oh, you mean you are feeling grumpy? well that stops now.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

fit for a queen (who goes by the name of casie)

Mum got these at a garage sale when I was a kid. We’ve had them forever.

I can hardly believe I still fit in this one. It’s so very pretty. Took forever to iron.

I really should be getting on my way now. Probs gonna rain *SOON* as I leave the house. Toot-a-looooo!

they brighten my room

Got my hair done yesterday. I go to Darren Kwik Studio on Queen Street right across from Bicyclette near trinity Bellwoods. Y’know, right here.

Darren is an award winning stylist who is always in mags etc.

He just signed up for Twitter here. Call the studio & treat yourself, 416 361 1016. You deserve it. Tell them we are friends. We are.

This is what good blonde looks like.

It’s super blonde/white and buzzed short. Feels nice. I always like it best after a couple days. Shaved head feels so nice though.

Went to my fav vintage shop to get a hat for Royal high tea today and cute Aussie boy said he “had a thing for girls with shaved heads”.  I told him he could touch it, he did.

Shaved head gives boys this cute look on their faces. Way different than long hair girl, something real sexy about the shave.

This video has almost 8,000 views.

Darren did a quick shave too. Stud.

You can buy these for your shrine if you want. Very expensive, original human Casie Stewart hair. Just kidding. Not kidding. Kidding. You will never know.

Fresh & new.

Androids everywhere.

These pretty things are brightening up my room: flowers + painting. Nice 🙂

Time to try on my outfit for tea this evening. Cherioooooooooooooooooooo!

the good ol’ irish goodbye

Getting pretty good at it. Pulled another last night before the  Notable Chilean Wine tasting was over. Keri is hilarious. Are you following her? You should.

I love the Spoke Club. Such good food last night.  There was scallops & bacon, lamb,  piles of meat, cheese, bite size burgers. Lots of wine too. I’m not the wine drinker I used to be. I can do like two glasses only. I used to plow through a bottle no problem. I also used to arrive late/stay late  to parties all the time. Last night we arrived early, first. I am clearly getting older. I drink less these days too.

The ‘sneak out of the party’ move is my new ‘fashionably late’. Stay tuned this summer, it might happen to you 😛

yesterday on twitter, this happened: