Day 5/365 and We’re in Business, Baby!

What a whirlwind yesterday was whoa. I took a walk to get my nails done (manicure Monday!) and decided it was cold enough (-20 something w/ windchill) to whip out the vintage mink coat I inherited from Sean’s aunt via his mum last summer. Went well with my new YSL glasses & long read leather gloves.


This coat is heavy and insanely warm. After about 10 minutes of walking, I opened it to get some air, I was sweating! I know how people feel about fur but this thing is already made and would be sitting in a closet if not worn by me. It’s back in hanging in mine now for a special event in the dead of winter. A friend of mine loved the coat but didn’t like the fact it was mink (understandable). She got a really similar faux version from Lily Lulu Fashion. It looks great and can’t even tell it’s faux fur. A floor length mink coat really isn’t practical for a girl on the go. Chuckling to myself as I wrote this.

A few years ago I made a New Years resolution to take care of my nails. I’m not really into ‘resolutions’, I like setting goals all year but I felt this was something reasonable. Having your nails tidy and polished makes you look put together. posted yesterday that having your nails done is one way to look richer than you might be. I got this fancy shellac design to kick of the start of 2015 business. You like?


In other news, my hair is crazy right now. I can’t decide that to do with it. It’s the awkward in between stage before a bob and the colour is so faded. I’m bored with it. Looks like I’ll be rocking hat head till spring.


I ended my first day back at Tricon Films & Television in the most exciting and inspiring meeting I’ve had in a long time. 2015 is truly going to be the best year yet! Note how cool the chairs in their board room are! Him & Her designed by Fabio Novembre from Milan.

Today is another opportunity for adventure. Who knows what it will bring?! Stay warm out there if you’re in Canada, we’re in a deep freeze. Will be posting some sunspiration later today!


Comments, questions? Find me on Twitter @casiestewart or Instagram @casiestewart.

Ok Here We Go, Bundle Up! ❄️

Ok Here We Go, Bundle Up! ❄️

Ok it’s back to the grind and totally freezing outside. I know it’s hard to keep your head up but you MUST. Your attitude will shape everything around you. Grab some summer photos and keep them close by for inspiration.


Make sure you have super warm gloves, hat, scarf, jacket, boots. The only way to get through this it to bundle up!

Here’s to a great first day back. I’ve planned out heaps of new and old things to write about and I can’t wait to share.

With love,

* Also, on a positive note, I feel it’s appropriate to bust out my vintage mink coat!

Winter Doesn’t Have to Suck: How to Make Snow Paint + Some Stuff to Watch

War Paint on Netflix = hilarious

Woke up early yesterday and made myself breakfast in bed. Spent some quality time on my computer quietly typing away and chatting with other early risers. Our roof top patio extends from the loft bedroom upstairs and the morning light is so lovely. I like making the most of a cold winter morning all cosy up in the bed reading or writing.

My Lost My Marbles laptop skin is quite a hit. The Apple cutout gives your laptop a sleek and classy look. If you wanna add some marble to your gadgets (iPhone, Android, computer, tablet, gaming system) visit They don’t offer the apple cutout on designs but if you email [email protected] with your order and request it they’ll make sure you get it. TBH this design really looks better with the cutout.

We got some pretty gnarly snow in the middle of the day. Thank goodness we have new tires on the truck. EmBot really wanted to go play outside with the snow paint so I put on the hot pink 80’s 2 piece I inherited from Sean’s mum and got ready to roll.

These exact paint things were a Christmas gift for her but making something like this to do with friends or kids is super easy. We used to do this heaps when I was little.

How to Make Snow Paint

  1. Get some type of squirt bottle ex. old shampoo, dish detergent
  2. Mix food colouring + water (careful it WILL stain your clothes)
  3. Go outside and have a blast!

Sean picked up this little snowball maker from the dollar store and it works awesome! After we coloured snowballs and drew all over the hill we went across the yard to make a snowman.

IMG_0248.JPG IMG_0249.JPG

I absolutely love playing in snow! You probably forgot how fun it is because getting all bundled up seems like a burden but it’s NOT.

The snow turned into rain mid afternoon so we packed up and went inside for hot chocolate. Next snowfall I really wanna go sledding. I’m not one for skiing and I really don’t like snowboarding but don’t mind sliding down a hill. Weeeee!

How cute s this little guy? I’m sure there’s a whole whack of things to do with them on Pinterest.


Discovered these at Loblaws and they are SO GOOD. This is your warning that you’ll eat the whole bag in one sitting.

Sweet chilli Pistachios, so yum!

Dad gave us a bunch of meats from his shop Gone Local Meats & More for Christmas so I cooked up some delicious free range chicken breasts with a ton of roast veggies.


If you’re in the KW area go check out the store in Breslau. They’ve got TONS of local meat, bread, jams, produce, and other stuff from local farms close by. Their logo is an illustration of my dad and his wife Cheryl. Cute as!

Gone Local Meats & More, local, organic, free range, produce & meats

If you’re looking for something to watch on Netflix Iliza Shlesinger is HILARIOUS. We watched her standup for the second time last night and it was just as funny. Also watched Top of Lake, a mini-series based in New Zealand from BBC. It’s a crime/drama and well worth the 5 hour binge.


Day 3/365; ate well, played in the snow, had some good laughs, and a great sleep. Day 4 is workout and de-Christmas the house. Here’s hoping the tree doesn’t make a huge mess!


On Day 2 There Were Wearables & Edibles + The #SelfieStickSpin

@casiestewart @jeniestewart #selfiestickspin

Day 2 of 2015 started and ended great. It was beautifully sunny when I got up. Made Embot some brekky and dropped her at school. With my reclaimed love for granola, stopped by to pick up a few groceries, came home made a nice brekky and got to work. Selfie stick put to use to capture the sunshine.


I have a feeling it’s only a matter time before we see “no selfie stick” signs or theres an assault with a selfie stick. They’re really intrusive and super annoying when travelling. People on phones are already a bother, add in a metal rod with a phone on it and things get a lot more hairy. I admit I’m fully part of the problem here but for the record, I am a documentarian observing culture and selfies are part of my work. 🙂

Decided I missed violet hair and tinted it again. It’s a bit brighter than I expected, it’ll fade with each wash though. This photo makes it look almost neon. I must remember this for next time.


Later in the evening I headed East to visit my sister. We went for fish n’ chips (or fush n cups as they say in NZ!) and laughed our heads off while casually watching hockey. Not because the hockey was funny but when us sisters get together we can’t help but have a hilarious time.  Yay Canada for the win.


In 2015, fashion & food come together for the latest in wearable edibles. Onion ring jewellery! Ate these right off my arm bc they were burning. And delicious.

Moderation is key when it comes to healthy eating. Nothing wrong with throwing down some greasy goodness here and there. I think there’s no real point in limiting the things I love in life. YOLO!


I was showing her my selfie stick but didn’t want to take a photo that showed the inside of her apartment so I spun around to blur the background. This was one of those aha moments of inspiration. SELFIE STICK SPIN.


This Instagram is the first ever recorded mention of #selfiestickspin on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I know this could be really annoying at festivals or any public place but it’s an absolutely hilarious and addictive thing to do at home. We changed outfits and spun around together full of laughs until we fell on the floor almost peeing our pants. Now that’s a good Friday night!

Day 2 of 2015, invented something, had lots of laughs, and spent time with someone I really love. This year is off to a great start!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. 






Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

Sean and Casie, Jan. 1 2015, Day 1

Writing each day is really good for you. It helps you get things done, assists in memory, and for me is really great therapy. If you’ve ever wanted to start a blog and think “what will I write about?”. Let me tell you, there’s so many things that happen in a day, you can find inspiration everywhere. What you eat, drink, wear, or where you travel to, even in your own city. If you open you eyes to the world and shift your perspective, you’ll see it in a new light.

Day 1/365, 2015: Here are some great things that happened

  1. Made notes about my day in a new notebook. I like spiral bound 5.5 x 8,5 in blank sketch paper. It’s for things I don’t blog like what I eat, vitamins, workout, how many Mason jars of water I drank.
  2. Did a new workout. Sweat my ass off.
  3. Ate good food. Nothing deep fried or heavily processed/takeout. Not being hungover really helped with that.
  4. Reclaimed my for love for granola. Yes, I like granola. Used to eat it heaps when I was a kid and my new found love for lactose free milk, it makes a delicious snack.
  5. Got a selfie stick. Sean bought one for me at Pacific Mall AND I LOVE IT. IMG_0006.JPG
  6. Opened my new Clarisonic Pearl and used it. Started with Clarisonic in December 2014 and have noticed my skin is more soft and ugly.  It’s important to write this down so I always remember to use it. One minute can seem like a long time when you are in a rush.
  7. Put on fuzzy socks with Vaseline. If you read any beauty blogs or check Google this is a sure way to get super soft feet.
  8. Tagged my images properly in WordPress. Sometimes I’m a lazy blogger ok.
  9. Enjoyed a clean bedroom and fresh brand new sheets.
  10. Cleared space off my iPhone and Macbook Air. Have been meaning to do this for ages. This was an old text from an Uber driver. I laughed. LUBER haha. IMG_0075.JPG
  11. Folded the laundry AND put it away.
  12. Spent some quality time w/ my love. Including foot massage!
  13. Drank heaps of water.


I feel like I’m forgetting some other little gems that passed through the last 24 hours but I’ll remember those tomorrow, day 2. I’m trying to write more (~500 words/day). My goal of 2015 is to spend less time on the computer and more time doing things worth writing about.

Until then, this is my life 🙂


 *  title is a quote by Arthur Ashex who was an American athlete.





#NewYear2015: Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.

#NewYear2015: Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.

Casie Stewart, Happy New Year 2015

Waking up not hungover feels great! I’m ready for an amazing year and focussed more than ever on making it a success and being the healthiest I’ve ever been. 2015 marks 10 years of my blog and we’ve been on quite the journey together. I’m glad I never gave up and can’t wait to see what adventures the new year brings.

You'll never be younger than you are today, make the most of it. - Casie Stewart


Here’s to a healthy and happy 2015!
With love,

Title is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of my favs.