So, last weekend I had the opportunity to meet THE ONE, the man, the moustache, Eric Braeden and do a 10 minute interview. Unfortunately, I was en route to Costa Rica but FORTUNATELY Kevin and Barbie did the interview. I’ve got that to share when I return from vacay BUT…in the mean time, look/listen/love this message with me.


Thank you Kevin & Barbie. ILU x <8!!

Travel | Aerial Silks Workshop at Anamaya Resort in Costa Rica

aerial silks anamaya resort

Yesterday before surfing I did a class in aerial silks lead by Joseph, one of the Anamaya owners. It was awesome! It’s pretty hard and you have to be strong but I loved it. Thanks to my Dad for being a gymnastics coach when I was growing up. It’s all helping now!

I’m not quite as graceful yet but we’re getting there 🙂

Can’t wait to give this some practise.

casiestewart, toronto, blogger

Night Rain, Day Beauty

It’s rained each night I’ve ben here but the days have been lovely. The pool looked so pretty yesterday as the rain dropped in.

We were floating in misty clouds. It was magical. Then it cleared up nice!


This is the door to my lovely cabin I share with Dana from Vancouver. So cute & cozy. No need for AC the breeze flows through all the windows perfectly. Chilling in there right now.

I’m quite impressed with my stay at Anamaya Resort. It’s super chill & beautiful, there’s been a zillion times I’ve closed my eyes and thought “this is real, I’m really here“. I’m packing heaps into each day yet feel relaxed. (The wifi is pretty good which I’m sure helps in MY personal relaxation.) The days are so much longer here than home, get up early go outside stay outside all day. I miss beach life. I’ve eaten all organic food since Sunday too.

I have no idea what the kitchen is cooking for lunch today but it smells DELICIOUS! Just saw the ladies bring something to the kitchen. I’m starving, BYE 😛

you missed this yesterday

  • Morning! Raining sheets here today but beauty still. Drank 20+ beers last night with my new besties Lizzy & Jen D. #
  • Good morning from Costa Rica cuties! #puravida http://t.co/SjPpwZjr #
  • Surfing, surfing, yoga, surfing, yoga, surfing, beer, bong, surfing, yoga, surfing, yoga. #
  • omg the cat just caught a hummingbird. killed it 🙁 #
  • cat is eating it now! you animal! #
  • Thinking about moving to New York. #
  • New BFF is a producer at Bloomberg and think I might stay with her then find a place n NYC. #
  • whoa my Google calendar is en espanol! #
  • Women in Biz Network Interview: I was recently interviewed about my job and… http://t.co/3OsEWIov #thisismylife #
  • replying to work emails "please follow up next week I'm surfing in Costa Rica" is something I can get used to. #
  • Hummingbird! #puravida http://t.co/10qivG7b #
  • Photo: Pipe made out of coconut tree leaf http://t.co/jIuHYQXs #
  • Morning yoga @anamayaresort. #puravida http://t.co/k0WDoDrh #
  • got dinged in the head by my board yesterday. #surfing #
  • doing aerial silks this morning. what are you doing? #
  • You choices are half chance. So are everybody else. #
  • Created "Casie Yoga" last night – gratitude yoga meditation where you be grateful. #
  • New friend from BC at @anamayarestort –> @skichix! we went surfing together yesterday 🙂 (tweeted me from outside where I can see her haha) #
  • There’s relaxed, then there’s REALaxed.: Doing a class in aerial silks this… http://t.co/HhhjSusR #thisismylife #
  • There's relaxed then there's REALaxd. Pura Vida!
    http://t.co/1sPrfv7t http://t.co/ehGxvGkT #
  • Girl you know it's true. http://t.co/1PuKqGz2 #
  • Spanish searching, no translation necessary http://t.co/bClDtqp1 #
  • I rode a wave for you and left my <3 in the ocean.
    Surfing in Playa Grande again today :)… http://t.co/Y1wfkEkA #
  • Surf Baby http://t.co/JAkId2vt #thisismylife #
  • My week on twitter: 157 retweets received, 4 new listings, 26 new followers, 389 mentions. Via: http://t.co/AkQCnov8 #

Surf Baby


There’s relaxed, then there’s REALaxed.

Doing a class in aerial silks this morning. Skipped yoga to catch up on emails & life stuff. I’m feeling mega relaxed. REALaxed. Was raining heaps this morning but it’s starting to clear up now. Going for a surf in the afternoon and I reckon the sun will be shining by then. Saw the cat catch, kill, eat a hummingbird today. CRAZY.

Made two besties last night Lizzy from NYC & Jed D. from New Haven, Connecticut. Lizzy told me I should move to New York and I’m seriously considering it. I’ve been looking for a change and that would be really cool. Baz said  “live in New York once but leave before it make you hard & live in LA once but leave before it makes you soft”. I wanna give each one a try.

I watch this as a reminder once in a while. if you’ve never seen it, it will brighten your day. One of my fav parts is “Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s.”

Remmeber, you are younger today than you will ever be again. Do something special, remind yourself that YOU ARE ALIVE. Life is made for living 🙂

Women in Biz Network Interview

I was recently interviewed by about my job and career during a She’s Connected event downtown Toronto. I chatted Women in Biz Network for about five minutes about social media, relationships, branding and business.

Check it out.

Toronto Fashion Week: Baby Steinberg S/S 2012

Baby Steinberg‘s spring/summer 2012 collection, titled Remnants, was a beautiful and very colourful collection all made from upcycled materials.

Her inspiration came from when she taught “handicraft to children in the Brazilian slums known as the Favelas” (from the cute little show packages left on the bleachers– which also included a lollipop and membership info to the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art).

I particularly enjoyed the feather details on a lot of the pieces. It added a lovely exotic feeling, and really made it both art and clothing.

The red ribbon through the braids were also really cute!

The crop top and zipper skirt was one of my favourite combos to go down the runway. The little peek-a-boo snakeskin lining (perhaps reversible skirt?!) was a nice touch.

Seriously, the details were impeccable. And it’s always fun to see how designers handle using recycled (or in this case, upcycled) materials because there are just so many ways to go about it (and do it wrong). I think Baby Steinberg did a lovely job, putting on a bright show that really captured the beauty of turning something old into something new.

x Carrie

you missed this yesterday

ésta es mi vida

Morning hello from my hammock to you. #puravida

Nov 14, 2011 | Source: Keek.com



Jungle Sounds All Around


I’ve never gone on vacation alone to some place warm & relaxing. I’m filled with childlike excitement knowing all the things I can do here. I’ve decided to stay in Montezuma village one night this week and check out the Costa Rica Film Festival. Surfing & yoga today and a one day sailing trip to an island before Friday.


I’m reminded a few things being here… I really love iPhone, life, sunshine, wifi, meeting new people and traveling. Had Skype video calls with Mum at home, Bob from Boston and KMS in Auckland to show them around Anamaya Resort from my iPhone. It’s like THE FUTURE is already here.

My room is lovely. Currently downloading Crazy, Stupid, Love so I can fall asleep with my boyfriends Ryan Gossling and (Andy) iPad.


Outside I hear all kinds of jungle sounds like monkeys and birds that remind me of a sleep app I have on iPad but realer.  There’s a few voices speaking Spanish in the distance but it’s quiet compared to home.

I sat in this hammock for a while today staring out into the ocean. It was magical.



 This resort is very well designed. Kudos to the owners & thank you for having me. One can only DREAM what it’s like to call this place your home. Even at night the infinity pool looks lovely. All that darkness is ocean meets sky.


Everyone has dinner together which is really nice. I had salmon, beets and vegetables but they cater to everyones food allergies like gluten free and all those other ones (I’m clueless about!).


Chilled in this area for a little while today too. There’s lots of space for everyone to hang out. I wonder if that TV has cable so I can watch the Y and R? Omg I just remembered I will be one week behind if I don’t? I think it’s n Netflix now though. Anyone, Bueller?




Have a yoga class on this patio at 8am.


I wonder how much more chilled out I’m gonna be after this trip. I reckon HEAPS!

Early to bed & early to rise for this little kitten! Meow. <3 CASIE

* all photos from iPhone!

Taking the High Road to Paradise

Taking the High Road to Paradise






The drive to Montezuma from San Juan is about 5 hours. Many parts of it reminded me of New Zealand, narrow roads and huge green hills filled with trees and clouds. There are six of us on the shuttle all heading to the same area. Barratt from Oakland, LA, Simon from Germany, Carrie a Canadian from Vancouver, Tracey from Italy, and Christine who lives in London. Lucky for the rest of us Tracey & Christine speak Spanish!







 Simon is a pretty cute German boy who is here to surf with some dudes form Austria. Throw a shrimp on the barbie! haha. Barratt is a tall, cute ginger with tattoos, argyle socks and a beard. Fun! Carrie is really nice too, reminds me of my Keri Blog from home. Whole crew is good people. I think we might go to the waterfalls together this week.

This is Rikki, Barratt’s travel mate.


 We stopped in a small village and had coffee for about 45 minutes before catching a 70 minute ferry. I’m reminded how much I love traveling, especially alone. I’m going to start planning a trip to Europe when I get back to Toronto.



Ferry fairy.




After ferry we met our next driver who took us on this crazayy dirt road on the way to Montezuma. After about 20 min we passed Anamaya Resort where I am staying and it was my turn to leave the pack. This is it…


Got lunch soon as I arrived. This whole week is going to be filled with great food.


I’m staying in this cabin with Dana, a girl from Vancouver.



I am in complete AWE with the views of the resort. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I can’t wait to go surfing tomorrow. The other girls here are super nice and my room is beautiful.

This is going to be the best week ever. Pura Vida!

<3 Casie



Good morning from Costa Rica!

 I wish could show you a photo of right now, there are about twelve ten year old boys around me speaking Spanish and giggling.  One said he loved me. They are very cute.  I’m not on the wifi at my resort yet and using an old PC and Explorer to write this. I have taken lots of photos, mostly on iPhone. This keyboard is in Spanish. I’m at an old mansion turned hotel and was woken by all the kids laughing. They’re watching soccer tricks on Youtube now. One might be reading this behind my shoulder but I’m not sure they speak English.   

It’s been raining since I arrived but I don’t mind. It’s nice to be away and thwe weather is warm. Will be at the beach later. Hope you have a gorgeous day.

xo Casie


you missed this yesterday

Weekend Tune: “Sister Wife” by Alex Winston

Happy lucky weekend everyone! 11/11/11. Did you make a wish yesterday? Here’s a tune to carry you through the weekend. It’s “Sister Wife” from Michigan girl Alex Winston!

Last week Star Slinger stopped by Toronto and played a show at the Horseshoe and the highlight of his set was when he spun this track. Ever since I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. Check out his remix! So good right?

xo Kate

Friday I’m in Love

First post using WordPress app on iPhone.















I love this thing so much. It’s true once you go Mac you never go back! Had a beautiful day at home yesterday. In he evening went to Swarovski Spring Summer 2012 preview with Keri and a bunch of other Toronto fashion bloggers. I have a very special gif in the making as a thank you for the lovely gift they gave me.

Ditched going to any other events to watch movies with Sammy. I’ve been in vacation mood for a few days and it feels so good.

Off to get a mani, pedi, tan and pack before 3pm. Boston Bob is in town and meeting my sister and I for dinner.

Happy Friday my friends. Be in love with life!!

<3 Casie

you missed this yesterday

A Whole New World


It’s like a whole new world now that I’m all Apple, iPhone, IPad & Macbook. I dreamed about this day. No really, I did. Doesn’t everyone? Couple friends gifted their apps to try. Thanks Andrew for StyleStudio fashion design app and Lauren for PhotoForge photo editing. If you want to gift me your app email me at casiestewart.com.

My how time flies. This time last year I had just returned from my first trip to San Francisco to meet the team at Virgin America.

I gave away my first flight on Virgin as the Toronto Provocateur. Rochelle won & went to SF too.

After the giveaway Calvin took the gang and I out for lunch after at his YS Boston Pizza. I don’t think I’ve been back up that way SINCE.  MAKE THE MOST OF EACH DAY PEEEEPALLLLL!

Read a great article yesterday on the Harvard Biz Review about Why Inspiration Matters. Inspiration is very important to me, if you’re here, you probably already know that. I’m feeling really inspired knowing that I’ll be in the ocean and hot weather next week.

Got an email from someone yesterday who was in a class I spoke to at Centennial last year. As it turns out, she does PR for a really cool German luggage company and I’ll have a new RIMOWA suitcase tomorrow. I went to purchase one earlier this week and my card didn’t work for some reason, crazy how things work out, eh?!

Tonight’s I’m attending the SS 2012 Swarovski preview at Jamie Kennedy in the Gardener Museum. I think it’s a 50/60’s theme dinner!

Lauren and I did a sing along to this on the weekend. It will brighten your day 😛

I Want it Wednesday – Stolen Girlfriends Club

My fav NZ designers are jerks and send me a reminder that that sold out items from SS 2012 can now be pre-ordered. URGH YOU GUYS, I want everything!  Damn you, STOLEN GIRLFRIENDS CLUB.

NZ fashion is ahead all kinds from Canada. I’ve been following NZ style my entire life (Thanks Mum & cousins!) and season after season, the things that hit their runways end up here 1-2 years later. Before the internet it used to be like 3-4 years. In 2004 I came back from Australia in skinny jeans, and a fedora with a mullet. Friends here thought I was crazy then years later, BAM, skinny jeans & fedoras on every hipster in Bellwoods. North America is so behind. No wonder kids at school always thought I had weird fashion sense.

Hey kids, “I’m not weird”, you being the same as everyone else is “weird”.

SGC just did a collabo with JC for the Stolen Girlfriends ‘Emma’ boot (above) featured in SS 2012. Kinda like the Lita but cowgirl-ishy. I have a new pair of JC’s from Solestruck in the mail for when I get back from my trip. Yay. Ditched all my old crapped out shoes at the end of summer, restocking has begun.

Late night online shopping has officially become my guilty pleasure.



Looking forward to culture & lifestyle.

It’s been so beautiful out the last couple days.My week has been pretty chilled out which makes me reallllly happy. Everyone needs  a break once in a while. I wasn’t outside for long yesterday but I did have a charming stroll in the sunshine mixed with a few short Bixi rides (thanks Telus).

Was almost ‘unplugged’ all say Sunday while we watched a marathon of movies eating Chinese takeout. Perfect day if you ask me. So good to disconnect once in a while. I’ll be less connected next week but not offline.

Decidedly detoxing right now (sugar, carbs, drinking lots of water) so I’m cleansed & ready for nine full days of surf, sun, sand and yoga starting this weekend. I booked a room in a 1920’s mansion turned hotel for my first night before I get to Anamaya Resort. Yeowwww.

This is going to be me: 

My mouth is watering just thinking about fresh fish, bowls of fruit, salty skin and the smell of the ocean. The more I read about CR, I think I might fall in love.

Pure love. Pura vida!

* Actual Hipster Mermaid wig via Lauren O’Nizzle!


Anyone from Twitter YOU would like to meet?

Blogged before bed last night because I had to get up early and go to the office. Ok, I didn’t HAVE to go to an office but I decided to get my booty to Edelman’s Toronto office to meet David Armano their Global EVP from Chicago. I’ve been following @armano on Twitter for YEARS. Sometimes I get people saying they’ve followed me for ages and they’re excited when WE meet, this is one of those people for ME.

the power of a post: social media with love

I wrote a blog post about him on January 6, 2009 when I WITNESSED him raise money to help a friend who had fallen into an unfortunate situation. It was heart touching to watch as the donation meter on his blog post “Please help Daniella’s Family” went up and up. As I followed along, they raised $12K in 24HR! He’s a rad guy and today we get to meet in person.

Today is going to be awesome 🙂 Make the most of it, you’re younger today than you will be again!

James Dean reading poetry, 1955

reach out and touch the sky

It is so lovely & sunny in our house right now, doors open, watching traffic and planes feels like anything is possible.

It started out rainy & foggy then got really pretty today.

Can’t decide what to wear to the ballet tonight.

It’s Elton John music & tribute so I feel sequins are to be expected.

Something dazzling.



Massive. I am going to walk right there.

Say hello to my little friend…

I <4 Moustache season.

It’s great for raising awareness about men’s cancers but Movember also raises awareness of two other things, 1) The sexiness of a man who takes care of his health and 2) The sexiness of well groomed facial hair. I don’t think I would ever date a man who didn’t (couldn’t) grow a nice mo/beard. I love it.

To start your own donation page register here and to donate to a team go here. I’m planning to donate to a few mates this year. In spirit of moustache season, check out this awesome Playboy interview with one of the most lovely Modern Gentlemen I know, one of the founders of Movember, Adam Garone. He’s Australian too.


This might creep you out but if you donate he’ll do something special for you. Requests are a-ok too.

You’re the closest Asteroid to my heart.

I’ve been waiting for today forever (no not because it’ll be 2028 before and asteroid of this size comes close to earth) because  today I’m getting an iPhone. I think it will make my life better like Andy & James Dean have. Maybe that’s silly but ny netbook has been sleeping for months. 

WSJ: Asteroid to Pass Close to Earth Tuesday

Astronomers are tracking an asteroid about the size of an aircraft carrier that on Tuesday will pass by Earth, within the moon’s orbit, in the closest approach of such an object in a generation.

The 1,300-foot-wide asteroid, known as 2005 YU55, poses no hazard, experts at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said.

I’m also excited about the Elton John ballet “Love Lies Bleeding” tonight. It’s a rock ballet featuring 14 Elton John songs performed by the Alberta Ballet. Lauren and I are going with Sam & Ross. I’m pretty sure it’s the world premiere!

Mark’s Reintroduces Online Shopping

Over the past year I’ve become close with the Mark’s brand but I’ve been familiar with it my entire life. I remember going to the store in my home town  with Mum as kid. I’m pretty sure it’s still there. It’s awesome to see how this Canadian retailer has transformed from what I knew as only work clothes to all kinds of things I now mix into my fashioney wardrobe.

Mark’s new e-commerce site launched on November 2. I’ve recently joined the online shopping craze and love it. There’s something about getting clothes in the mail that makes me oh so happy. This is exciting for them since their previous transactional e-commerce site was removed in April in order to create a better user experience, particularly in ensuring absolute accuracy in pricing, style numbers, etc. Mark’s has taken its previous site with an updated design and improved checkout experience. They also added a ratings and review section to get feedback.

“This site is a testament to the great products we sell and a direct reflection of the quality and innovation that Mark’s has come to represent,” said Kristine Arcand, Online Business Manager for Mark’s. “Customers will find an easy online shopping experience with products that are delivered right to your door, free of delivery and handling charges within 10 business days… how smart is that?”  Tres smart.

Last year for holiday I posted a bunch of my favourite things and one of them is the Denver Hayes super soft cardigan. I’ve lived in it for the last year. The Mark’s FW 2011 Lookbook features a few different version of my treasured favourite. Mum, you are probably gonna get one for Christmas, so, act surprised ok.

In  celebration of the launch of their new e-commerce site, Mark’s is offering free shipping until the end of the year. How great is that? You don’t have to leave the house OR pay shipping!

* My other Mark’s posts/contests can be seen here, here, and here.



Take all your problems and rip ’em apart.

When you find an old song you for got then you remember it. So good. Love this one by the White Stripes, Little Acorns. I paused the Y&R so I could listen. Was googling for a girl in a wing suit because the wind suit kinda looks like the CN Tower Edge walk suit and today Mastercard hooked me up with the experience to make it happen in the Spring. I’ve been tweeting I wanna do the Edgewalk since it was invented, last tweet was Oct. 4. The vault was full of vouchers and there was a grand prize of a $10,000 card with a trip to NY or London. I would love to go to New York or London or anywhere.

Countdown gif, hehe.

Mastercard Vault #unlockTO

Base jumping is terrifying & fascinating. I have  bungy  and skydive in line before I try that one.  I found this one crazy/awesome girl, Géraldine Fasnacht, who does mind-blowing wing suit flying. This video get’s intense at  :40 and then my heart drops.

After watching this I got lost in a wingsuit girl TIMEWARP of the the internet. I’ll need to get someone to shoot from by balcony when I do the walk on he Tower.  I can get pretty close with the new lens Olympus sent over.  Omg next week I am going surfing. This week is very chill compared to the last few months. I planned it that way. I want to feel relaxed when I leave for vacation.

In one week I will be here. It does’t seem real yet but I’m trying to imagine. 🙂

* Little acorns, one at a time.  Storing up nuts for the winter. 

i think i’m ready to move on with someone new #mobile

Construction season. Looking forward to winter, as much as I don’t like being cold, I love staying inside where it’s warm and working on things. A blog makeover is coming. If you have any suggestions in design or functionality, LMK. (Mum, that’s “met me know”)

This weekend I started testing out a new phone, HTC Status. I’ve had one HTC before but I’ve been hooked on Motorola Androids for the last year at least. This new HTC unit has a front facing camera (yay) but no flash (boo). It has a full keyboard and looks like a Blackberry but the touch screen is a bit small. The DEFY I had previous was sturdy and had a good camera but sometimes it would be slow & freeze when typing. Of all the Androids I’ve tried, the Motorola Milestone was my fav. We were such good friends.

Things that are most imoprtant to me in a phone are good camera, flash, easy to type, Google sync contacts, email accounts, favourite apps (WordPress, Twitter etc). Nice to have are front facing camera, video editing and dual core processor. I could never go back to blackberry. Cue this song, nice mix. When she was great, I thought she was great.

I was cutting up some broccoli for snack just now and sliced a sharp knife into my right hand middle finger by accident. It’s not that bad but there’s a bit of blood and I’m short one resource when typing. I’ve been thinking heaps about iPhone lately. I can’t stop thinking about it to be honest.

I think I’m ready to move on with someone new and that someone is an iPhone. I’m having a hard time holdingback my feelings.  It’s so natural. ♥