TGIF ♥ @casiestewart: are you on FB?

I ask and bat my eyelashes even though I’m home blogging & tweeting in tights and a snuggy.

…. talk nerdy to me…

Responds with full name…which leads to a T.G.I.F. search,  twitter, google, internet, facebook. I’m the the jerk cause I don’t do it right after popping the question,. Only mildly curious anyways but mostly easily distracted and doing my own thing.

First, No results, uses a branded twitter name so makes sense. Second engine, Google search, first result linkedin followed by FB and a couple other things. Third, Internet search, browsing any other site other than Twitter, Google or Facebook.  I check linkedin, history of pretty good jobs, nothing crazy and very professional. This is a good thing.

Last check is FB, we’ve got about a dozen common friends. I know this social circle. Friendship requested.  The internet makes the world a small place. With just a name you can learn so much.

This week I read a tweet that said if someone is not found on Google or FB, they’re probably a serial killer. Exaggerated yes, (I hope) but really now, someone with NO DIGITAL footprint at all? Makes me wonder if we could ever be friends.

you wanna score? i wanna score too!

My BFF’s & babes that run the infamous Bridle Bash & Bridle Bash Foundation are bringing celebs together tonight for Cabbie’s Annual Celebrity Ping Pong Tourney.  Remember the last Bridle Bash when we made society page of the Globe? It was wild.  I’ll be there with web celeb Carol Zara causing trouble, as usual.

Wanna come? You can try & RSVP. I heard Drake is gonna be there as well as all kinds of other sporty types.   I  won’t know who’s who cause I never watch sports but that makes it even more fun. Hazaaa! Have a good day, Happy THURSDAY!

it’s a beautiful say in the neighbourhood

Tweeted the pic to @blogTo yesterday morning and voila….now this is popular media!

Toronto Star!

Snoetry, graffiti in the snow…beat that Banksy.

what ever else can happen next

* title is by a friend

i’m in love with someone

i want your everything, as long as it’s free, I want your love,  love-love-love, I want your love……

believe in your self, dedication and discipline

This article was in the Toronto Metro yesterday & written by Rea McNamara. If you click on it you can read it  easier (Mum/Dad/friends).  I’ve worked really hard the last couple years on this whole social media thing. SO MANY late nights at home alone  with my computer, fiddling around with blog posts, learning HTML, installing/fixing wordpress plugins, editing photos and more. I’ve got over 21,000 tweets for christs sake, that’s a big time investment right there.

Building a brand online takes work,  it takes work every single day whether you are building it for personal or business use. You just gotta stick at it. One of the best things I learned from my Mum is “just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, it just means you have to be more creative“. Creativity & determination don’t cost anything, yet they have gotten me further than anything else.  All the social media sites I use are FREE. I use them often and yes, it takes up lots of my time but THAT has been my investment. It’s also how I got one of the coolest jobs ever.

Thank you for the feedback & positive comments. I love hearing from you. Got some great messages from people lately that inspire me to stick at it when sometimes I don’t feel like internetting.

April 27th is my blog’s birthday and I think it deserves a party.

notabletv: hot babes tweeting

Last Thursday, I was one of about 100 people chosen to attend an exclusive event hosted by Notable TV. Good fun, great food, cool crowd, babes. Can’t ask for much more than that. You know these blog stars, Sean Ward & Carly.

Blonde blogging babes, Carly, Lysnie, Casie, sounds so cute to me. I love Carly’s pink/blonde and Lynsie’s grey/blonde style. I’ve been thinking about grey with orange or pink or peach. Have never had orange/grey before, not on purpose at least.

My hand looks really large to me here for some reason. I have small little hands like kid size .  I’m never posing with my glass like that ever again. Take note.

Papapparazzi on these boys! If you come to this part, you will get your picture taken/be on camera. There is no way to avoid it unless you wear a mask.

We were at Annex Loft Houses, Bathurst/Dupont and the night was called Nuit D’azure. The Loft House site plays automatic music when you go to it so I am not linking to it, pissed off at them for that.  I will also never buy a condo from them based on that single first impression in the 0.3 seconds it took the site to load.

The crowd was fun and included all kinds of familiar faces to me. Sean Ward made this vid. I’m so freaking happy Sean and Carly had their cameras, I went back and redid this whole post. Makes a better loooking blog, my Milestone photos were subpar compared to power of a real camera.

Catering by The Food Dudes, mme tell you, them boys make some tasty treats. Braised lamb with goat  cheese on a little crostini and beet bruschetta, amazing.

I’ve been attending Notable events since Julian Brass launched around this time last year. If you get invited, go, they’re fun. I prefer the smaller ones but attend a big guy once in a while if it’s something special. Last year Notable they named me, Sean & Raymi the city’s top bloggers.

BTW, hot babes Tweeting really happens…

avoiding a case of the mondays

Set a goal this week to take more photos.  Found my camera charger and now I’ve got two batteries and no excuses not to use it.

Lets play show & tell…

This old Mason jar contains vintage buttons. Mum had them in the basement and it smells vintage when you open it.  (you said I could take it Mum) This part of the book shelf has sex related books that never get looked at.

Also in Mum’s basement are about 10,000 McDonalds Happy Meal toys. We obsessively collected them when I was growing up and heaps of them are still in their packages. We would go to Mc Donalds just to get the toys if they were barbie, beanie babies or something cool.  I still do it.  Last year they had Hello Kitty and Barbie and I tried to get them all.

I’m putting this here as a reminder to myself (and you) to not stress this week. I hate stressing. It pisses me off. I prefer to be relaxed and happy. Don’t you?

you’re gonna love these guys

Can you guess what they are?

Shoe accessories! Fuckyeahamazing.  They’re called shoellery and these babies are perfect for making (cheap ass) shoes look more expensive and super stylish.

They’re pretty badass so I was stoked when they hooked me up. Dragon’s Den & Jeanne Beker love them too. There’s so many different ones like sparkly shoe straps, boot sleeves, leg warmers. Tey’re designed in Italy & this chain one is my fav. SO hot.

They range from $20 to about $125 and you can buy them online.  Sending the suede/rhinestone one out to a friend & keeping the leather one as seen on Barbie at a fetish party. Now, I’d really love if someone sent me shoes to go with them! Mohahaaaaaaaaa!

just take it off baby you got a nice bum

That’s my sis, the blonde with the photoshopped long hair. Billboard is in Dundas Square above Forever 21. Smile at her when you see it. Last night my skirt zipper broke getting out of the cab as we arrived at the  Northbound party. It was  brand new, leather  & tailored. I was upset but then everyone said “just take it off”.  So I did. Then made it into a cape. I was wearing fishnets and a leather corset. It was awesome. That’s all for now. I’m going back to bed for a napski. Looking forward to the pix coming in just as much as you are. tee hee 😉

Can you spot me?

a crazy person magnet

I found someone online last night.

Interesting enough, found her self-shot nude in a Google of “red hair wheelchair“.  She found a chair on the way home from a party and was gonna use it for something artistic. Her name is Zoetica Ebb and she has the best blog I’ve seen.

I like her. I think she’s about the same age, lives in LA,  Coilhouse along with Meredith Yayanos and Nadya Lev, a magazine of alternative subculture.  She blogs and takes photos. I added endless scrolling to my blog inspired by her blog. You can scroll endlessly for years never having to click ‘next page’.

She also has short hair, is kinda crazy maybe, artistic, tattoos, blogger, takes pretty photos. Ah, so many great photo ideas. I need to be using my camera more.

Found one girl who traveled through China and one girl who said her chair is a crazy person magnet .  Was actually looking for a this guy.

She has cool style and blue hair. Remember when I had cool hair during Pride, it was pink and hot? We had fun that weekend.  It was crazy, but fun.

it’s like a time machine that connects all the time

i can’t write today,
something’s wrong.
i can’t smile today,
life is a sad song.
my heart hurts…
so does my foot
in my shoe.
today is a sad day,
without you.

I wrote this poem when I was 14 many moons ago. It was published in an anthology called Jeans, I was co-author. I love picking up our book and reading things I wrote back then. Amazes me how they’re relevant and somehow connected to this future version of me.  I never really thought about putting out a second edition but today I did.  There is nothing stopping me but myself. I love writing and have written heaps and heaps of poems, hundreds in fact. I don’t know or really care if anyone even buys the book. I wanna write it (put it together)  to show myself  I can.  I know I can.  I can.

TGIF: i apologize to everyone & kiss my mommy


His name has been trending all freaking day and every news station as well as Youtube and Ustream broadcasted the apology today. Also Twitter trending is #tigershouldve. What the hell has our world come to? It was if President Obama was making a statement about national security or something. Sheeeeeeeeesh.


Buzz…into it…kinda. Seems to be pulling in my Tweets in slow-time not real-time. Good thing I updated my Google Profile days before Buzz launched.


Just discovered Caveman Circus today. Awesome does not even describe it. It’s a Men’s entertainment site dedicated to all the things men care to waste time on. Have fun 😉


Tonight MTV is doing web-only LIVE screening of the new movie ‘Turn the Beat Around‘  at 7p EST.  You can watch the entire movie and chat LIVE on the MTV Facebook Fan Page. It’s so they can get feedback before it airs on TV later this month. Preeeeety cool. Wonder if we’ll see more movies on FB this year? Seems like a good idea. Gonna check it out tonight.

Have a great day dudes TGIF!

something to say to you missy

This is your reminder.  You need to find that off switch.  You need to watch  your mouth. You need to think before you speak.   You are smart and cool and pretty and when you drink too much you are none of those things. I don’t like that girl, nobody does.  If you lose him over this you will never forgive yourself.  He’s good to you. You love him.  Smarten up.

You apologized and I know you’re sorry. Hopefully he calls you tomorrow.

You’re so pretty when you cry.

I love you.

sounds about right little rebel, let it loud

now i see quitting in a whole new way

I want to wear this hair so freeeeeeeeeeeeking bad. iwanagagawig.

Funny story is,  I heard this phrase a while ago.  A friend did motivational talk  at a kids school and one of the kids had written it on one of these little foam hands. “now I see quitting in a whole new way”.  Hilarious. All the kids made them as a thank you I think. I have it around here somewhere but  storytelling is more fun than room cleaning.

Now it’s bad commercial to quit smoking weed and cigs. Every time it comes on TV I just think of that kid and smile.

you’ve been saying that for years, just do it

I thought about working out. Always happens around now. I start thinking about summer and I really wanna work out. The thing is, I don’t ACTUALLY like working out or the gym.

I was kinda into it before Cuba. I’m a jerk cause I’ve always been petite and never really got into the habit of working out. It gives me anxiety for some reason. I usually start by eating less and think about being skinny.  It actually works if you realllllly use your brain. I might start going with a friend who’s totally NOT scared of the gym. I recon I’ll need a bit of an ass whooping to get there but I know I can do it. Well, I don’t KNOW I can but I’m gonna have to fake it until I do.

guys on tv, stop saying death/danger + olympics

The women’s downhill skiing was A MESS! So many ladies flying, falling, sliding and skating.

Seven didn’t finish. It was crazy, did you see it? Wish I could embed the videos of it from gawker. I was like totally dying watching it. It’s like a scary freaking movie.

I recently watched an old ski movie called Downhill Racer from 1969 . It featured a very young, hot Robert Redford. He was a smooth talker.

This guy won another gold. Love watching him…flying in the air with his red ginger hair. It’s like a video game or something!

I watched this video of wii Shaun White and it looks like IF you can do it the game, you can do it in real life.  Is that true?

This Olympics stuff is a nice change from regular tv. I totally have a thing for the curling.

leather latex cotton rubber nylon fur & a smile

Oh hey there blog,  Happy Wednesday! Feeling good.  Had a great sleep. Didn’t have clothes so made an outfit of his shirt and a little latex belt with my tights and wellies. Yeah, stylish improvisation I tell ya. All I need is my shirt to have some PVC trim and I’m set with all the kinky fabrics! Ha.

One of my Tweets from @mtvcanada making fun of Norway made the Toronto Sun today. Tee hee. We totally spanked them last night in the hockey. Have a little chitty chat with someone from the Metro today, you’ll read about it soon enough.

Last night I got my leather outfit for Northbound’s 20th Anniversary party on Sat. So excited. Gonna do some serious blogging this weekend. Last weekend I was so exhausted all I wanted to do was sleep, so I did. Might hit up podCamp too. Ah, there’s always something to do.

The now was pretty this morning but I’m really looking forward to Summer. Saw these guys on my way in … haha

i kissed a gold medal and i liked it

Way to go Canada I’m proud of you. Lets hope we kick some more ass and up that medal count. I wore one of Jeff’s gold medals on Valentines Day in celebration. Pretty hot. Quite surprised I’m was the ONLY girl who ever asked, aha Go Team Casie!

I’m watching CTV Olympics all day at work. Been thinking I might merge the Tummbr/Posterous and this blog together. Thoughts? Been really really tired the last couple days & my arthritis arm has been pissing me off too. God, I sound like such a downer, sorry. Hope you have a great day.

BTW, did you know it was three years ago today that dear Britbrit shaved her head? Wow.

hot nerd takeover

OFFICIAL impact of  #haihaiTO event: $22,030! #HaiHaiTO + #GenYTO = AWESOME!

Party was stellar.Tons of people were there, if you weren’t… be sad for a second then make sure you come to the next one!

I was busy selling raffle tix and didn’t bring camera so good thing Sophie got pix. I also find the Flash on my new Motorola Droid isn’t that bright anyways. BTW, I’ve got a reputation for selling mad tickets and I lived up to it big time. Hire me for your next party! haha

Skip to :40 in this video where the guy come off the stage and dances with me. I’m ok with it until he dances UP ON ME. I felt his “you know what” rub on me and all of a sudden I was MAD embarrassed.

SO many cool peeps and so much fun. We danced our asses off like it was a highschool dance. It was amazing. I met a heap of peeps IRL (in real life) that I only knew from Twitter. So good to put the actual person to the face/name/voice.

Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a success. Will letcha know when the next GenyTO is.

hope. aspirations. dreams. goals. canada.

Keri, my friend & hot blog babe a.k.a The Canadian Explorer is leaving for the Olympics today.  A couple months ago Keri said “man, I gotta get to the Olympics, what kind of Canadian Explorer am I if I don’t get there?”.  She was focused and determined to get there and to get some sponsors behind her while she’s at it.  I told her she could do it and I had not one ounce of doubt she would.

She’s reporting from Whistler as an official correspondent for & Sun Media and she’s totally decked out in Canada Goose gear.

Proof you can do it if you put your mind into it.  Go Keri & Go Canada!!

I’m not that excited about watching sports, I’m more excited to watch the commentary online, Twitpics from the games and to read Keri’s daily reports. I’m way more into the Internet than sports.

this is what it’s really about lovers

Last year on Valentines I woke up early and went for a walk an saw these posted on Queen Street  where the fire was just east of Bathurst.  By the time I went back a few hours later, they were gone. Love that kinda stuff.

“If you’re thinking that Valentine’s Day should be about anything other than eating chocolate and buying yourself fancy lingerie, you have clearly been misinformed. It’s about love, yeah, but not real love. It’s the silly, self-indulgent, guilty pleasure kind.”

[no great illusion]

party with TO’s coolest peeps? obviously.

I’m inviting you to come out and party with me and a whole slew of TO’s coolest, nerdiest, smartest and best looking people who love social media being social.  This is the Feb. 2010 edition of #GenyTO and we’ve partnered with #HoHOTO to form #haihaiTO. Gosh darnit, just saying that sounds fun! Lots of people are chatting about it, look right here for proof.

We’re donating proceeds to those poor folks in Haiti. You think the snow here is bad? HA! Imagine your whole house and life in rubble with no place to go. Ya, doesn’t seem so cold out now does it?

HaiHaiTO is TOMORROW, Thursday, February 11 starting at 7 p.m. at the Courthouse, 57 Adelaide Street East. Lets have a fun night and do some good while we’re at it. I’ll be there early, like 7ish. If you’re not in TO but wanna be, buy a ticket just for fun because giving feels so good inside.

Get your tickets here and NOW!

goats jumping with smiling faces

I read about Google launching Social Stream today which is awesome cause I’m a huge lover and user of Google products. It’s also amazing because a Motorola Milestone’s gonna arrive at my desk today.

I recently made BFF’s with Telus and when my girl there heard about me losing the phone she took care of the situation right away. Yes, I’m a very lucky girl. This things is like a mini Google computer and I’m stoked.

It runs on Android 2.0 and has a 5MP camera and a flash (important features for me). The screen is huge and I’ve heard it’s kinda heavy, I like heavy. It doesn’t come out for Telus customers until March, you’re hearing it first here Canada.

I remind myself all the time not to let things I can’t control get me down. This, once again is a lesson that good things will come if you stay positive.

a day when you dont feel like internetting

sitting in bed, watching jeopardy, comfy. wrapped in your hoodie,  it feels nice around my shoulders, big and warm.

one of those days when you feel up and down and anxiety, happiness sad… it has nothing to do with being a girl,  or that you’re stupid, it’s just becasue you are human and there are lots of outside forces coming at you. some things you control, some you don’t. you work with computers and the internet and it moves so fast that some days you just arent at top speed. even though you try, you try but you fail.  then you hasgtag it as #fail and somehow that makes you feel better, so do the @replies from your friends. i dont have a phone so i sit and talk to my computer because my blog always listens. it never talks back and it keeps your secrets you don’t share but want to.  it listens and without even saying anything and often is more helpful than a friend. it’s a place you just let it out and then after, you feel better.  a blog is a best friend you find within yourself, and it’s cheaper than therapy. sometimes i don’t feel like internetting, but that usually means i’m just tired.

things like this make it not seem so bad

Surprise write up about me & social media in a Geek Girl feature from Two Geeks and a BlogBob who wrote it said “Holy cow!  Casie Stewart may be a Jedi!” and quoted Star Wars. He also quoted “a blog is an engine” which was really nice because I like that one and it didn’t even get any comments.

Found these today too. Didn’t know they existed, Search Stories from Google. This is called Newbie, it’s a grandma embracing technology.

Oh Google, always warming my heart. You know just how to talk nerdy to me. You press all the right buttons.

I’ve decided not to be so upset about my stuff, shit happens.  No sense wasting time feeling sorry for myself. I’ll get it sorted this week and you never know, it just might turn up.