What time is it?

Time to get up. Time to get off the couch. Time to pick up the phone and make that call. Time to start living. Time to start loving. Time to make that list of things you want to accomplish and not let anything get in the way. Time to let go. Time to take abreak. Time to make a move. Time to sit back and relax. Time to do something. Time to break free. You’ve  got the whole world in your hands.

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If not now, when?

Ask yourself this every single day.  I’m sitting in the Boston Logan Airport lounge listening to music and soaking up as much free wifi as a girl can. I got to thinking about life and goals and what I dreamed of doing and where I’m going. Not like, back to Toronto but where am I really going? I think January is a time everyone does that introspective look into their life and wonders, what am I doing? It’s probably also why people get sad and maybe have breakdowns! Last year in January I considered giving up blogging and getting a 9-5 job. I’m really glad I didn’t.  The last two years have been filled with all kinds of things I only ever dreamed would happen. How did I get to do them? How did I make them a reality? I feel inspired to tell you today. When I was in Australia at Uni (2004 & pre-blog) I often felt homesick. I missed my sister terribly and everyone from home seemed light years away. One fine day I went to a bookstore in search of  ‘something’ that would give me guidance or direction or make me feel better.  I picked up The Power of Kabbalah by Yehuda Berg, a book that claimed to be ‘technology for the soul’. I went home and read it cover to cover in one sitting, staying up all night, moving from couch to bed to floor until it was finished.  I was not raised religious and this book wasn’t about that at all. It was about the power of the universe and creating the life you wanted.  It was spiritual wisdom. It helped me realize that I could have everything I ever wanted. It helped me understand that I already did. As I embarked on this journey of self-discovery (I…

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Entrepreneurs Don’t Call in Sick, They Work

When you work for yourself you can’t really call in sick. I felt a bit of a cold coming on when I woke up so I’m going to work from bed today with hope of kicking this by tomorrow. In Boston this weekend and a cold is not an accessory I’d like to pack. Y’know what I’m sayin’? I’m cookin’ up lots of fun stuff to share with you over the next coming weeks. Thinking that my new classes from Clearly Contacts will arrive today. I might whip up a nice home made soup this afternoon. If you are AT ALL feeling sick here’s two cures from my darling Mum that will kill those bad germs like the soldiers in Louie Pasteur kids book (it was my fav!).  Cure for throat here & cure for overall cold/sickness here. Thanks Mum 🙂 P.S. I entered to win this TRIP TO BAHAMAS. You can too right here. Mum just came back from a year there and wouldn’t we ALL love to be there right meow. <3 AND one more thing… MY SXSW PANEL IS SCHEDULED!

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A Little Razzle Dazzle in the Press

Sitting in the Product Development Centre at the Henry Ford Museum listening to a panel discussion on creativity, design, ideas, innovation & inspiration. It’s pretty neat because it’s not all Ford people there’s a mix of ages & backgrounds. I’m not gonna go into detail on it now so I  can actually pay attention. This photo was posted yesterday by Ford Europe from the Fusion press conference yesterday. Overalls from H&M, shirt StyleMint & vintage scarf from CTS. Today I was quoted in the Detroit Free Press and the article is here. There’s a video of Joallore too. We’re representing Toronto here in the 313! “There’s really cool booths where it’s like they’re not just appealing to you buying a car, but they want to create an experience for you – which is really cool,” said Casie Stewart, also a blogger from Toronto. Have an awesome day. I’m off to Vegas tonight for CES. Ahhhhhhhh! Exciting 🙂 xo CASIE  

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Anyone from Twitter YOU would like to meet?

Blogged before bed last night because I had to get up early and go to the office. Ok, I didn’t HAVE to go to an office but I decided to get my booty to Edelman’s Toronto office to meet David Armano their Global EVP from Chicago. I’ve been following @armano on Twitter for YEARS. Sometimes I get people saying they’ve followed me for ages and they’re excited when WE meet, this is one of those people for ME. the power of a post: social media with love I wrote a blog post about him on January 6, 2009 when I WITNESSED him raise money to help a friend who had fallen into an unfortunate situation. It was heart touching to watch as the donation meter on his blog post “Please help Daniella’s Family” went up and up. As I followed along, they raised $12K in 24HR! He’s a rad guy and today we get to meet in person. Today is going to be awesome 🙂 Make the most of it, you’re younger today than you will be again! James Dean reading poetry, 1955

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TedXToronto: September 23, 2011

I’m happy to my acceptance as a Delegate for  TedXToronto on September 23! I attended last  year and it was quite riveting. For details on how you can take part in the conference go here. There’s a few speakers this year I know personally so I’m really looking forward to being there. Not sure who the hosts are. These are two of my favourite videos from the speaker vids created by my friends at The Biz Media. First up is Movember co-founder Adam Garone and second Rob Spence. Reckon you’ll find them quite moving 🙂 Dropped off a bday present for Emma at Sammy’s work today and have had this song stuck in my head. It’s real pretty. Give a listen, you will like it too. Tonight is the Diet Coke TIFF party. Two more nights of TIFF before it’s over! Gah. Mega tiring. Gonna take a city break and go visit Mum this weekend.

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