caribbean gal gon’ feel de vibe


Its a huge party in the lot at work for Caribbana called “Feel de Vibe“.


Took a break in my day to check it out and get some vibes groovin.


I’ve stayed away from Caribbana the last few years but gonna go this year. Its the largest Caribbean festival outside, well, the Caribbean. There was some drama with it being not so safe but I think’ we ‘ gon be ok now.


The lines for food in the lot were huge so I popped over to Ackee Tree my most fav spot for some island food. The lunch special is $6.95 and so damn good. I like to dress the part for events, I’m sure you knew that by now.


Today at work is going pretty good. Starting to ‘feel da vibe’ there and get ‘tings all done in a day without stressing. Feels good. Looking forward to #loserkaraoke tonight. Gon’ sing a Kiwi tune I reckon!

OMG I loooooove steel drums. Our city is always so action packed. It’s the best!

Feel de Vibe @ 299 Queen St. #caribbana on

is it wrong to be so excited for this?

Jersey Shore is BACK for Season 2 July 29th.  Fist pump baby.

Yesterday was a great day. I went to see Bon Jovi w/ Michael & Cory. Post on that coming when I finally get some time to blog. I’ve been so busy lately, i’ve got so many things to share with you.

  • Kid Rock & Bon Jovi #ftw (@ Rogers Centre w/ @alisaan @j0scelyn @dvln) #
  • Madness at the rogers centre right now and traffic is insane #spadinawatch
  • looking forward to #loserkaraoke tomorrow. honestly.
  • Hmm. Can haz cheeseburger? #nomnomnom
  • anyone 14-19 wanna come down to much on Friday AFTERNOON for something fun? looking for 2 peeps. lemme know ASAP!
  • wow. time for lunch. where sis 4pm come from? gah.
  • anyone else having #FB troubs tagging people in posts today or uploading images? driving me mental – already tried chrome/firefox/explorer.
  • FB is being a real bitch today. That is all. Carry on as I try to keep calm. #fml
  • lotsa #twerk to catch up on today after my holiday peeps, catcha replies in the arvo or lunch I reckon <10 #muchlove
  • #twerk (@ MuchMusic Studios)
  • today the hair is grey
  • Gooooood Morning 🙂

GRAPHIC: the smirnoff experience

Monday night I had the pleasure of attendng one of TO’s most exclusive events ar ARD Events (my fav venue). It was the who’s who of social, media & fashion. Everyone was there and looking super stylish. I took the handsome Michael Nus as my date.

I wore a vintage Albert Nipon that was a hit. I’ve not got so many complimentsa on one dress from so many social sites/people in a while. Good score I tell ya!

This is my fav photo. Thanks to Erin Bury for snappin the pix, I forgot to bring Nancie (my camera).

No one knew what to expect, the invitation was very mysterious (and creative) and the whole night was comic book themed.

I loved seeing so many fmiliar faces in one place. Oh, Deadmau5 was there too so the music was epic. I’ve got more photos to upload but have to scoot to the office. First say back since Thursday.

Overal, the Smirnoff Experice was awesome. I’d like the opportunity to do more parties like that and if you vote for me to be the Virgin Provocateur, I’ll be able to do it. Vote here, I thank you in advance.

Have an awesome day 🙂

Party is killer. @deadmau5 @jpricchio @annavon @liztrinnear @jessegiddings @michaelnus @thejons on 12seconds.t v

he called to say look at the moon, he’s a real catch.

I tweeted heaps yesterday:

what should i sing at #loserkaraoke this week? hmm.

Yesterday on Twitter, this happened:

do it for the experience


Going to the Smirnoff Experience at Andrew Richard Designs tonight. Deadmau5 is playing. Super strict guest list and pretty sure its a comic theme. Good times. Back to work Wednesday so probs gonna get a little crazy.  Going for the experience and will make it a good one. Promise heh heh.

I love airports.

I wish I could have stayed longer.

I like floating in the pool. I got a tan.

This looks like Carrie Bradshaw’s book, no?


It was nice seeing all the faces. Heaps of hugs. Bucket list checked again.


Clear skies. Open roads. Feel the music.

Raise a glass. Happy heart. Heading home. Flying high. Until next time, I will miss you.

* sent via wordpress mobile on the tarmac at boston logan

the daily twitter thing-a-ma-bobber

Omg. Last night was so fun. Love you friends!



I still have about 100 pounds of makeup on my eyes but I don’t care. I was at Machine last night in Boston (Cambridge, Mass). It was aweeeeeesome. I have so many friends here.

I haven’t even left Boston but can’t wait to come back. Danced my booty off, met MTV Boston and a totally hot little lez. Good night overall. Not hungover either. Pretty proud of how I handled my booze this weekend. I must be maturing. Watching Back to the Future in my hotel now, today is a good day. Nus Cabana tonight for Michael’s birthday. Smirnoff Experience tomorrow. Life is good.

robo boogie

Pahk the cah in Havahd Yahd.

Today I stopped by Harvard and got this picture to prove it.

Before coming here I asked my Tweeps what I should do in Boston and O’Nizzle said to check out the legendry S&S Resto in Cambridge, Mass, so today we did.

This photo was taken the year I was born.

The place has been open for ages, since 1919 and heaps of famous people have dined there. Figured I should pass through too. Heh heh, ya never know how famous you’ll be until you try, ok.  For reals.

Check out this hot babe, the mama of the joint:

It was really great! Pretty good service, ok coffee. This was my brekky, zomg it was nomnomnom.

Pretty sure I recognized this guy, does he not look like Old Spice guy? Uh, yeah…

It could be. Honestly.

I bet Old Spice guy travelled back in time in his time machine and hand painted this image of himself, using magic leprechaun tears as the water with paint he created and blended with his own bare hands. What an incredible man he is.  Wow.

These are my Boston Besties B & E after brekky. Yannis was there too but somebody had to snap the pic eh.

I always wanted to visit Harvard so we did that next. I didn’t really have anything in particular I wanted to see, I just wanted to be there. Mostly snap a couple pix and checkin on foursquare. Yes, I am wearing a foursquare day tank. So nerdy.

I really hoped a Harvard hottie would notice TBH, but none did. They’re probs all studying and shit.

Picked up a couple things from The Coop and toured around. If I lived here I would hang out at Harvard for sure. I kinda miss school. I think if I go back, I should teach. I’m good at sharing & stuff. I’d love to teach a class somewhere in the realm of social media, personal branding,  or internet & new media.

Snapped this one for Michael, he’s off to Law School next month.  Serious business right there.

Did you know:

Harvard Yard is a grassy area of about twenty-five acres (0.1 km²), adjacent to Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that constitutes the oldest part and the center of the campus of Harvard University. (wikipedia)

It was a really hot day. I deff need to steal a nap before going out. This dude had the right idea. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I spent the rest of the day poolside and we had a BBQ with a bunch of peeps. Tonight we’re heading to a club called Machine. My outfit is killer but a little NSFW. There’s gonna be a bunch of people I know there so I’m REALLY looking forward to it.

This is me last year in Boston, I feel like I’m getting younger on the outside and older on the mind side. That’s a great feeling. Today I did something I always wanted to do, visit Harvard. Next stop, Yale! Then the MOON!

Hope you had a great day. BTW, I loooooove the Boston accent. Sweet as.

saint boston = dance party

Boston is a really neat city, loved waking up here this AM. Last night we went to a club called Saint, a boutique nightery. No line no cover, my friends had everything hooked up.

Billie Jean was blasting as we walked and were escorted to our booth. We all danced and it was a blast. I cruised over to this other room that was playing all hip hop and srsly cut a rug. So glad I wore flats. I was dancing away then make friends with these babes.

They ordered champagne in my honour and added me to FB. God I love internet. Sadly, my acid reflux did not allow me to have more than a sip for the cheers but the spirit was there.

We all had a blast. I’m really lucky to have such awesome friends. I was careful to count my drinks and enjoy myself, I didn’t get drunk (which was my plan). I’m way more fun when I drink less. Y’know? Overall, awesome night.

Except, I woke up with heartburn 🙁

the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-17

hello hello baby you called, i can’t hear a thing…cause i’m on vacation in boston with friends mooohahaha

Oh hai. I can haz vacay? You betca ass I can! (Did you know I was on that game show once “You Bet Your Ass”. If you find my episode on line I will give you a prize.)

Woke up had a glorious brekky blueberry scone, eggs, toast, coffee. The weather is lovely just like at home. I went to the oldest bar in the USA last night called The Bell In Hand. They had a Cuervo promo and I successfully did NOT drink and Tequila or get drunky. Throat was killing yesterday and I prayed that all the meds I took last night would work and y’know what, I feel like a million freakin’ bux today.

My flight from TO to Beantown was so lovely. Porter Airlines is seriously the way to fly. So classy & hastle free. I would love to have a deal with them (hint hint). I tweeted Porter and I was leaving the tarmac and by the time I landed in Boston I had replies from @porterairlines wishing I had a great flight. My in flight experience was just divine. I sat beside a man named Bob, this is him.

A charming Canadian from Calgary living in Boston. Excellent chat the whole 1.5 hours and we spant most the time laughing at our own jokes (ok, more like him laughing at mine haha). I love meeting new people and it’s true that I make friends easily. He was intrigued by my positive attitude and surprised that my ‘day job’ is a real job. I probably said it 5 times “Yes, I watch TV and Twitter/Facebook professionally”.

I landed about 6:30 and met B & E at the airport. I’m stoked to have a great weekend. Hope you do too!



the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-16

these guys kill it everytime. ok go. ok, i’m in love.

Seriously. I love this stuff. Have you seen their other videos? They’re so creative. I really dig that. Hope you’re having an awesome day. Pretty excited for the next few days. Hanging out with someone special tonight. Tomorrow after work I’m off to Boston, SUPER excited to see my friends there. I’ve got a bunch and we’re all gonna be hanging out, going dancing and laxing by the pool. I’m also going to Harvard & MIT on Friday. I’ve always wanted to go, stoked to check that off the list. Might still go there one day, it’s never too late! Here’s a glimpse of the fun we had at the Monster Ball on Monday. I love Lady gaga so hard. If you are reading this, you already knew that.

Enjoy the day! Do something AWESOME.

i didn’t have time to blog today but i really wanted to.

I’ve got pix from Gaga & Warped tour to share with you but for now, I share with you this little bit of awesome.I’ve been crazy busy the last little while.

Today was the finale of The Hills so I was crazy busy. It’s almost midnight and I’m at the office working until the final After Show is over. I’m really looking forward to my bed and tomorrow. I have a fun night planned with someone special then I fly to Boston Thursday for the weekend.

I’m excited about life, you should be too. You will never be younger than you are right NOW!
Love ya xo CASIE

see you at the monster ball

Tonight I’m going to Gaga with my sister. I’m trying not to get too excited because I have heaps of work to get done before I let it sink in. I had great Indian food for lunch. I feel happy. Remember I told you how I made friends with Ricky Tillo who plays guitar for Lady Gaga. This is him with her last night:

Oh god. I can’t WAIT. ZOMG LADY GAGA. ZOMG LADY GAGA. I might die.

foursquare: it’s time to have “the talk”

Dear Foursquare,

I’ve gotta gett his off my chest, so here it is…

I’ve been having mixed feelings about our replationship recently. I’ve started feeling a bit crowded.  I need some space. I don’t want everyone knowing where I am all the time. You know how much I love you and I really  like what you do.

It’s not you, it’s me

I don’t wanna break up, I just need some space.  I want the mystery back in  our relationship.  I want things more like they used to be.

We have so many great memories and you’re always bringing me closer to my friends (Twestival, Foursqaure Day, Earthquake/Superswarm, Karaoke, NXNE). I still want more of that.

It’s the little things, the little checkins all the time here and there, it’s getting to be too much. I’m taking back the pants.

Please no hard feelings. Remember when I made that awesome shirt for your birthday?

I’ll checkin at work tomorrow.  Love you.


it’s more about the us than the meme

Mum is coming today and I’m really excited to see her. I’m really excited for Lady Gaga tonight too. Currently watching the Hooters Bikini pageant, it’s hot/awesome. Have you ever seen the Hooters  outfit on me? It was 2005, I looked different, heavier. I never worked there, but I was close once, in my younger days.  I won a pageant and bikini contest back then too. Ha.

Thanks for the votes in the Virgin contest. I’m in the lead, lets keep it that way. I think the other six are under the impression it’s a job.(Yes, only six entries!)

It’s just like winning an online pageant, you get to carry the title of Toronto Provocateur for the year and you have perks/duties. You get to be the party planner and 12 free trips, I have room for that in my life.  I do. I would LOVE some free trips… I dream about all the people I could visit, conferences I can attend and things to explore. I’d also REALLY like to be able to leverage the stellar community we’ve got for GenyTO and do some really great/cool/fun things. I’m darn sure that’s a win-win for everyone.

We’re having GenyTO on July 27th. You saw how fun the game was I went to recently. Did you know that out of the whole group, I had only ever met two of those people in real life? And one is Jon fron the TFC. Tickets are $40, the  special code to purchase is ‘genyto‘ and you can get tickets here.  All the other important info is right here. I would love to see you there!

Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-Roma-ma-ah!
Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your RAD romance

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

Saw this on Seven Dollar Pants and it needed to be shared.


Last night was epic. EPIC. Such an awesome time with the girls. I love Emily Haines so hard, we all do. It was me, Jenie, Michelle, Grace and Jess (we are all on the twitter).

Hanging out with my sister is the most fun. We are so positive, happy & energetic together, I get super charged. Look out.

Ain’t nothin’ gonna break my stride, nobody’s gonna slow me down, oh-no, I got to keep on moving.

I have so many great photos from the night. Heaps. The sun setting over the water and the pink sky were the perfect back drop to the music and atmosphere.

The place was packed but we hardly noticed anyone else because we were laughing and having so much fun. One dude tried to make friends with us, but we were not having it, he was Snooki’s type. We also saw a couple guidos who really loved Emily and knew the lyrics to every song.

All our seats were scattered in different sections but we didn’t go to them once. Instead, we parked our camp on the lawn and danced and sang and threw our arms in the air and screamed. The lawn is really the best place to be. You can relax and lean back or dance in circles.

I love that feeling, the one when you hear the music live and the lights shine on the crowd and they reach out and touch your face and you scream. It melts my popsicle.

Michelle = babe. She has a fashion blog and she’s got the wicked style. My phone desktop image matches her leopard onesie, that’s why she is posing with phone.

Jenie is too cute. Heart melt sandwich.

Ater we went to the afterparty @  Parts + Labour for a private Holy Fuck show. It was hipster heaven, like everyone died & went to American Apparel.

Today I’m sailing to the island with Michael. It’s just to beautiful to not make to most of the day. Y’know? You shoud do something awesome today too. Then tell me about it. We can share awesomes.


One more thing, made a new friend last night, you might know him as the guy who hates Aussies on Flight of the Conchords or host of the 2010 MTV Movie Award, Aziz Ansari. He has tumblr & twitter too.

Christine from Seven Dollar Pants & Michelle, serious fashion blogging happening behind the scenes here. Aziz is shocked at the sheer beauty!

warped tour: mike albertini reporting for casie stewart

Tonight is the Toronto stop of the Vans Warped Tour and this Lady Blogga has called upon a little monster to report from the ground.

I’ve  partnered with Warped Tour to give Mike Albertini two tickets, media access and back stage passes to get the dirt and have a hella good time in my place. It’s summer and I’m crazy busy so I though I’d share the fun so we don’t miss out on any of the action.   Have any questions for him or  tasks? Tweet him here and tell him I sent you!

Did I mention I’m hiring an intern? If you are interested or woudl like to recommend someone. Email me.


i never really know how you feel, then this happens…

I got this email the other day and it really made me happy. I though I’d share with you because every once in a while, someone writes me something and I really really admire and love it.  It’s a crazy thing the internet and how we connect with people these days. I feel so happy when someone says I’ve touched their life in some special way.

Don’t every be shy to email me. I read everything and  I reply.

Have an awesome day. Don’t let the heat bother you, remember just how cold it gets in winter! brrr. Soak up the sunshine baby! I’ll be at Tequila Sunrise for #loserkaraoke tonight. If you’re around come on by & say helloooooo!

The email:


I’ve been following your blog and work now for months and as of late it has been resonating with me on so many different levels. I wanted to say thank-you for being so open to putting your thoughts and ideas and life out there through your work. It is truly inspiring and something I aspire to do through my own work.

I’ve been contemplating a trip to Australia over the past couple days, going back and forth between putting down a payment or not, and then tonight I went to your blog and saw that you posted something about your time in Sydney. It was almost like a sign, this wasn’t the only time this has happened to me with things you post, but is the most recent and really struck a chord with me. Needless to say, I’m booking the trip.

I admire a lot of your work, from the blog to Much and MTV, and the many other adventures and endeavors you take on. Just wanted to let you know, thank-you for being so open and honest and doing what you do – and doing it well!

how many clicks does it take to get to the centre of the…

this post is regarding the influence project: the search for the most influential person online

i feel like, if i participate in ‘everything’ that shows my ‘influence’ it devalues when i post good content. everything is becoming about your so called ‘influence’ and i hate pushing links on people all the time. what do i get if i put my name in this?  my picture in a magazine. meh, been there done that a few times. so, it doesn’t really seem worth it? who really gains? they do.

where are the perks for making people click on something that does nothing for them. i like to give people value, that’s where my influence comes from. i hope someone cool gets this thingy but it surely won’t be me. as for the Virgin thing, that will provide heaps of value back to everyone who votes for me. i will be an ambassador, organize parties and create fun memories for people all over the place. all this talk about influence, makes me think it’s more about VALUE. y’know what i’m sayin?

another thing, the site is all built in flash and really slow too.  i’m more than happy to not try for this one. i’m sure we will all be seeing more and more of this user generated ‘meme’ stuff floating around (ex. i only wanna take part in things that give back, things that have value for everyone not just for myself. it’s pretty much the same reason I don’t put ads on my site, i don’t want you to think i’m banking off you visiting, i like to think i make you smile, and maybe  i even inspire you.

i do the internet stuff because i love it. it started out as a way to keep more memories and it’s evolved in to many things, but i’m not about to start using it for anything but good.

Feeling super happy today. Excellent morning to start a wonderful day. I love summer and the heat. Looking forward to a few days of rain too. Make the most of today, it’s the only July 7th 2010 you will ever have! lolz but true 🙂

i rememeber that iceberg on the beach baby, i do

I used to live at Bondi Beach. I loved it there. I wanna go back one day. Lead a simple life,  a beach babe, not be so busy all the time. One day. I wrote this poem walking along this very beach one day at 7am. I had to take it by memory, it was one of the few times I didn’t have a pencil/paper. It was  also before the smartphone revolution. To me at least!  It’s my favorite one I ever wrote:

As the waves crashed on the shore,
The wind washed them away.
And as I walked along the sand,
I felt I could not stray.
For I was walking towards the sun,
And it was a brand new day.
– Untitled, Casie 2004