
Hot coffee

And like a dream

The sparkle in my eye


Into you.

As I leave to start the day,

And you are on my mind.

by casie, australia 2004

the ABC’s of anger

This poem was originally published in 2006 here and is written by me. I was playing with my thesaurus at the time,  finding words for anger. I was listening to Rilo Kiley and myspacing hard. I spent countless nights teaching myself HTML, formatting websites,  writing content.  I love being able to go back in time and see what I was up to and what I was writing. I realize things about myself that I forgot. ________________________________

ABC’s of Anger

You could say I am annoyed, antagonized & aggravated.
You remind me of that bitter taste of coffee in my mouth,
With you I am displeased.
Almost enraged I am, exacerbated & exasperated,
I find myself furious, fierce, & ferociously fuming.
Hardly hateful just heated with a hot head
I am ill tempered. You make me impassionate, insensitive,
I feel inflamed, increasingly infuriated, & irate. Intensely irritated.
I am maddened. Your words make me offended & outraged.
You provoke me into a raging, resentful sad Satan.
Watch for spitefulness coming your way.
I am airline turbulence, making passengers uptight.
Vicious & vexed like a bad villain.
I am wired & worked up with wrath.
I have no zest or zeal.
This is a zero-sum game.
%$%$#FU*C*&%#$K off.

i’m sewing…all kinds of things



it’s not me, it’s you

Look who’s in town! Makes me feel like doing some street art of my own. Stencil & spray can tonight anyone? Tee hee. I joke. No, I’m serious.  No I’m not. Yes I am. No, maybe.

I need a break from computer. Mum is so sweet she said getting me a sewing machine gives me a different outlet for my creativity other than blog/computer. I love her for that.  It’s true really, I’m gonna go crazy (crazier) if I don’t get off the damn computer a bit. Am I really saying this? Yes I am. I spend all day spewing content to the world through computer.  There’s more to life, here’s outside. and bike rides.  Good thing I can blog from my phone.

I’m really looking forward to Florida at the end of the month; 5 days, no work and all sunshine. Yessss!

well aren’t you happy





Said the lady at the passport office as I zipped through the line with my VIP pass. I got the Mayorship on Foursquare the moment I walked in the door. It was my second check-in there, last time I waited heaps long only to find out that my passport was too expired and I needed a different form. That’s how I got the special pass. I heard a snarky, “urgh, we waited an hour” as my smiling face skipped to the counter in under 2 minutes. The lady at my counter, bless her grumpy soul, had the buggiest eyes I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t stop staring. I wished her a lovely day, however, my cheer didn’t seem to affect her. She didn’t affect me and now I’m off to work feeling great. Dad gave me a Timmy Ho’s giftcard so I got a nice brekky today and thought of him. Arriving at work early and ready for a great day.

Happy Monday!

happy mothers day to you and your mom






Visit from Jenie this morning! Finally cleaned room and put away the damn clothes. Taking Mum and Dad copies of of us in the paper, parents love that stuff. Really looking forward to home cooking.

See you soon Mum! Thank you for having me 🙂 I love you. xoxo

This is being sent from the QEW going about a hundred km via phone. Ha!

one of these guys is a needle in a haystack

If you go outside…

I had a fun time last night. Hit up the Silver Dollar with Raymi and danced the night away before gettin’ sendy and heading to The Beaver. She’s got heaps of pix, my damn camera DAMERA is still broken. Found a diamond in the Queen Street rough last night, a handsome boy that when you google him, only brings up his work; he’s lawyer and doesn’t FB.  That’s hot. Yeah, I creep people when I meet them. Don’t you? DUH! Try it, it’s a fun game. Only bad thing so far is he lives on the same floor in the same old building as an ex. Poteltial awkardness x 1,000,0000,0000.  Working on posting sketches and poems to tumblr today. I’ve got about 1,000. Birthday is wonderful so far. I feel very happy and lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people. Cheers to THAT!

i had strawberry shortcake for breakfast, she was cute

Thanks Sabrina for my favorite kind of cake that I’m going to eat all day. She’s real tasty. One of my favorite things about bday is getting cards from friends. This one came special delivery from Bean town!

Found $5 on the ground. Thanks universe.

I made it out of the 27 club, hardly and bruises too! Time for a bath and an afternoon nap like a little old lady. [I was dreaming when I wrote this. Update: 2 hours later, The Fugutive just started on History Channel. Love this movie.  Saw it in theatres with Mum. I’m still on the couch with internet. ]

Thanks for all the bday wishes guys. Are you supposed to msg everyone back on FB? I guess that would be nice. I’ll try to do that. Ecards are lovely, especially hand made.

so, you wanna get a job in social media? (or any job)

This has come up in conversations a couple times over the last few weeks. There are lots of jobs out there and with the openness of the internet, you can find them and they can find you. You know I’m really big on attitude and positivity. As a former recruiter, I give you a couple things to think about. Now, to me, this stuff seems common sense but I’ve seen otherwise.

You have to think like an employer. If they complete a background check or Google you what are they going to learn? What will they find on your blog, twitter, FB and what type of feeling are they gonna get from you? How are they going to perceive your attitude as a potential employee?

Here’s a couple things NOT to do:

  • tweet/blog about how hard of a time you are having finding a job
  • tweet how hard up you are for money
  • Complain on your blog about how life is hard/how busy you are doing nothing
  • Whine about not hearing back from an interview
  • Complain about not having a job
  • BE NEGATIVE (downer)

Here’s a couple things TO do:

  • Follow positive people who have jobs you’d like to have; learn from them, you could potentially learn alot, such as gaining help with cover letters targetted for your specific job role you’d like, and more.
  • Blog about things related to jobs you’d like to have
  • Blog/tweet about things you’ve done that would be assets to a company
  • Think about how good it will feel to have a new job
  • Read articles and comment about them
  • follow hashtags about jobs/hiring/your field
  • attend tweetups & meetups in your area

There ARE dream jobs out there I promise! I got myself into the job I wanted and I have other friends that have done it too ex. Erin, Abby, Crystal, Zack. Erin just published this post on Make Work Meaningful about working at a startup and finding that dream job, I recommend checking it out.

dear god, make me a bird so i can fly far

i love this song. and video. and her.

Florence and the Machine “DOG DAYS ARE OVER” Music Video from LEGS MEDIA

the race is long and in the end….

… it’s only against yourself.

its not always rainbows and butterflies

I wrote this the other day while on a walk…

Its rare that I have nothing to say but sometimes, it happens.  I go into mute mode. You’d be surprised at my introvertedness when I’m home. After a long day or week of publishing a constant stream of content, I so often just want to hit mute and shut it all off.  Its not easy putting yourself out there all the time. I stay in my room or can go days, hardly saying a word at all.

Working hard and staying positive are really important to me. So often I hear “I’d like to blog/tweet but I don’t have time” or “where do you find the time”. Urgh, make the time! I work hard and stay positive do it because I love  what I’m doing and I want to succeed. Don’t you?

I choose to publish moastly rainbows, unicorns and happy stuff, however, it still rains now and then. I’ve started unfollowing people on twitter lately that have a negative tome to their tweets. If I hear ‘whining’ or ‘wah-wah’ when I read it, I’m shutting it off. I don’t wanna catch your downer-fever.

I really believe in the power of positive thought. If you act positive and think positive, positive things will happen. So many times the universe has shown me this is true. So, if you’ve been feeling downer lately, throw it out the  damn window and start smiling. You’ll feel better as soon as you do 🙂

i’ll love you forever

Today I logged into Facebook as I do every day. I check the pages for work post, make changes  etc,  then I check my own messages. I had two messages and not spam about some event I don’t care about. One from Dad and one from a friend in New Zealand, her Mum, one of Mum’s oldest friends, passed away yesterday.  Her name is Julie.

Julie came to visit us a few years ago. It was so much fun to have her around. She came to visit with her daughter and gave us this book called Succulent Wild Woman by SARK. Julie filled the book with gold confetti angels, stuck  between pages and all down the spine, throughout the whole book. When we opened they fell all over the floor and it was beautiful. To this day angels turn up around Mum’s house in the darnedest places.

“This book is my glowing invitation to you — to live a rich, succulent life! I explore love, sexuality, romance, money, fat, fear and creativity. It’s a little bit like reading my diarywith permission. Succulence is powerful! and so are we as women.”

SARK writes a journal and read a bunch of her posts today. They’re happy and inspiring, full of colour and bright thoughts and markers and stars and stuff like that.  It’s really weird going to someones Facebook after they’ve passed, I wanted to post on it  but I didn’t and it made me feel sad for a minute. Then, I read all the most recent activity and was brightened by her energy.

Julie was inspiring to everyone she knew. She had MS and when she got better one time she decided to go on world tour.  So she did. Julie looked at the world in a way that made you feel so happy just to know her.  She will live in my heart forever. I

‘m thinking of y0u and promise to keep working hard and making the most our of each day.

you are what you tweet

A while back I posted a wordle (here) that was a misture of my most common words used on my blog. I did this one of my most used words in Tweets. Most common word on both (aside from RT) is LOVE.

LOVE. Love is all you need.

I used Tweet Stats and Wordle.

hearts on fire i reach out to you tonight

Big ups to Darren who does my hair for giving me exactly what I want. I love it. His salon is on Queen Street across from the West side of Trinity Bellwoods. Go visit him, he’s nice.

why you lion to me baby, rarrrr

I was really busy today with work and didn’t have time to bloggy blog until now! I usually develop a mild anxiety if I don’t update. Oh man, you should see me if whole day goes by without internet or blogging, I start scratching and pacing like a total crack head nut job.

I wore these shoes today, wanted to give them another go.  Last time I wore them my feet were torn to shreds and hurting for at least a week. Shoes, I have a message for you “you’re cute but it’s OVER, it’s not you, it’s me, you hurt ME. I wanna be with you, inside you but the pain is unbearable.”

Wore this shirt today, one of my fav’s I ordered from Threadless.  On my way back from meeting Abby to talk Degrassi I got stopped by L’oreal. Really good pickup line “you have amazing style, can we take your picture”. Obvs I was like “yeah”. Turns out one of the photog’s does work for MuchMTV and I uploaded a bunch of his Juno photos last week. Small world, totes.

Good thing I brought flip flops to walk home in the rain. RAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR!

i love french music

A Pirate’s comin’ to town on Friday,  @BeatricePirate!

Coeur de pirate || Ensemble

Coeur de Pirate aka french superstar Béatrice Martin is in TO to perform Friday on Jian’s show. She playing a special set in the Gladstone Melody Bar before TNC on Thursday. She doesn’t have any planned Toronto summer concert dates. Think I’m gonna go before I hit up Tech Karaoke in the eve and sing myself Happy Birthday!

spinning the sunshine

I was looking at what I posted around this time last year and saw this video,  same dress I’m wearing today.

Around this time last year was the crazy Tamil protest on the Gardener

I found love in a zombie tattoo

I finally got a helmet and Porter was in town from the islands

I played hopscotch on Queen Street

I wrote about our generation and why we’re not lazy

Posted on this exact day,  May the Forth be With You 2009

I was in cartoon motion, dreaming of being a cartoon.

I wore pants and a tuxedo shirt while biking to work.

I wrote a really long run on sentence and through about Andy Warhol.

I was closer to god (in a NIN animal kinda way)

I played with Charlie in Kensington Market, vintage close & second hand books.

I got my hair done before my birthday, suprisingly, I get my hair done today too 🙂

I love looking through old posts to remind myself of things and inspire me to keep creating new things. I’ve got a lunch date with the lovely Rayanne today and I’m really looking forward to it.


get your cherry chapstick ready

I’ve never actually seen Star Wars. I dated this boy way back who despite being in his mid twenties, still has a Star Wars bed spread and sheets. Lightsaber anyone? Haha If you didn’t notice on FB or Twitter or the Gregorian calendar, today is May the Forth. Get it? No, urgh, May the Fourth be with You!

Its super nice out again today. I miss my camera. Morning photoshoots had become part of my regular routine. I can’t take full shots of my outfits anymore.

Really digging the rooster alarm BTW. I think its funny. I try to do little things here and there to make my day better. Tuesday is my busiest day of the week now that The Hills is back on. If you ever wanna watch The Hills at MTV and see The After Show live, email, tweet, FB, me or leave a comment.

Posted a bunch on Tumblr last night, lotsa pretty pictures. Sky looks really clear today. I’ve got lotsa exciting things happening around me at the moment and I wanna share it all. Oh, guess who’s performing at the MMVAs? Both my girlfriends. haha.

my world 2.0

The sound of a rooster woke me up, and, just as I planned, I started laughing. I fell asleep thinking positive thoughts of “welcome summer” and “I want a porsche“.

Got up about an hour earlier than usual to kick off the week before my birthday on Saturday, I’m gonna be 28.

Its a beautiful day, the ground is wet, the air is warm. Might rain but for now, the sun is shining bright. Pulled out the AA thigh highs, threw on my wellies and shorts and made it out the door just after 8am.

Sun shining in my face…

Pretty walk through the park.

Ready for puddle jumping.

Having lunch with the lovely Lucia and I’ve also booked the whole night to myself. Started cleaning room last night, finally. Brought a banana for brekky today. It’s time to start planning for Florida trip, as in not eating crap! I need that toned up beach body in place, maybe I’ll even get a couple workouts (won’t hold my breath on that one!).

Its absolutely lovely outside today. I wrote this as I walked to work using WordPress mobile & added the pix from my phone when I got into the office.  Hope your day starts off great like mine did. If it didn’t, maybe reading this little note might help.

Happy Monday!

another one bites the dust

My name is Casie and I have a problem with cameras. It is at this time I regret to inform you that the little pink Fuji has finally succumbed to the little crack in the lens part that goes in an out and now has a permanent zoom error.

She’s done.

The crack happened some months ago and was all ‘error’ for a while, then it came back to life. I think we lost her this time. Error seems to be EMO for gadgets.

I can just see my friend PTBKB reading this and laughing. (Babe, I know, we knew it was a matter of time. Shouldn’t have written that fake losing camera story last month! Gahhhh!)

Honestly though, when you are this active and take as many photos as I do on the daily, life is hard for a camera.

Time to draw a camera on wheels, to the emergency room or morgue! [sad face]

BTW,  did you know my birthday is  Saturday 🙂

ball game, take me out to the crowd

Boston vs. beats Toronto, April 28th, 2010.

Heyoo, lets go Blue Jays!

It was super dead so we could sit where ever we wanted.

The boys were into it.

I was less into it.

Oh look, art.

Cheers to Toronto beers + family + fun yeah awesome love you!

Fuck yeah red socks.

The end.

spending high times together in the sun


Cousins from NZ.

Blurry vision.

It was super sunny. Good thing I wore a bikini under.

Then is was cloundy but there was no rain.

Horse walked in to a park.


The whole day was super fun. We’ve been hitting up the festival for the past five years and this year was by far the most busy. There were heaps of people, food trucks and clouds of smoke.  Happy smoking! haha

Time to get outside and enjoy this beautiful day!

i’ll tell you in another life when we are both cats

Look what I had my paws on….

That’s me with ipad and me on ipad.

was i ever crazy or maybe life is

Sisterhang yesterday = Awesomism

Woke up early to create a FB page for Darren who does my hair. I’ve got an appt this week so wanted to make sure it was made before then. Was pretty cloudy at first but it’s sunny now. Gonna take my art supplies down to the water and sit in the sun/grass adding to Unnecessary Wheels. I’ve got a couple special people to make things for. Watched Girl Interrupted this morning, good background noise for concentrating. The girls are crazy but I love them. Remmeber Brittany Murphy, I like her.

i feel like a celebrity in this room with you

Woke up and had as couple great phone chats with friends. Fun night out with the work mates last night. I seriously love my work. I love what i’m doing and the people. Tomorrow May 2, marks 6 months working with MuchMTV. I was in my old job for two years and knew it wasn’t where I wanted to be. I needed to be doing somehting I loved. I loved twitter and blogging and publishing and internet and I knew I could find a job where I could show that love in a big way. I found it. There are so many new jobs popping up all the time, we’re a lucky generation to be able to say “Hey I want  __________ and I’m gonna get it.”

One of the video’s I did for My City Lives last week talks about GenyTO and the group of like minded individuals behind the idea that started it in Jan 2009. I’m so inspired by the friends I’ve made over the last couple years. You can watch the vid’yo here, having trouble embedding it for some reason.

Heading to Marijuana March Freedom Festival with my sis now! BYE.

please check the number or try your call again

I got a new phone today from Motorola called the Backflip. This thing lets you stream emails and social networks into one feed and it backs all your stuff up. I’m testing it out this weekend to see if I like it better than the Milestone, that phone is gonna be hard to beat. I’m really liking Android in general. Think I might need to buy myself one of the custom phone cases to look after it though! Stay tuned for my thoughts on it.

Twitter released it’s official app for Android today. Downloaded it. So far its ok. The homepage is portrait vs landscape which bugs me and it seems you can only have one account. I’ve been using the Seesmic app to publish and monitor about five accounts for work etc. The RT function doesn’t let you edit tweets first which is pretty annoying. Gonna give it a fair go this weekend along with the new phone.

It’s been a really good day. Checked a few things off my list that I’ve been meaning to get done. Feeling super positive and looking forward to the weekend. Think it’s gonna rain tomorrow but I don’t mind, it’s been a busy week. Might clean my room if it’s rainy. Need to catch up on emails (sorry if you’re one of the people I’ve not emailed back yet). Gonna head over to Raymi‘s place for her roomie’s bday party tomorrow night. Tonight I’ve got a couple things to do but nothing mayjah.

That’s all for now. Heading home to enjoy the rest of the sunshine ?

Photos by Erica Ruth Photography