we will all be history one day

[<a href=”http://storify.com/casiestewart/i-got-to-thinking-about-how-many-times-i-am-late-o” target=”blank”>View the story “I got to thinking about how many times I am late or tired from Blogging.” on Storify]</a>

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Diet Coke TIFF Stay Extraordinary Gala at The Hoxton

Picked up this hat from Fashion Crimes for last night’s Diet Coke event. This was the social media party of TIFF. Everyone and their blog was there. Read about it on The Grid.  Lots of Tweets and Facebook happening on scene and heaps of familiar faces.  Was nice to meet a few peeps for the first time who enjoy my blog & Tweets. HI GUYS! The Diet Coke team did a great job of turning the Hoxton into a Gala-like venue. Thanks for the pic @DietCoke I didn’t take my camera but Raymi posted a heap of photos here. Will add Coke’s photos once they’re live. Have an awesome day 🙂  

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George Strombo’s TIFF Takeover at The Hazelton

Cue Katy Perry TGIF cause last Friday night Keri, Lauren and I had an awesome time at The Hazelton and I’d do it allllllllll again.Red carpet love from your three fav blondes 🙂 There were thousands of people gathered around watching. I wore a top from Bicyclette, American Apparel Late Night Disco Shorts and Jeffrey Campbell pixie wedges with Zebra nails & matching purse. Most of these next photos are from Keri’s blog, check it here. I didn’t take camera. I spy Julian & Notable.ca. I met CLIVE OWEN. I love him. My fav role he played was in Closer with Natalie, Julia and Jude. He was beautiful and charming in person, just like in my dreams. Mega swoon. Bono, Jason Reitman, Gerard Butler, Juliette Lewis, Jon Hamm and heaps more celebs were there too. Thanks for another great party George. CBC Live tweeted that we were there along with all the celebs. How cool is that Mum?! Finally met Amber Mac. Her name comes up all the time, she said the same, although we had never met in person before. Super nice girl. Been following her for years. Sarah Was super cute and said “ahhh my fav bloggers all together”. Her post is here. More blonde blogging babes! Lynsie is covering Fashion Week in London. Congrats girl! Kris was my fav meet of the evening. I was certain he was Chris Martin from Coldplay but he is an actor on Tudors who is also a Pentathlon, riding and fencing champion. Mega catch there. For sure my fav party of the whole Toronto Film Festival. It was great to see all kinda of people I hardly see on the regular. Thanks Strombo & CBC for doing it up again this year.  You were a good date too Keri 🙂

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we are all made of stars

Starting Monday I’m in a national advertising campaign with HTC! They’ve chosen to feature me in a new campaign that will  run for 14 weeks on lifestyle and entertainment sites across Canada. I’ve been working with Say Media for a few months. Have you ever noticed the video ads in my sidebar? That’s them. I’m their leading lifestyle blogger in Canada. SAY is a rad company based out of San Francisco who works with the internet’s leading voices including Seth Goden and Brian Clark (@copyblogger).  Check ’em out below 🙂

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Raggamuffin is a freedomfighter

Good morning, good morning and how are you today? Mum used to sing that to me when I was little. Hoping I can go visit her this week. It’s Monday and I’m feeling great. Woke up early and been working from bed. Sent a couple invoices confirmed a few meetings and am ready for a stellar day. Off to pick up my new business cards. Kate starts working with me at the office today. I officially have a PA, follow her on Twitter here. Remember, you are younger today than you will be again, make the most of it! <3 CASIE Love this Jam – Selah Sue. So good.

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TIFF Social Media Lodge and Gifting Lounge

Friday I attended the TIFF Social Media Lodge & gifting lounge at FSTOP on King street. Lots of great people and products. Thank you to event hosts Chrissy @ Vocab Communications, Gordon @ Social Lodge, Jeff @ Real TV Films and George @ TCHAD.

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