yesterday on twitter, this happened:
- #twerk RT @laurenonizzle: The #blondetourage does high tea 🙂 @raymitheminx #w7royaltea #
- tea party @windsorarms w/ @raymitheminx @erinbury @hipurbangirl @laurenonizzle thanks @shedoesthecity. #
- thunderstorm was like 5 min? #
- …an adventure in finance. #
- Rushour taxt across the city is quite an adventure. #
- I wanna see positive msgs! RT @jonlim: "Politicians have no idea how to sell me on their platform, they only know how to smear the others." #
- Royally cute 🙂 heading to #w7royaltea #
- The rain, its so agressive. #
- high tea @windsorarms w/ @shedoesthecity then coming home to a hot tub date. life is magical! #
- RE: i know. it is hard to get used to, been practicing lately, takes work. #
- releasing my birth cert tomorrow. it's trendy now. #
- fit for a queen (who goes by the name of casie) #blog #
- great, i'm SO in style. RT @dkny: P.S. knee bruise is very Spring 2011…. #
- represent RT @klout: Top 10 Airlines with @Klout not surprising that @VirginAmerica is first #
- arranging a date for wedding is not fun. best to take your BFF or sister! gah. #
- craving sushi. #
- holy kaw. some amazing things happened/happening today guise. EXCITED ABOUT LIFE. #
- haha RT @EmilioMasella: @Sn00ki still getting my initials? #
- omg omg @SarahSokol! My long lost love. Are you in Toronto again? #
- Google Docs for Android Turns Your Photos Into Docs – #
- RE: @crystalgibson das sexy. #
- RE: @SidewalkHustle omg those yellows ARE amazing. dear @reebokcanada ican haz? 🙂 #
- watching #ufc129 press conference. this is more interesting to me than fighting. i don't like ufc. #
- Cute RT @andeline: "I'm gonna find someone who loves me for who I am and then fix myself up" #overheard #
- lainy voice. grrr. #
- when i lived in Bondi i rode a BMX bike w/ pegs, sometimes w/ a surfboard, i miss that life. #
- Photo: long shot #
- Toronto startup LeanIn makes videos social by @erinbury #
- anyone wanna be my driver to @windsroarms at 4:30? 😀 #
- severe thunderstorm watch. weeeeeee! #
- RE: @klout new Klout is pretty! #
- no lunch delivery today 🙁 #
- a picture for you @keriblog #
- You are SUCH a foodie @clickflickca! #notablechileanwines #
- they brighten my room #blog #
- Want! RT @Etsy: Put all those scrap fabrics to good use with these majestic DIY bird wings! #
- jack layton makes me feel _______. #mustache #
- enough about Obama's birth cert. sheesh. #
- bag i have from @rightsleeve is makin' it's way around the world #brazil #
- RT @RavenTools blog: How to leverage social search with great content #
- updating to WP 3.1.2 #
- thank you 🙂 RT @shrued: @casiestewart In my next life, I want to come back as you. =) #
- yay i love stickers #
- Photo: i wanna wear this tonight. #
- RT @mashable: Android App Sees Faces & Tags Friends in Photos – #
- Social camera RT @mashable: Android App Sees Faces & Tags Friends in Photos – #
- she is marrying prince william. omg. like. she must be freaking right now. #
- CTV sponsoring free grounds admission CNE. #toronto #2011 #
- Free grounds admission for CNE this summer. I think that's what the guy said. Strong ENgrish accent though. #CP24 #
- RE: @_topshelf great seeing you too 🙂 #
- just kidding. #
- going to the beach & suntanning. #
- RE: @MichaelNus bearditude. good one 🙂 #
- Casie voodoo on sale @darenkwikstudio #
- Photo: lisa loeby #
- this warm weather has me feeling a #GENYTO coming on. #
- QR code for the diamond ring giveaway @shellypurdy is doing #
- looks kinda dreamy out there over the lake #
- the good ol’ irish goodbye #blog #
fit for a queen (who goes by the name of casie)
they brighten my room
Got my hair done yesterday. I go to Darren Kwik Studio on Queen Street right across from Bicyclette near trinity Bellwoods. Y’know, right here.
Darren is an award winning stylist who is always in mags etc.
He just signed up for Twitter here. Call the studio & treat yourself, 416 361 1016. You deserve it. Tell them we are friends. We are.
This is what good blonde looks like.
It’s super blonde/white and buzzed short. Feels nice. I always like it best after a couple days. Shaved head feels so nice though.
Went to my fav vintage shop to get a hat for Royal high tea today and cute Aussie boy said he “had a thing for girls with shaved heads”. I told him he could touch it, he did.
Shaved head gives boys this cute look on their faces. Way different than long hair girl, something real sexy about the shave.
This video has almost 8,000 views.
Darren did a quick shave too. Stud.
You can buy these for your shrine if you want. Very expensive, original human Casie Stewart hair. Just kidding. Not kidding. Kidding. You will never know.
Fresh & new.
Androids everywhere.
These pretty things are brightening up my room: flowers + painting. Nice 🙂
Time to try on my outfit for tea this evening. Cherioooooooooooooooooooo!
the good ol’ irish goodbye
Getting pretty good at it. Pulled another last night before the Notable Chilean Wine tasting was over. Keri is hilarious. Are you following her? You should.
I love the Spoke Club. Such good food last night. There was scallops & bacon, lamb, piles of meat, cheese, bite size burgers. Lots of wine too. I’m not the wine drinker I used to be. I can do like two glasses only. I used to plow through a bottle no problem. I also used to arrive late/stay late to parties all the time. Last night we arrived early, first. I am clearly getting older. I drink less these days too.
The ‘sneak out of the party’ move is my new ‘fashionably late’. Stay tuned this summer, it might happen to you 😛
yesterday on twitter, this happened:
- My fav wine @notabletv #notablechileanwines Castillero del Diablo #
- Photo: Stylish boy in wellies. #
- Heard my sister @jeniestewart on the radio commercial for @centralcounties finally! Love you! #
- Everybody dies but not everybody lives – @drakkardnoir #
- Every night RT @BangsandaBun: Must remember to polish my halo tonight. #
- Amazing have fun in NYC! RT @VENUSTONG: @casiestewart sending you a tweet 30,000ft high via flying @VirginAmerica. I LOVE IT. #
- ehllo #
- S finger motion + dance move + hands in air RT @jenniferherd: @CrystalGibson @juiceboxdotcom there ain't no party like an S Club party. #
- Come visit. Here for a few 🙂 (@ Darren Kwik) [pic]: #
- Photo: Got this in the mail from New Zealand! #
- Can someone check for me? >> There's an @evian campaign truck at Queen and John. Shirts there? #
- here comes the sun. #
- RE: das nice. tried to send more photos but gay didn't post. urgh. #
- im not hiding i live here now #
- “i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted. #blog #
- wowza congrats @ilovecpstyle 🙂 @FHCanucks lucky to have you! #
- #flipboard ILU! so does my blog. #
- Photo: @raymitheminx been reading blog in like a magazine. so pretty #
- RE: i know. i was DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. making this post was such a pleasure. blogged from bed. so hot. gah. #
- now that they are going extinct. that's the most romantic note you can get. #typewriter #
- true 🙂 RT @reggieramone: @casiestewart I remember walking on Queen with you, every other person (on or off a bike) was like HI CASIE!!! #
- socks? RT @alkarim: Come up with something awkward and ask to borrow it day at the office. #
- thunder. #
- raymitheminx what you doing friday? steamwhistle? #
- today i get ma hair did. #
- the wind whistling at the windows is dwwwwiving me CWAZY. #
- RE: @crystalgibson whoa. das crazzzy ttc behaviour. #
- LOVE > RT @s_cubed [to me]: is there a song about you yet? "might as well face it you're addicted to blogs" #
- Haha RT @KeriBlog: This was less dramatic than it appears. #
- Photo: laurenonizzle: #
- addicted to blogging. #
- but you are too big for that box kittehhh! cc @itsbrownbarbie #
- oh no. fire alarm testing? fml. noooooooo. #
- Photo: here it is again – love this hair. #
- Photo: have fun w/ @nicolemiller & @derekfabuous, @venustong! xoxo #
- it would be unkind to not share this with you: boys with beards #blog #
- happy birthday to the lovely @flashpunk. the way you #talknerdy to me makes me very happy. wish you an awesome day!! #
- blog posting a whole bunch of babes in a min. been staring at them for a while now. #
- Photo: Smirnoff India Party. #
- RT @BoingBoing: Japan: TEPCO floods containment vessels of 3 reactors at Fukushima No. 1 #
- Steam Whistle Unsigned Contest of Awesomeness #blog #
- RT @mashable: RIP Typewriters: Last Manufacturer Closes Its Doors – #
- "where there's a Will there's a Kate" oh TV you are (not) funny. #
- 666 in the followers 🙂 hehe! #
- do people go to Mesh Conference still? #
- Morning! If I was your boss I would say you wan work from bed today 🙂 #
- yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #
- I favorited a @YouTube video N'importe Comment – The Toxic Avenger featuring Orelsan #