PASSIONATE VOICES + SAY MEDIA: Canada’s Social Media Cool Kid

Canada's Social Media Cool Kid, top canadian blogger, toronto top blogger

Here’s an excerpt from a recent interview I did for SAY Media’s blog ‘SAY DAILY’. SAY is an awesome company out of San Francisco that works with “passionate voices” like me to to pair us up with brands and stuff. They publish cute venn diagrams each Friday.

Your blog is called Casie Stewart: This Is My Life – in 140 characters or less, what is your life? Lots of hard work & dedication turning my dreams a reality. Celebrating life’s moments and making the most of each day. Awesome!

You’re a social media expert in Canada – what are some of your social media secrets for the rest of us? Life is about building relationships and so is social media.  If you want to grow your audience, have conversations about other things than ‘just’ your business. You’ll make more friends that way.

Start a blog! A blog is the home for everything you do online. Use Disqus commenting so that Twitter & Facebook are integrated within your commenting system.

Read the rest of the interview here.

Some of their other voices are Tavi Genvison, Seth Godin, and The Sartorialist. Check out interviews with Honestly WTF fashion babe Leah Chernikoff.  The HTC campaign I was in last year was with SAY and so are the fancy advertisements in my sidebar.

In December we went to the their holiday party in Toronto and guess who was in their signage?! Me! I was totally surprised. I know Mum would have loved to see it. Next stop, billboard then broadway! Ok, no broadway but billboard has a nice ring to it.

Stay warm out there!!

#ShitBloggersSay: coming soon to a screen near you


Good morning and welcome to 2012 work life! How was your holidays? You know how mine we’re, obvs. Had a relaxing day yesterday then went to Sammy’s to watch movies. He made dinner and left for Jamaica early this morning. Lucky bum heads to the sun on the coldest day yet. Have you been outside in Toronto today? Bundle up yo. Packed on a fur on top of my winter coat for extra warmth. Sammy has more fur coats than me, haha.



Came over to Raymi’s before my tattoo at 2pm. I’ll have have sleeve by summer I reckon. Lau, Raymi, Sarah and I invented #shitbloggerssay last night. You wait till we film that show! With over 200 million zillion blogs in the world it will surely interest a few thousand nerds like you us. I have so many days of photos and stories to blog, stay tuned for that later. A bloggers work is never done!! Have an awesome day.

Marry the night! Yeah! Welcome 2012!














Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken


Spend Thursday night with the lovely Minx Raymi her mama and Lois for the last Coug Crawl of 2011. So fun. No, I’m not a coug yet but I’m 100% a fan of The Keg. Used to work at the Cambridge Keg with my sister. We were on the Opening Team and won the Airband Competition at Keg Cup 2005. If you worked at a keg you KNOW Keg Cup is a HUGE dealio.



Love is in the air.


Keg is full of older dudes on the prowl for young babes, hence, ‘Coug Crawl’. I conveniently had some old drunkish man buy us all Grey Goose shots, we played up that is was Lois’ birthday. (Wasn’t really! moohaha)


Love the calculator iPhone case Sean got me. THANKS SEAN!


Then we had a blog party. Look how early it is!


Check what she’s lookin’ at. Me, meta.


Look a hipster died right here on the street!


Met up w/ Sammy for some shenanigans.


Came home to THIS outside our window. You may remember the Snoetry from last year eh? He’s BACK.


Have an awesome day! Last one of the year, yeeeoowwwwwwww! What am I gonna wear? Gah.

Dear Photograph, see you in the future. xo

Over the holidays I hung out with my friend Taylor, the founder of Dear Photograph. I love this idea so much that I really wanted to submit a few of my own memories. Mum and I dug through TON of old photos and these are some of the ones that didn’t make it. You’d be surprised how hard it is to line everything up just right.

Jenie & I with Johnny’s old car.

I always had a thing for self photography. 

Always likes to play in the rain too. 

Stylish and plying the in the snow.

Dad & I cut down the tree.

This one is my fav & the one I submitted.

Weekend Tune: “Taking It Down” & Happy Endings NYE

Happy New Years Eve! 2012! How will you be ringing in the new year? Taking it chill or doing it up?


As for Casie and I, we plan on having a time at Happy Endings NYE Dim Sum King bash with the Mansion crew! Champagne! Chinese Lion Dancers! $5 Dim Sum Platters! Lobsters!


And did I mention the music line up? It’s kinda insane. Canblaster, Brenmar, MYD, Gingy, and more! In honour of the awesomeness that will be tonight here’s Brenmar’s “Taking It Down” for your enjoyment. We’ll be partying extra hard, just in case the world really does end. Might as well go out with a bang right?

Click on the image for ticket deets and follow @wearemansion on the Twitter. Hope to see you there!
xo Kate

Sky full of lighters!










Faster than a speeding light she’s flyingggg


Lovely day for a drive. Taking Mum my PC for her trip home to NZ next month. So wish I was going. Hopefully later 2012, thinking Septemberish. Windows were frozen shut this morning. Dropped Sammy & Ross off at work. So cute. Looking forward to 2012 and all the goodness that a new year brings. It’s amazing to all that has changed for me in the last year. Setting high goals and ready to take on the world! 90’s on 9 XM is great if you don’t know already.

Time to hit the open road! Have an awesome day.








“Fate leads the willing and drags the rest.”

Mum woke me up, said she was excited. Reminds me of myself, sometimes I just can’t sleep I get so energized thinking about things happening that I spring out of bed and greet the day. She said she’s still excited from the Nutcracker and tomorrow I’m bringing her to the city with me. EXCITING!


Wearing new sweater by Toronto designer Valentine K today. I was gifted it just before Christmas and have been saving it for dinner tonight with my two other sisters (Steve’s daughters). It’s cashmere and leather and so divine. See on FB here. Will take some nice photos (aka with an actual camera) when I get home from shopping.

Mum always cuts out articles from the local paper for me. This one was about a guy who started an art project ‘Talent next Door’ with city hall and now is working on second and third books. The articles are always about writing, youth entrepreneurship, local designers or art. All the things I love really.


She’s got inspiring messages all over the house.


There’s New Zealand and Maori stuff all over the house too. These photos are from the Maori reserve in Rotorua. I’ve been there. Anyone else? I miss New Zealand and my family heaps.


Had coffee & fruit salad for breakfast today. I love pineapple but fresh always hurts my tongue. You can avoid this by washing it in salt water.


Posted some cute things & style on my fashion blog today. Heading out to get some stuff with mama, she’s looking for a camera, I just wanna drive around! For comedic relief and up the minute adventure diary, follow me on Twitter. Have an awesome day!

Cruise Control: Chevy Sonic, Hot Rods, Open Roads


Woke up pretty early and drove to Dad’s. It was so beautiful out yesterday, temp was about 4 degrees and I had the sunroof open. I’m completely in love with driving the Chevy Sonic. It’s small & zippy, good pickup I feel like it’s a little rally car.

This is the exact  vehicle I won in September from Chevrolet Canada live on youtube. I’ve never really needed a car, I lived with parents and the beach in Australia before moving downtown Toronto. I mostly walk, ride bikes or streetcar everywhere I go. It’s my first time using Bluetooth to connect my phone to hands free calling or get directions using OnStar.  Hellooooo convenience!!

Driven a few cars over the last year and one thing I really dig about the Sonic is that your phone charges while you drive when it’s plugged into USB. A few cars have USB now but they don’t all work to charge your device.  The back seat door handles are on the window making it look like a hatchback also has extra trunk space.  Driven heaps since Wednesday and still have gas too.


The drive to Dad’s is nice country-ish roads.

Tiny bit of snow in the backyard.


After brekky got Dad to show us the garage and three cars he’s currently working on. My Dad builds hot rods and had a chassis shop when I was growing up called “Toys for Boys”. This pink rocket was my first car ever. He built it and Mum/him used to push Jenie and I around at car shows across North America when we were little. It’s dusty and needs a clean BUT IT HAS FLAMES.


This one time a well known, cool car guy (Mum who?) said “Y’know kid, you got the best car on the lot” to me. Something like that. Another time sister and I had this exact photo will a full page article in Canadian Street Rodder Magazine. It was my first feature I think. Child stars!


These are Dad’s current projects. You get a prize if you what what year/model they all are. I tweeted them yesterday when I was in the shop. Dad you can’t win!




Love this shot of Dad smiling into the engine.


He has a tattoo and a great story about this car. Was rad to hang with Dad.


Rest of the day’s activities were fun, will share that later. Mum & Steve made an amazing dinner then I got really tired. Tryptophan got me again. 

Enjoy the day and if you’re out shopping, I hope you get all the deals you asked Santa for.

If you didn’t know how old you were how old would you be?

So, my sister liked her presents! Gave Jenie a bunch of goodies last week but last night I gave her a few ‘special things’. The present she is opening in this video is a lint roller she bought last week at Walmart and left at my house. I thought it was REALLY funny to give back her own crap all wrapped nice. Moohaha. Sister fun.

When we were kids Jenie and I used to wrap up things from around the house. Once I gave her a can of beans and toilet paper, she wrapped up a huge package of pads for me. What a joker! Earier in the day Mum and I had some fun at Maccas with Happy Meal toys. Mum always says she is really only about eight years old. Me too 🙂

After dinner Jenie and I went with the crew to Diwan the only bar open. We smoked hookah and danced Mediterranean style. It’s tradition to meet up with Sara and the boys when we’re all home for the holidays. Wonder what will be open tonight?!

Ho Ho Ho! Holidays w/ @ZListcom & @weare1188

Thursday night after ballet Jenie, Sammy & I went to the Z-List Christmas for a drink and had our photo taken with Santa. The high res one will be delivered after the holidays.


Next stop was 1188 Films sailor themed holiday party (film studio who did Puma campaign I was in). I shot a bunch of snaps with the new Nikon J1. It’s news to me that Nikon saves the raw photo AND the good photo. Memory card filled up really fast. Maybe I had it on a strange setting? Anyone a Nikon expert? I got two of ever single photo I took.


Sean I LOVE YOU. He got me an iPhone case that is a calculator. I’m not too hard to shop for I like all things nerdy, smart and or shiny. He also got me this classic which I can’t wait to read while travelling in January.


There were lots of hipster babes at the party including Jenie’s ‘fake boyfriend’ who she did a national Puma ad campaign with earlier this year. I kept mistaking him for Sammy in the crowd. They don’t look THAT alike but the hair, hipsterness did it.

Heaps of food all over the place. Man, I love the holidays.

Shucking station for oysters.

Sammy sexy mother shucker.

1188 Family tree.

Cheers to you Sean, thank you for a great party & lovely gifts!!

Cannon Dolls in the Nutcracker w/ The National Ballet of Canada

Do you know the story of the Nutcracker? The little boy & girl and the Nutcracker toy, they go to sleep, the Nutcracker grows to life size and comes alive with the other toys and it’s all very magical. Almost as magical is being on stage in The Nutcraker with the National Ballet of Canada after you’ve dreamed of it your whole life. Add on having Mum, Steve & sister there to watch, double magic.

We had a breif rehearsal in the studio. Watched our part, learned the plan, practiced a bit.


There were ballerinas everywhere. Concentration happening here.


The REAL Peter/Nutcracker, amazing dancer. Buff and masculine. (Casting deets)


Sam learning where to walk on stage from dance instructor. Audience was out there. HI MUM!


This was cool to me.


Get ready time.


This brings me back so many memories. I did ballet for 1/3 of my life, those formative years cast a long impression. It was always a dream leave the studio and go to the National Balle, also the only reason I ever fantasized about moving to Winnipeg.


Backstage jitters? Nah. All good.


We do not have a video of it. Kate’s sister was there and said we were great. Wearing doll cheeks is really fun. I kept them on all night. Used the new Nikon to take a bunch of these shots.


Our whole part was over before we knew it and we’re ready to do it again. Time on stage was about 3.5 minutes.

You can’t even see the audience with all the bright lights in your face. I love that feeling.

There were over 2,000 people in the audience. It was so much fun, have I said that yet?. Mum’s told me a zillion times how great it was, said she’s “spellbound”. I didn’t know that she’d never seen The Nutcracker by the National Ballet. Jenie, Mum, Steve & Sammy and I went for dinner first too which was great.

I want to take ballet again.

Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-25

Weekend Tune: “Snow” from White Christmas

Happy merry everything everyone! Tis the season to be jolly and all that, so here’s my favourite song from a favourtie holiday film of mine. Enjoy Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen singing about snow in White Christmas! I know the weather has been quite nice but how lovely would some snow be?!

xo Kate

Gosh, I love this time of year.

Been rushing like crazy the last few days. Have heaps to blog before I forget everything. Until then, I wish you and your family a wonderful day. About to head out with Mum to get some holiday crap! Love you xo






DESIGN: Let’s talk blogs.

I want a change. Something that integrates these four so called blogs that make up “my life” that really, are ALL part of “THIS IS MY LIFE“. I included FB because timeline looks & feels kinda like a blog to me now. Twitter and Facebook have recently changed their UI (‘user interface’ for non-nerds means the design, layout jazz) and mine has mostly remained the same since it was born.

See here:

We’re coming up on seven years this spring and I think my baby is deserving of a makeover. These are all the ‘blogs’ I update on the daily, Tumblr, Posterous, Twitter, Facebook, WordPress. I think Facebook is the prettiest.





WordPress (rotating header)

I’d love to know what blog designs you really like, fav blogs? Ideas, things you might love to see here?  Ultimately, I’m gonna come up with some creative & fun way to spice things up for 2012. I’m ready for adventure!

Ok, now I must prep for being back on stage in ballet shoes for The Nutcracker! I hope Mum brings me flowers! Ok no I don’t 😛

“for people to shine” he says. That makes me excited.

Dream Come True: On Stage with The National Ballet

At the age of three I started ballet. I danced at Meyerhofer Academy in Cambridge lead by Miss Lisa for ten years. I learned so many things from that woman. To this day Mum says I remind her of Miss Lisa. My first recital was at Humanities Theatre in Waterloo when I was five, I was a fluffy cloud in our annual recital. This photo & costume are from in my first Solo as “The Clown”. Mum made this entire costume out of a beautiful fabric and we still have it at home.

After five I began competition which sometimes took me out of school to travel with the other kids. I went to NY and Myrtle Beach, SC to Showstopper, the National American Dance Championships and did heaps of competitions in Ontario. I was at the studio several days a week for most of my childhood. I guess that’s where my love for the stage & sequins comes from. (Thanks for that too Mum!)

I’m extremely grateful that Mum kept me in dance even though we had some tough times. I learned heaps from growing up in dance. Tonight, I will be backstage, in costume and part of a show that as a child, I only dreamed of. The National Ballet of Canada’s The Nutcracker is Toronto’s favourite holiday tradition and this year the  Ballet celebrates 60 years. With over 340 performances and 814,635 people enjoying it since 1995, the National Ballet’s The Nutcracker has been hailed “the best on the planet”.

Thank you kindly to the National Ballet of Canada for asking me to be part of The Nutcracker. Mum and her BF are coming from out of town to see tonight’s performance. It truly is a dream come true! Sammy and I will be Cannon Dolls and look a little something like this:

Here’s a sneak peek from backstage at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts:

I’ll be Tweeting away with excitement tonight so make sure you are following on Twitter. Have an awesome day xo


Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-22

Love this Blog: Valfre

Her drawings make me smile. One of my goals for 2012 is to do more drawing.

I started my drawing blog BORDERLINE ARTISTIC in 2008. Most of the work was done before 2010 and I’ve been slack since then. Do you have a fav drawing blog?

A half eaten sandwich is a bad Christmas present.

Watched this yesterday, so lovely. I follow MBF on Twitter but had never seen/heard him sing. I think my dream man will do something like this. The song/video is super cute & will bring sunshine to you on this dreary day.

Did you catch The Hobbit trailer? Are you in to LOTR? I kinda am. I fall asleep like, every time but I still watch.

Currently waiting for Chevy Sonic to arrive and I’m gonna drive that baby all around town today when it does. Found a gas card in a drawer which is awesome! Only if I could find a PARKING CARD?!

This vid from Jimmy Kimmel is quite hilarious. He asked parents to give their kids a pad present early and film it. You’ll have a good “haha” I reckon.

Thanks for your votes in the G Adventures contest. With a late entry and only a few days left to go, I made the top 100. Please click this link and vote. You can do once daily until the end of the year. The more the merrier! Do it from all the computers in your house/office 😛

Car’s here. Gotta run!

Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-21

Travel Tuesday: I wanna see the world!

On my recent trip I didn’t stay at a resort or all inclusive, I really took time to seek out adventure and make my own path. It was awesome and exciting! Please vote for me (and my cute little cheezy video) in the G Adventures contest. If I’m chosen, I’ll be one of three winners to embark on an unforgettable trip which will be featured in print and online as part of the next G Adventures campaign. You can vote once daily . Ultimately, the finalists & winners are chosen by the GAdventures team but all your help is GREATLY APPRECIATED!  Plus, I made it ALL ON MY iPHONE. First iMovie ever FTW! 🙂

If You’re Happy & You Know It, Show It!

Reckon I’ve been a bit slack on work since I got back from Mexico last week. I’ve got the holiday tunes on the tele and a few posts in the pipeline. I think we’re BACK! So, as I get crackin’ on all that jazz here’s a pic (not from iPhone) from the new Nikon J1 of me and this mornings delicious pain au chocolat. Balcony grass is really charming this tie of year.

Since I switched to iPhone the ability to cut out using computer & camera to post creative stories had been cut drastically. I’m ready to embark on a new blog challenge come January and make good use of both the new Nikon and Olympus cameras.

Have you seen this crazy light show that was done for the AMA’s? AMAZING.

Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-20

The Weather Outside is…

Delightful 🙂






Walking Queen West to see Rob at Bobby Five for a new tattoo. Been waiting for this one a long time. It’s quite lovely & mild out. Wearing spring jacket and don’t even have it done up. Not really feeling the holiday spirit but really looking forward to The Nutcracker on Thursday and going home Friday.

Hope you feeling happy & healthy. Sending sunshine your way!