Over the Rainbow & Over The Moon!

Oh hey, today I am wearing a Canadian tuxedo (summer style)!  Tonight I’m heading to Over the Rainbow in Yorkville for a denim fitting.  I’m also styling two mannequins for their September back to School COOL windows as a ‘Rainbow Insider’ style influencer.  I’ll be posting a contest over the next week for a $100 gift certificate for the store and you can meet me at the Back to School event on Thursday, August 29th to pick it up. In other news, I’ve been selected by Toronto International Film Festival as 1 of 50 the city to partner with them for the festival in next month in two weeks. I’ll be first with the scoop on all things TIFF. So, in other words, stay tuned right here for constant updates on all things awesome. Invites are starting to roll out for lounges, events, and after parties.  Doing a little  press for the documentary I am in the premieres September 14th too. SO EXCITING EVERYTHING, OMG. My TIFF festival experiences from the last few years here. Took this panoramic on my way to work and check how long the streetcar is. I call this “Never-ending TTC”. Little grassy patches have popped up on around the trees on Queen Street. I like this. Adds  character to the little guys. Tonight after my shoot and styling at Over the Rainbow I’m zipping to the Thompson Roof for a Molson event then home to pack. We are off to LA at 10:30am tomorrow. No work, all fun in the sun with my BF and best friends. I am dyyyyying of excitement. Make sure you are following me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. I will be updating them ALL with Disney everything for the next six days. Hollah!!!! <3 CASIE  

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It’s kind of fun to do the impossible. – Walt Disney #disneyvacay

 Last night I had dinner with the Toronto group of media/bloggers going to Disneyland, California next week. We have a full action packed six days of everything a little girl could dream of matched with big girl dreams of parties, shopping, and fine dining. We get to to visit the original Walt Disney apartment (that was only opened to the public last year), rides, haunted house, sunset cruise and more. It’s going to be so romantic.  I’ll be there with my BF and besties having the most fun at the happiest place on earth. Can’t.  Freaking. Wait.  Yesterday I got myself a dozen roses from Loblaws ($9.99!) and when I arrived back at the office I had received a flower delivery! These beauties arrived from a friend on Twitter just to brighten my day. How did he know! Thank you 🙂 Here’s to making today a great day. I’ve got a special lunch at the Trump Hotel followed by a work walkthrough at the Rogers Centre, and a beauty launch at the Thompson Hotel post work. Put a smile on that pretty face of yours 🙂 <3 CASIE Buy Tadalafil online Buy Abilify online Buy Aciphex online

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Believe it: essence & the Justin Bieber World Tour

A week ago I was in Brooklyn, NY on a press junket with the 2013 Justin Bieber tour sponsor essence cosmetics. It was awesome. I got TO MEET JUSTIN BIEBER. (I’m sure you saw or knew when I was there because I could not simply help myself from documenting the entire thing!) He was very… mellow. The concert was really good though, he’s a great performer. I was swooning, actually. essence is  the #1 value cosmetics brand in the world and I started using their products about six months ago after receiving them at the Canadian launch. All the essence products can be found at Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada and range from $.99 to $4.99. There’s a new collection for fall that’s jam packed with great new items and colours. I’m in love with the new matt lip paint (the red I’ve been wearing recently) and the Extreme Lash mascara. There’s some rad new nail polish colours which are great because they dry really fast. Look at Shoppers, you will see a massive rainbow. [View the story “BROOKLYN + BELIEVE TOUR #essenceJB” on Storify]

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NOISEY + VICE present: Before Monday Comes – Berlin

Exciting news! Meet my first post in a partnership with one of my fav companies in the world, VICE! I’ve been reading the mag for about 10 years after finding it outside a cool little boutique in Bondi Beach, Australia. I’ve blogged heaps about VICE since then and attended a ton of VICE parties in back alleys, abandoned spaces, and hipster hangouts. VICE’s music channel Noisey, is launching a new series called Before Monday Comes. The 8 episode series is the ultimate weekend adventure of eating, drinking, dancing, music, and partying across five cities in five countries.  It looks like a whole lotta fun, and partying, and fun. Check out this episode from Berlin and get  a glimpse into some of the worlds most exciting underground music scenes via Dismantle and Boxfresh.  The series is them travelling around and checking out party scenes in New York, Beijing, Berlin, Stockholm and London as part of a partnership with Boxfresh. I love it. BEFORE MONDAY COMES – BERLIN Tweet Share with friends who like to PARTY!

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Kanetix Ltd. Contest: Vote for My Playlist – Win $500!

I’ve been going to the cottage in Muskoka almost every weekend since the start of May. I love it. Spent heaps of time in the car listening to tunes. My friend who works at KANETIX told me about a contest for $500! Um, yeah? They were inspired to find out what folks deem the ultimate summer driving playlist, so they reached out to me awesome blog friends to find out what our top summer driving songs are. Kanetix is an online comparison site for insurance, mortgages and credit cards, recently commissioned a study to find out how music impacts your driving. As a member of CAA and young woman who drives, I was in. VOTE FOR ME: HERE (Easy!) Vote for your favourite playlist over on the KANETIX blog before August 23rd and you’ll be entered to WIN $500! The blogger whose playlist gets the most votes will not only get the glory, they’ll also get to take home $500. Yahoo! My Playlist Let’s hope we win big money! Love ya, CASIE  

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Ted Baker London – NYC 5th Avenue Grand House

Started the day in style with Starbucks, sunshine and a smile. This is the lovely Patricia ⬆ and ⬇ that’s not how you spell my name but I didn’t care one bit, I was in NY and it was Friday. ❤ This was en route to the essence NY head office, (Justin Bieber’s concert sponsor). NY cabs are cheaper than Toronto, feels like you drive for ages before you hit $20. Cool 3d art installation painting downstairs. Great view from upstairs. Our next stop was the Ted Baker London 5th Avenue Grand House. It is gorgeous. Still looks like an old house in many ways, even how the clothes are hung and accessories displayed.  Right away I said, “WHEN CAN I MOVE IN?” I loved it. I adore the new prints from Ted. I got a this great new bag, pants, a few scarves, and much needed grown lady wallet. I absolutely love travelling. It’s less than three weeks before I head to California for six days with bloggers and best friends. I can’t wait!  Working on a post this week for the NY Ted Baker blog about my fav Toronto spots. Any suggestions? LMK! See other posts w/ Ted and me here. I’m going to make this week really, really great. We’re closer to Friday than normal and we are closer to the end of summer I care to admit. Put a smile on that face of yours and flash it around. <3 CASIE  

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