la vida es un juego, lo juega!

Happy Friday amigos! Yesterday I walked all Playa del Carmen in the sunshine. It was so lovely.

Last night I went to a soccer game. It was loud and full of energy and excitement. I could hear the cheering & “ole ole ole ole, ole, oleee” from our place so I went to check it out. Big guns & kids everywhere.

At soccer!! Dec 8, 2011 | Source:

Our condo is in the back middle of this photo.


Cool bike rack! Never seen one like that before.

Time to hit the beach. Life is a game, play it!

Feeling Young & Restless

In other non-related travel news, I found this last night. HOW COULD I NOT HAVE SEEN IT YET?! It just made me so happy. I searched for a while trying to get ‘all access’ to the Young & the Restless in Mexico. Didn’t happen. I’ll have a week’s worth of episodes to catch up on when I get back next week.

you missed this yesterday














Content Strategy Burger = Hungry for engagement.


HI, i’m on the internet and I should be outside at the beach. What are you doing? DO something. I just learned about Zarly – what you want, whenever, whatever. NARLY!

Kyayyam just posted this and now I want to go to Burger King and Tweet or blog about it. I slept till noon for the first time in ages. It’s amazing how the internet sucks you in. I love learning. (instert nerd smiley)

Finishing up this work, charging my phone and going to the beach. I really want to move. I’m going to. If you write things down and tell people you are more likely to do them. I have so many bites on my legs, trying not to scratch them is HELL. I’m thankful for fresh water and sunshine. What are you grateful for?

Today Twitter changed, this is new Twitter. If you are not on Twitter or you are, watch this and think about how much you could learn in one day. I consume an insane amount of information & content in a day, which enriches my life greatly.

Note to self: GET OUTSIDE.

You Only Live Once

Make the most of each day. You will never be younger than you are right NOW so go do something awesome. Pura vida!

Last night we made friends with six hot flight attendants from Belgium who were totally awesome. I went swimming in the pool at the bar that over looked 5th Avenue. Reconsidering my thoughts about moving to NY and thinking about LA. The team at Thynk Taynk (I’m here with) is really cool! I don’t think I want to have so much stuff or live in one place anymore. Travelling is the most amazing experience and I want to live it everyday.

We discovered THE BEST SONG last night. This is it!