I wish I could show you a photo of right now; there are about twelve ten-year-old boys around me speaking Spanish and giggling. One said he loved me. They are very cute. I’m not on the wifi at my resort yet and am using an old PC and Explorer to write this. I have taken lots of photos, mostly on my iPhone. This keyboard is in Spanish. I’m at an old mansion turned hotel and was woken by all the kids laughing. They’re watching soccer tricks on YouTube now. One might be reading this behind my shoulder, but I’m not sure if they speak English.
It’s been raining since I arrived, but I don’t mind. It’s nice to be away, and the weather is warm. I will be at the beach later. I hope you have a gorgeous day.
Happy lucky weekend everyone! 11/11/11. Did you make a wish yesterday? Here’s a tune to carry you through the weekend. It’s “Sister Wife” from Michigan girl Alex Winston!
Last week Star Slinger stopped by Toronto and played a show at the Horseshoe and the highlight of his set was when he spun this track. Ever since I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. Check out his remix! So good right?
I love this thing so much. It’s true once you go Mac you never go back! Had a beautiful day at home yesterday. In he evening went to Swarovski Spring Summer 2012 preview with Keri and a bunch of other Toronto fashion bloggers. I have a very special gif in the making as a thank you for the lovely gift they gave me.
Ditched going to any other events to watch movies with Sammy. I’ve been in vacation mood for a few days and it feels so good.
Off to get a mani, pedi, tan and pack before 3pm. Boston Bob is in town and meeting my sister and I for dinner.
It’s like a whole new world now that I’m all Apple, iPhone, IPad & Macbook. I dreamed about this day. No really, I did. Doesn’t everyone? Couple friends gifted their apps to try. Thanks Andrew for StyleStudio fashion design app and Lauren for PhotoForge photo editing. If you want to gift me your app email me at casiestewart.com.
My how time flies. This time last year I had just returned from my first trip to San Francisco to meet the team at Virgin America.
After the giveaway Calvin took the gang and I out for lunch after at his YS Boston Pizza. I don’t think I’ve been back up that way SINCE. MAKE THE MOST OF EACH DAY PEEEEPALLLLL!
Read a great article yesterday on the Harvard Biz Review about Why Inspiration Matters. Inspiration is very important to me, if you’re here, you probably already know that. I’m feeling really inspired knowing that I’ll be in the ocean and hot weather next week.
Got an email from someone yesterday who was in a class I spoke to at Centennial last year. As it turns out, she does PR for a really cool German luggage company and I’ll have a new RIMOWA suitcase tomorrow. I went to purchase one earlier this week and my card didn’t work for some reason, crazy how things work out, eh?!
Tonight’s I’m attending the SS 2012 Swarovski preview at Jamie Kennedy in the Gardener Museum. I think it’s a 50/60’s theme dinner!
Lauren and I did a sing along to this on the weekend. It will brighten your day 😛