the loft has some what of an alice in wonderland feeling

 Lauren & I started out at the Loft 404 on Saturday for My City Lives  “One Night in Toronto“. Love that space. Thanks Genna! Have you been there? It’s an “urban oasis”. Reminds me a bit of my Auntie Robyn’s old place somewhere near Ponsonby Road in Auckland, New Zealand.

Loved the photo booth in the old elevator. See part pix on My City Lives FB.

Hadn’t taken my camera out to a party for a week so I brang her along for the night.

Did a brief sting at Wrongbar.

Then back again!

This shot  is for you Dad. Car inside as a table kinda decoration wall mount.

Amira you are RAD  🙂

I played a little tune on the piano and we left to climb through King Street and catch a cab West. We made the walk fabulous before finishing up the night.

Emma you looked fabulous.

King West on Saturday night is so douchey and crazy. Cop everywhere. No taxis.

UwoOxc on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

I usually avoid but this time was unavoidable.

No shoes, no shame. Been there, it sucks.

Ross is back. We missed him.

Lauren blogged some photos on her bloggy here.

a slice of paradise in your own backyard

Had a lovely afternoon in the sun today. Picked up a new paid of Doc’s at the Dr. Martens Store (I’m the Mayor!). I gad a gift certificate from the team to get a any pair I saw at the Fall preview back in July. I got black polished laredo Serena’s, last size 6 they had. Lucky me!  Stopped by Quicksilver and got a pair of board shorts & a matching top for my surf trip to Costa Rica next week. So excited to surf. Visited the lovely  ladies at Get Outside  for a new pair of plain black Havaianas (trashed my old ones at the end of summer). Got may nails done on my way home. I love the hand massage you get. I wonder if I could just go in for hand massage? Is that weird? I’d say it was because I spend all day on the computer. Read my book in the balcony sun for a bit and am about to clean my room. Lauren is coming by before the My City Lives “That Night in Toronto” party and I’d like if my room didn’t look like hoarders.

Hope you’re having an awesome day. Get some sun on your face!

This is where we’re going tonight! Cheers to the Biz Media for making & My City Loves for sharing 🙂

Weekend Tune: “Katy On A Mission” by Katy B

Weekend! Weekend! Yay! Weekend!

For this week’s weekend tune I’ve pulled out a favourite recent hit of mine. Katy B’s “Katy On A Mission” came out last summer and became a huge UK hit. One year later and I still think it’s a great jam. Perfect for a Saturday night getting ready to go out.

xo Kate

you missed this yesterday

  • Reading all your tweets now! Thank you everyone for coming to #CCspeakeasy last night. How you feelin'? #prohibition #
  • You guys are so kind. Ahh. Waking up to all this is lovely. In other news, our water is shut off and I can't shower. #
  • Link me to your pix or posts about #CCspeakeasy so I can share with the HBO & CC team! #
  • Water back on, thankful for that! Mum always remind me how lucky we are to have fresh running water after her year on a boat. #
  • "Why more people juggle more balls" written by @markevans in the @globeandmail today featuring me 🙂 #
  • Last night Sam & I took a cab to Maccas drive thru after we got home. haha. #
  • Tonight it's me & XBox Kinect. We have a date. #
  • I liked a @YouTube video FIAT Presents – CBS Alternate Routes: James Flames – "Python" #
  • Storytime: James Flames & The Python: My friend James who runs @RebelBingo #thisismylife #
  • omg one of my dreams JUST came true. #yandr #
  • Rescue me! #
  • Wolf Blass cab, 10oz NY, scallops & bacon. #lunchdate (@ The Keg Steakhouse & Bar w/ 2 others) [pic]: #
  • I love you dinner. #keg #
  • I love this city. #
  • The #CCSpeakeasy I would say good morning but as I write this it’s already the… #thisismylife #
  • wow, i am tired. so looking forward to Costa Rica, one week from today. #vacation #
  • I want to go to Japan. #
  • I got Sammy a lotto ticket for tonight but signed both our names so he has to split it with me. #
  • Thinking about booking Myrtle Beach trip while @PorterAirlines still has 50% off. Hmmmm @Keriblog?? #
  • #Jeopardy tourney of champs today! #
  • there's nothing hot about playing with other people's lives #yandr @JoshuaMorrowYR #
  • What movie should I watch tonight? #
  • Why do I love McDonalds so much? #

The #CCSpeakeasy

Casie 7

I would say good morning but as I write this it’s already the late afternoon. What can I say? I’m still recovering from last night’s awesomeness. The Canadian Club Speakeasy was an old timey shindig if there ever was! Who doesn’t love dressing up all flapper-esque and pretending to be in Boardwalk Empire?! Here’s some photos I snapped of everyone dolled-up and  a ditty for you to listen along to!

Casie and the Car

This car was outside and begging to be posed with.


The bartenders were all dapper and pulled out some tricks as they mixed the Canadian Club cocktails. They were all Boardwalk Empire themed too. The hit of the night seemed to be the Nucky!

Casie 5

Casie and I couldn’t help but have a mini photo shoot. The location was just so cool looking!

Casie 4

This 1920s girl is always working!

best dressed

How handsome! It’s no surprise that Jason won best dressed! Although he did have some stiff competition…

Classy Barbie

This Barbie is so classy!

Sam and Ross

Sam and Ross all suited up! Can the men of the world just agree to dress like this all the time please? All of you guys just have a meeting and discuss it at least? Cool thanks.

Well that’s all for now! Thanks so much to Canadian Club and HBO for putting on the ritz and feeding us tasty drinks! Now excuse me while I get back to my recovery and giant bottle of water. Maybe I’ll lazy about on the couch and watch something. Can you guess what?

xo Kate

Storytime: James Flames & The Python

My friend James who runs @RebelBingo tells a story about him being a conservation hero in Zimbabue. I watched it just now and reckon you might enjoy it on this lovely Friday afternoon. Well done James.

At the juice joint with fellow members of the Canadian Club.

I don’t know much about, much about, much about…

Heard this song last night at the opening of Little Burgundy in Style Exchange and loved it.

There were heaps of awesome peeps I’d not seen in a while, friends from MuchMTV and socialites. Pix are all from O’Nizzle’s Twitpic. Thanks for Style Exchange for the gift cards. I’ll be sure to use them before my trip next week. Yippeee!

A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?

I’ve been to many festivals but one of my favourites was EinsteinFest in 2005 at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. (Say that five times fast.) I was thinking about that day today, my sister and I were volunteered with a bunch of other kids. The Institute is located in Waterloo not too far from Cambridge where I grew up. I’ve been an Einstein lover for ages. Some of my favourite things are his quotes (one of which is the title of this post). Ahh memories.



Have you ever had a Jerry Maguire moment?

One where you are walking down the street and you realize that what you are doing is exactly what you should be doing and you know you can help people and change the world and you have purpose and you are doing things that matter despite what anyone says, because you are going places and you are connecting with people and doing what you love and you are not ‘just’ an average person, you are being yourself and you are really good at it and you are spreading love and light throughout the world and it is totally awesome

Yeah that. I kinda had one of those last night.

“The key to this business is personal relationships”

– Dicky Fox

you missed this yesterday

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Friday Kate & I attended the Women for Women’s luncheon in support of Women’s College Hospital. It was hosted by Jeanie Beker and there were over 800 women there. My sister was in Women’s College Hospital a couple years ago. WCH is a world leader in women’s health and they do research to improve women’s lives (some male patients too).

Thank you kindly for the invte and I look forward to the next lunch Spring 2012. For info about the brand new Women’s College Hospital building and the great things they have going on go here.

This is from the wall at CTS and is a quote by George Bernard Shaw 🙂


Last week I filmed a promo video for a contest with mega babe Jason Howlett. I have to say I’ve dremed of him being my boyfriend based on all his shirtless pix so this was really fun. He’s very charming. Best part is 1:30 till the end 😛

If you and your boyfriend/girlfriend wanna film a video to enter the contest go here.

I wanted to take it higher I knew you would be amazed

I was looking through old photos and came across this one. I shot it when I first got my PEN from Olympus earlier this year. I love the change in seasons we have but man I’m missing summer already. Next week I got to Costa Rica from the 11th-20th for surfing & yoga. Been ages since I surfed (Australia 2004) so I might start with a lesson so I don’t end up hurting myself! (God that would really suck) Learned yesterday that the Costa Rica Film Festival is happening while I’m there and at not far from my restort. Just my luck, I go or a relaxing vacation & there’s a film festival!

Love this song & her <3

I wanted to take it higher
I knew you would be amazed
I just want to beat Mariah
oh! let me deserve that raise

(MaJiKer: Yeah,
The Money Note
She hit the Money Note
She hit the Money Note
She aimed for F sharp seven
To take us all to heaven
And if she hits C eight
That would be really great
Yeah, The Money Note
The Money Note )

When something is the most real, it is the realest.

It’s amazing how beautiful this weather is. The sunshine makes me happy. I’m pretty sure I saw some kite boarders on the south side of the Island yesterday. Must have been freezing! Can you believe it’s already Daylight Savings time this weekend?

Today Twitter launched a new thing called Stories. I like this one. I’ve got a bunch of Twitter stories to share. I’ve been using Storify to tell stories with  Tweets, this is next level.

Stoked to host the Canadian Club Speakeasy tomorrow night. Location has just finished a bunch of reno’s and we went over all the details yesterday. I still need to find an outfit! Ahh.

Reminding you that you are younger today than you will be again, GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING AWESOME 🙂

you missed this yesterday


this is how we do it

Last week I did a shoot with FAJO Magazine for a feature on Toronto fashion bloggers called ‘10 Items, 5 Bloggers, 1 City“. They also talked to JayAnitaLeesa and Backseat Stylers blogger Sharon.  They asked me all kinds of questions about blogging and photographed me with ten of my fav items from my own closet. Photos were taken Allen Gardens conservatory. I’d never been there and recently found out it’s open all year. I’m deff gonna pop by this winter to get past the winter blues. Being around all the flowers & greenery is so beautiful! Photo credit to Kareen Mallon.

Kate & I went to the launch of Dance  Central 2 the other day & High Road posted this vid today. Runner up in the contest was ME and I now have a Kinect too. Gonna play some tonight. It’s a really good workout for lazy people.

Must go outside and get some sunshine. I have a mega clean to do tonight. My whole house is covered in glitter, blood, costumes and wigs. I love Halloween, might have gone harer than ever this year. Five parties & costumes in four days. It was wonderful 🙂

Halloweek 2011 Costume Roundup

Friday night – Pimp & Pirate for the Liberty Grand Halloween Party

Lauren was Vampire Cheerleader, Sean was basketball player.

Saturday Sailor Zombie at CTS

Tank Girl

Sam was roller skating dress wearing 80’s lady

Saturday night Lauren as Hipster Ariel & Ursula w/ a MerBABE.

I can’t find a photo of me with the glasses on DOH!

Sean was Popeye

Elliot 70’s cool guy

Bride Lauren

Might wear this out tonight but hipster version!

What’s YOUR costume?

find what you love

Kate sent this to me this morning and said it reminded her of us. We both love Gubler too. I had a lunch interview with a lovely journo today who writes for a major Canadian magazine about personal brands, social media & my job. It’s interesting that the idea of a ‘personal branding’ has become so popular, a term that wasn’t used nearly as much five years ago. I always get asked in interviews “where do you see yourself in five years?”, a question I can’t really answer. I like to say ‘happy and with money in the bank”. I dreamed about doing what I do now, I thought about how great it would feel to work from home and travel and make my own hours, be in ads, host sponsored events and get lots of stuff in the mail. I dreamed about it and I really believe thoughts become things and when you set your mind to something, you can achieve it. I didn’t blog much this weekend or take many photos. Yesterday I had a nice brekky with Barbie & Sammy at the Fox on Fort York. Sam & I walked around in the sunshine for the afternoon & checked out ‘no car Kensington’ as he likes to call it. There was heaps to see and photograph but I didn’t feel like being a ‘blogger’. I soaked up the experience and sunshine and it was lovely. Went to see Sheldon’s drag show at Woody’s in the Village last night. Hung out with a whole bunch of hot Aussie boys, it was great. Tonight heading to Underground Cinema for Rocky Horror then Baby Huey’s (Elliott is DJing).

Hope you’re having an awesome day. Coming up next, costume wrap-up!

we take this halloween thing very seriously

Halloween is my fav time of year. Have I told you 1,000 times yet? Y’know the week before halloween right after after Zombie walk. It’s socially acceptable, I feel, to be in costume anytime this week. Not that being in costume any other day isn’t ok. Once I did a pub crawl as Wonder Woman. DRESSING UP IS AWESOME.

Today CTS is having a store party with DJ EL DEVINE (Elliott), candy, pumpkin carving and everyone dressed up. There’s a 50% coupon hid somewhere in the store too.  I don’t wok here but I AM the Mayor and have been for some time now.

Sammy carved this pumpkin himself. He’s a halloween virgin and last night was his first outing.

Elliott is also Australian, double Halloween VIRGINS! It’s a damn shame they don’t celebrate halloween down under. One reason I’m extremely glad my sister and I  grew up in Canada and not NZ. You can find Elliott at the Hoxton or somewhere Queen West drinking PBR.


Lucas is ALSO Australian!



Emma isn’t really preggers. When someone say here smoking there were DISGUSTED! haha

If you are around come by will here here chilling for a while! Elliot is playing god tunes all afternoon 🙂

Weekend Tune: “Monster Mash” by Bobby Pickett

Did I scare you? It’s Halloween weekend! Ghosts and ghouls are around every corner! So what’s more fitting then a little Monster Mash?

I don’t know about you but I’ll be boogying to this non-stop. My costume? Ray AKA Zach Galifianakis from Bored To Death! What are you up to this weekend? Who will you be? Tricks or treats?

Happy Halloween!
xo Kate

you missed this yesterday

Get out there and build it.

Something I really love about life is the uncertainty of not knowing what the day will bring you. Opportunity, challenges, happiness, stress, whatever it is, I accept. Woke up today feeling kinda meh. Waited ages for a driver from CO-OP, they should be called slow-op. Was angry for a few minutes seconds but had a lovely chat with concierge while waiting.

Arrived at 1 King West during morning session break at Dell CAP. I didn’t realize how big the thing was before I went. I was taken to my seat (which I then realized) was two seats down from the moderator (Mark Evans), beside a Dell exec. and in clear view of the livestream. I don’t know WHAT I was expecting but it wasn’t this. I was pleasantly surprised.

I’m not a Dell user, nor do I have any Dell products and before today I knew very little about the brand or company. I was impressed by the attention to detail, organization, and care the people at Dell have to their business. There were not more than 30 people, some local, others flown in from across Canada & the US. We shared ideas about brands we thought were doing things well in customer service, purchasing, sustainability and social media. My favourite part was the Social Media Discussion which included all Dell Panelists. The livestream is available to watch in sections here. This is the segment lead by Mark Graham (Rightsleeve) & myself on SM:


Everyone met in the Vault for cocktail hour and I walked to Ryerson University were I was speaking to the Image Arts Union & other students about personal branding & social media. We had a good discussion going for a while and in the middle of my talk the lights went out. Like, OUT OUT BLACKOUT. I made Halloween jokes and said ‘Happy Halloweeeeen” in a creepy voice and continued to talk with a little bit of light from the hallway. It was kinda nice.

I met lots of really great people today and spent and full day talking about brands & social media. It’s inspiring to see people from corporate executives who don’t get it and students who’ve grown up with The Internet showing interest in this stuff. Social media, internet & mobile allow us to build & cultivate our brands (business/personal) faster and to a wider audience than ever before.


Your first job?

I started thinking about my first job after reading Neil Pasricha blog 1000 Awesome Things. You know it? It’s awesome. He wrote some funny stories about people things they say in their first job interview. Here’s one I quite enjoy:

Me: Can you tell me about a problem you had while working with a group and how you resolved that problem?
Her: Um… (giggle)
Me: It’s okay. Take your time.
Her: Okay. (30 seconds pass) Okay, one time in marketing class I didn’t like my group so I did something else.
Me: You mean you left the group?
Her: Yeah. I asked the teacher if I could leave the group and she said yes. So I did some report or something.
Me: Oh, okay. And how did the rest of the group feel about it?
Her: I don’t know. They all stopped talking to me.
Me: Oh… okay. Well what didn’t you like about working with them?
Her: They were just ignorant.
Me: Can you tell me more about the project?
Her: Well, we had to make up a product and then advertise it. And we got cereal. But they wanted to make a cereal that was made out of rocks.
Me: Rocks?
Her: Yeah, I know. That’s why I left the group.
Me: They wanted to make a cereal out of rocks?
Her: Yeah.

#125 Your First Job, 1000 Awesome Things

Toronto blog What Women Want asked me about my first job earlier this year, read the interview here.

First job ever? I was a Sales Associate at Gap Canada Inc. (Fairview Park Mall). I wanted so badly to work there. I was 16 and I called and called and dropped off resumes and went in there all the time until they finally hired me. I worked there for about two years during high school and to this day it’s one of the most wonderful jobs I’ve ever had.

First “real” job? Personal Assistant to the Director of Product Purchasing, YM Inc. (Suzy, Bluenotes).Was kinda Devil Wears Prada-ish but more North York than New York. Learned lots during that time.

you missed the party on twitter yesterday

Tickets for the #CCspeakeasy

Thursday downtown 7pm. Five pairs of tickets.

Like on Facebook, follow on Twitter AND leave a comment to enter. Say whatever you want in comment. This is a night you don’t wanna miss. The speakeasy  is hosted in a private residence downtown, dress code in effect and you’ll need the password to get past the back door. Read Paul’s column in TheGrid if you’ve not seen it yet.  😉 HAPPY FRIDAY!

Canada’s Android Conference

Stopped by AndroidTO today at 99 Sudbury and was happily greeted by a little green Android, a familiar face. Met some new people, saw old friends. Had a preview of the new My City Lives app and heard from the bNotions guys that MY APP is almost ready. This excites me 🙂

Just finished filming a promo for a friends client with Jason Howlet who is a total babe. Our roles were BF & GF. We make a cute couple, eh?