i’m a model you know what i mean

Oh yeah. This week I’ve got a fashion show. Crystal Light contacted me and flattered me by  saying I’m a “leading Canadian fashionista and social media maven” then asked me to be in their fashion show for the Crystal Light Purse Challenge. I get to meet a personal shopper and have a shopping spree at Holt Renfrew. OMGaga. I love fashion & style as you know. Remember last year when I was hanging out with NYC’s finest in fashion Nicole Miller & Derek Fabulous. Other babes in the show are Anita Sharma, Valerie Stachurski, Karla Moy,  Erin Blaskie,  Lisa Charleyboy, & Cammi Pham. Fashion show takes place Tuesday at Design Exchange, Stacey Mckenzie preps me for the runway, then I do hair and make-up. Gonna be fun!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Beat that. #bhdsuites http://twitpic.com/5djxwo # How fucking cool am I now? Pretty much the baddest bitch everrrrrr. #bhdsuites http://twitpic.com/5djugb # Custom converse FTW. Be le jealous. #bhdsuites http://twitpic.com/5djtn1 # Totes flirting w/ @karlwolfs. New bffs. #bhdsuites # Second gifting lounge of the day! #vocab (@ ING Direct w/ @dvln) http://4sq.com/jy5p4X # live from #BHD suites #MMVA gifting lounge at le germain http://flpbd.it/TnRC # here choke on this giant pill http://flpbd.it/ZRso # Thanks @raymitheminx! You almost here? Love ya #bhdsuites # Mum is home from the boat after being away from one year!! #excited # #bhdsuites w/ @jessegiddings & @nicolemtv http://twitpic.com/5dg35n # chillin’ #bhdsuites #mmva lounge w/ @hustlegrl @benchcanada (@ Hotel Le Germain Maple Leaf Square w/ 3 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mov4sF # Photo: reminder to bring barbie printout to next party http://tumblr.com/xmj326ru3g # Photo: um, strange but i like it http://tumblr.com/xmj326rkzc # chilling w/ @brenter37 in my @benchcanada #BHDsuites #leafs #babe # had a cucumber sandwich. is that wierd or funny? i think it’s funny. #bhdsuites # playin’ DJ Hero w/ @kardinalO in #BHDsuites w/ @benchcanada. #mmva # Celebs and Bloggers: Today’s Branding Experts http://bit.ly/iicUzy # the #EMbot so cute. http://twitpic.com/5dbufd # whats for lunch today guys? # kinda wish i didn’t look so tired today omg. #nxne #nxnei #bhdsuites # woot @7dollarpants & @benchcanada @ #BHDsuites http://dailybooth.com/u/9yh82 # RE: yeah dude. it was insane. bacon roses, quail in turkey in pig & roasted.RTRD. http://disq.us/2b59fm # DIE. “@M3foods: M3Foods and @casiestewart at the #bizmedia @EpicMealTime event http://t.co/yLBnNv0” # * pix are from the VOCAB Communications gifting lounge at ING Direct in Yonge Street. Thanks for the invite & the goodies team! Everyone & every thing is a brand 😉

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&baconstrips &baconstrips &baconstrips &baconstrips

Omg Seriously. The Biz Media Epic Meal Time last night was epicly awesome. Say hello to the Bacon Volcano. Bacon strips & cheese & bacon strips & bacon strips. Chocolate bacon cake. Big thanks to the lovely miss who brought the Tums. I’m thankful for you. Was a beautiful night for a patio party. Biz Media consistently throws the best parties. Wicked crowd there last night. Heaps of people I knew & lots I didn’t. Makes for a fun time, I love meeting new people. The man who delivers me a dozen bacon roses. ILU. These were so tasty. Heaps of props for the photobooth. The photos are gonna be so funny. Bacon in the tree too. Bacon everywhere actually. I missed this one but wow, probs was delish. Epic Meal Time guys are rad. This one is so huge, like giant. I want one of those &baconstrips shirts guys. Fo realz. Thank you to the Biz Media team & Guy Gal. You know mama loves you. Heaps of friends in this crowd. I’ve never seen/ate so much bacon at one time. We really got into it too. Two girls, one bacon.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Yup @epicmealtime, so #epic See blog https://casiestewart.com #bizmedia (@ The Biz Media w/ @sachasayan @tedinframe) http://4sq.com/jB4zRI # ahhh, @epicmealtime just said 'bacon condom' omg… #bizmedia # aaaaaaaaaand the #EMbot has left the building. sucha cutie pie kid. # addicted to documenting. # i amaze myself with how i can get so many things done sometimes. # RE: @TweetgasmTO So rad! I bet I will love @ladystarlightNY too 😀 #mmva http://disq.us/2az5f4 # Loving your linens @aulitfinelinens. OMGAGA need some for my bed! http://t.co/XSljUcF # Aw, me & the #EMbot both have baby blue #Converse #swag http://twitpic.com/5czayc # iblog https://casiestewart.com # omg. so hungry. must. wait. for @epicmealtime @ #bizmedia # bahaaaaaa RT @shariyatweets: Anyone checking out the Jersey Shore festival… I mean Taste of Little Italy! # yo! you live there? if so we're neighbors. RT @TheNameIsIsh: Poolside… http://lockerz.com/s/111625752 # omg little monster Emily is coming over to play. she is 4. look out! # going to Alabama in August I think. Gonna be an exciting experience. # omg thank god for time shifting. pvr didn't record mama's show today. #yandr # you had a hot date last night @shawnhawaii. hope night was fun! #nxne http://twitpic.com/5cyb6b # the other night @cobranightclub w/ @bucky_buck #DWW #mmva #nxne http://twitpic.com/5cyasm # #Nerdbird @VirginAmerica's Newest Plane Is a Hashtag #FTW http://t.co/yC8bEiK via @mashable # I'm speaking at @mashable #SMday June 30th about building your personal brand. Come http://bit.ly/ms8sst # i'm so hungry for @epicmealtime. # epicnaptime. # Wieners for #bhdsuites are @Shananigans5 @brockmclaughlin @carlyannedotcom @7dollarpants. See you tomorrow! Thanks @BHdiaries # Photo: The Australian. http://tumblr.com/xmj31ncuki # this kitten needs a cat nap! epic nap time before @epicmealtime tonight. zzzzzzzzzzzz http://dailybooth.com/u/9y11j # Met a couple fans today. Makes me happy! #nxnei # "I go to a lot of parties, like Casie" @stephenhenrik during @globeandmail session at…

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I might have a heart attack but I will die happy.

Omgaga. Epic Meal Time bacon volcano. Aaaaah. So many good pix on camera. Show you tomorrow. Epic babe time! XO CASIE

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Beer me. #nxne (@ The Black Bull) http://4sq.com/msFCLG # Seeing Kovak! Totally hot babes! #nxne (@ El Mocambo w/ 7 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mJrASj # blogged: is this the real life cause sometimes it feels like fantasy http://t.co/lLjidKu #NXNE #nxnei # RE: @christineestima love you <3 http://disq.us/2ajy74 # thank you! “@mandylor: The beautiful @casiestewart. Looking so hot at Converse FW11. http://t.co/4KlGpaR” # next week i have a modelling job & get to have a shopping spree at Holts. freaking out. so excited! # Van riots remind me of G20 that sht was crazy… http://t.co/UknBGte # hey guys! http://post.ly/2E2N8 # Photo: to kool for school. http://tumblr.com/xmj315cjvj # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/KlyXNRrsk4A?a Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) # i miss getting mail. #postalstrike # i hope Billy & Victoria stay togeher. #yandr # Omg I know her! Cc @laurenonizzle #nxnei http://twitpic.com/5cgr5u # Hi. #nxne http://4sq.com/ipJIAl # If you are wondering who ate all the onion rings, it was me. #sneakydees #nxne # Hire us for your event RT @Jarvisemerald: http://twitpic.com/5cfk6v Casie Stewart and @raymitheminx ch-ch-chillin @pepsicanada #NXNE 🙂 # Legendary lunch of champions. http://twitpic.com/5cg07i # #nxnefest w/ @pepsicanada & @raymitheminx http://4sq.com/mmLaDZ # USA tippin' http://twitpic.com/5cfmf8 # That was me! RT @SFS1981: @casiestewart Pretty sure I just saw you walk by on Blue Jays way. Unless I'm mental. #bloggersightings # Thank you RT @mandylor: Wish all Toronto girls were as cool and positive as the beautiful @casiestewart. Always a pleasure running into her. # Gd we're cute RT @raymitheminx: The @nxnefest diaries w/ @casiestewart and @raymitheminx continues http://twitpic.com/5cfgwf # #glitterbomb RT @natekogan: @jylui @affan I woke up covered in glitter because of @casiestewart VERY true # Thanks for the new kicks Converse. Heading to @pepsicanada media event #nxne # Say hi to my Aussie bf if you stop by. http://4sq.com/kkUWGT…

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