How to Make a Pirate Cake

Having a pirate party? Celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19? Ahoy there matey, this pirate cake will be an instant hit with any budding swashbuckler. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Click the photo for the exact instructions

I pick my Berry as my favorite thing too.

Technology Can Be ‘Berry, ‘Berry Addictive

Study Finds That 35 Percent Of BlackBerry And PDA Users Would Choose Their Device Over Their Spouse

NEW YORK (CBS) ― Of all the possible things that can come between spouses, you can now add BlackBerrys — or more precisely — BlackBerry addiction to the list. A new study reveals BlackBerry’s are becoming — among other things — the 800-pound gorilla in the bedroom. ‘Berry, ‘Berry, addictive? “I live with it. I can’t live without it,” one New York City resident told CBS 2 HD. Yeah … there’s a reason some call ’em … CrackBerrys. But are you having a love affair with yours? “I am on my BlackBerry more than I see my boyfriend,” one woman said. The study of 6,500 traveling executives says 35 percent of them would choose their PDA over their spouse.

“That’s a tough call,” one said.”Oh you don’t want to go there,” another added. And apparently that attitude is being seen in the sack. Of those polled, 87 percent said they bring their devices into the bedroom(Always!). Another 84 percent check their e-mails just before they go to sleep (And while you sleep, lol!!!!) . Another 80 percent check them in the morning as soon as they get up (Always!) . “It can actually ruin relationships,” said Dr. Susan Bartell, a psychologist and relationship expert. Bartell said couples should be interfacing more, but with each other. “People are so focused on their PDAs, they’re not focusing on what might be going wrong in their relationships,” Bartell said. Of those polled, 62 percent said they love their blackberry or PDA, and most of them said it makes their life more productive. However, experts suggest, for the sake of your relationship, you might occasionally … “Turn it off, spend some time with your partner. Have a real relationship with a living human being,” Bartell said.

The study was done by Sheraton hotels. Among its other findings: More than three quarters of those polled say their gadgets give them more quality time with friends and family… and help them enjoy life more.

Go figure.

(© MMVIII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Cara Matthew y’all – Listen UP!!

Hello Friends, it is with great pleasure that I introduce a great friend of Mine, 2008 Ontario Independent Music Award Nominee, Cara Matthew.

She will perform Sunday, September 21st at Trane Studio featuring National Jazz Award Winning Bassist George Koller (Holly Cole) and National Jazz Award Winning Pianist Dave Restivo (Marc Jordan).

She’s got a great vibe of fresh, new jazz and blues on her debut album, “Make You Feel My Love”. It features arrangements of tunes by Aerosmith, Billy Joel, Bob Dylan and other popular artists in a bluesy and jazzy fashion all on her very own. Produced by Juno-award-winning Greg Kavanagh, this creation is original, with pure melodies to be enjoyed by anyone who loves music.

Doors Open at 6:30pm
Cover $10
Sunday, September 21st
For more information please

Jazz Lounge,964 Bathurst St. (2 Blocks North of Bloor St. West), Toronto
Please call for Reservations: 416.913.8197

The U.K. Times

“A lot of my peer group think I’m an eccentric bisexual. That’s OK. Being relaxed about sexuality is something you’re born with.’ My identity was written on the wall by ancient and formidable guides and forces. The best thing I can do is keep my hand out of it.”

Robert Downey, Jr. tells the U.K.’s The Times magazine

Sorry about Your Career


Did you get one of those iphones yet?

God, I love her.

Obama & Scar Jo

420 Volcanic Artesian Water from New Zealand

G’day Mates & Shelia’s! Being from New Zealand I was pleased to come across this fancy volcanic water from NZ this weekend at Fresh & Wild.

420 is a super premium water in a bottle that’s easy on the eye, feels good in the hand and perfectly fits the clientele of elite hotel, bars, restaurants and cafes. Every drop of water has taken generations to filter through the surrounding landscape. That means the water you hold in your hand today actually fell onto the top of a mountain when my great, great grandmother was the same age as I am now. Which is a fabulous story to tell someone you’re trying to pick up in a bar. The 420 spring is situated at the base of NZ’s South Islands Banks Peninsula an extinct Volcano. The water fell on the Southern Alps hundreds of years ago and has spent its time meandering across the Canterbury plains to arrive clean and pure to consumers today.

In September 2006, 420 water struck gold on the world stage, winning two top awards at the prestigious bottled water world design awards in Italy. 420 water came up trumps against a record 135 entries from 30 countries, taking home the award for Best PET Bottle and Best Press Marketing Campaign. The gala awards ceremony took place at the San Pellegrino Casino in Italy as part of the Zenith International Global Bottled Water Congress in Bergamo, north east of Milan. ARTICLE

It tasted GREAT!! Represent NZ bitches!!! Yahooooooooooooooooo!

Love My Wellies ♥

That nasty, slushy, wet, cold time of year is a comin’ and I got my old Wellies ready to strut.

Here’s the Wellies story, just in case you didn’t know how rad they really were.

The Hunter Story A symbol of British country life In 1856 Mr Henry Lee Norris, an American entrepreneur, landed on Scottish soil in search of a home for his boot making company. Having acquired a block of buildings in Edinburgh, known as the Castle Silk Mills, the North British Rubber Company (which much later became known as Hunter Boot Ltd) was registered as a limited liability company in September 1856. In the beginning there were only four people working for the company, by 1875 the team had grown to 600 members of staff. Production of Wellington boots were dramatically boosted with the advent of World War I when the company was asked by the War Office to construct a sturdy boot suitable for the conditions in flooded trenches. The mills ran day and night to produce immense quantities of these trench boots. In total, 1,185,036 pairs were made to cope with the Army’s demands. The fashionable boot was now a functional necessity. For WWII they were once again called upon to supply vast quantities of Wellingtons and thigh boots. 80% of production was for war materials – from ground sheets to life belts and gas masks. After WW II boot making had to move to a larger factory in Heathhall Dumfries, where the company has been based since, to deal with the rise in demand. Hunter’s most famous welly, the original Green wellington, was made over 50 years ago in the winter of 1955. It was the first orthopedic boot that we made and was launched alongside the Royal Hunter another boot that remains in Hunter’s range today. In 1977, having continued to supply wellies to the Royal Households, Hunter was awarded a Royal Warrant from HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. This was shortly followed, in 1986, by a Royal Warrant from HM The Queen. Providing great recognition for their work in keeping some very important feet dry! 2008 saw yet another historic moment for Hunter Boot Ltd, as they moved their corporate headquarters from their previous home in Dumfries to a new base in the heart of Edinburgh. The move represents another step forward for the expanding company; having had a record season for sales in 2007 and with a brand new 21st century website in place, the worries of administration that afflicted the company just two years previously seem very far away indeed. Henry Lee Norris set high standards for the making of his wellies and we’ve been mastering the art of welly making ever since. Introducing revolutionary technology, the best new materials and we have invented a special, secret process that makes a boot that can be relied on to perform under the toughest conditions for years. Other than that we’ve stayed true to the original foundations set over 150 years ago for FIT, COMFORT, DURABILITY and PERFORMANCE. Today, Hunter remains the preferred welly brand for those who like to work hard and play hard – there’s a great range of boots to suit welly wearers all over the world – from the Royal Family to festival-goers, working farmers and landed gentry alike.

Do One Good, Daily!!!!

Giving is it’s own gift.

I truly believe that one you have given, whether time, energy, money or anything, you have already received. The joy in giving really effects my life and I try each day to put more positive energy into the world through the things that I do.

Some friends of mine have been working on a really amazing global project called the Daily Challenge. It is all about bringing together a global consciousness of people who actively do one good thing each day for themselves, someone else, the environment, or the world. There are a few celebrity guests involved in the project including Deepak Chopra and others. I’m helping to get more and more people on board as it is truly something I believe can change the world. If enough people put their energy into the same thoughts, those thoughts will become things and we will feel change begin to take place.

Click the screenshot of the website above to get involved!!

♥ Love & Light xoxo

Biggest and Best Issue of V Magazine EVER.

My Girl, Aggy ♥

Posh cropped it, I Cropped it Two Weeks ago!

And so, we both sport a short-banged gamine cut that calls to mind Jean Seberg or Audrey Hepburn in the ’50s.

Something exciting is coming……

Stay tuned for my new project….

Exclusive Event Details – Mr. Mikey Mercanti! Come check it out!

  • WHAT : An Exclusive event as we present a unique Jewelery line by Michael Mercanti
  • Music By DJ JEDI & Special Guest appearance by VNDLSM
  • WHEN : THUR 11.09.08
  • WHERE : HYDE LOUNGE – 420A Willington St. W. Toronto, On M5V 1E3
  • HOW : NO COVER, NO LINE before 12:00, MUST RSVP on, style code, no runners or athletic wear.
  • VIP SERVICES : BOTTLE SERVICE & LIMOUSINES available at all our events, Please Book in advance.

Red Bull times Three! Oh NO! Cocaine Energy Drink Invades Europe

Now, at first glance people might have thought this is cool. MAYBE even myself. However, drinking too much Red Bull alone can cause many problems, now with the creation the creation of this Cocaine Energy drink – we might just stick with a natural energy drink instead. You can purchase an energy drink that is actually equivalent to three Red Bulls with Cinnamon, Ginger and Wasabi. I am sure it has QUITE a KICK. It is not being sold in Canada yet but is tearing up Europe and from my research is available in Texas.

In England, there is some opposition to bringing the product into the market, but Belgium, Luxembourg and Holland have accepted the new beverage. Whoa man!!

Interestingly enough, for anyone who doubted their true intestions or doubted the product name, the company is now offering scholarships for kids to go to school. I can see it now….”How’d you pay for school man, um Cocaine paid for it. dude ” Click the Cocaine bottle to go directly to the website. The hype and the ‘buzz’ is certainly turning a few heads.

Article Source

you’ll like this one my friends ———->

Hand-made Jewelry by the one & only Mr.Michael Mercanti

Check it out now.


The happiest news of the day…….

Britney is opening the MTV VMA’s and she is LOOKING HOT AGAIN.

Britney Spears will kick-start this year’s MTV Video Music awards (VMAs), the channel has confirmed. Last year at the VMAs, the ‘Toxic’ hitmaker had stumbled her way through dance routines and miming poorly as fears grew for her mental state.

But now the ‘excited’ singer is all set to take the MTV stage by storm.

How To – Of the Day

How to Handle Fame

“I handle fame by not being famous…I’m not famous to me.” Bob Marley

Whether you’re a celebrity, a politician, a MySpace star, dating someone famous, a well-known author, and even if you look different in a small town, you might be uncomfortable with being recognized wherever you go.
How do you preserve a good reputation while still maintaining your privacy?
(Don’t be a Waste-Case!!)

  1. Be boring to the public. The best way to maintain the privacy of your private life is to bore people to tears. Unless you’re one of those people who believes that all publicity is good publicity, it’s better to become famous (and stay famous) through the merit of your work, not because of a rollercoaster relationship, an addiction, a surprise pregnancy, or a glamorous wedding. If you’re a naturally flamboyant or free-spirited person, it might be difficult to stifle that, and you need to decide how you’re going to strike a balance between uninhibited expression and privacy, which tend to be mutually exclusive when you’re famous.
  2. Go to major events solo. Even if you’re married, the fact that you’re there together is bound to result in personal, sometimes totally inappropriate questions like “When are you having a baby?” or “When are you having another?” or even “How is your sex life?” Also, if you’re always attending events as a couple, all it takes is one event when your schedules conflict and you don’t show up together, and everyone will presume your relationship is on the rocks. If you do ever split up, the last thing you want is people wondering where your date is–talk about salt in the wound! That being said, sometimes being consistently dateless can stir its own breed of gossip, depending on the context–a famous celebrity going solo is understandable; a political figure probably wouldn’t be. If you do bring a date, make sure it’s someone you’re in a long-term, committed relationship with, and who’s mature enough to be by your side consistently, even if you have a disagreement right before the event.
  3. Refuse to answer any questions about your personal life. This is what some famous and successful celebrities do to keep their private lives private.[1] That means keeping the details private even when things are going well. Some famous people make the mistake of gushing about their private lives when a new relationship has begun or a child is born, but then suddenly become tight-lipped when the details aren’t so glorious.[2] By making people curious about the good things going on in your life, they’ll naturally be curious about the bad things as well. Be consistently silent when it comes to your personal life and no one will be surprised when you say “I want to keep my private life private.”
  4. Be humble. If you’re famous, it’s probably because people admire you. With admiration comes a certain degree of idealism and even idolatry, so it’s important to remind people that you’re not perfect. You’re human, just like they are. Talking about little things that you struggle with–like getting the stomach flu, or locking your keys in the car, or bad hair days–can help keep your image in check. One celebrity went as far as to ask a magazine to take pictures of her with no make-up or retouching so that she could show people that the image of perfection is just that–an image, not reality.[3]
  5. Be friendly. Fame is and can be fleeting. People admire you based on what they see on the screen. You can negatively affect that image with one misstep, one harsh word, or one thoughtless action. Take a minute or two to be friendly with a fan (or a group of fans); most will be respectful of your private time if you provide some level of access when you’re in public.
  6. Go undercover. If you can move to a place where you’re not well-known, most of your problems will be solved. But most of us can’t relocate that easily, so the next best thing is to avoid public places where you’re likely to be seen. For celebrities, it’s a matter of not getting photographed; but for most people struggling with fame, it’s exhausting to engage in small talk wherever you go, and it can be disconcerting to know you’re recognized when you’re browsing books or shopping for undergarments. If you do bump into someone who recognizes you, however, handle it gracefully. Commit to the conversation long enough to be friendly and polite, otherwise you might be labeled as a snob, or worse.
  7. Use your fame to help people. Take advantage of your “star power” to draw attention to causes you feel strongly about. Take, for example, a ridiculously famous celebrity couple that sells photo rights of their newborn children and donate all the millions to charity.[4] But you don’t have to be one half of a mega-famous couple to do good. Even just spreading the word about a charitable event during those many bouts of small talk can make a big difference. When someone asks “How are coping with the divorce?” or something similar, you can say “Well, I’m focusing on something positive…” and discuss your efforts.

TMNT – Live Action Movie in the Works

Tenage Pregnancy for President

True Dat Palin!

Oh snap! This one is bad. lol

“The overall teen birth rate rose slightly in 2006 after steadily declining since 1991, according to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report shows the birth rate for teenagers ages 15-19 rose 3 percent between 2005 and 2006.

That translates to 41.9 births per 1,000 in 2006, a decline of 34 percent from the all-time high of 61.8 births per 1,000 in 1991.”It’s way too early to know if this is the start of a new trend,” Stephanie Ventura, head of the Reproductive Statistics Branch at CDC, said in a prepared statement. “But given the long-term progress we’ve witnessed, this change is notable.”

Danger in the Workplace #2

Bigfoot’s Erotic Adventures

They do look like Nards

Want a chup bro? I’m beached bro! Beached as.