The Hardest Part is Through

The Hardest Part is Through

This past week was a hard one for me. Actually, this entire month has been a challenge, I’ve been on the verge of a meltdown since May 2017 started with birthday anxiety. I had a trip to Jamaica that started with an allergic reaction in my eyes, where I couldn’t see that well, it rained heaps, I missed my bf, and I got my period. When I got home I was overwhelmed with anxiety about work I needed to get done, and it was a short week. I went to the 1188 office every day to get the music video I directed wrapped up, and didn’t really have time to work (at home like usual) on blog things. The week finished week with a full day on set. I was so tired.

Finally, on Saturday, it happened. I legit had a meltdown. Our car had a problem with the tire so I rented a car for the afternoon with my car sharing app and left around 11:15 to make it to Scarborough by 12:15. Well, no, that wasn’t happening. It took me 45 min to get to the DVP (highway downtown for non-TO peeps) and by then I was feeling super stressed after leaving the house in a huff w/ Sean. Then mum called and it opened the floodgates to me balling my eyes out, stuck in traffic. It seemed like everything around me was collapsing. Then, it started raining and the event I was about to drive an hour to was canceled. BUT, I was already on the DVP and still in traffic. I took a few deep breaths and decided to get off the highway. Didn’t really know where I was heading but the end goal was home.

I decided to put on the Lumineers album and for the next 30 minutes, drove past Yorkdale, down the Allen to Eglington, singing and crying loudly in the car. (I laugh about it now but at the time I was really feeling at a loss and wondering what to do with my life.)

I don’t have those days very often but they happen. I get anxious about all kinds of things and get down and into a dark place every now and then. It’s hard to manage sometimes and those days I find it really hard to be an ‘internet person’. I have spoken to a few of my friends about all this, and some of them recommended I checked out sites like, in the hopes of finding an alternative method to managing anxiety better. As the use of CBD is said to have calming properties, this could be something worth looking into, especially as I am not sure how to deal with anxiety sometimes. Additionally, I know that there are people going through a similar situation, where the use of drugs such as Benzodiazepine is a massive help. But there are situations where trying to get off this drug on your own may cause benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms. These are the sorts of things that put me off taking medication, but I guess it may be worth a try if I want to help me feel less anxious all the time. Plus, if I find this isn’t for me, there are always many other methods I could try. There are some days where I don’t feel like sharing or putting on a smile, pretending everything is ok. I’ve been doing a lot of research into ways that I can manage these symptoms effectively. There is a lot to take in, but until I came across sites that spoke about hemp remedies, I realised that all the time I was spending was definitely worth it, especially if I wanted to improve my mental health. My sister told me about the best rated CBD brands and I might try CBD out. No matter what you are going through, your health should be your top priority.

I’ve written 10+ posts over the years titled ‘Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It‘ when I don’t want to blog anymore. Writing through it helps me deal. I like going back to read them when I get in a mood and it helps me know it’s ok to feel that way and I’ll be ok.

A couple of my favourites are #1 from 2010 and #2 from 2011.

I’ve wanted to quit a bunch of times and each time, when I push through whatever it is I’m feeling, and don’t give up, something good happens.

After I finally got home from my 2.5 hour tour of the city, I rode my bike over to yoga for a popup Sandy was hosting. It was the turning point. I had a mini massage, brows done, tarot card reading, wrote some postcards, and got a beautiful bouquet w/ pink & yellow peonies to bring home.

We left for the cottage shortly after. The next day, I spent a good chunk of time outside doing yard work w/ Sean, enjoying the sunshine, making food, and laughing together. It was the reset I needed.

Today I felt totally renewed and open to anything that came my way. I’ve found that if I don’t have time to rest my mind, body, and thoughts, I can’t even deal with anything. I also really enjoy my alone time. It helps me recharge.

Writing about my anxiety was inspired by an email I got last week about an event on Wednesday w/ Kayley Reed & Wear Your Label.

This isn’t a sponsored thing, I was inspired because Wear Your Label is about ending the stigma around mental illness and May is Meltal Health Month. Honestly, it’s pretty easy to act all smiley for Instagram or whatever but I’m a real human with feelings and the world only sees my life when the sun is out. Sean sometimes says I use all my sunshine up on the internet and he gets the salty version of me. (I’m sorry babe!)

So, here’s an official invite from me to you. The event is at Wednesday 6-8:30pm at Joe Fresh on Queen/Portland and hosted by Wear Your Label. You get 25% off regular priced stuff and one of the exclusive collab hats w/ purchase (see above, all the feels). 50% of the sales will be donated to the Canadian Mental Heath Association in support of mental health in Canada.

I’d love to hug some new and/or familiar faces and share some sunshine with you. The FB event is here.

Most of all, I want to remind you that if you have anxiety or you feel like you can’t even deal anymore or deal one day, remember that it will pass. And it WILL get better. Mum says that’s when you probably need to go and take a nap (and she is usually right!)

I remind myself all the time, the hardest part is THROUGH but YOU CAN DO IT. And you will. And you will be awesome at it.

P.S. It’s also totally ok to drive around loud cry singing to yourself. It actually felt pretty good. This is the song where the title comes from/one I was singing to.

Don't give up on yourself, you're stronger than that.


Sending Sun Vibes Into the Universe, I Can’t Stand The Rain!

OK OK OK, enough already. Omg! There was so much rain in Toronto before I went to Jamaica, then, it rained more there last week than the entire month, and now, now, Toronto is flooding like crazy. I PRAY FOR SUNSHINE. Did a sun salutation. Did a rain dance.

Let’s all just think sunshiney bright happy thoughts and maybe we can make it go away. Oh, and don’t look at the forecast… ?

You Will Always Find Happiness If You Do What You Love 

You Will Always Find Happiness If You Do What You Love 

Life, Lashes, and Rainy Days…

Smiling here but have been feeling so meh the last little while. I go through stages like this, now and again where I wonder about the Internet and if I’m burnt out? That might be the case or maybe it’s the weather…

Ok so, about the lashes…

Today I’m wearing false lashes bc last week in Jamaica I had a SUPER BAD reaction to the glue from eyelash extensions. At times I couldn’t see very well and it made me sad and homesick. Honestly, it was the worst. In another country, it was raining like crazy, I had puffy eyes, all sore and bloodshot. I’m used to having pretty great lashes (yeah I know why did I get them? urgh) and now mine are not so beautiful. Some are missing and I still feel like my eyes are dry. I probably should’ve listened to my friend when she told me to have a look at this information from just in case I needed any advice on what to do if you get puffy eyes. I really wish I had taken the time to look at this before I left for Jamaica. I think it’s fair to say that I won’t be making the same mistake again. But it definitely doesn’t feel good knowing that I have puffy eyes and no eyelashes, especially as I won’t have any for a while.

It’ll be weeks for them to grow back and am crossing my fingers and everything I have, hoping they come back strong.

What should I do? If you have tips please tell me!

Planning to go home and spend a rainy night on the couch wearing jogging pants and writing. One great thing about this weather is taking the time to recharge your batteries or get ahead. That way you can play outside when the sun comes out! ??



Best Prep for Tomorrow is Doing Your Best Today

Best Prep for Tomorrow is Doing Your Best Today

Had a nice time at the cottage this weekend. It was cool and rainy but it was good to be home. I was soooo tired after Jamaica. I’ll blog about my favourite things from the trip later but if you saw my stories/posts, you’ll know it rained most of the time. ?

It’s always nice getting away but on this trip, more than ever I really missed home and my bf. Went to the office today and it feels good to be back. Went back to yoga last night and I felt rusty and my back was a little sore. I skipped going today to work from the office and try and get ahead on my to-do list.

My studio Yoga Yoga has these beautiful bright doors where the sun shines in and they make me feel so happy. I’ve got so many filtered photos from this spot! 

I took a bit of a break from blogging and social media while I was away. Sometimes I didn’t even take my phone out! Since it rained heaps I almost finished my latest book ‘Into The Water’.

Woke up to a nice blue sky outside our patio this morning. Really loving this weather but I’m still feeling super tired. I’m taking it easy rest fo the week with yoga and catching up on sleep.

This weekend we’re heading back up to the cottage and I’m looking forward to doing some gardening and things outside. I think my body is drained from travel and stress and I need to reconnect myself with nature.


A Look Inside The New Rexall at Brunswick House

brunswick house, rexall, casiestewart, toronto, blogger, influencer, sponsored

If you’ve lived in Toronto for a while or went to uni here, you definitely have memories of the Brunswick House. That place was legendary. I lived in the Annex when I first moved to Toronto in 2005 and had a lot of crazy nights there filled with beer, dancing, and old friends. As our city continues to grow and change, a lot of old building are being torn down to make way for condos, lucky for this historic place, Rexall’s done a good job of preserving its charm and musical memories.

Stayin’ true to the building’s history, Rexall worked with the City of Toronto’s Heritage Preservation Service and fully restored the building’s outdoor façade and a bunch of the interior.

You’ll recognize the old keg barrel bar as the new cash counter. The chandeliers, mirrors, and signage are all original and you’ll find restored tin tiles on the ceiling.

To celebrate the opening they hosted media & bloggers for the unveiling of the ‘Rexall Brunswick House Music Artifacts Exhibition’ curated by Alan Cross.  The Brunny was a music venue for over 100 years and they’ve got memorabilia on display from artists who played there including from Jeff Healey, K.D. Lang, Oscar Peterson, Downchild Blues Band, and Peter App.

casie stewart, brunswick house, toronto, blogger, influencer
Been living in this jacket.

In other news, picked up some of these B12 strips I absolutely love. Been taking them for 2+ years now. There’s 2 in each package and they’re minty vitamins on ‘Listerine style‘ strips. Great for travel!

Next time you need to run to Rexall, pop by the new Brunswick House flagship!




Let Success Be Your Noise

Let Success Be Your Noise

Had a great morning yoga session today. Feeling energized and have a jam packed day ahead. Saturday I’m going to Jamaica for a week. It’s the first time in years I’m going on a vacation-vacation that isn’t work. YAY!

I’m travelling with @Lovesey as his guest and we’re gonna have SO MUCH FUN. We did Route 66 last year with Arizona Tourism then went hiking Sedona together. It was magical. Really looking forward to hot sun, beaches, and the food! ?? If you’re a lover of hiking, then check out to see where your next adventure will take you!

Posted the image below in my IG Story the other day and wanted to share here. Got a message from someone after posting who said it was just what they needed at the time. She mentioned theres a few people around her always shouting about their ‘success’, and I reminded her that’s often a sign they’re not really as successful as they seem. Actions speak louder than words and if you have success, it shows.

I’ve always thought it’s better to talk about things you’ve done rather than going off about things you plan to do. Talk is cheap, baby. I love sharing my work and life but you usually don’t know about something until it’s happened!

Work hard. stay humble. The race is long and in the end it’s only with yourself.

Go All The Way

jillea miss america, #missamericaremix, jillea, casiestewart, revolver films, weare1188, toronto, female director, director, queen west

The last couple weeks have been kinda crazy for me, not just normal life and ‘blog stuff’ but I went out of my comfort zone and did a totally new work thing. I’ll share more on that but the point is, I learned a lot in the process, new skills, and things about myself. At the beginning of the project I was really excited, then I got discouraged,  followed by a wave of inspiration and creativity, then a breakdown. I thought about quitting, then got excited again, had some stress, and well you get the point. It wasn’t easy but I made it through.

Sean was seriously so incredibly awesome dealing with me and encouraging me the whole time. He continued to remind me you have to work hard to get to the next level but it’s worth it. He says ‘You can do anything you put your mind to if you do the f&%king work.” I know I said this other day but, if you think about it, IT IS SO DAMN TRUE.

You really CAN do anything, if you REALLY want to. You have to hustle you do something every single day to get closer to that goal. You can do anything!

Yesterday I turned 35 (where did the time go right?!) and I had a really great day. I was thrilled to spend the day doing exactly what I want, with a clear head knowing I’m continuously evolving.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen this video but you should watch it. Sean showed it to me years ago and I go back and watch it to remind me why I do things, the struggle, the joy. I watch it for inspiration and to clear my head. It’s a reminder live each day on your own terms. To do what you want. To go confidently in the direction of your dreams and not let anything stand your damn way!

 If you’re going to try, go all the way.

All The Way – a Charles Bukowski poem from Willem Martinot

“If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery–isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, you’ll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is.”

Charles Bukowski, Factotum

One Year Older, One Year Bolder! ?

One Year Older, One Year Bolder! ?

Yesterday was my birthday and thank you for all the warm wishes! ? Had a wonderful birthday eve and entire day. In the past I’ve blogged a whole bunch of activities and crazy party but this year was different. I wanted to relax, have a cake, and go to yoga. ???

Sometimes I get really weird around my birthday and want to hide away in my cave, not talking to anyone. I hate to planning anything and the whole idea of it gives me anxiety. I don’t need to go crazy on my birthday, I celebrate my damn self all year! So, when May 8th rolls around, all I really wanna to do for my birthday, is chill TF out. So, that’s exactly what I did!

One of the best things of my day was Sean taking the day off to hang out and recharge his batteries too. It was so nice to go for a long walk in the neighbourhood, look at the houses, antique shops, and have lunch together. He did treat me to a little something from Jacobs the jeweller, my favourite, which was so lovely, but I would never expect gifts. This year I really didn’t care about getting things you buy in a store but moments, simple things, memories.

10 Great Things I Did on My Birthday

  1. Got a whole bunch of helium balloons and put them in the house! They’re still up!
  2. Morning drive in the sunshine listening to my a fav album (JAIN – full Zanaka album ??)
  3. Went for a walk with Sean around the ‘hood + got some new records
  4. Free birthday coffee at Starbucks ordered w/ the app so my name was spelled right
  5. Mexican food ?
  6. Laying on the couch scrolling in nap mode
  7. Fresh flowers + fresh sheets (I know that’s 2 but they are SO FRESH)
  8. Good sweaty yoga class (Sean and Luis came it was great!)
  9. Watching Young & the Restless in real time (haha I know! Yes, I PVR it ?)
  10. Sean and I eating half the amazing Pavlova I made. Don’t even feel bad! So good! ?

Feeling grateful, thankful, and happy in my heart.
Ready for new challenges and adventures!

Friday Fri-Yay for Reals!

Oh man this week has been so busy. The house is a mess, and although it’s Friday, it ain’t ova’. Tomorrow we shoot this music video and it’s gonna be along day. Soon as we’re done shooting, off to the cottage we go! I love spending my birthday weekend at the cottage just chilling the ffff out. I left my Kobo there 2 weeks ago and have been missing it so much. I was right in the middle of an intense thriller book! 

Yesterday I worked with acclaimed Canadian Director + Revolver Films founder, Don Allan, to submit a directors treatment for MuchFACT. The fund supports the Canadian music community through $$ and promotion of music videos and other content for all media platforms. Gah!

It’s crazy to be doing something new and different. It’s a bit stressful  but I love it. Thankful for Sean and the ability to learn from him and everyone at 1188/Revolver. Who knows where I’ll be in 5 years!?!?


Found this pencil today when I started making a list. I love wring in pencil. Years ago I remember writing about ‘pencil on paper twill’ and how I liked the way it scratched across. Pencils with sayings are my fav.

P.S. Took a great photo of sean w/ my iPhone 7Plus, what a babe!


Watch More Eps of The @Netflix Dinner party!

Watch More Eps of The @Netflix Dinner party!

Bring on Those May Flowers! 

Oh spring how I have missed you! The last week I’ve been a bit slack on writing my ol’ diary as I’ve been in pre-production for the first ever music video I’m directing with 1188/Revolver Films. It’s exciting to do something I’ve never done but it’s also hard work and learning something new has it’s challenges. I know it will be awesome but until then, I’m a bit anxious about the whole thing! Gahhhh.

Sean reminds me all the time:

You can do anything you put your mind to,

We film this weekend, crunch time!

In other news, May is my fav month and Monday is my birthday! I’m not planning to do anything crazy, all I really want to do is go to yoga and eat cake. I’ve asked a couple friends to come to class with me on Monday night and I think I’ll bring a cake for after.

ALSO, on the 13th I’m going to Jamaica! I’m Lovesey’s guest for a week long all-inclusive in Ocho Rios and I can’t wait for that either. The last couple months have been super busy and I’m planning to wear next to nothing and do next to nothing for 7 whole days.

casie stewart, autograph, famous, blogger, canada, toronto


Our Netflix Show is Live! Ep1: Are You A Betty or Veronica?

Our Netflix Show is Live! Ep1: Are You A Betty or Veronica?

Last month I filmed a 6 episode show with Netflix at Wallace Studios in Toronto. It was put together by Netflix USA and Andrew Dobson from and hosted by Jonny Morton Schuster (who is also Kiwi btw!). Other cast members include Nelia, OG blog babe who writes and Amanda who writes a family travel/style blog. There are 7 episodes in the whole series and I can’t wait to share them all with you! I’ve not seen final cuts yet, super excited! Gahhhhhh.

The first episode ‘Are You A Betty or Veronica?‘ is us mostly talking about Riverdale. I’ve been obsessed with this show since it started. I would deff say I’m more of a Veronica than Betty. Don’t be fooled by the blonde hair! 

The show is the ‘Dobbernation Loves Dinner Party’ where we all sit around a set that looks like Andrew’s apartment and gossip about discuss our fav shows. We sat around drinking from local brews from Mill Street Brewery and food from La Cubana.

There’s some great sound bites throughout the whole things but from this ep my fav is when Jonny said:

‘Betty in the streets Veronica in the sheets!”

There will be new eps all week. I would love to do more stuff like this!

 Have a great day my friends!

Great Week Ahead!

Great Week Ahead!

En route back to the city after a v chill time at the cottage this weekend. I took a bunch of naps and spent hours reading. I’m at so it’s important to recharge your batteries.  I like to take breaks from my phone and totally zone out. It was pretty windy/cool out so we’ve not started on the outdoor yard work (hence the naps/?). Cottage life is great but it is also a lot of work!


Last week I wasn’t feeling super great or inspired but the cottage cured me and I’m so ready to make this week awesome.

It’s finally spring and each week is nicer than the one before. 

I’m looking forward to a couple events I’ll be covering this week. Emily and I are doing Tae Kwon Do and I’m liking it. Feels good to be back in a uniform after being away from martial arts for…oh y’know, 20 YEARS! I book my yoga classes at the start of the week and try not to miss them as things get busy, hopefully I make them all. Threw some SPIN in the mix too!

Cottage Life & Having a Strong (Mobile) Network – Telus Love!

Cottage Life & Having a Strong (Mobile) Network – Telus Love!

As you are welllll aware I spend heaps of time at the cottage over the summer. One thing our whole cottage crew knows is that I have the best internet. I’ve been with Telus for a looooong time and their mobile network is seriously amazing.

When we’re driving along Southwood Road there’s a few spots where service drops, but not for me. We always use my phone to stream music from because my network literally, never misses a beat. ??

Telus, mobile network, cell phone, muskoka, casie stewart, casiestewart, blogger, muskoka, cottage life, #cottagelife
Middle of the lake? No problem.

When we’re on the dock, it’s common for people on ‘other’ carriers to lose signal or miss calls. Not me! ?? I’m always popping on my WIFI hotspot to offer our guests uninterrupted scrolling. We’ve even given my number as a phone contact since I’m on Canada/Ontario’s largest 4G LTE network.

Telus, mobile network, cell phone, muskoka, casie stewart, casiestewart, blogger, muskoka, cottage life, #cottagelife

Wondering about coverage in your area?

Check out the Telus interactive coverage map HERE. Below is a screenshot of Muskoka, all purple means 4G LTE across the whole area. I’ve got the bandwidth to download or stream Netflix using my mobile connection.

In Ontario, TELUS ranks highest, with its customers experiencing the lowest incidence of calling problems in the region.

TELUS, mobility, mobile network, coverage, casiestewart, muskoka, cottage life,

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Humble Brag ?⤵️

According to the J.D. Power 2016 Canadian Wireless Network Quality Study, TELUS ranks among the highest in overall wireless network quality across Canada. 

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Aside from a strong mobile network they have an incredible human network of people on Team Telus and do lots of great stuff across Canada. I’ve had the opportunity to be part of some awesome charity and giving back initiatives through my work with them. They’re also the #1 national communications provider for customer service. Proud to be part of Team Telus and happy to share what makes them a great company to work with. Check out the website at and see the whole group of #TeamTelus advocates here.

On that note, despite having an amazing network, it’s important to take some time to disconnect. At least with Telus, I can share and document my relaxing when I’m ready!

Here’s to a many more great cottage weekends!
Only a few more weeks till the NEW iPHONE



6 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Lifestyle

Over the last few months I’ve been on a journey to take better care of myself. I feel better on the outside and inside, with more energy, and I’m less hard on myself.

Every spring I do a big clean on the house but I never really thought about cleansing myself? I’m getting rid of old habits, old friends, old thoughts, and setting new intentions. This year is different!


Here’s a few tips I’ve discovered that have helped me feel happy and healthy. I’m making this year a great one by making small changes in my lifestyle.

    1. Exercise

      You don’t have to go hardcore but it’s really important to be active and exercise. I’ve open to trying just about any workout and last week I did Function 45, that is a hardcore 45minute circuit workout. I’m planning t give it a go for 2 weeks to kick my summer bod into high gear. I’ve been going to yoga 3-4 times a week since the end of January which I find calms my mind and has started to lean out my bod while making me stronger.

    2. Drink Heaps of Water

      An old tip but a really good one. More water will energize you, help your skin, and it helps me snack a little less. After my LA trip in January, I saw a bunch of girls at yoga with the Bkr water bottles and I ordered on on Amazon right away. I take it with me everywhere now and I find I drink heaps more water.

    3. Get a Dentist to Check Your Teeth

      It had been a LONG time since I went to the dentist. When I finally went, my teeth looked good and I felt great.

      I had braces in high school so (my parents) spent a lot of money and I spent a lot of time in a dental chair, I don’t want any of that to go to waste. I’d had a little tiny stain in the front of my teeth for years and in one recent visit, my dentist got rid of it. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time, you might want to contact your dentist for a check up, or you could look at this Dentist in Greenbelt for an idea of the sort of dental treatments that are on offer to you. You only have one set of teeth and it’s really important you take care of them. However, I’m not looking forward to being older as dental insurance for seniors is expensive. You can compare providers with the help of Let’s Say Thanks which might help you save a little. I guess it’s just a part of life!

      Regular dental appointments will save you $$$ in the long run. Make a priority to visit your local dentist or if you were like me and didn’t have one, find a new one at

    4. Get a Fresh Cut

      Since my hair is super short I get a cut A LOT. However, a fresh cut or shave can do wonders for your self-confidence, positive attitude, and personal style. I recently cut my hair super short again and I FEEL FAB-U-LOUS. I’ve been going to Sassoon Toronto in Yorkville and they do a killer blonde.

    5. SLEEP

      Something I’ve been really working on it going to bed at a reasonable hour. For years I would sit up late and work away on the blog or client things and I’d be exhausted. So, instead of lazy eyelids or falling sleep on the couch, I stop and go to bed. You are only one human and there are only so many hours in a day. Go easy on yourself, you need sleep.

    6. Watch What You Eat

      I don’t claim to be a health nut but I’ve been trying to eat healthier. I recommend keeping healthy snacks on hand and in your purse at all times. Cut your portions in half. Save it for later! It’s ok to eat a burger and fries or have a beer but not at every meal or every day. Moderation is key.

Just think how great you’ll feel after doing yoga, going to the dentist, a healthy lunch, a haircut, and heaps of water! You’ll be ready for a great sleep knowing you fed your body and mind really well.

Here’s to a healthy and happy week!

This post has been brought to you in partnership with the Ontario Dental Association.

Thank you for reading AND KEEP SMILING! 


You Can Achieve Anything You Want If You Work At It

You Can Achieve Anything You Want If You Work At It

I found this photo in a box of tax receipts and it gave me such a warm feeling. I’m pretty sure mum has this costume still hanging up in a closet at home. When I was about 9 my jazz class did a competition number to the Inspector Gadget song and to this day I still remember some of it.

I spent heaps of time at the dance studio as a kid. I started ballet around 3 and a half, had my first recital at 5, and spent a few years competing. I went all over Ontario, NY, and the National American Dance Championships in South Carolina a couple times.

First ballet Recital, 5 years Old, Fluffy Cloud

I distinctly remember times ballet was hard. Sometimes I hated it. I’d be crying after class, begging mum to let me quit. But she never did. And thank god for that.

Although it was tough, dance taught me so much.

It taught me hold my head high when I walk, how to enter a room, how to be on stage. I learned to not give up.

I’m so thankful for the decade I spent dancing as kid. For my teacher Miss Lisa at Meyerhofer Academy in Cambridge. I’m grateful for mum who taught me to persevere through all the tough times. Also thankful for all the late nights, mum sat at the kitchen table making ballet skirts for the studio to pay for it.

As I get older ,I appreciate more and more the hard work I put in when I was younger. This week Emily and I signed up for Tae Kwon Do. It’s her first go and my first time back in 20 years. [Side note: WHERE DID THE TIME GO, HOW AM I THAT OLD?] 

TDK is another thing I spent a few years doing that taught me so much.  I have my green belt, won an Ontario trophy for 3rd in sparring, and once broke a guys jaw with a roundhouse kick.

Before signing up this week I inquired about it twice over the last year and I’m glad I finally did it. Even after all these years, the five tenants of Tae Kwon Do have never left my memory.

Explanation of Tenets

1. Courtesy (Ye Ui)

2. Integrity (Yom Chi)

3. Perseverance (In Nae)

4. Self-Control (Guk Gi)

5. Indomitable Spirit (Baekjul Boolgool)

I’ve been working hard at yoga the last couple months and I feel so much stronger in  my muscles and my mind. I’m not sure if I’ve lost many lbs but I’ve for sure made some muscle and lost some of that muffin ’round the middle.

This post is a reminder: Don’t give up. When something is hard you have to push through to get to the next level. It’s like playing a really hard video game, and working hard to beat The Boss, and make it to the next level.

When you get there, it’s always worth it. And you can do it again.

Have a great weekend, 

Escape to Free Your Mind

Escape to Free Your Mind

This winter I didn’t  travel as much as last year because things kept coming up. So, my bff and I decided we needed a local getaway that was short and fun. Like us, haha! 

On Friday we drove about an hour to our hotel, shopping and getting food along the way. Our penthouse suite looked like a grandmas apartment from the 80’s but we had all the things we needed to make it fun. I was so into to our own party I didn’t even photograph the place. I hardly used my phone at all and didn’t update anything about where we were to the internet. It was kinda nice.

Sometimes you just need to ESCAPE!

We walked to a Mexican place for dinner, treated ourselves to the best tequila, and had a dance party on the balcony. It was perfect.

I absolutely did not wear the right shoes. They were soaked!

In other news, I was really excited to go to the cottage today but both Sean and I have things we need to get done at the house. Going up there makes me so incredibly happy and it’s the most beautiful place. I’ve got a list of DIY things I want to do and make. It is a lot of work but I look forward to it every year, cleaning, putting in the dock, getting the boat, doing the gardens. I also can’t wait to get back on my paddle board!

Today, I’m off to yoga and then a manicure before I knuckle down on food and work prep for the week.

Feeling great about spring, longer days, and warmer temperatures.

Take the sunshine wherever you go! 

Water bottles Are So 2003!

Water bottles Are So 2003!

Carrying water bottles is so 2003! They’ve been banned at Hong Kong Uni, Adele concerts, and for all of San Francisco. I’ve stopped buying bottled water since getting my new Bkr water bottle, but now, there’s a new way to save our planet…

I’ve always been a fan of Paris Hilton and along with SodaStream she created the Paris Hilton Institute for Plastic Pollution Solutions who developed NanoDrop. Cute, right?

A revolutionary scientific achievement, a highly condensed form of water that is 5,000 times more hydrating than regular water.”

One little drop is equal to 1 glass of water. 

Say whaaaaa?

“This is the beginning of a new era for humans, sea turtles, oceans, and all other living creatures on the planet.”

Ok, so if this seems a *bit* far fetched you’re right, NanoDrop is not a real product. Did you check the calendar today? heh heh ?

However, the water bottle crisis is totally real and Paris Hilton is serious about saving the planet. She’s also a big fan of SodaStream and if you saw my IG story this week, I just got one!

We’ve wanted a SodaStream  for a while and I’m so happy to welcome it into our home. It takes 2 seconds to turn tap water into carbonated water and I can’t wait to start experimenting with flavours.

We’ll be totally cutting out sparkling water purchases at home and in the office.


casiestewart, blog, blogger, toronto, canada, travel, tech


Ok so this post is like, totally in partnership with SodaStream. Duh! One step closer to working with Paris Hilton! ?

Enjoy A Little, Endure a Lot

This week felt like a long one and it’s finally Thursday. As Keri would say, “Best night of the week!”. Tonight I’m heading to my BFFs house out of the city and tomorrow we rented a sweet hotel room in a random Ontario town, not too far, for a well deserved girls getaway.

Sometimes when I look back at my story of the day, on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook, my short term memory forgets things even happen. This was the case a few times this week. I started the week slow, was super tired, and had a sore shoulder from an awkward sleep on Sunday.

New jacket from SheIn

Tuesday I spent most the day dragging my a$$ through the motions, but, by the end of the day I was so inspired I couldn’t sleep! I was a judge at the Women in Wearables Tech Meetup for the Female Founders Cup.  It was  great to be surrounded by incredibly amazing women making waves in the tech community. You can watch the livestream here if you’re looking for some inspiration. 

Women & Wearables: An evening of celebration, discussion & activism

Wednesday seems like a blur. Did yoga at 7:30 then drove home, picked up Emily and took her to school. Shawn Hawaii came over for quick head shot shoot around 9am and by 10:30, Sean and I we were heading to 1188. The rest of the day was non-stop and by 9:30pm I was finally ready to sit down and do things on my computer.

I am SOOOOO looking forward to a 2 night getaway with my BFF and a s-l-o-w pace. I love what I do but life is exhausting and I’ve had to teach myself to take breaks. Also, I can’t wait till we open the cottage and my regular weekend escape from the city is back in action. Cottage life, baby!

Here’s to the balance of hustling hard then taking time chill!

casiestewart, blog, blogger, toronto, canada, travel, tech


There is no sponsor today but I found the inspiration for my title from this (Brainy) quote.

Light Up Your Life with Best Buy Smart Home

Last week I went to the National Home Show as a guest of Best Buy Canada to check out smart home accessories. After CES and the Interior Design Show this year I’ve become obsessed with making our home more efficient with smart things. Upgrading appliances in your space can help save energy (thermostats/appliances), make things more comfortable (lighting), and keep you safe (security camera).

For the National Home Show, Best Buy partnered with designer Christine Dovey to design a fully stocked smart home pop-up where you could see all kinds ways to pimp your place with technology. I left dreaming about new appliances for the whole house complete with a super skinny & smart Samsung QLED tv.

I was obsessed with the Samsung ‘Family Hub’ fridge, this thing is totally from THE FUTURE. It’s got a wifi touchscreen and three inside cameras that take a photo every time the fridge closes. Then, you can check your phone to see what’s inside, it also knows what’s inside, it make recipes, it can track expiration dates. Kinda hard to wrap the old brain around! I LOVE THE FUTURE. My friend was telling me about how they recently got a new smart AV system from Crestron System and I think she is as much in love with the future as I am!

When I was at CES in Vegas this year, one of the award winning new products was the Nanoleaf Aurora light panel.All the lights connect to my iPhone and can change a zillion colours and different shades of white (warm vs cool). I was so excited to order this for our house! I would love to say I went for the cool lights knowing Emily (9) would love them but they were totally for me too.

We had guests over this weekend and I set the Nanoleaf up on a table in our living room and it was so awesome. I set the lights to slowly go through colours of the rainbow (this gif is fast so you can see). The 9 little triangles can be moved around to any shape as long as they’re connected. I plan to put them on the wall eventually.

Some other things I ordered from Best Buy) were a set of Philips Hue A19 Smart Wireless bulbs, a cheap IP camera and the little Hue Go Portable Smart LED Light. They both can all be controlled by my phone and adjusted to encourage moods or be programmed to timers.

My mum stayed over the other day and this works as a great little night light. I easily fits on your hand, isn’t to bright, and is super light.

Phillips wireless HUE light in action

By changing a couple lights in the house to smart bulbs we’re saving energy and changing the way it feels. We’ve also compared Cirro Energy plans to our own to find where the most competitive rates are so that we can save money. These were all pretty simple to set up but you can always have someone from the Best Buy Geek Squad help you out.

Learn about the wide variety of Smart Home products available and determine what fits your home and lifestyle by visiting your local Best Buy or

This post in is in partnership with Best Buy Canada and the National Home Show. In exchange, I received perks in the form of products and/or compensation. All opinions on this blog are my very own! Thank you for reading!

Make Yourself Happy. Do What You Love. #stickwithit17

Make Yourself Happy. Do What You Love. #stickwithit17

The last couple weeks I’ve been on a journey of making my self happy, practising what I preach, making the most of each day, and following things that give me joy. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, it has made a big difference. The last couple months of 2016 I was totally drained, didn’t feel creative, felt a bit lost like ‘what am I doing and why‘.

So, I made a change. I started putting  myself first
and really doing WHAT I WANT.

It’s easy to get side tracked from your goals, over worked, under stimulated. The thing is, you can totally turn that around any singe day, at any time. You’re in control of your happiness. You’re the director of the movie that is your life. You always have a choice.


Years ago (2008-09) when I wanted people to remember me and my blog I made these little stickers on white Avery labels after work (at an IT company). I didn’t have $$ for real stickers, so I had to be creative.

They had a strip of photos I took of myself (now called selfies) and my Twitter @casiestewart with my URL

While most people will take your business card and never follow up, this is not the case with stickers. I found that people would go to my blog the day after a fun party where I stuck my sticker on them, their sweater, conference badge, and leave a comment, or tweet me it was nice to meet.

The first round of ACTUAL real stickers I made were from StickerYou when a friend worked there. They were heart shaped photos of me with a painting in the background and my Twitter handle.

2017 reissue of 2011 stickers (see originals)

This month I was invited to create a Mantra Box of stickers to keep me motivated. WELL, I went and ordered a whole bunch. So many that I ended up spending more than the gift code they sent!

Over the last week I’ve mailed out a bunch of hand written letters to long time blog followers, old and new friends, with pieces from my Mantra Box. I already knew the quality of stickers and I can say I am so impressed with this batch. I really love them.

Use code CASIESTICKWITHIT17 to order some for yourself.

The price point is affordable, here’s a screenshot from part of my order. I’m surprised how many stickers I got. I also ordered clear stickers of my signature (for windows/everything) and signature tattoos. Yay!

I have a bunch so if you want some LMK.

casie stewart, autograph, famous, blogger, canada, toronto





Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’

Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’

This weekend we had friends in town from Boston. Instead of facing St. Patty’s Day crowds on Friday we hosted them for dinner (Uber Eats!).

Saturday was pretty relaxing except for the call I got at 10:30am saying Mum was in the hospital. She ended up having appendicitis and getting her appendix out. Just like that! She was back home just after dinner time. Canada is such an amazing country.

Hale Coffee, love this place

At yoga on Sunday, Sandy read a few horoscopes and mine mentioned gifting myself a young cactus. The cool thing about that was I had a ticket for a terrarium workshop that afternoon.

It was my my 3rd terrarium workshop of the year and want to make a really big one now that I understand how. It was at Untitled&Co and a couple friends joined me in the fun.

This week I’ve got an event at Twitter HQ & am seeing another show at Mirvish. Since I’ve made yoga a priority and started focusing on doing things for ME that I really want to do, I’m so much happier.

Today I’m doing 9am yoga with the team at 2Social in the Junction. Hope to get my bike tuned up later today.

Here’s to a great week! Sending sunshine through the internet to you! Longer days are on the way! ☀️??



Live Action Short Drama? Story of My Life! 2017 #CdnScreenAwards Recap

Last weekend I attended the Canadian Screen Awards as a guest of the First Weekend Club. It was my second year attending the ‘Canadian Oscars’ after last year winning the award for Voice Pioneer at CSA’s Social Awards. The awards were hosted by Howie Mandel and held at the Sony Centre on Front Street.

I absolutely love attending these kinds of Canadian events. Since my first job working in TV almost 10 years ago, and being on tv/in a couple documentaries since, I’ve grown to know a lot of people in the industry. I love seeing old friends and colleagues take the stage and supporting creative work by amazing Canadians.

This great dress was rented from Studio Fitzroy, my go-to!

One highlight of the show for me was when Strombo announced an award in the name of Canadian filmmaker and friend Rob Stewart (Sharkwater) who recently passed away. Starting in 2018, the award for Best Science or Nature Documentary Program or Series will be in Rob Stewart’s name.

The pre-show was hosted by Emma Hunter (The Beaverton) who was super funny. My fav line of hers was when she was announcing the nominees for ‘Live Action Short Drama’ and she said ‘story of my life’. I was like ME TOO GIRL, ME TOO. Haha.

I made notes in my phone during the show of Canadian films to add to my watch list including Weirdos, Born to be Blue, and Two Lovers And A Bear.

Thanks you kindly First Weekend Club for inviting me to be your guest. I hope to attend more Canadian Films things with you this year!

casie stewart, toronto, blogger, speaker, influencer, "this is my life"

Spring Forward 

Spring Forward 

I hate to blame daylight savings but this week I have been so tired. I had to fight myself every morning to get out of bed. I managed to do yoga and spin on Wednesday which was a big accomplishment.

Last week I was so high on life and motivated. Writing heaps. Killing it everyday. This week, opposite. Almost everything I’ve had to get done work wise has been an up hill battle.

End of the week, mum came to hang out and I took her around my neighbourhood and to some fab spots in the city. We picked Em up from circus camp, went to YouTube, got pizza, then saw Beauty & the Beast in 3D. It was go good to hang out. Mum has been my biggest supporter my whole life and it was really nice to treat her yesterday.

Tonight we have some friends from Boston coming for dinner. I’ve got heaps on my to-do list but I’m determined to cross them all off today! I’ve got yoga at noon which will give me the energy I need to keep this momentum going. Em has a recital at this afternoon for March break Circus Camp.

This week I mailed a few hand written letters with new stickers I had made in them and that made me feel really happy. This weekend I’m doing another terrarium workshop! (3rd of the year lol, I’m obsessed). My new pillows from Notion Manufacturing arrived this week which was also a small joy and good for a few LOLs. Sean loves it hahahahhahaha.

Remember it’s important to listen to your body and relax if you need to. Being ‘on’ all the time and always on the go is great but it’s hard to do 24/7.

Take some time for yourself this weekend to recharge ‘dem batteries!


With love,

Don’t Wait For The Perfect Time, Create Today!

Last nights @meetDITTO event was really great. I was super tired before getting there, ate a sub and felt  gross, the day was long and busy. On my way to the event I picked up a card for Natalie (organizer) as a thank you and bought her some patches for her jacket (FIMINIST/BOSS WITCH).

Got a last minute coffee before it stared and bought one for Carolyn too. HUGE thanks to Nataliegh and Avery for bringing us all together to learn and celebrate.

Stories the other women shared were so inspiring. Gave me so much energy. Don’t forget…

We’re all just out here hustling and making things up as we go. Nobody knows wtf they are doing. 

I talked to a fab young woman who’s been following the ol’ bloggy since 2009. How cool is that? She was telling me how she wants to create but wants also it to be perfect, so she hasn’t been making things. I told her she’ll wait forever with that attitude. Don’t wait.

You need to create in order to make mistakes, to learn.
You have to work hard to get to the next level.

So, make as much shit as you can and do it fast. Learn faster.

Don’t sit there tinkering, put your hands together and make something!

Hi Mum, I just called to say thanks.

Today I rung mum at work and I think she must have been busy because she seemed a little surprised when I said ‘hi mum’. I told her I was calling to say thank you for having me and being so supportive. She didn’t have a lot of time to talk but I wanted to thank her for everything.

To tell her I love calling her all the time when something exciting happens and I can’t tell anyone else or they just wouldn’t feel as excited as her. For all the times she stayed up late sewing ballet skirts to sell at the studio so she could afford our dance classes. For driving to all those dance competitions, skiing, skating, birthday parties, recitals, modelling, tae kwon do, and to all my friends houses for sleepovers. For showing me how to bake and encouraging me to make things in the kitchen, thank you.

For embracing my weirdness and letting me wear what I want as a child no matter how bizarre the neighbours thought she was for doing to it.

For putting us in summer reading club at the library. For all the work that went in to creating JEANS Publishing company and helping me write that book as a young teenager because I know it was shit ton of work and late nights (for her). For teaching me to work hard and not listen to anyone who says ‘you can’t do that’.

Your strong attitude is with me everyday and I carry it close to my heart and I hear your voice in my head.

For teaching me to be tough and know how to throw a damn good punch (whoops!) and studying Tae Kwon Do together.

For getting me braces because you knew that my smile would bring joy to other people and I really love flashing it around.

For teaching me to sew even though I don’t do it much, I still know how. Thank you for making me comfort food and allowing me to take naps in my old room when I’m run down and need a break from my life.

I know how to make a perfect pavlova because of you.

For inspiring me to be a leader. For being honest with me and calling me on my shit, cause lord knows I need it sometimes.

For giving me a sister, and three awesome step-sisters! For being good friends with dad. For giving me nana’s number in New Zealand, she was definitely surprised!

For flowers from your garden and telling me when Winners clearance is on.

For learning how to text and send photos because I love messages from you. For reading ‘bloggy’ when you got to work just to check in on me. For checking my Twitter if you haven’t heard from me in a couple days just to make sure I’m ok.

Thank you mum, for being a strong woman, a great leader, and best support my entire life.

I’m so proud to be your daughter and I love you the most.

Mum + Me

Today I messaged a bunch of women in my life who I love, respect, and miss. I made plans to see them. I had my BFF stay over last night. I have a different BFF date tomorrow. I’ve been really trying to make time for friends and not be ‘too busy’ to see them. Even if it’s a coffee and walk, breakfast, lunch, snack, maybe it’s picking up the ol’ telephone. Make time for the people you love, the women in your life.

AND one more thing, don’t ever forget that you can achieve ANYTHING you put your mind to. Be clear about your thoughts when you put them into the universe. Don’t confuse the universe with self-doubt, be clear about your intentions.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. 


UPDATE: ? My favourite thing about today was talking to SO MANY people. Messages, making plans, reaching out. People celebrating themselves and each other. I feel like I really celebrated. Not with partying but with talking, making action. Had super early yoga w/ Keri and did a lot of other things today, I can’t even remember. Just got home from speaking at an event and I feel so genuinely thankful for friends. Sometimes I think I don’t like social media and it gives me anxiety but today it brought me closer to so many people IRL and in messages, in comments, in posts on every platform, all day. I like you. Thank you for being a friend! ❤️??