Yup @epicmealtime, so #epic See blog https://casiestewart.com #bizmedia (@ The Biz Media w/ @sachasayan @tedinframe) http://4sq.com/jB4zRI # ahhh, @epicmealtime just said 'bacon condom' omg… #bizmedia # aaaaaaaaaand the #EMbot has left the building. sucha cutie pie kid. # addicted to documenting. # i amaze myself with how i can get so many things done sometimes. # RE: @TweetgasmTO So rad! I bet I will love @ladystarlightNY too 😀 #mmva http://disq.us/2az5f4 # Loving your linens @aulitfinelinens. OMGAGA need some for my bed! http://t.co/XSljUcF # Aw, me & the #EMbot both have baby blue #Converse #swag http://twitpic.com/5czayc # iblog https://casiestewart.com # omg. so hungry. must. wait. for @epicmealtime @ #bizmedia # bahaaaaaa RT @shariyatweets: Anyone checking out the Jersey Shore festival… I mean Taste of Little Italy! # yo! you live there? if so we're neighbors. RT @TheNameIsIsh: Poolside… http://lockerz.com/s/111625752 # omg little monster Emily is coming over to play. she is 4. look out! # going to Alabama in August I think. Gonna be an exciting experience. # omg thank god for time shifting. pvr didn't record mama's show today. #yandr # you had a hot date last night @shawnhawaii. hope night was fun! #nxne http://twitpic.com/5cyb6b # the other night @cobranightclub w/ @bucky_buck #DWW #mmva #nxne http://twitpic.com/5cyasm # #Nerdbird @VirginAmerica's Newest Plane Is a Hashtag #FTW http://t.co/yC8bEiK via @mashable # I'm speaking at @mashable #SMday June 30th about building your personal brand. Come http://bit.ly/ms8sst # i'm so hungry for @epicmealtime. # epicnaptime. # Wieners for #bhdsuites are @Shananigans5 @brockmclaughlin @carlyannedotcom @7dollarpants. See you tomorrow! Thanks @BHdiaries # Photo: The Australian. http://tumblr.com/xmj31ncuki # this kitten needs a cat nap! epic nap time before @epicmealtime tonight. zzzzzzzzzzzz http://dailybooth.com/u/9y11j # Met a couple fans today. Makes me happy! #nxnei # "I go to a lot of parties, like Casie" @stephenhenrik during @globeandmail session at…
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