if you don’t seize opportunity you’ll never be rich


Woke up to hear Sabrina talking about the new HD box and I knew duty called. Electronics are my area of specialty in the house, hers are cooking and wearing high heels. Tonight is a hot double date with HBO, TMN and my sister. I hooked up the box. Photo is from yesterday at Dundas Square, mic needs a  MO on  it.  Event was good did some interviews, think I was on CTV news. Met some rad peeps. Was quite chilly and windy. Got new Moovboots that kept my little feet warm. They are sooo nice got some great pix I will share tomorrow.

Taking today off to do nothing but nothing. Saturday, siturday, relaxurday 🙂

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

happy friday

Will be at Dundas Square all day today. Come say HI! Follow @armyourself_gsk for deets on that. Tonight I’m Halloweening at Tequila Bookworm then Thompson Hotel. Will be a good night. Hope you have an awesome day! It’s 6:30 right now. YEOWWWWWWWWWWW! HELLOOOOOOOO MORNING.

P.S. If you #trickortreat your Dailybooth you get this halloween face! Byeeeeeeeee xo

The only way to have a friend is to be one.

I have crazy awesome friends who do really cool things. Today and everyday, I’m thankful for the things I have and peoole around me. I thought hey, why not let you know about some of that awesomism?

Remember how EVERYONE voted for me in the Virgin Ameica Provocateur contest and I won? I couldn’t have done it without your love and support. Seems like contests involving social media are the new way to get the coolest person for the job. Check out some of the cool things some of my friends are doing right MEOW!

Lauren O’Nizzle in the challenge to be the CosmoTV Blogger Girl. Vote for her here!

Brock & TRexx from 1loveTO have made their acting debut. Check their site to win tix.

Christine is in a challenge with War Child Canada to be a blogger in Ethopia and help people. You can vote for her here.

Kevin is in a sweet contest with Sauza Gold to win $10,000! If he wins they are having a huge party.  He’s a great guy, you can vote for him once per day and for the next month. Lets get this kid some CASH! Vote here on FB. He can totally beat that bitch girl.

Happy Halloween from two of my boyfriends Terry & Gubler.

One more thing, I am in a Smrnoff commercial! Have you seen it? I haven’t. I know it’s on TSN. HELL YEAH. I’d like more commercials please!

Today is Sabrina’s birthday, she FINALLY IS TWEETING!

TODAY is an awesome day. Make the most of it. Remember, you will never be younger than you are TODAY!
Love & light xo CASIE

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

  • mum on skype ‘manhattan is just fabulous’ so cute 🙂 #
  • shot from the smirnoff commercial – yep, that’s ME! http://yfrog.com/eqhuudkj #
  • blogged: some stuff i did today, what i was wearing and what i got in the mail http://bit.ly/986z7w #
  • can you unique URL your @myspace? why do i feel shame asking. fml. #
  • RT @halfasophie: “you’re never going to have a boyfriend who likes the theater because he would already have a boyfriend” – samuel morgan #
  • sabrina sprayed one of my perfumes – gwen stafani harajuki girls – FAK IS STINKS> EWWWWWWWWW. #
  • even if we’re just dancing in the dark. #
  • listening to “Tegan And Sara – Dancing In The Dark” ♫ http://blip.fm/~xxp1j #
  • yup @myspace still sucks http://myspace.com/misscasiestewart #
  • two and a half men – man i love charlie sheen. #
  • Untitled http://post.ly/17gfT #
  • View Post

what are you wearing? i dunno. i just put stuff on.

I wore cute tights today. It was sunny bright outside.

Sabrina’s Mum sent these tights from Hawaii. My Mum said she is hoping to send something from NY when they stop there on the big sailing adventure. If anything I hope she picked up something from a second hand store. She’s got great style and always knows good things for my sister and I. MISS YOU MUM. Call me when you get phone or internet.

It was quite windy out today as well…

I went to an ofice for a meeting and heard “oh look at you” then “you are like a Blossom but in 2010”. I forget that most office settings don’t wear funky outfits with hats and tights and scarves and stuff all different colours.

I forgo and I am glad that I forgot. You should forget too. Dress fun and be unique.

Working from home, I feel is the best thing for personal stle. Mind you, my room is messier than ever and I find motivation to clean it is nonexistent. Everytime I leave the house I throw together a mish-mash of things and accessories, hats, scarves and jewels galore. Every time I leave the house I am in costume, I am playing a part, I am me. This is my life.

You are always someone when you leave the house, you are someone different on Monday morning than you were on Sunday morning (especially if hungover!). Your Friday afternoon self is different from holiday dinner self or your Sunday with Nana self. We are changing all the time. Lets hope it’s always for the better.

In other news…myspace is back with a new layout and logo. I spent a couple minutes on mine today but I am not feeling it at all. Myspace is ugly. I made this collage and if you click on it your can see my lame profile. I have another myspace here that has my old poetry blog from 2004-2006 if you feel like some late night creeping.

When I came home from the meeting I took the TTC and considered taking a taxi but just rode the rocket anyways. Good thing because I ran into a client and we talked about his project the whole way home.

When I got there I checked the mail and there was a HUGE box from Matchstick and inside it were some goodies and TWO pairs of Cougar Boots (warning their site has music #FAIL). I’m gonna make a special Cougar video for you but here is a sneak peek for now. Thanks Matchstick!

That’s all for now. Have a lovely night. Bye.

she looks old and rusty but she’s a real beaut

yesterday i biked to the meetings i had. it was sunny and warm and i didn’t even have to wear a jacket! it’s the end of october, that is fascinating… well, because it makes me think about global warming and how it used to be cold by now but on the other hand it is totally freaking awesome.

today i am telling you about my stuff…

bike: raymi the minx, vintage > i need to fix the alignment. wanna help?

jeans: shop girl gallery boutique, yoga jeans > these guys are so comfy. remember when i NEVER wore jeans at all, yeah, well that has changed now that i have these.

rest time at the fake beach by the lake. nice to get feet in the sand and look out across the water with sun on your face. was quite beautful.

sweater: marks, SOFT edge to edge cardigan > very soft and long, i like to wear it on the plane because it works like a snuggie but fits in your carry on purse. it also covers up your whole outfit and shows only the legs so you feel skinny and never ugly.

i was walking back to bike when camera shot here. needed to take off sweater cause it was so warm out. btw it is also quite warm, the sweater, snuggly really. washes up nice and soft, ok in dryer too. mum and sister, you would both love this.

tank: holt renfrew, bamjamz > made from bamboo and really really comfy, breathes nice, actually for sleeping/yoga…bike riding i guess too. that’s exercise. it has a panda on it. not a sad panda, a happy panda i like to think.

hat: some vintage shop @ st. kevins arcade, ponsonby, nz. got it that day i went shopping with a couple editors/publishers while i was in NZ w/ derek fabulous from NY. we had so much fun, article on threadNZ is here.

shoes: ugg australia > seriously comfy like slippers with real soles and not ugg boots! can not find anywhere online. got them at winners up the road. great buy.

bag: nella bella > my fav. i take it everywhere. fits everything perfect, a good carry on or for everyday. leather, sturdy, fits my comp or a file folder easy along with all kinds of crap. white fur is ruby boutique accessory from NZ.

wired magazine: got this today too. think it’s the last one in my subscription. i hardly ever read magazines anymore so i don’t mind too much.

interested to read the boobies article. engineering to enhance tissue and the future of medicine? you got my attention there. i’m all for using technology to improve the way we make ourelves better, healthier, happier. gimme some lazer guns ftw!

happy wednesday!


memory lane: do you know that randall ball used to say “happy wednesday” at high school all the time. i loved that. he is a kiwi like me that grew up here. loved comics and is into music stuff (bands/shows) in the city. randall, are you out there? fak. i’d love to see that guy. i shall tag him once this feeds into FB.

haha internet!

i’m available

It’s true. No, I’m not looking for dates but I am looking to get together to talk with cool smart people who like to work with other cool smart people. I’m finishing up a contract this week and available as a consultant.

I like to create fun campaigns that engage people online and connect them with cool brands.  I also like to get people off the couch and create experiences. I’m not camera shy or afraid of public speaking and I love having my picture taken.

Since leaving CTV as MuchMusic & MTV‘s social media guru/content writer, my life has been really exciting.

Over the last two months…I did red carpets and celebrity soirees during Toronto International Film Fest (TIFF). I spent 10 days in New Zealand with as an International VIP sitting front row at NZ Fashion Week (NZFW).  I hopped on a plane to San Francisco and met with the Virgin America team as their cheekly-little-rabble-rouser in Toronto. This week I am the spokesperson for the Arm Yourself campaign with GSK and for the next year, I am your Virgin America Provocateur.

I’m young, smart, creative and a bank rich w/ ideas. If you would like to talk email me!

Oh, I am so funny 🙂

Creep me on LinkedIn here.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i have a halloween message for you

someecards.com - If you dress like Snooki for Halloween, I'm going to punch you in the face

No, seriously. I will Snooki punch you. Come to a party on Friday night at Tequila Bookworm. I’m not sure what I’m gonna go as quite yet but alas, it will NOT be Snickers. haha.

How cute is this guy? Halloween BF material right there. Planned out my tattoo sleeve last night. Pen and marker all over my arm right now. Need to do some more drawing. We’ve got an old sailing ship, an eagle, a poem I wrote in my own handwriting and a sunshine band. Soooo excited to get moving on the inking. Perhaps next month I’ll gett’er started. ANy reco’s of who should draw on me with a mechanic needle? That makes it sould so hardcore. I am bbbbbadass. Ok, no I’m not.

a day in the life of a girl on a bike in city that never sleeps so she blogs her life away

Yesterday I went for a bike ride.

I had lunch with a lovely Newfie named Brent Winsor who went to his high school prom with Jessi from MTV. We had BQM he paid, it was tasty. Actually his mama paid, THANKS MA! He has a wee Newf accent, that shizzz cracks me right the efff up. ENJOY Toronto BRENT!

He said I am way smaller in real life than I appear on Twitter. Deff not the first tme I’ve heard people thinking I appear taller online. Larger than life? We also chatted w/  a CBC reporter about how Rob Ford was totes gonna win. Brent was a huge supporter although he can’t vote here. He likes controversy I think. heh heh

I also voted. Rob Ford won. Knew that would happen.

Anyone who takes on Mayor is going to have a hard job. I would hate that job. Peeps are so angry he won. Someone freaked out I had a different photo here. I took a pic of a blank ballot and drew in a vote. Not funny eh? Is this better? I aim to please 😉

In other news…

I’m so excited peeps!  I’m part of this awesome campaign that is soooo close to my heart.  Curious??? Check out armyourself.ca and make sure to follow me on Twitter at @armyourself_gsk.

ok, Gotta run bike to a meeting! Busy day. Have a good one, no, no, have a GREAT ONE!

how would you describe me in 140 characters?

I’ve been included in an awesome set of photos by my friend & photographer Rannie Turrigan called 140 Characters. The concept is cool, 140 Characters and a bio for each person he shoots. You know Twitter is 140 chars by now right? Please say yes. OMG.

I’ve not got a bio up for my pic yet. I found it hard to describe myself? Hmmmm….awesome? Crazy, awesome, charming, beautiful? Haha, see it aint’ that eezzzzz. I reckon it’s easier for someone else to describe you, err drscribe ME. What would you say?

The photos will be on display tonight at TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone Hotel. Remember I hosted a couple Tweetgasm’s in August & September pix here.  If you’re around stop by tonight or check them out online at 140characters.ca. There’s a bunch of babes in the photo set!!

went to the #smirnoffXchange party and all i got was…


Big big thanks to Smirnoff Canada for hosting another great event! The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project has been travellin’ around 14 countries (Canada, USA, Great Britain, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Ireland, Lebanon, Poland, South Africa, Thailand and Venezuela). I would LOVE to go to one of the parties outside of Canada. Hellooooo nurse!!!

Remember the last Smirnoff party I went to in the summer? It was called Graphic (click to see video) It was the one with the comic book theme? Shiz was off the hizzle. Check out pix from Nightlife Exchange Project on Facebook at Smirnoff Canada. I suggest giving them a ‘like’ if you wanna know about future stuff. My fav was the balloon drop from the ceiling and the music.  We  danced up a storm, threw back drinks and managed to get home before it got too cra-zay.

Well, kinda…

Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! roma-Roma-ma-ah! ga-ga-ooh-la-la!

Katie Stewart + Jenie Stewart = babes

Sequin queens ftw!

Mood lighting = Rad romance

Meeting this dude was crazy. We both said “my name is Casie/Casey” at the SAME TIME. That’s never happened before. My face it so totally ‘like whoa’. Whoa is me.

Eva redpath, dancin’ queen! LOVE YOU BACK!

Tweeps: handsome Brocklyn, darling Christine

Love you sister.

Prom is over.

The end.

hi, how are you today?

Fine. Sitting on the couch drinking water and eating Marmite on bread.

Had a great night out with my sister last night. I’m closer to her than ever and it’s crazy how well we know each other. We are afterall sisters, but really good friends too which is awesome. I really appreciate her and that she lives in the city . We don’t see Dad that much cause he’s in Cambridge and Mum is sailing on her boat on the East Coast of the USA. LOVE YOU GUYS!

Lots of stuff this week. Monday night is TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone. Tuesday night I have something I forgot to put in my calendar and I hate when I do that. Hopefully writing this now and reading it later will remind me what the heck it is. Thursday is Sabrina’s birthday. There’s always stuff hapenin’ on Thursday. Friday I will be at Dundas Square all day for an event follow me at @armyourself_gsk for deets on that. Friday night is the People Downtown Halloween party. Saturday, I reckon I will need sleep/home alone time. Sunday is Halloween yahooooooooo. I will be at Parts & Labor for a private show with Broken Social Scene that is hosted by Virgin America and the Torontoist. I really hope Emily & Feist are there. That would be great, I have a crush on them both. Next week I’ve got a spa thing at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and a lesson in DJing. Imagine I was a DJ? Imagining………..  In New Zealand I met this babe blogger from the UK named Gala Gonsales who DJ’s. I think that’s hot.

This is gonna be a good week and busy week. It’s almost November already. So crazy. Looking forward to Movember and all the moustaches that will be floating around. I love facial hair and a good mo. SO manly.  I’m a judge at the Toronto Movember Gala at the end of the month. I almost died last year, there were so many babes > see here. November 11th at Wrongbar is Raymi’s 10 Year Blog Anniversary. Really looking forward that. It’s gonna be a shit show of awesomeness.  If you/your client wanna sponsor, give away a prize or get your swag in the gift bags, lemme know by emailing me [email protected].

My wrist is really killing today. I wonder if it’s got to do with he damp weather. Yes Mum, I’ve got a castor oil compress on it. Lets hope it is better by the morning. Good thing I have incredible skills as mousing with either hand so I can still internet.
This is my life. SaaaaannaSAAAaaaaaaaa. Saa na saaaaaaaaa. 🙂

p.s. New song from friend Morgan Cameron Ross here!

thereis a certain calming peace when it’s this foggy


Its a thin line that divides the ocean and the sky.
A thin line which divides you and I.
A small space.
Without a trace, feelings vanish before my eyes.
People leave to go back home and I am left here all alone.
Resting by the ocean and taking in the sky.
The waves are restless and so am I.

Written:2004 Posted: May 22, 2006

Found these old pix as I was traveling through a time warp in MSN hotmail land from 2005-2006.

I had really dark hair for a season here and there. I lived in New York and Indiana. I dated a hockey player. Seems so weird and long ago that life.

It’s crazy how much we change as time goes by. I’ve been through so many different stages and likes, habits and hobbies.

When I really think about it like now it’s quite amazing. I’m really excited for the future.

Who knows what I will get up to, my wildest dreams I guess.  I’m happy to get wiser as I get older too, make better decisions that way.

Have a great day 🙂

we are all made of skulls

I will cut you.


Love this. haha. Party on Wayne!

Dead disco, dead funk, dead rock’n roll!

Aw, look at this little Lambchop. Play along. Play dead!

Titanic – drunky let the boat sink. Whoops.

Dead babies are popular. Yum.

So many people for ages…

Cute little guy.

America’s Next Dead Model

good morning mortals


Hehe. Woke up and went to Sobeys to get more food coloring with my Zombie face on. I love today.  I love love love today. If you are in TO, make an excuse to get out of what ever you have to do this afternoon and get some blood on your face. 

There is nothing like being part of the Zombie Walk.
Eat brains xo

if you have known me for a long time…

you know what this means

My boyfriends back and we’re gonna be in trouble.

Hey la day laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my boyfriends BACK!

If I were you I’d take a permanent vacation. Hey la hahahahahahahahaaaaa!

Hailwood SS2011 jumper from New Zealand Fashion Week. Thanks ADRIAN!!

LIL’ WAYNER. Cash money.

Happy Saturday. I’m gonna make some more blood now and put it on my face. Bye 🙂

make me feel like i’m the only girl in the world

Look what I got yesterday. MOHAWK!!!!

Today I am so fully excited about life and working on some totally wicked ass shit. On Oct. 29th Ill be at Tequila Bookworm for People Downtown‘s monthly awesome Halloween blood bath. Costumes mandatory. Deets here.

On the 31st, as your Toronto Virgin America Provocateur I’ll be at a secret location for a VERY exclusive and intmate Broken Social Scene Show. It is gonna be off the chains good.

I’m working on the BLOG PARTY OF THE DECADE on November 11th for Raymi the Minx. If you, your company or your agency want to get in on advertising, contributing to swag bags or attending as media, get at me [email protected]. Prime coolness demographic in attendance.

Ok, mama gots to get to twerk. HAPPY FRIDAY!

mum, lost you on skype so here is my trip to SF ♥ xo

After I checked into my hotel, Doubletree where they have fantastic and fresh cookies ready for you. If you ask at the counter they will give you more. I was starving at the time to I had three then felt bloated and gross.

My room was freezing so I decided to do what I usually do when I first get to my hotel room adn jump on the bed. You must be careful not to hit head on ceiling as you may die. I am a professional as you can see here. (My love for animated gifs has resurfaced as you may have noticed)

Gif Created on Make A Gif

Worked up quite a sweat there and decided to get cleaned up and venture downtown. I love being all alone in a new city. Exploring is fun. I would make an ok explorer, I like to snoop around but I like even more when I have a handsome guided escort who knows cool places where locals hang. I rode the BART (SF version of TTC) and got off here in the heart of the action.

I didn’t do much shopping. To be honest, I’m not much of a shopper. I like clothes and stuff but have so many that it’s retarted for me to go buy a heap of things. I like to pick up something special for myself though. My SF souvineer, this badass baby. Don’ mess wit mama cause if I punch you, you will know who hit ‘ya. My tattoo needs to get redone. Blue/orange, so faded.

I did not know they had Westfield Malls in the US. I though they were only in Australia & NZ. Sheesh, I really need to travel more. Stopped in for a snoop around, got bored  after 10 minutes.

This GAP is a flagship store. One I alway wanted to visit it since my very first ever job at GAP when I was 16. I loved working there. Maybe when I get old I might go back to work there.  It was a fun place and I loved the discount. I wonder if employees still get 50% off? Can anyone confirm this?

Next is was time to hop on that rail car. OOOH look at me, I’m riding Full House style and loving it. Was pretty chilly outside, windy too.

So many long & windy roads make for really fun trolly rides.

I love palm trees. Can we get some of these in Canada please? We’re really missing out. Well, I guess we have the beautiful Fall-colour-changing ones. Those will do.

I took the trolly to Fisherman’s Wharf. Pretty cool place. Look what I ran into… A HUGE MF’N CRAB! The guy made me hold it. I was like “no no I can’t, it’s aliiiiiive” then he grabbed my hand and connected us.


I did a few other things but imma save them for another day. Overall, I really liked SF. I’m sure I’ll be back in town again for something in the next couple months. I can use the Virgin America office anytime so I might just ship out there for fun and visit some friends and check off a few destinations from my list.

Hope you are having a wonderful day. I’m going to see Darren this afternoon for a MUCH NEEDED hair cut. I reckon I’m going to shave the sides again and leave the mop top. It’s time for a change. If you need to get your hair done go see him. His studio is right across the street from Trinity Bellwoods park and the number is (416) 361-1016.

Love & light, CASIE

FAST AND HIGH: 607mph & over 39,000ft.

Hey y’all! So flying Virgin America is pretty dang sweet. I’ve uploaded a bunch of photos from my ime in SF and I really loved it there. I’ve got a bunch of stuff to check out next trip.

My next VX adventure is December 1st to Dallas, Texas. Pretty excited about that cause I looooove the accent and have a thing for coyboys. We are descending now! Catch you bacn in YYZ!

you are only as awesome as the chances you take


Just arrived at the Virgin America office. Today is gong to be awesome. Poker Face just came on the radio. Love it. 

Yesterday was great. I covered the whole city of San Fran. So many photos and things to share. Big thanks to my boy Rahim aka @funkstop for taking me to heaps of cool places. Y’all have to wait till lata to get the deets.

I got a big day ahead!
Love you. Byeeeeeeee! xo

it’s quite warm here in sunny california

Hey look, it’s me your fav little blogging munchkin’ baberoo. This is me at SFO airport about 45 mins an hour ago. SFO, it’s quite nice for an airport.

I’m at the hotel now soaking up some free internet before I attenpt to tackle the Golden Gate Bridge and go see the home of Michelle, Steph and DJ Tanner. I meet Virgin America tomorrow so today is all MINE. MINE!

Ok listen up…

I have something for you…wanna come to a party with me on Saturday? You MUST be AT LEAST 19 and you must be cool.

I have two special tickets with some hot young hipster’ who likes vodka’s name on them. The band USS is headlining with a couple other guests. If you like music & boooooze this is your cup of tea! Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project so you gotta show them and me some serious love aiiight.

How do you win? Hmmm, why should I pick you? What will you do for me? Lets see if anyone is creative and start there. Comment away!!


Saturday, October 23rd.
Doors open at 9pm
Courthouse – 57 Adelaide St. East
Facebook.com/SmirnoffCanada for more details


Friday night I had the pleasure of attending the Greta Constantine SS11 show at 161 Spadina. It was a who’s who of Toronto’s fashion. The clothes were beautiful, Coco Rocha walked the stage and I had a blast with friends. Here are some of the hot shots! For photos of the show check out Lynsie’s blog. She was back stage and on the runway getting some totally amazing shots of the collection.

lynsie roberts, fashion photographer/blogger

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is a reaction what you are looking for @globeandmail? annoying.

I’m heading to San Francisco tomorrow to meet with Virgin America. I was recently in New Zealand ,as you know, and had a wonderful experience with international people and companies. So, as  I was walking today I thought, “maybe I should consider jobs outside of Canada, it seems there is more opportunity for a young lady like myself”.

Then I saw this.

Urgh. Rolls eyes. I get it that it’s meant to draw attention issues about ‘women in power’ or make people pipe up and talk about the brain drain but like, seriously?

I feel like the bunch of “old school people” sat together in a room and decided “this is a great idea”. Meanwhile, as a young person, it makes me think “hey maybe that’s right” and does NOT make me want to join the discussion AT ALL.

To me, this billboard is silly. You get more bee’s with honey. Traditional news can be so annoying, this is a prime example.

say hello to my little friend


was on a video shoot at a friends studio last night

it was f-u-n

eye spy david and mario and wilder and eva

you might catch it on cosmopolitanTV some time.  catch me on dailybooth or twitter !
i dig the wig, i really do. do you? think i’mma gonna enter cosmotv’s blogger search.
just saw they extended the entry deadline.
what should be my angle. travelling provocateur? yeah baby!

the force of gravity was strong today

Spent the afternoon horizontal on the couch watching tv, staring out at the airport.  Took a break from everything. Working from home = working all the time.  I even had a nap, it felt great. My sis came over for little visit. Still have that hurting in my neck. Met some great people at the Greta show last night. Posting about that soon. Time for some ice cream and a new movie haha. Lazy day ILU xo