The top three contestants were asked to make a video for Virgin America during Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche this past weekend. Watch my art venture in HD on my youtube channel.

Big thanks to Sean at 1188 Films for editing, my sister Jenie, Sabrina, Jeremy at Trend Hunter for filming. Music is Barbra Streisand by Duck Sauce. Hair and appearance by Darren Kwik.  Catch hottie Jesse Giddings from MuchMusic and Trevor Borris in there too. Big thanks to Bob Elsasser & everyone on the internet who voted me to top three.

The contest is almost over, we’re on the home stretch (I know, it’s been forever!). Lets hope Virgin America makes the right choice and picks CASIE for Toronto Provocateur.


This Virgin vid is pretty rad too!

all the stars were falling one hit me in the head


visited the archives today october 2008, october 2009. ketchup and fries for dinner. getting cold outside. i’m ready for hiberation. i’m ready to recharge. don’t really feel like internetting today.  i would like to be at the beach with the sun of my face.

this is ellen and loann my babes from boston who were here with yannis & bob this weekend. they all left today. thanks for visiting guys, love you. enjoy flying home on porter 🙂

I AM ART: Nuit Blanche tonight. See you on the street!

Here’s a couple things I’ve done and loved fronm Nuit Blanche in past years. I live in the Zone and am totes excited to stayup all night being and BE ART exploring art.

2009 – on Queen Street with my sister Jenie.

2008 at U of Toronto with a bunch of peeps.

If you wanna join me lemme know. I have two free flights and mad coupons from Virgin to give away. So aside from just being fun, you might really get something great.

I like the artness of this video too. So cool.

SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

i wanna take you higher






Had a lovely lunch with the GenYTO team today. I’m sending this note from the 360 Resto up top of the CN Tower. I’ve not been here for ages and it is so freaking cool.  I’m being tour guide to four friends in town from Boston this weekend.

I love this city so its really rad to show it off to them!

just call me domestic diva

oh em gee, a baby!

You wouldn’t normally say “domestic” with me in mind, I’m usually the opposite. Not really into cooking, children, cleaning and stuff like that. However, last night I cleaned my room, vacuumed and made a hearty butternut squash soup…from scratch! It startes like this, boiling the squash then peeling and putting in blender with magic ingredients before letting it simmer on the stove. Very tasty. If you wanna try just ask!

I’m actually pretty good at cooking, Mum taught me well. The thing is, when you’re single, cooking for one person isn’t really that fun. I love entertaining (surprised?) and having people over, that’s when my Martha skills come out.

How hot is Sabrina working our new LG Kompressor unit. Dayum grrrl! This thing sucks like a mofo. Our house is like mad clean atm. You can sleep on the carpets. I have to keep it that was cause a crew is coming to film at my place for an upcoming project on Monday. Tres exciting 🙂

Ok, TED afternoon session is about to start! I’m ready to be INSPIRED! Hope you are having a wonderful day.

PS: I’m not affraid of babies anymore. Look at Isabella, she is just too cute for words. MISS YOU! I know she can’t read this yet but I just wanna let her know. xo

A Call to Action #tedxtoronto

This morning has been so inspiring. Currently Broadway Sleep are performing and they are an eight piece group. Great voices, pretty faces. I’m sitting front row with @andrewfstewart @kristenannehill and @chrisunwin. Seen heaps of people today who are all excited and feel proud to be here. You can be here too by dropping into the live stream. I posted the link in my earlier post!


Pretty stoked for all the goodness I’m gonna soak up today. If you thought I was positive and excited about life before, just wait till the end of today!

Sending love + light from the front row at TedXTO!

riveting talks by remarkable people…like me.

Ok so I’m not speaking at TedxTO today but I have been chosen as part of the select group to attend. You can catch the LIVE STREAM here. Naturally, I’m dressed cute as a button in a vintage 1960’s dress from a small shop in St. Kevin’s Arcade on K-Road in Auckland. I’ll be blogging (hopefully) a bit during the day and letting you know what smart things I’m learning and listening to. I need to get that infinity tattoo redone asap.

Pretty to see lots of friends there today who I’ve not seen in a while.

Oh, guess what else I did this morning? I went to the gym and ran 2k. I’ve been thinking I should really get off my ass and be more active and I thought about it so much that it got me out of bed and all the way downstairs to the gym. I’m proud of myself. The last time I went, was about a year ago I reckon.

Peace out for now peeps. Mama needs a coffee! See you on the internet. Follow my Tweets for pix & commentary of the day!

Follow casiestewart on Twitter

blood stained clothes, black eyes, i will eat your brain

Halloween is JUST around the corner and I am stoked. I reckon I might follow the blood stained trend and wear some blood for the month of ROctober whenever I feel like it. The Zombie Walk is OCTOBER 23 at 3pm. Zombies meet in Bellwoods and I would love to have you join my Zombie Crew. We get  all bloody at my house then make our way there leaving blood tracks and victims along the way.

On Halloween Friday I’ll be at Tequila Bookwork for People Downtown’s Halloween blood bath. Costumes mandatory andthere is no cover. Hope to see you there!

nothing like sleeping in your own bed again

I stayed up late after I arrived home last night, couldn’t sleep. I got into my leopard snuggie and watched all last week’s episodes of the Young and the Restless in a row. Slept till two in the avo today and feeling quite energized now. I’ve gotta clean up all the goodies I have scattered around the house.

My Kiwi friends wanted to know what the view was like from my house. It’s quite cloudy today but you get the idea. This is the CN tower. Puts Aucklands SkyCity tower to shame, sorry kids. They do have the tallest free standing in the Southern Hemisphere though.

May-jah traffic here.

This is the airport, Porter Airlines I told you about. Really great airline. Stylish outfits & great service.

Good thing I have this spankin’ new LG Kompressor Vacuum to help me clean up the mess from dumping my suitcase and heaps of NZ goodies on the floor. It makes this cute sound when you turn it on. Happy to add it to my many gadgets around the house. The handle actually works wirelessly with batteries to turn it on! Is that not the coolest thing eva? Ok, well the coolest thing in vacuum technology mate! I’m sure there are probably much better models now though, taking a look at review sites for wireless vacuums over at sites such could help you find your next cool vacuum too!

I’m so happy to be home. I loved NZ and hope to get back in the next year but my gosh, it’s great to be home. I’m back on the Telus 3G and have my double monitor setup for my comp and North American TV poppin. Big ups to Telus for keeping me connected while I was in NZ. I was able to hop on wireless and stay in touch with tweets and emails the whole time.

I love you Canada! Have an awesome day!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

doesn’t it make sense to have the time of your life?

Hi! I’m in San Fran at the airport waiting for my flight home to TO. I miss you TO, can’t wait to see that tower. I was super anxious this morning/yesterday whatever time it was when I left NZ. Joanne and I dropped Nana off at the airport with Isabelle (her darling daughter) then it was my turn to go. I had like four hours until my flight so I snooped around, got one of those chair massages. Left my biz card at the computer station. Threw back a beer or three and painted my nails. Chatted a lovely couple, my parents age, who were off to Rangitonga with about thirty friends. He had a ukulele and they have a sail boat too like Mum. I love airports.

They are calling my plane now. See you in Canada homeslice!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

leave all your love and your longing behind you can’t carry it with you if you want to survive

Walked down to the ocean in Beach Haven, tide was out. So beautiful. I miss being near the ocean. When I lived in Bondi (Australia) I used to visit the water each day, lay in the sand, stare at the sky. I was really happy there, I’m happy now too.

I climbed on the childrens boat, laxed on a bench, lazed in the sun.

The flowers here are very beautiful. I have heaps of photos fronm the past week. People here have quite lovely gardens. Nana & Grandad always had a really nice garden. He had passion fruit trees , flowers and vegetables. I carved my name in a tree there too. Love you Grandad, miss you. Chilled out with Nana today.

This is on my cousins lawn. Their house is great. I’ve been lucky this trip to stay at really nice places. I enjoyed staying with Kms the other day. His place felt kinda like my old house on Broadview in TO; artsy and musical with character. Nice fro babe.

Walked into downtown Beach Haven, there’s about five shops, three takeaways, a dairy and a cafe with a foursquare checkin. I have a meeting at the cafe in the morning and will feel like my trip is complete if I can steal that Mayorship. GAME, SET, MISSION.

Beer o’clock and diner making time.  Got an extra suitcase today so I can bring home all my goodies. Love it here but ready to come home. Lots of exciting things on the horizon.

love & light my friends xo

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

sunshine green grass fresh air open mind


Good morning from the North Shore in Auckland! Quite lovely and suberbish here. A good break from the past week of red carpets and cameras.


Hanging with my cuz Jo, her baby Isabella and my Nana today. Its been sooooo long since I’ve seen them. Only my immediate family (mum, dad, sis) live in Canada, the rest are all here. How cute is her pup? Love him.


Craving a meat pie so walking to the dairy! Hehe. I really wish we had kiwi meat pies at home. I love Vegimite.


Hope you are having an awesome day. I ship out tomo on Air NZ stopping in SF then home Wed.

I miss you Toronto xo

this is a tech style blog: technology + fashion + music

Ever wonder what the front row is tweeting from? What camera’s at the show? Stylish gadgets I tell ya.

Busy as for the next month when I return home. Luckily it’s with all my favourite things; tech, style & music – TedX Toronto elite invite only geek conference, Indie Music Week and LG Fashion Week. I just googled LGFW and it means ‘Lets Get Fuckin’ Wankered’. haha

Man I love NZ. It’s pretty small but really nice. There’s a few things I’d have liked to get done ex. bungy jump, see Palmy or visit Waiheke Island. Imma just gonna have to come back. It’s been ten years since I was last here and I’m not letting that happen again.

Venus took these photos of us, top is front row at the Huffer show Friday night. Their collection is stuff I’d wear but reminded me H&M and I just can’t get over that it’s called HUFFER. We all know what Huffing is, no? Check the bed spread below by Nom*D, it’s made of CORSETS + BRAS! Holy style. – want. More photos here.

We seriously had a blast this week! I wish I had a photog/assistant + driver all the time. A girl can dream…uh, a girl DOES dream! I’m ready to travel, have I told you yet? Well, tell your friends.


Fashion | Internationally speaking your style language

I’ve got heaps of photos to round up from NZFW. Recognize this fine woman above? NY fashion queen Nicole Miller with Derek and I before a show. We all had a blast hanging out this week. The internationals really stuck together. We were also often the loudest.

I met so many wickkkkkked people. Got heaps of following up to do. Look out world here I come. Shirt in the below pix is from Marks.

The lovely Hannah McArdle:

NZ fashion rockstar Isaac:

My assistant for the week was Venus Tong, she upload a whole bunch of pix to her site PARTY OF WOLVES. Check out the rest on her site here.


the fruit, maturing in autumn, is green

new fav drink – Feijoa wine.

i got a dress like this  red one yesterday from a wee vintage shop that isn’t online and doesn’t have a twitter. would be fun if they did. everything was really cute and well priced.

i feel closer to NZ thanever. growing up oit always seemed so far away but now, the world is so small thanks to internet and how we communicate. we are  all connected, i’m a citizen of the world yo.

it’s kinda chilly today and i’m wearing a long really weater from mark’s.  like this tune below by NZ artists ‘naked & famous’. have a wonderful day. i’m seeing my cousin & auntie this afternoon! yahoooooooooooo!


lemme just sit now and have a cuppa tea

didn’t tweet much yesterday. was having trouble getting on that downtown wifi when i was shopping around k road + ponsonby. like it here. so beauty. got a milky bar today, heaven in my mouth when that baby melts. there are these salsa doritos here that are so good. i am munching the whole bag right now.

yesterday on twitter this happened:

  • hello moon – vice nz cover #
  • thank you so much to the #nzfw crew. i have had the best time this week. hope to be back next year. lots more fun to post on le blog too 😉 #
  • today i am cruising around auckland with a friend and might get new tattoo. #
  • miss you peeps at home. luckily #tedxto is my first day back in canada 🙂 #
  • eating fish & chips in my room before the HUFFER show. so freaking tasty, the F&C 🙂 i <3 #nzfw #
  • check out this collection: – Adrian Hailwood gave me some goodies & i’ll be wearing tonight! #nzfw #
  • i belong to the stolen generation.

    the show last night was hot. it was in a theatre, the place was packed. stylish people lined the streets in the cold. i was watching on twitter to see when they were getting started, late of course. got the driver to drop us at the door and we breezed through the  crowd. sat front row, middle beside lovelies from fashion around the world. the show was more than just fashion, it was a production. the best models from the week were in it. the clothes were my fav, it was very sexy, i got a rose from the bridal bouquet at the end. lucky me 🙂

    hung out with kms on ponsonby road after the stolen girlfriend’s club after party. that party was like a night out queen street west in TO, heaps of hot hipsers. good times.

    having the best time this week. extremely tired though. need a rest. ok bye xo

    yesterday on twitter, this happened:

    nicole miller at nzfw = hot






    Sat with Isaac for Nicole’s show today. Loved the leather shoulders & cut outs. Krista walked and was fierce obvs. Sexy shoes in this show. Hot babe with Isaac is Laura Allard-Fleischl. 

    twentysevennames – and things i’d like to have




    Loved this whole collection. Omg I would wear every little thing that walked down the runway. The hair on the models was so beautiful + long. I want that too!

    nzfw day three


    This week has been the most fun I might have ever had. Derek, Natalie and I are front row at every show. She is my other new bestie from Aus + Russh Magazine.  I can’t wait to spend some time googling photos and style from this week. I’ve hardly had any time at my computer. I will give my fav show pix later next week. Sitting bside Nicole Miller right now waiting for twentysevennames. Wearing a dress by Canadian designer Andy Hall, glasses fyshnation from Montreal.

    Thank god for wifi and my phone and wordpress mobile!

    yesterday on twitter, this happened:

    yesterday was great i have to run to a show now

    Yesterday was great. So many great people around this event. HI EVERYONE new I’ve met. Check out my new bestie above Krista who won ANTM. She is hilar. Would be nice if I was smiling! This is us with our minders and a lovely blonde in the demin. Great shows yesterday fav’s were Zambesi, Adrian Hailwood and Cybele.

    Running out for brekky and to see Ruby show. Have a massage this afternoon. Yahoo. I’m loving NZFW. TTYL xoxo

    yesterday on twitter, this happened: