Media | Interview on DaniPress

Media | Interview on DaniPress

I sat down with the lovely Dani, traveller, photographer, dreamer, and owner or DaniPress. We chatted about life, work, and some of our adventures. I was instantly in love, she’s cool, funny, and a smart entrepreneur.  Her #10witha10  series features people doing cool things, a snap with an instant camera, and 10 questions about work/life.

Read the interview here. 

“If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing.”
Benjamin Franklin

Check out DaniPress.

Travel | CO/NNECTED: Tech Travel Must Haves

casiestewart, jones media, influencer, tech, travel,

I wrote about a few of my fav things, read it on The Co. here. I’ve got a few items I don’t leave the house without, this stuff is in my bag for work and long trips.  Gadgets & tech for a worldly adventure or a weekend getaway.

The Co’s travel and tech expert Casie Stewart shares the ultimate globe trotter’s guide to staying connected while abroad.
[Read more]

  1. PureGear braided Apple 
  2. Belkin BOOST↑UP™ adapter
  3. This is Ground Cord Taco, Fitzy Cord Keeper
  4. Happy Plugs, Telus
  5. Rudsak Clutch


Other things I never leave home without? Burt’s Bees original, a Sharpie, and a great pair of sunnies. Happy to share any other fag gadgets or travel apps. If you’ve got a question or something to share, leave a comment or tweet me @casiestewart.

Wishing you safe & happy travels!

casie_signature_xo1 casie_pinkheart


Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television – Pioneer Award!

U P D A T E: I  W O N !

Thank you for voting for me and supporting me all these years. You, the internet have been here the last 10 years like no one single human could ever be. For that, I am forever grateful and give gratitude.

It’s crazy awesome to win an award for something that didn’t even EXIST a decade ago. Thank you. Don’t ever doubt yourself, you CAN make magic happen, you have to believe in yourself.


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Something exciting happened yesterday! I’m a finalist in the Academy Social Awards celebrating social media innovators in Canada. The awards are hosted by The Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television, the Canadian version of The Academy in LA that does the Oscars. Oh hello! This wasn’t even on my radar, especially after being sick and going non-stop with travel and work. This award is celebrates pioneers in the industry, this year marks 11 years of my blog.

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Winner’s of the 2016 #AcademySOCIAL will be announced live at the event on March 10th 2016. #AcademySocial​ will shine a light on the incredible talent and achievements made by social and digital media innovators. More in the video below. 

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Don’t forget to VOTE. You can vote daily but that’s only if you want to remember.  Thank you for following along all these years, I’m planning some great stuff for 2016!

Artventure ? Artist Project + Winter Stations ?

Artventure ? Artist Project + Winter Stations ?

This weekend was relaxing and cleansing.  Yesterday Sean helped me deal with my room sized closet of disaster hoarding (let’s get real here!) and it was therapeutic. I can’t believe how much crap I was holding onto. Including clothes, we removed about 15 garbage bags from the house. I feel so much lighter.  I’d left a ton of things undone and unpacked, they started piling up. I didn’t foresee everything going as calmly as it did but it was truly wonderful to have someone you love say ‘we need to do this’ and help. I’m still fighting a cold but overall my head feels more clear than it has for a while. A messy room makes for a messy head, being clutter free opens the mind.

On Saturday I took Em to The Artist project. Art is her best subject and a fav of mine, so we set off an an artventure exploring. Lots of neat stuff to see. I was there on Thursday night for the opening party and we picked up a few pieces for the house.

Next we went to the Winter Stations in the Beaches and hung out with my sister. It was really nice to be outside, in the sun getting fresh air. The stations are around till March so there’s plenty of time to visit.

Was really quite hoping the warmer temperatures would stick around a bit longer but it looks like we’re getting a cold spell this week. Thursday night is the ‘Muskoka Bound’ cottage life theme dinner at Lisa Marie with U-Feast. I can’t wait, been thinking about those ribs since I had them a week ago. There’s only a few tickets left, get one here.

Here’s hoping your Monday is off to a great start. I’m heading to an important meeting with myself, a much needed manicure. 🙂

With love,casie_pinkheart


Recharge Those Batteries, Girl

Recharge Those Batteries, Girl

This week has been a rough one. I’ve been fighting a cold all week and spent 3/5 days mostly in bed. Hopefully I’ll kick this cold sooner than later! The first 6 weeks of the year were non-stop go-go-go and I reckon I’m totally tuckered. 
Planning to catch up on some blogging and binge Netflix till Monday. 


Events | Muskoka Bound Dinner @ Lisa Marie, Feb. 25th!

On Thursday night next week I’m hosting a dinner at Lisa Marie on Queen Street with Chef Matt Basile. Our Muskoka Bound theme is about #cottagelife and For $60 you get food, drinks, and a fun night, tip is also included. U-Feast events typically sell out, so get a ticket now! The menu is incredible. I stopped into Lisa Marie last week to taste a few items and I’ve been thinking about them since.


Read Matt’s Interview in NOW Magazine 

“On February 25, you can witness another side of the in-demand chef at U-Feast’s Muskoka Bound at the restaurant. Hosted by blogger and woman-about-town Casie Stewart, the night aims to channel the pleasures of cottage life through a culinary feast, complete with deck chairs and camp gear. Revel in cottage country-inspired indulgences such as crispy fried chicken, steak and guac tacos, chimichurri corn, sweet and sticky ribs and a s’mores dip for dessert – not to mention a welcome cocktail and beers.” Read the full interview.


⬇︎ Muskoka Bound Dinner Menu at Lisa Marie

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