I Kissed my PC and I liked it ♥

I made it into the Windows: Life Without Walls Campaign. I think everyone does. They sent me all my photos in ads. It’s rad, I like it. Pharrell is in it too. You can see my campaign if you click on the shit.
I wrote as my caption following “I’M A PC” as follows:

It makes me giggle when I read it. The photo is from the Much Music Awards a few years ago. I was at some wild party, I’m quite sure it was at Ultra and I was with my girls.

Moon of Scorpio

Hey. I’ve got a bunch of Scorpio’s around me whom I truly love. I got this email from the Kabbalah Centre in LA today. I also get this great message from Yehuda Berg to pass on to you:

“This week, hold fast to your dreams. Now’s the time to make them happen. And if you are already living the dream, you can live it in ways previously unknown to you.Start something new. Take an old project off the mental shelf and breathe some life into it. Be open to ‘coincidence’ and ‘randomness.’ Opportunity is everywhere. Be bold and start your year with a note of certainty and success.

All the best, Yehuda”

As a Kid

My mum always taught me, just because you don’t have money doesn’t mean you can’t compete. It merely means you must be more creative. Andy, says to think rich and look poor.

So, with these two influences I find myself thinking rich, and finding creative ways to make money all the while looking stylish yet competitive.
Thanks for the influence.

Flute Toting Beat Boxing Babe

This guy is so damn cool. In this video he is beat boxing a REMIX of Inspector Gadget, it is fucking SICK. I don’t know how he does it and I don’t really want to learn, but it is amazing! I checked out his youtube channel and he has some wicked beats dropping there. he also seems to have grown a beard. Did he do it for me? He must know I live that shit, lovely little flute toting beat boxing babe.

I see a resemblance, no?

Pres ’08: Oct 21 Obama (D) 50%, McCain (R) 42%
I really hope that Barry beats John in this race. It looks like he is kicking his but by being so Web 2.0 because there are heaps of posts that are praising Obama yet they fall short for McCain.

Crazy Jungle

I don’t go t church. However, if church parties are anything like this cra-zay shit. Someone get me on Sunday morning after i’ve been out all damn night. My friend passed this on to me just now. It’s wild. The dude starts MC’ing and everyone is dancing like fucking mad. I enjoyed it, hopefully you will too. The creator calls it, Baptazia church techno rave. I call it awesome.

Vintage: Conchords – Vids

Brett & Jemaine are so fucking funny. Last year when Iwas doing a breif stint serving at Hemingway’s, I was working on the patio and had been watching Conchords on ROD (Rogers on Demand) non-stop. I just could not get enough.
I saw this one guy who had the most uncanny resemblance to Jemaine and I had also been checking out this other cute boy who looked kinda like Brett. I always have a thing for those ones. Blue eyes and the beard, yum. Being my cool as self, I told them both about FOTC and they were like ‘ok, sounds kinda cool’. Now for the best part, rounded them up like sheep’s and pseudo-Brett, followed by pseudo-Jemaine got together for a pic, all for me. Thank god for being a crazy cool kiwi girl.

This is Why he Will Lose the Election

Because we are so very surrounded and consumed by the internet and sharing online it is impossible to not have images and content spread like wildfire. The photo below, in my belief is why McCain will lose the election. I know, I know, it’s never just one thing, but THAT is enough to make you go ‘ok, what the fuck is up with that old fart?’. Like seriously.
If I were him I’d just stay at home and call it a day. “My name is John McCain and I am dropping out of the election due to Internet Embarrassment. I’ve outdone my self to a point where I feel I can not turn back.”

Good Luck Barry Obama. I think you’re rad and you were really hot when you were younger.

The Eagle in Love

at home. watching movie. soulful music. warm inside. glowing. tower. dark night sky.don’t be gentle. you are fragile. deserving care. beautiful singing voice i hear. it’s yours across the ocean, through the trees, it soars the sky and lands with me. its all i ever wanted.

Hot Zombie Girl

A Saturday in Kensington

We went into “This Ain’t the Rosedale” to check out some books. I got 2 really creative mini ones that fit great in the purse. I love those little ones.

Trying on fancy hats is always one of my favorite things to do, along with trying on stuff and taking my picture in it. I went to Bungalow and as I was leaving but then found this totally rad dress that was black with RED LEATHER! I knew it must be tried on, by me. Obviously.

I went to the Cameron House and the bathroom stall I went into your DJ Scootz in it from 2007. Rad! Charlie and I read books there and listened to some live music. He tried on my glasses and put his book upside down for the pic by accident. I
think it looks intellectual.

I dug for some scarves to find jems. Got hooked up these. Those vintage babies were only a buck a piece. God I love that, I make it look a million bux!

All & all, I haven’t had a Saturday afternoon in Kensi like that for a couple weeks and it was lovely.

Too Sexy

beach sanctuary
scenery socially sexually
each shoulder lies next to me
and all the lassies in the land
never match her tiny hand
she seduces me so sensually
and i wanna taste her

Wrap you Up in Bacon

Yesterday I was in Kensington and walked past and interesting art project. It was a tree standing tall and alone dressed in meat. In the middle of the tree was a nest made of real fish and contained what looked like an egg that was made out of meat also. The crew around the tree with a camera were capturing the reaction of people to the art installation. I peeked into the nest to snap a photo and just about fell into the thing. The meat looked quite gross but I really could appreciate the time it took and art concept. I must say I have never seen something of that sort. I do not recommend touching it as I kinda find it disgusting, as you would, but I do recommend passing through Kensington and checking it out. The artist close to remain anonymous.Was a nice sunny day yesterday, maybe it’s cooked now!

Yesterday, I was vintage.

I totally had the raddest day yesterday. I had brekky at Niche with Simon and talked about the Internet. I met Charlie near Bellwoods and passed by Ella’s for a latte and Apt. 909 to check out some vintage stuff. I love that shop so very much. I’d tell more about about how great it is and where and such but I wanna keep all the clothes in the shop for myself, really. We strolled around Kensington and went to book shops. I got a few jems for the day including these glasses and a scarf that is all the colours vintage really is. I bought it because Charlie said that when he sees it he is reminded of vintage and that it was classic. Obvi, I agreed.

Kills today…………..??!!

I don’t have any Zobie makeup.
Maybe they will have some at the park for me to put on??

My Old Homey

I went to university in Australia and I lived at Bondi Beach. It is the most fabulous place that I ever had the chance of living. While I was there I surfed, played in the sand, and every once in a while, attended classes at my uni in Sydney. Something that really and truly made it so wonderful is the people that i was there with and the people whom I met along my travels. One morning at about 7am I was dragging my feet through the crystal clear water feeling the sun shine on my face, wrote my favorite poem. It goes a little something like this…

As the waves crashed on the shore,
the wind washed them away.

And as I walked along the sand,

I felt I could not stray.

For I was walking towards the sun,
and it was a brand new day.
– Casie Stewart, 2004

How Fucking True is Dat

My friend Matt posted this today. Its from Liquor Land in Australia, how lovely and true that they put that on a bag as the Christmas greeting. Just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Have you had lunch yet? or you could say….

i made this for you my pretty

I would still feed you and kiss you and love you. I just wanna keep you all to my little self forever and ever. Our friends could still come over and visit. I’d let you have beers. I would feed you with a spoon and buy you nice presents. Maybe, just maybe I would take you for a walk into town so people can know you are still alive and well and that I love you. ♥xo

She damn well knows.

“I’m smart and I know what’s going on. I can laugh at myself; I’m in on the joke. I know what you guys think of me, and I’m going to play into it and make you laugh at the same time.”

Paris Hilton tells the new issue of Nylon

Katy Perry kissed…..the floor :(

First she DOVE into the cake…
Whoopsey bumkin! Little darling slipped on the icing.
Oh. She’s got a cute little bum though and love the outfit. I would TOTALLY, TOTALLY, love to jump in a cake like that.

Street Watch

Found this in the Kensington street.
So true, just love, love now, love love.
Tomorrow may never come.
Today is a present.
Give the gift of love. Love today.

For You ♥

The Love

A courtship started with a midnight kiss,

You touched the heart in me like an old French love song

Waking to the morning sun, your arms around me tight,

You set my soul on fire; you make things look bright

We shine, a glimpse, O’ what life could be!

Laughter, love, a passionate tale…

My reflection in the mirror, yet I see you there?

Full of greatness, it’s you, I love me.

As the days go by, somehow I know,

Over the rainbow, my gold,

You’ll be there.

Lesson #1051: How to Ride a Sport Bike

I asked my old roommate Chad to take me for a ride on his bike. After I gave him no choice I said “let me get ready!” and ran upstairs. The other two boy’s we lived with assumed I was heading upstairs to put on a jacket, pants, closed toed shoes maybe. No, not this girl. You know me much better than that. I put on the music, followed by my long blonde extensions, a micro mini and some red pumps. I was READY! I always wanted to ride on the back of a motercycle like that and god damnit, I did. Check that one off the list!

Glad I Found thid Hot Old thang…

Hopped Up on Tab…

I did a stint as a Tab girl briefly for Coca-Cola

Toronto Sun, 2001: Who’s your Sunshine? This girl!

This girl….

My Sunshine Girl pic from September, 2001. I’m so much skinnier now and this you can tell by the size of my boobs. They were the size of my head back then man.