The Weekend: Sunday Sessions

In Australia there’s this thing called Sunday Sessions that starts in the afternoon, involves music, BBQ, friends and fun. I think Sammy & the boys might start it up this summer.


I’m laxing on the balcony reading a movie script in the sun. It’s so lovely out! I’m not sure if it’s windy on ground level cause my balcony blocks it all. My little paradise, balconia. Catching a film for the Hot Docs festival and going to visit my sister later.

Happy Sunday. Have a great session 🙂

ILU Bondi ♥

Day Dreams

A man watches his life pass before him in this short film produced for the 42 Second Dream Film Festival in Beijing, China 2009. A friend showed me this yesterday. It’s quite beautiful.

What would your last day dream look like? I got to thinking about mine and it never really crossed my mind until, now. I’m 30 in a few days and I never really though about that either.  I’m very happy with my life and things I’ve done but it’s like, this anxiety, it’s creeping out from behind the stutters and trying to scare me with his smile.

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The Weekend: Saturday Sunshine



Good morning, good morning! Went for a early coffee and chatted with Mum while I walked through the park. I planned to sleep in but I could see the sun peeking in, inviting me to go out & play. It’s lovely out!

Planning to get deep into the archives inside my TB drive using my new Ultrabook from Dell. Haven’t been able to go there since switching to Mac & giving mama my PC Netbook. I can’t wait to see what I find. It’s amazing how you forget things as time passes. I started this blog as a journal to keep more memories and it’s totally worked.

I’ll post some of my findings later today. Check this old pic I found cleaning up today. Teenage model, long hair, braces! Ahhh. Don’t laugh.



New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth.









* title is quote by Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions

Textile Fancy + Pop Princess + Toronto Fashion Incubator

I’ve mentioned 3F a couple times over the last month. The brand is new in Canada and I’m on the Board of Directors. Fancy, huh? I felt like ‘Young & The Restless’ joining the board!  The 3F flagship store is at Dundas Square & the company was launched to compliment and integrate the family business KTC (Kazareen Textile Company).

KTC is a leading supplier of apparel and textiles for some huge brands in North-America and Europe. Notable clients are Marks Work Wearhouse (see my posts on Mark’s here!), A&F, Polo Ralph Lauren, Tommy, and Calvin Klein. They have some agressive growth targets to open 33 stores in the next three years so you can see why I wanted to be part of the action!

The other day they had pop princess Aleesia in the store for a meet & greet with fans. 103.5 was on site broadcasting live too.

Next weekend at Metro Toronto Convention Centre all the girls from America’s Next Top Model will be in town and 3F is one of the Social Media Lounge sponsors. I’ll be backstage hanging out and probably feeling like a midget around all the models. Ha!

In other fashion news, Toronto Fashion Incubator celebrates it’s 25th Anniversary on May 3, next week. I’m on the Social Committee and I’d love to see you there. Get event and tickets  info here.  It’s almost sold out!

Now I am faced with the DAUNTING task of finding something to wear. Have some ideas? Your bff/sister/friend/mum is a fashion designer? LMK. I need to look fabulous!

I can’t believe it’s almost MAY. OH MY GAGA.



I’m going up there. Right on the edge. Cross my heart and hope to die I make it though ok. A wee bit terrified but excited in the same. That’s my favourite feeling, nervous/excited. The kind that makes you get all riled up with excitement yet you’re deeply terrified.

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