pinned up

The pix are from Timothy White’s book ‘Hollywood Pin-ups’. The exciting book was as released October 28, 2008 and is“an exclusive collection of never-published color photographs of today’s most beautiful stars captured in pinup style, including Gina Gershon, Kate Hudson, Susan Sarandon, Molly Sims, Vanessa Williams, and many more..”

mk & a

super hot.

freddie mercs.

i love his stash
his stage presence
the sweat dripping from his face
as he sings out loud
his dance moves
his passion
the way he fights
no time for losers
fame and fortune
mercury and friends

freddie you are my champion
freddie you rock my world

Is this the real life-
Is this just fantasy-
Caught in a landslide-
No escape from reality-

Freddie 1946-1991

stop hating.

There is no reason to stop people from getting married. If you want to make people pay all their taxes, and vote, and obey the law, then let people get married regardless of sexual orientation.

What difference does it really make?We all know it’s time for change, say no to Prop 8. The first vote was so close, with 98% of the votes counted the results were:


Genius may have its limitations,
but stupidity is not thus handicapped.

Elbert HubbardI used this to make my photo.

that’s what art is.

andy’s parties always start late
they never finish early
beautiful artwork and creative space
at andy’s parties we’re cool

at andy’s parties we stay up late
models smoking the and radio on
intellectual passages roll off our tongues
at andy’s parties we drink

this one’s for you andy.

thanks for expressing yourself. xo

Did anyone else notice how popular…

it was to be a Zombie this Halloween?
Hmm. Interesting.
I Zombied out so hard 2 weeks prior.
But, you already knew that.


On Saturday afternoon I watched a movie. The movie was called Savage Grace. The cinematography was beautiful. The story was filled with sexual encounters. It was a whimsical lifestyle that was beautifully lived out in New York, Paris and Spain. Old money let them live a very free life. They had the time to get into trouble in relationships and explore many different personal interests.

I warn you, it was at times, very homoerotique. Savage Grace is based on the book Savage Grace by Natalie Robins and Steven M.L.Anderson which is based on the relationship of Barbara Daly Baekeland and her son Antony.


This weekend I stopped into the comic shop near Queen & Bathurst. Didn’t pick anything up . I was looking for a comic of my sister, Supergirl. She wasn’t there. As I left I was distracted by this logo, NerdGirl Pinups…sounds hot. I went to the site but I didn’t see anything nerdy enough for my nerdiness. I was decidedly inspired before I went to the site and wore out my nerdy glasses on Friday night. I’d like to have my own nerdy photo shoot. I came, a blog by a nerdy girl who likes gadgets. The best nerd girl site I found is which is uber cool and much hotter. These Superbabes nerd out there.

Transformer Man

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:

do you have a blackberry there

A.L says:


A.L says:

they dont use them here

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:

what do they use?

A.L says:

the phones here are blaz’n haz’n

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:


A.L says:

blackberries ain’t got shit on the transformers they use

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:

omg sick

A.L says:

its asia dammit

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:

i want a transformer man

A.L says:

that sounds a little different

A.L says:

a transformer man?

A.L says:

what exactly is that?

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:

transformer, man.

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:

comma use – foul

A.L says:


A.L says:

alright doodie im outta here

A.L says:


A.L says:

thanks for the love

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:

back at ya

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:


A.L says:


A.L says:

nice pic by the way

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:

thanks. was thursday outside. was fucking hot out.

A.L says:


A.L says:

later buddski

c a s i e s t e w a r t . c o m says:



The Speech

Obama’s Democratic nomination speech outlining his views.Watch the vid and read the transcript here. So inspiring.

Here’s the speech from last night. Part One.

Part Two:

Yes We Can

Click the photo. Download the album. Listen to it. Believe that you can change the world. The world is changing and so are we, as people, as a nation, as a planet, as a universe. Yes we can.

1. Intro
2. David Banner,Busta Rhymes,Talib Kweli “Black President” Rmx pt1 *
3. Barack Obama “Stand Up”*
4. Nas Speaks on Politics
5. Styles P and Cassidy “Make It Out”*
6. Jay-z Speaks “The American Dream”
7. Barack Obama “One Mic, One People”
8. Russell Simmons Speaks on Obama
9. Joe Budden,Twista,John Mayer “Waiting on the World to Change 2008″
10. Angie Martinez “Yes We Need A Mixtape!!”
11. Kanye West,Malik Yusef “Promised land
12. Wale,Rhymefest,Christina K, Royce 5′9 “Black President” RMX Pt2*
13. Barack Obama “My Life”*
14. Jay-z “Lick a Shot”*
15. Russell Simmons on Change
16. Wyclef “Obama for President”
17. Charles Hamilton “The Moment”
18. Find ur Dreams (interlude) *
19. George Bush’s Highlight Reel
20. Mikkey Halsted “King George” *
21. Obama on Hip-Hop
22. Joel Ortiz feat Dante Hawkins “Letter To Obama” *
23. Akon , U.M. “Aint No Sunshine” *
24. Qadir, Dwayne (Invasion) “Its My Time
25. Johnny Polygon (Invasion),Amanda Diva “Colorblind” *
26. Mavado “We Need Barack” *
27. Jay-Z / Gabe Real “What We Need” (Speech)
28. Qadir “Yes We Can” Outro



HELL FUCKING YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fingers Crossed!

This quote has been floating around online and was first heard on National Public Radio (NPR). I think its great. I’m having some friends over to watch history unfold this evening. We’ve all got our fingers crossed for Obama.

Rosa sat, so Martin could walk…

Martin walked, so Obama could run…

Obama is running, so our children can fly!

Pure Joy

I came across this today and it brought pleasant memories to my mind.
Who doesn’t love the ‘Dance of Joy’?


“Movember (the month formerly known as November) is a moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men’s health.”

The Movember Foundation was started in Australia in 2004. It is a not for profit, charitable organization that implements a month long event called Movember each year in the month of November. Movember’s goal is to raise awareness around men’s health issues and raises funds charities chosen by each country involved, focussing primarily on prostate cancer. Before the Movember movement, prostate cancer was pretty unknown and not talked about. Now, due to the raised awareness, it is hoped that men know the signs and when to access help. Symptoms don’t usually present themselves until the cancer has grown big enough to put pressure on the urethra, which then causes issues with needing to urinate more frquently and having issues when urinating. If you suspect you may have prostate cancer, it is highly advised that you visit a urologist like Advanced Urology who will handle your situation with care and compassion, and talk you through diagnosis and treatment methods. However, these symptoms don’t automatically mean prostate cancer, although it is advised that you visit a urologist anyway to find the cause (which usually involves prostate enlargement). Movember unites men and encourages discussions on any prostate related topic. Even discussing remedies such as prostagenix is encouraged. Additionally, by raising awareness about prostate health, it is hoped that more men will be encouraged to get in touch with a doctor if they notice any issues so that any ailments can be addressed and treated. For example, although an enlarged prostate can be a sign of cancer, sometimes this enlargement can be benign. Above all, it can sometimes be reassuring to learn that the risk of prostate cancer is no greater for men with an enlarged prostate than it is for men without an enlarged prostate. It is also important to remember that a benign enlarged prostate can be treated using medicines such as tadalafil. Tadalafil is a medication typically used to treat erection problems. You can learn more about tadalafil (commonly sold under the brand name of Cialis) on the Blink Health website. Ultimately, what works for some may not work for others and vice versa. Talking about men’s health not only helps people but also raises awareness and that could save lives.

These are the facts that scared me most while I was raising my own awareness:

  • Every year around 22,300 Canadian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer
  • 4,300 die of the disease, making it the number one cancer threat to Canadian men
  • Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Canadian men
  • Treated early and effectively, prostate cancer has a cure rate of over 90%.
  • 1 in 8 Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. 1 in 27 will die from it.

Canada’s Movember organization is the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada (PCRFC). They are our main supporters in eliminating and preventing prostate cancer. All funds raised in Canada go straight to the PCRFC.

just one more day ♥

Sorry about your Grandma Barry.

“She was somebody who was a very humble person and a very plain-spoken person,” he said.

“She was one of those quiet heroes that we have all across America. They’re not famous. Their names aren’t in the newspapers,” Obama said.

“But each and every day they work hard. They look after their families.

They sacrifice for their children and their grandchildren. They aren’t seeking the limelight. All they try to do is just do the right thing.

“And in this crowd there are a lot of quiet heroes like that, mothers and fathers, grandparents who have worked hard and sacrificed all their lives,” drawing satisfaction from the hope of a better life for their own offspring.

“That’s what America is about,” Obama exclaimed, his voice rising to a shout as the crowd responded with a roar.

“That’s what we’re fighting for. And North Carolina, in just one more day, we have the opportunity to honour all those quiet heroes all across America and all across North Carolina,” he said.

“We can bring change to America to make sure that their work and their sacrifice is honoured. That’s what we’re fighting for.” From the Sydney Morning Herald

He’s such a hero.

Tweet Tweet

I made a new Twitter profile.
The many faces of me.

SNL Presidential Bash – TONIGHT!

I just about peed my pants when I got my answer…
As I was checking out tonight’s Election Special on, I came across a little quizzy. I laughed to myself as I answered most of the questions. The last question revealed my perfect SNL match…Mr.Bill Clinton!

I chuckled. Given the last question, “If the phone rings at 3am, you would?”, I can see how my silly answer, got one in return. I reckon I would threaten the caller given Bill was ringing me at 3am, again!!

In spirit of poking fun at the Clinton’s, I share this ecard with you. SNL is really taking the 2008 election coverage to the max! Check out the Presidential Bash tonight at 9pm EST!

I Can Strut


1. Casie Stewart

2. Age:26

3. My wisdom:

Just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete. You just have to be more creative!

Got some wisdom?
Send it here: [email protected]

One day to go for the 56th US Election!! Go Obama!!

CNN is reporting the following for the US Election tomorrow (see image). What an exciting time! I hope and prey Obama wins. It will be a real shame for the US to have old fart McCain in office for the next term. It truly is time for change in the US. Their economy and state of the nation has become such a mess since Bush has been in office (including his investment in the war on Iraq, however, we won’t touch on that item!).

I’ll be at a pub with friends watching the future of the US unfold!!

Educate yourselves! I’m sharing some interesting facts I found here about the election & candidates:
  • Either candidate would become the first president born outside the Continental United States, as Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and McCain was born at Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone, a US naval base.
  • This 2008 election will mark the first time since the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960 that a sitting Senator will be elected President of the United States.
  • The new president elected in 2008 will be the first president in 184 years to take office after multiple consecutive two-term presidential administration (Bush & Clinton)
  • McCain would be the oldest U.S. president upon ascension to the presidency at age 72 years
  • Barack Obama and John McCain are 24 years and 340 days apart in age.
  • The 2008 election marks the first time since the 1928 election in which neither an incumbent President nor an incumbent Vice President ran for their party’s nomination in the presidential election

Sarkozy & Palin – Punked

Palin cracks me up. Listening to this is quite funny. She doesn’t actually talk about anything. It seems like she is just flirting and doesn’t know what to say to him. She talks about how his wife Carla Bruni has added alot of ‘energy’ to France and to ‘give her a big hug’. The Masked Avengers make a good joke asking if Joe the Plumber is her husband. Like that one. She stays on the phone for about 7 minutes. The Globe and Mail published a transcript of the entire call.
Carla Bruni is hot.

Pass for Cash

Upper Class.

Social Class.

A cool class.

A school class.

You can pass,
if you got the cash.

2006 – Me.

Be Inspired

I sat in on a friends class a few years ago at University of Waterloo. I do not remember what she was taking as her major but I have always taken a liking to university classes no mater what genre. The class I attended this particular day was on focused on Shakespeare. It made me think “Shakespeare is fascinating, I want to be fascinating“. I came up with two things inspired by the class. Often, when I am in class, especially when not a registered student, I am inspired by a variety in topics and unexpected ideas of interest.

acutely ironic
a bird writes a sonnet
sings the sonnet
out of tune
across the river
to a loon

Prof, English

speak prof speak
for what you say
is what you teach

teach prof teach
for i sit here
and yearn to learn

read prof read
for what you do
is how you lead

lead prof lead
for i sit here
and fight to write


I used to know someone who constantly surprised me by their lack of motivation to do anything. To go out, to work hard, have dreams, try, do, any of those type of things that involve stimulus or drive. Their lack of inspiration, inspired me, and for that, I am thankful. This is Lackluster.

dull and boring
uninspired & unmoved
bland and down
uninteresting & unconcerned

spiritless and square

for a matter of fact

that’s just you


I look away for a second
The rush of the wave

Approaches my towel
Causing me to spring and move
Out of the way of the ocean

When I lived at the beach I wrote all the time. It was so inspiring and free to be there, I wrote this in 2004 the pic is from Aquabumps. They have the best shots from Bondi and other amazing beaches. I always miss it when I see them but i’m also reminded of how great it is.

Board, Go!

Breathe and surf
Take it in
Oceal pearl
Sandy feet
Salty skin
Running back and forth
Feel the sun
Burning down
Ride it in
Take Me out again!