this ones for my sister

Jenie met Benie in April 2006 at the MOD Club. This video is from a live set at the Hollywood Bowl.  She can play this on the guitar and does it so very beautiful. I’m thinking about you sister, love you.

Hooters: I used to think about it when I was young…

and then….I tried on the outfit and it was perfect!
Don’t ya think!!

Give the Gift of Giving

My friend Andrew is doing amazing things this year! Daniel is 20 years old and really making a difference in our world. Check out his inspiring interview on Daytime. The most touching part I found in the interview is that he sent out messages to about 15 people and went off to school and work and later that day over 1,000 people had been invited to attend the Networking for a Cause event. As I have shown with my actions and will continue to, it only takes one voice to start a movement. Another reason to watch, Daniel has an adorable accent!!

To RSVP to Networking for a Cause to benefit families in need and the Hospice of Peel go here.

You will have the opportunity to speed network with other business people, entrepreneurs and professionals and support a great cause. Included in the $20 minimum donation is a drink ticket, hors d’oeuvres and the opportunity to network with other conscious and compassionate business people.

All the proceeds will go towards the inaugural Give the Gift of Giving program which will use the donations to help families affected by terminal illness enjoy a Christmas dinner or buy gifts for the children of the family.

Read the stories of hope for the families we are reaching out to!

For more information visit the Give the Gift of Giving site


get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it.

boney christmas

i love, love, love christmas music. something about it just puts a smile in my soul that resonates throughout by body and shines out light a bright ray of light. the dude dancing in this vid is totally awesome. the snow is falling on the streets and rooftops and there is magic in the air. this video takes a minute to load to let your patience be fair. it is worth it. boney, boney christmas! sing along and enjoy!

beautiful losers – make something from nothing

As kids you write, create, draw, you make things. I was constantly making things with Mum and my sister at the kitchen table or in the garage with Dad. I painted, sculpted, drew, cut, copy, paste, glue, paper mache, you name it, I was doing it. This film is a collection of stories from artists who all felt at times that they didn’t fit in and now have shifted their ideology from being nerds, or weirdo’s to cool nerds and creative people. I’m waiting on response to see about showings in Canada. This movie ‘celebrates the spirit behind one of the most influential cultural moments of a generation.

“In the early 1990’s a loose-knit group of like minded outsiders found common ground at a little NYC storefront gallery. Rooted in the DIY (do-it-yourself) subcultures of skateboarding, surf, punk, hip hop & graffiti, they made art that reflected the lifestyles they led. Developing their craft with almost no influence from the “establishment” art world, this group, and the subcultures they sprang from, have now become a movement that has been transforming pop culture.”

“Starring a selection of artists who are considered leaders within this culture, Beautiful Losers focuses on the telling of personal stories. It speaks to themes of what happens when the outside becomes “in” as it explores the creative ethos connecting these artists and today’s youth.”

my parents used to watch this back in NZ

it is very funny and might just get stuck in your head

Rolf Harris is a legend!!!!!

i like stuff! i like stuff!

I got some goodies today.
They arrived in a big white gift bag with my name on it:
I opened the bag and much to my surprise was a beautiful 50ml Ange ou Demon eau de toilette, 200ml bath gel and for my special man a 50ml Pour Homme eau de toilette spray. How awesome! I love testing out new jazz and getting presents delivered too. Makes me very happy!

Ange ou Demon smells very soft and light. Not flowery or vanilla, I hate those smells. Its light enough that I could wear it all the time. It is not as strong as Hot Couture that I received a few months ago. I liked it also, but I reckon it’s more evening wear. This one is quite delicate. I like it. ♥

Try it out for yourself while out holiday
shopping and let me know your thoughts.

winter workout

So, this winter I’ve decided to actually work out while hibernating instead of just sitting on my couch and dreaming of summer like I usually do. Fortunately I live in a condo where there are two gyms, a court, yoga studio and pool. I really haven’t any excuse to be out of shape. My goal is to be the most fit I have ever been. I used to live in Australia at Bondi Beach, known as the most famous beach in the world. When you live in a place like that, you are surrounded by babes and beauties and you force yourself to be in shape. This however, was several years ago and I was running, surfing and doing regular yoga. I’ve been going to thew gym a few weeks and am starting to see results. I hid my face because I just came from the gym and before that just came from my sleep in my bed and look tired. The muscles are on their way!!

Just another day out of the ordinary…

some people are dull. some people are boring. some people do nothing. some people waste so much time talking about what they want to do that they never fucking do anything. some people sit on their asses and watch the world pass by never taking in the day.

some people…NOT Jon Dube. he is someone interesting. he is someone moving through each day making every little thing new again. refresh. renew. redesign. reinvent. he is rocking the boat and making a path for you to follow. its a guarantee if you live in toronto or have been downtown, you eyes have taken him in already.

“the free-ness of these clothes is what turned me on to volcom in the first place, well and all the innuendos you can make about “getting stoned”.. but its the attention to detail and the creative freedom that seems to permeate everything their designers and collaborators touch.

check out his work and albums:
J’ai Le Bait: A journey through the thought process of crazy mixed up guy.

of awesome. of montreal.

me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. mlikey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. cake. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. of montreal. me likey. this song. my likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. of montreal.

i like this game

Who Has The Biggest Brain? on Facebook. It’s brain training and fun. Calculation, visual, memory and logic. So far I have a nerd brain, this is not surprising. The more you play the better you get. I don’t play many games but I like this one. although I’D REALLY LOVE A NINTENDO Wii ♥.

The Vatican’s Actions = Gay Gay Gay

This is SO wrong.
Article copied from here.

“It’s not everyday that the Vatican is called “grotesque” by mainstream publications. But that’s what one of Italy’s largest newspapers, La Stampa, labeled the Vatican as the Pope’s home tries to block a non-binding proposed UN resolution calling on governments worldwide to decriminalize homosexuality.

The Vatican issued a “slippery slope” argument for their opposition to this measure, saying that it could lead to same-sex marriages throughout the world. Apparently us gay folks are like nuclear weapons that way – you allow one country to have them, and then all of a sudden….

For the Vatican to oppose this measure is not only grotesque, it’s the antithesis of Christ-like.

The measure simply calls on governments around the world to (1) stop throwing homosexuals in jail, or in extreme circumstances (2) stop executing them. The resolution has been signed by every country in the European Union, and France is due to submit the resolution to the UN on December 10 – the day that we’ll mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” “So instead of aligning themselves with the EU countries on this issue, the Vatican has chosen to line itself up with Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Burundi, Afghanistan, and Sudan and the nearly EIGHTY other countries that punish homosexuality with significant jail time or death. Way to go, Vatican. I think we can also appreciate the Vatican’s complete lack of tact in issuing their statement of opposition on World AIDS Day 2008. The criminalization of homosexuality is one of the biggest impediments in fighting HIV/AIDS around the world.”[READ MORE…]

P.S. If you are ever looking for a marriage counselor 😉

HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY!!!! Who wants a present??!!

This holiday season I have partnered with Givenchy to give away a lovely Organza Gift Set including a 50mL spray, 75mL silky body veil and a 75mL shower gel. This package is valued over $80 and would make an excellent gift for yourself of someone you love.

Givenchy Holiday Sets are beautifully packaged in a classic sequined
box with everything you need to celebrate the season. Organza highlights the femininity of every woman- that of the mother and the lover. Organza awakens a goddess that lies hidden in every woman. This is the perfect fragrance for an exceptional and timeless woman; a combination of elegance with richness and purity.
Please tell me your most meaningful holiday memory in about 100 words or less. I’ll pick the one that makes my heart the warmest and contact you for shipping details.

Please write your story in the comments of this post or email me at [email protected]. I’ll only post your emailed note if you want it to be published. Totally posting the winner ♥

Contest closes December 15th to ensure you will receive it before Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever it is you may be celebrating this year!

I’m looking forward to hearing your holiday memories!

Raising Malawi

Madonna’s movieI am Because We Areairs today at 9pm EST on the Sundance Channel. Madonna has been awakened to the crisis in Malawi. It is an impoverished African nation where one million children are orphaned by AIDS.

i saw this while i was walking
down spadina yesterday

World AIDS Day ♥

Today, December 1st is World Aids Day. The World AIDS Day website has a ton of ways that you can help educate yourself, others and get involved in the cure for AIDS. I have participated in the AIDS Walk and have supported several charities over the years. What have you done lately?
Support World AIDS Day

Here are some ideas from the World AIDS Day website:

  • Get a red ribbon collection box for your workplace, school, community centre or event to raise money and awareness of HIV.
  • Organise a red-themed fundraising event in support of the NAT. Here are some ideas of how to turn your event red for World AIDS Day:
    • Have a red non-uniform day at your school or workplace and make a donation for the privilege of wearing red
    • Do a sponsored run, bike ride or whatever takes your fancy dressed completely in red
    • Organise a red-themed party or red-themed dinner for friends and ask everyone to make a donation
    • Or come up with your own red-themed idea!

Its time, holiday…

the stores are
filled with over sized items.
chocolate and pressies
for one for all.
plenty of people passing
in hallways
decked out with discounts
and savings for sale.
meeting and greeting and
spreading good cheer
its time, it’s time
the holidays are here!

Tweet Tweet Canada – No More SMS!

The following was posted on the Twitter Blog regarding outgonig SMS messages in Canada:

Canadian SMS service

“Unexpected changes in our billing have forced us into a difficult situation with our Canadian SMS service. We can’t afford to support this service given our current arrangement with our providers (where costs have been doubling for the past several months.) As a result, effective today we are no longer delivering outbound SMS over our Canadian shortcode (21212).

The ability to update Twitter over SMS will still be supported over 21212. But we know that this is only part of the experience and we want to make Twitter work in the way folks want … regardless of where they live.

There is a realistic, scalable SMS solution for Canada (and the rest of the world.) We’re working on that and will post more details on the Twitter blog as we make progress.”

Who’s the ‘Buy Nothing’ dummy?

Who, honestly WHO…

Picked the biggest shopping day of the year to be ‘Buy Nothing Day”. It makes a mockery of the concept. How about having it on any other day, not during Christmas time so that people can actually say “Hey, I’m going to make a conscious effort to buy nothing today and make a difference.” Instead, Nov.28, Black Friday is Buy Nothing Day in North America. the rest of the world gets it tomorrow, November 29, the biggest shopping day AFTER Black Friday. Like DUH?

What the eff were you thinking? To me, I think it makes the whole idea behind decreasing consumerism and purchasing crap into a big joke.

Bettykisses for Moi!!

I got something totally fabulous in the mail this week. Arianne at Bettykiss Style sent me one of her couture signature clutches. It is satin, pink, zebra AND reversible. I had seen them online but let me tell you, it is gorgeous!! I absolutely love it.

It came in a nice box and I was quite excited to open it!

Then, there was another box. It was tied up with a lovely pink ribbon.
Opening the packaging made me feel so very special!

My cute clutch is revealed!!
The little card inside says:
“Thank you for finally doing something for yourself.
You are a true Blue Betty…with Kicks and kisses, Bettykiss”

Isn’t it just lovely!!There is more greatness, the holiday special price of each clutch is $20 or two for $35. Shipping is about $10 but if you are in the GTA, you can arrange to have it delivered at no extra cost.
I’m going to be taking an order and having them delivered to me. If you’d to get some Bettykiss for yourself contact through here or email me at [email protected] to get in on my order if you live close.

Happy Friday!!

I’ll Show YOU Who’s Beautiful!!

Someone I know got this email:

“Dear Whatever Your Name Is,

Your application to BeautifulPeople Network was not successful, the members of BP did not find your profile attractive enough this time round.

Please note, that only one in five applicants are currently making it into

You are more than welcome to try again, perhaps with a better photo of your self or a more interesting profile text.We wish you every success the next time around.

Best regards,
BeautifulPeople Network

How about NOW bitches, will this help you think more beautifully…if I plastic my face and show of my lovely tata’s and great ass. Is that what it takes to be beautiful? A little A & T? I’ve seen the profiles that they think are beauties, scantily clad seems like the way in. I’m not like that.

I’ve not tried my own face at acceptance, but I’m considering it heavily.

Just for sport of course!!

Art ‘H’ Box Project presents…

South African born, Canadian citizen, Toronto based Fine Artist Frankie Rich has much of her work housed in both public and private collections across the globe. Included in the collection of the South African Embassy, Ottawa, her work, paintings and sculptures, have been exhibited to great acclaim in South Africa, Canada and the United States. Frankie’s paintings are imbued with a deep sense of spirituality, and her approach is a joyous one, perhaps best explained in her own words: “Art can be understood, it cannot be explained.”

Frankie has been invited to participate in the prestigious Arts ‘H’ BOX project, an innovative, roaming screening ‘hall’ which presents major new video commissions by eight rotating international artists. The itinerant nature of the H BOX allows it to travel the world between renowned museums and highlights the exciting fluidity of video, a medium now reshaping the twenty-first century. Each year four new international artists will join the rotating programme while four others give up their places.

You can see Frankie’s artwork on Sunday afternoon from 2-5pm at
88 Mutual Street, Toronto, Apartment 1008, Entry code 1092.

H BOX is an innovative, roaming screening hall, presenting major new video commissions by eight international artists. Designed by architect Didier Fiuza Faustino, the unique structure hosts a rotating, diverse programme of videos by Alice Anderson, Yael Bartana, Sebastián Díaz-Morales, Dora García, Judit Kúrtag, Valérie Mréjen, Shahryar Nashat, and Su-Mei Tse.

H BOX is produced by Hermès. Benjamin Weil, executive director of Artists Space, New York, is the artistic director of the project. H BOX was first unveiled at the Pompidou Centre in Paris in November 2007 and has traveled to MUSAC, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon, Spain, and MUDAM, Luxembourg. Following its presentation at Tate Modern H BOX will travel to the Yokohama Triennale in Yokohama, Japan.rankie Rich!!

Be happy, despite not being happy, get that?

Happiness is a state of mind. Not a bank account number or fancy clothes, arm candy, sex, drugs, and all that shit. Being happy is a way of feeling a way of acting and an outlook on life. I live a very happy life despite what happens around me. I make a conscious effort to not let other peoples worries & troubles infiltrate my own feelings and inner thoughts. My message from Yehuda this week is all about Building on a Moment. I share this message and the 72 Name of the Week, my favorite one:

49. Happiness – Vav Hei Vav
(Scan the letters from Left to Right to connect to the energy)
Meditation: I find the strength to restrain selfish longings. Through this Name I ask for what my soul needs, not what my ego wants. I find deep appreciation for whatever life brings me. This brings me happiness in the deepest sense.

“The only thing we can do when faced with chaos and pain is accept things as they are and be happy in that moment. The genius of this logic is one moment is carried into the next. When we put all our effort into seeing the good, to pushing back the darkest doubts and to injecting light and happiness, we go into the next moment carrying that energy.

Switching up the energy, that’s what we’re doing. Difficult? Yes. Paradoxical? For sure. Doable? Without a doubt.

Lots of people are in the dumper lately, that’s no news flash. And I think this idea of building on the moment is especially relevant. It doesn’t mean we have to resign ourselves to a bad situation or relationship. I think we have a habit of thinking “I can’t be happy now because I have this problem and if I accept it I will never get rid of it.”

The energy that goes into being happy, internally ignites change on the external level. That’s the beauty of life: everything can change just like that. Even when things aren’t as you want them, if you can train yourself to be happy in the moment, then you will see dramatic shifts forward.

On top of that, why be miserable and unhappy? Look back at your life. If you had certain parts to do over, would you do them over with apathy, boredom and fear? Or would you rip into those situations with confidence and verve?

This week, call yourself out on your negative thought loops. Break it in your mind. Pay attention to how often your feeling of desperation and doubt are in control. Practice being excited and happy – even when you’re not.

To keep it simple, here’s a 3 step reminder for the week:

  1. Accept the difficult situation for what it is
  2. Be happy, despite not being happy (get that?)
  3. Switch the moment, leading to a new continuum of happiness

All the best,


it looks cold outside

and i remember how warm i used to be
this is my old home.
the life the luxury.
the sun, the sand, the skin.
the ocean, the waves.
the boards, the boys.
bondi will always have my heart.

Highspeed Internet on Planes

Some very interesting and refreshing points. Mr. Louis C.K. (born Louis Szekely; September 12, 1967) is an Emmy Award-winning American stand-up comedian, writer, actor, producer and director.

City Girl Defines Her Style: Jennifer Herd

Jennifer Herd, a talented artist I know has created this awesome pic ‘City girl”. Her artwork has been entered in the Sony VAIO Contest to be one of the new laptop skins to be manufactured & sold across Canada. I am asking for your help to get her design into the Top 10. It is very simple!

Click the photo to follow the link & hit ‘vote for this design’. You can vote every 24 hours. It would be a dream come true for the artist to have her design manufactured by Sony. I’m excited to help make her wish a reality! To check out more of Jennifer’s artwork visit her blog.

A little bit about Jennifer:

1. Whats your dream job?
– Illustrator for a trendy Toronto animation company
2. What’s your favourite type of music?
– Gotta have my blues rock! Oh yeah!
3. What clothing brands best defines your personal style?
– I don’t buy particular brands – I love indie and vintage!!