed tomato stew.  These didn’t last long!


We started by making meringue desserts so they could bake while we explored the menu. I’m quite familiar w/ meringue as the Pavlova is a famous New Zealand dessert I’ve been making with mum as long as I can remember. We were given Susur Lee’s merengue recipe so I’m planning whip up a batch at the cottage this weekend and impress Sean’s parents. Look out!

Below on the left is the meringue Chef made and mine is on the right. Added some almonds to fancy it up a bit. It was delicious. Scroll down to see the dessert presentation, it was a thing of beauty.


Chickpea Tempura Tofu

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Wild Mushroom Quinoa Risotto

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French Merengie w/ Golden Licorice, feat. wild blueberry, peaches, passionfruit syrup, raspberry coulis!


They have some stellar cocktails you can check out on Instagram at @bentcocktails.

This is the Asian Caesar, the most popular cocktail at Bent. It’s got a whole bunch of ingredients including soy & Hoisin sauce. Yep, that’s an oyster on there too.


Veggielicious at Bent runs from Spet. 9-20th so make a reso and take your fav veggie lover for a nice meal. There’s a raw sushi bar too.
For more info visit

Huge thank you to Chef Susur Lee and the team at Bent for a great experience!