Take Me Back, Back to Cali

Sean and I went to California for a week this summer, and it was SO FUN. I love the sunshine, the shops, the lifestyle by the beach. We rented a convertible and drove the Pacific Coast Highway, ate good food, worked on our tans, and spent much time at Disneyland. This cold weather does not seem to be letting up for all of us in Canada so instead of being wah wah CRYING about it, I’ll relive our summer love in LaLa Land. We stayed at the Disneyland Resort, and thanks to Disneyland and their Canadian team for the invite. It was amazing to live like a kid and experience all the fun of the most magical place on earth. Hopefully these pix brighten your day! Room service prezzie from Mickey Mouse! Surf’s up in Malibu Oh what I would give to have my feet in the sand right now Now this is love! His face vs my face lol ♥ Hollywood Saw a concert at the Hollywood Bowl Sunset in Laguna Take me back back to Cali. <3 CASIE

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Travel | Ontario Winter Vacation at Blue Mountain Ski Resort

I’ve spent the last 24 hours in our little chalet tucked away in the woods. Later this afternoon we checkin to our next destination, The Westin at Blue. Looking forward to skating on the pond later and swimming the heated outdoor pool. I love vacation! It’s been ages since I had a nice relaxing Ontario winter vacation. Winter vacations aren’t for everyone and I know a lot of people who would rather sunbathe on a nice hot beach but there’s something so peaceful about relaxing in a white winter wonderland. Different people love a nice snowy holiday for different reasons too. Some love to take their all mountain ski and bomb down a slope, others (like me) like to have a relaxing holiday of chilling in heated pools and hot chocolate, and others use the cold as an excuse to drink lots because it will “keep me warm!” Although, it doesn’t matter what your reason for the holiday is, as long as you have fun! We woke up to a whole bunch of fresh show. It’s quite cold and windy. Perfect weather to hibernate and enjoy the scenery. The only sound out here is my boots crunching in the snow with each step. <3 CASIE Lipitor without prescription Plavix without prescription Prednisolone without prescription Sildenafil without prescription

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No Regrets by Gunnarolla on YouTube

I met Andrew aka Gunnarolla via Twitter when we found out we’d both been chosen to go on the trip to Thailand with Contiki. He is simply amazing and super talented. One of my fav people from the trip for sure. This is us with Sam and Leah on the last night in Thailand making up a song on the spot. It was simply hilarious. The video below is Andrew’s latest tune. I watched it with joy knowing I was there for a few of the shots. They all move really fast so you might not see me but me and the Internet know I was there! No Regrets by Gunnarolla on YouTube In other news, Andrew introduced me to a new platform called Subbable where you can support your fav YouTubers. Remember, these peeps are making things to entertain you with their own money, gadgets, and talents (like us bloggers, most the time!). Shout them if you love ’em! I gave some love (aka $$) to Andrew’s profile yesterday and now patiently away the arrival of my Red Box. LOVE YOU MAN! Here’s to an amazing 2014 and living with NO REGRETS! <3 CASIE Buy Cozaar without prescription Buy Diflucan without prescription Buy Finasteride without prescription

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Travel | Thailand w/ The ContikiThai Crew!

Check out this great vid by my Vancouver buds the Sunday Fundayz. These dudes were so much fun to hang out with in Thailand. They’re the ones doing backflips and splits in my photos. We crammed heaps of adventure into our 10 days. Now that’s so dang freezing here I’m really wishing I was back in the hot, hot sun. If you love travel, subscribe to the Sunday Fundayz on YouTube, they’re constantly on adventure! They also have a clothing line of which I just ordered a pile of stuff. Thailand via Instagram: 46 Photos in 15 Seconds Made this little video using Statigram, an app that allows you to create a video from your Instagram vids. Super great for summarizing trips, special moments, or looking back at the year past. It’s free but for $1.99 you can add your own watermark as I did below. Stay warm out there, <3 CASIE

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Travel | Good Time Adventures in Koh Tao, Thailand

We went on an afternoon snorkelling cruise with Good Time Adventures around Koh Tao, Thailand. It was absolutely amazing! Our crew was so much fun and we drank, swam, jumped off the boat, and visited beaches. The shot of Jenni above was assisted by our Tour Leader, Luke, way to go! These photos were taken with my Canon Rebel SL1. To see the group I was travelling search #ContikiThai on Twitter or Instagram and visit this Twitter list. Thank you to Contiki, Tourism Thailand, and Good Time Adventures for this experience. It was absolutely amazing. I’ve got a few more pic from this cruise on my Instagram here too. Hope this warms up your Monday! <3 CASIE

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I’m Back from Thailand, The Trip of a Lifetime

It’s 5:14Am right now and I arrived in TO last night at 6pm. My BF and the EmBot picked me up from the airport with flowers and I ordered us Swiss Chalet from on the way home from YYZ. Festive Specials of course, quarter chicken white with fries. My last two weeks in Thailand have been the trip of a lifetime. Made friends I’ll have forever, memories to keep me warm for years, and experiences I only ever dreamed would happen. I’ll be sharing stories from my adventures over the next few weeks. You can check up on all the peeps I was in tour with via this list. Feel free to creep my Instagram for photos that will  warm you up all winter. I’m going to try and keep the same excitement in photos that I’ve had on the road. There is so much beauty in life to capture. It’s kinda nice to come home with the snow for Christmas. I’m happy to be sitting on my couch right now. Not sure where my next adventure will be just yet but I’ll take you with me, as always. Thank you for following my journey and reading my blog along the way. I appreciate you! With love from Canada, <3 CASIE

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