The Food God at The Food District

The Food God at The Food District

When you get invited to have lunch with Kim Kardashian’s BFF, you go! A couple weeks ago I joined a suite of media babes for a late lunch at Square One Mall’s soon to be epic food market. The almost 40,000 sq ft Food District opens later this month is now OPEN and aims to provide shoppers with an elevated culinary experience.

There’s a few downtown Toronto favourites like Pie Commission, Hale Coffee, La Carnita, Sweet Jesus, and other options including Italian, Indian, bbq, Danish, and DIY cupcakes. There’s also a fresh flower shop. The space was still under construction during our visit but it’s now open. For more info about the Food District, check out Blog TO and read about the opening on Toronto Sun.

The hardest part of writing is writing.

You have to write the thing. You have to sit down at our computer and type your fingers along each key forming words into sentences. It sounds easy but it’s hard if you ‘ve been thinking about it for a while and you know you can do it, but time is running out. You’re already a day late and you don’t want to hand it in at the end of the day tomorrow. All you need to do it sit down and not get distracted. Drink some water. Sit up straight. Open a window. Check the fridge. Sit back down. Your anxiety grows to form a mountain range that now you have to climb over before you reach the spot where you can just sit down, and write the thing. Sit down, start writing.

Sometimes just writing about writing helps the worlds start flowing.

Podcast: Into the Weeds ITW:S1E27 – Casie Stewart – Blogger

Podcast: Into the Weeds ITW:S1E27 – Casie Stewart – Blogger

A couple of weeks ago I sat down w/ the crew from Get Into The Weeds at Post Office Sound. It was really fun and the light was amazing! I shared stories about how I got to where am today and the weird/wonderful path I took.

We talked cannabis and if you swipe you’ll find a snippet of a story from when I was in college. I haven’t sent it to dad yet! The podcast ep is full of stories & lulz. I‘ve posted it on the blog and put the link in Stories/bio.

I love this interview and I hope you enjoy it too!!!! Thanks to the guys for having me! ✌????

2 Month Review: AfterShokz Treks Air Wireless Headphones

Over the past two months, you’ve read my reviews of AfterShokz wireless headphones and how they’re great for walking, working out, and so lightweight you’ll forget you’re wearing them. This is part 3 of my 4-post series and today I’m going deeper into the tech specs and my thoughts after 2-months of use.

Headphones are a really personal thing. They’re part of your style but also serve a different purpose for each person wearing them. For example, Lauren O’Nizzle is one of my friends who’s almost always wearing headphones, whereas me, not nearly as often. However, this year I’m growing into new habits and working out more.

I mentioned earlier that one of the reasons I really like Trekz Air headphones is you can hear the world around you. I tried over the ear noise cancelling any they’re not for me. I need to be able to hear my environment to stay calm. I do a lot of walking outside and will soon (come on Spring!) be doing outdoor workouts so it’s important to hear what’s around me.

As for comfort, the Trekz Air headphones wrap around the back of your neck and hang over your ears. I can’t speak for long hair but they’re totally fine for my short hair. You forget they’re there and the fit is fine with a hat and/or glasses. They’re a really great workout fitness headphone if you want something that will stay put, not get in your way, but keep you aware of your environment.

The new AfterShokz Treks Air have improved bass from previous versions which improves dynamic sound range. When you turn up the volume you can feel a tiny vibration in your cheekbone. It’s pretty cool and not distracting, Ilike it.

As a tech lover, one of my favourite things to do is test out new gadgets. I am so impressed with how these deliver sound into your head without going through your ears. Think about that for a second! The doors are open for new developments like this and it makes me excited. I think one of the areas we’re really going to see a lot of new tech in the next year is audio devices and voice commands.

In my best effort to give you an honest review, here are my most favourite features and 2 things I think could be improved.

Most Favourite

  • Lightweight, hardly know you’re wearing them
  • Allow you to hear the world
  • Convenient for busy lifestyle, parents, fitness

Least Favourite

  • The volume isn’t super high as the headphones don’t cover the ears
  • Sound quality not as good as regular headphones

In my fourth and final post in this series, we have a giveaway and I’ve asked for a second opinion on these headphones from a tech aficionado. I gifted a pair of AfterShokz to my friend Dan Levy and I’ll be sharing some of his thoughts on them. Dan is really into music so I’m interested to see what he says!

If you’re looking to get a jump on your own pair, us this link for $50 off. Now that I’ve hit publish, I’m grabbing my headphones and heading outside.

LMK if you have any questions & have an amazing day!

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From January to April 2019, I'm reviewing AfterShokz headphones in a paid partnership with PTPA (Parent Tested Parent Approved). All opinions experiences are my own, obvsStay tuned for a contest in the next post where you can win a pair! 

Follow #ShokzSquadCAN to see what the rest of the review team is saying. ?

Podcast: #WiththeJoneses – Episode 3 – The OG #Blondetourage

Last week, my bff  Lauren O’Nizzle and I were on the Jones Media Podcast – Keeping Up with the Joneses. It was super fun! If you know Lauren and I or have been on the internet for a long time, you’ll enjoy this.

We talk a lot about influencers, brand partnerships, and how social media has changed over the 10 years we’ve been friends.

This week on Keeping Up with the Joneses, we have Casie Stewart and Lauren Neil in conversation about starting as OG bloggers, tweet ups, their first paid gigs, how they transitioned into today’s influencer culture and tips for parents on how to engagement their kids in conversations about the internet. 

Casie Stewart & Lauren O'Nizzle on 'Keeping Up with the Joneses' Podcast with Jones Media.

Memory Lane – Stuff Mentioned in Podcast

Photo from Strombo’s TIFF party we mentioned in the podcast. Back there it was super rare to be invited to mainstream media parties. We were always ‘the bloggers’ around celebrities, actors, tv, and media people.
The original Blondetourage, blonde blogging girl gang: Lauren O’Nizzle, Me, Raymi, Keri, Carly.
Photo from GENYTO event back in the early days of Twitter.
The vibrating mascara, one of the first things I ever received from a PR company. Read more here about some of the first stuff I received and some thoughts on disclosure.

Thanks for tuning in!

I’ve opened up comments on this post to feel free to leave one if while listening!

Pack Your Bags! Earn More Miles with Aeroplan

Pack Your Bags! Earn More Miles with Aeroplan

Over the last few years, I’ve had some amazing adventures with Aeroplan. In this post, I’m excited to share that Aeroplan has a booking tool that will help you earn more miles, faster.

Making Memories with Aeroplan

Looking through travel photos gives me so much joy. I was browsing iCloud finding photos for this post and was reminded of how travelling is truly one of the greatest things in life. You learn so much about yourself, other cultures, and it enriches your life, leaving you lasting memories.

Portugal 2018: On this day I took a bus tour around Lisbon by myself, listening to facts about history and architecture. I went shopping, ate a fresh Portuguese egg tart by the Belem Tower, and had ice cream on the beach. I took heaps of photos of the city and hardly any of myself. When I think back to this moment I was so warm and free, happy in the sunshine. It was one of my all-time favourite adventures with Aeroplan. If you’re heading to Lisbon and looking for some tips, check out this post.

Aeroplan’s Booking Tool

In addition to earning Aeroplan Miles on flights and purchases, Members can earn miles with 250,000 hotels and more than 11,000 car rental locations in 50 countries. You also earn miles on bookings made through when you book using cash. My friend did the same when booking her trip to Crete, she then checked out e-mietwagenkreta for car rental deals, so I hear and it just made her trip so much better.

“travel has never been easier and more achievable”


They’ve made it super convenient and enhanced the online experience so you can add multiple items to your shopping cart and check out with ease. One of my favourite ways to earn is through my Aeroplan-affiliated financial card. I love logging in to and seeing what purchases earned the most each month. I’m more likely to shop somewhere if I know I can earn more miles!

Limited Time Offer: Get double the miles

Book, earn, repeat! ?Enjoy a special double the miles offer until April 14, 2019, and earn an additional ?4 bonus miles per dollar spent?. That means you’ll get a generous 8 miles per dollar spent on hotels and car rentals booked with cash through ?! Kick off your earning with an Aeroplan-affiliated financial card and with just one booking, you could earn enough miles for a short-haul round-trip flight reward. How amazing is that? Before you know it, you’ll be back on a plane!

Learn more by visiting

Book, earn, repeat! ?Enjoy a special double the Aeroplan miles offer until April 14, 2019, and earn an additional ?4 bonus miles per dollar spent?.

Casie Stewart, cruising in LA! Yellow glasses, sunflower dress, convertible, in love.
Cruisin’ in LA

Years ago Sean and I went to LA and we rented a convertible, as you do! Earning miles on things I’m already doing or buying is my favourite. I love logging into Aeroplan and seeing where I earned the most on my purchases that month.

I’m taking advantage of this double miles offer myself and planning a family vacation. Where should we go next?!

My connection to the Aeroplan started a loooooong time ago when mum got me my first Aeroplan card as a kid. I’ve been earning miles for 20 years! If you missed my video about this from last year, watch it here or below.

This post is in partnership with Aeroplan. If you’re not a member yet, what are you waiting for?! Sign up at

Aeroplan Logo