Day 26: Days Go By

It’s quite cold and windy up here today. Sean and I set out to run together then parted ways at the end of the road. I did 3.5km and then we did a short abs workout.

I’ve wanted to be a workout couple and being isolated together, it’s slowly starting to happen. ?I finally made those vegan + GF sweet potato brownies (these ones!). They turned out a little more like fudge but they’re delicious. Another success with the food processor!

I had to check a date calculator for what day of isolation we are on because I lost track. I’ve been eating a lot of junk this week and not working out as much. Feeling pretty sluggish and unmotivated. I know this won’t last but some days are harder than others. I was working out so much and really loving life before this happened. I’m trying to keep some workout schedule but I feel lazy and anxious.

My favourite part of the day has historically been first thing in the morning but I’ve really come to love magic hour up here on sunny days. The light shines so brightly in the windows, it almost makes you forget what’s going on in the world around us.

In other news, my hair is really growing and I’ve been taking Hair & Nail gummies each day (these ones!). In my Instagram memories, I discovered this hair I posted 5 years ago, it’s almost exactly the hair I have now. ?

I always loved this song and music video. Good one for today and the days pass by and we’re approaching our first month.

Please hang in there, we will get through this. If you’re looking for inspo, I’ve been sharing some things that inspire me on Instagram Stories and things to do on Pinterest.

How To Avoid a Video Chat Faux Pas

Since we’re all faced with this new reality of connecting from home through technology, my friend Jen Kirsch FaceTimed me to chat about how to avoid mishaps on your video chat. The article is in the Toronto Star today, click below to read.

The print version, available today!

Read on the Toronto Star

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been more social than normal. FaceTime, Houseparty, Zoom, Google Hangouts, it can be exhausting! During the first two weeks o(f isolation), I was video chatting with several people a day!

Tips for Video Chat Success:

  • If using a phone, get a tripod or stabilize the phone (simple iPhone tripod, or tripod with a ring light)
  • Check your wifi settings, faceTime needs wifi, if you’re in a limited wifi area, data might be your best option
  • Wear something presentable for your meeting ex. casual attire for work, a shirt when chatting on Houseparty, maybe something spicy for a date or friends hang. Pants optional and not required.
  • Log in to the video chat early to check your lighting
  • Brush your hair or wear a hat
  • If in a big group, someone should be leading the chat ex. boss, host, or person having a birthday
  • I personally like lip gloss and mascara for daytime
  • If using Zoom, change your background with something fun or download one of these nice design ones to give your home a makeover (or hide the mess!)

Find more tips in the Toronto Star article! Have a great day!

Casie Stewart, signature, iPad Pro.

Day 25: New Ways

Wow, 25 days! If I didn’t have this diary, the days would have meshed together into weeks and I would have no clue what number it was.

I didn’t make the brownies or go for a run yesterday as planned. I put my workout gear on first thing in the morning and never made it. Y’know how that happens? BUT TODAY, I did a Peleton workout, a bit of yoga, and joined Sean for 4.5km on his route and it was so nice. Not far from here are tennis and basketball courts I had no idea about. I’m not particularly good at either but maybe it’s time to practise?

We went out to get supplies yesterday afternoon which took a couple of hours. It’s a 20-minute drive anywhere from the cottage and Walmart is about 45 minutes. The stores were civil and pretty well stocked. We wore masks and had hand sanitizer for our hands. We both changed our clothes as soon as we got home.

BFF Quarantine but make it fashion

Today I used leftovers to make fried rice for lunch and we all sat at the table. For dinner, we made a delicious roast chicken with vegetables and salad. I’ve been really loving the food processor Sean’s parents got last summer. It’s so useful! I tried out a brussels sprout caesar with spinach and it was SO GOOD. I tried one at a restaurant ages ago so I found one on Pinterest and gave it a try. I made a board of some things that are inspiring me right now with recipes, garden tips, and natural fabric dyes.

This is such a new weird way of life!

Day 24: Lake Life

This morning I woke up and really felt like I needed a workout. Sean was up before me (as usual!) and suggested we go for a canoe.

We had to take a bunch of stuff out from the basement including the hot tub, which we might set up later today. I am so happy it’s finally getting warmer, we’ve been waiting for this. The sun has such an influence on my mood, it always makes me feel like everything is ok.

The first canoe of the season is always pretty magical. We were hoping to be the first ones on the lake but there was a rower passing by before we set out. Saw a few other canoes out later in the morning. There is still a bit of thin ice across the lake but most of it is all melted. There were so many birds out singing in the sun.

Today I am making sweet potato brownies, pasta salad, and tuna salad. The other day I made this great granola recipe and I made a another batch yesterday. It’s so easy and we’ve all been enjoying it for breakfast or a snack. I’m planning to go for a long run today and get in a yoga class in the afternoon. I’m hoping it’s warm enough to do it outside!

Video: First Canoe of 2020

Day 23: Seasons Change

The lake melted yesterday! We’ve wanted to be here to see it happen for years. In one day, it goes from being icy to flowing water. It’s beautiful. Sean set up a timelapse to capture it and I took photos throughout the day.

Today is Monday and the TDSB starts online classes for students with assignments due end of the week. We’ve got Em set up on a desk in the master bedroom so she has her own workspace.

Cut My Bangs!

I caved and trimmed my bags yesterday. I like to dry cut with them combed straight, then use the electric shaver to get a straight line, and clean up with good scissors. I’m so glad to have grown my hair out last year, I can only imagine I’d be about to shave my head right now. I love having my hair done at Sassoon but luckily, I’ve got a lot of experience in cutting my own bangs so I’m happy with the result. No disasters!

After dinner, we finished Unorthodox and How To Fix a Drug Scandal, both good shows. Today we made coleslaw, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, pie dough, and another round of Instant Pot rice.

If you aren’t making rice in your Instant Pot, you are missing out, it’s so easy. Add 1 cup of rice to 2 parts water or broth in the pot, a bit of butter and salt, set to cook on the rice setting (10 or 12 min depending on pot size), and voila, the BEST rice!

Good song for today!

P.S. TUESDAY IS FULL MOON! See some of my rituals in this video from the fall. I’m going to do a few of these today including writing some thoughts & intentions on paper & burning in the fire.

Day 22: Make Something Each Day

Yesterday I made granola, a chickpea lentil curry, spicy roasted chickpeas, roast potatoes, and Sean made meatballs. I spent some time drawing on my iPad and decided to test out my old Crimper. It still works!

The granola was a recipe from Pay Chen in The Kit. I modified for what I had and MY GOD IT IS DELICIOUS. I forgot how much I love granola. I am now a forest dwelling, yoga lady, who makes her own granola. I am not surprised at all.

Em made a mask from an old bathing suit and we went through my art supplies. I did Soca Yoga and some stretches while watching movie in front of the fire. TY Amy for the reco, great class!

There was an Amber Alert to stay home that came thorough our phones. This is the second time it’s happened, the last alert was for anyone who had travelled outside the country. We have not left the compound for one full week and Sean is planning to get supplies Monday. I’m gonna stay here with Em while he goes out. We made the strategic decision for him to go during the week so people who can’t go M-F, can have the weekend. We have a running Google doc with everything we need for the house and he will wear gloves, a mask, and change clothes as soon as he gets home. Aside from some groceries, need a part to fix the washing machine.

Made a pavlova for Jake Gold’s birthday party on Zoom. We don’t have birthday candles so a big one had to do. It was BYOC – Bring Your Own Cake, everyone lit candles and sung HBD at the same time. Welcome to life in the year 2020.

Sean and I started Unorthodox on Netflix and I feel asleep on the couch around 9:30pm.