“Take chances, make mistakes, get messy”, Miss Frizzle
Whoa, dudes on Storm Surfers are surfing #Stewart Island, NZ! #RAD http://t.co/OO21w88 # #BoilerRoom is on CityTV right now. “Anybody who tells you money is the root of all evil doesn’t fcuking have any.” # Photo: thosewerethe90s http://t.co/QdQ2s43 # REBEL CLUB RULES: No old people. No boring people. No office parties. No hen… http://t.co/qrEve1R #thisismylife # this looks like fun riding: Tweed Ride 2010 from Steven Greenstreet on Vimeo. http://t.co/Klv9tQZ #thisismylife # An introduction to Crossplay (cosplay meets crossdressing) http://t.co/mT7UPyv # awww i just want to put that menopausal hipster in my pocket http://t.co/t61jttm # damn computer drawin http://t.co/L67ZUbB # Lovely brekky @nichecoffee (@ Niche Coffee & Tea Company) [pic]: http://t.co/wyBHiST # Labour Daze http://t.co/CV7WOQb #thisismylife # what are you doing today? # Why does Adam Levine have to wear clothes? – › He should be at least half nude at all times. › › But… http://t.co/Av6slOl # Photo: cc @katekillet suicideblonde: Charlotte Free http://t.co/WKb4aHY # “Report those compliments to your a$$ before it gets so big it forms it’s own website!” #bringiton # OMG Delia! They grow up so FAST. Turned into a toddler over the weekend. #yandr # My Must-visit Bars in Toronto via @foursquare http://t.co/wh21ZfJ # Can’t undo what you’ve already done! http://t.co/yxJlR11 #
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