taste the rainbow

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you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday: – you missed this yesterday: – impressed with the… http://t.co/5vYfg02P #thisismylife # MOrning! # Pillow fort, meet pillow sofa. I think you two can be BFFs. http://t.co/bn5dXCVW # Automated Video Editing Site Makes Movie Magic Out of Raw Footage – http://t.co/pMPNE5xu # Toronto Tweed Ride: A dashing metropolitan ride in style!: I recently had a… http://t.co/eQ0oq8aY #thisismylife # Autumn Splendor in Tranquil Muskoka #rest #relax: Had an awesome couple days… http://t.co/qh1fFN62 #thisismylife # heartbiurn. i hate youuuuuu. # Ahh. My fav Vans now come in ankle bootie. #want http://t.co/mmxXYNy9 # Do I know someone who works at The Marketing Store? Do you? LMK! Looking for a contact there. # I like Two & a Half Men with @aplusk. He is just, SO HOT. Like, SO HOT. So hot. Hottie hot hot. Naked hot. cc @KeriBlog @itsbrownbarbie # I liked a @YouTube video from @Ve3tro http://t.co/2KyMutkU Deus Ex: The Eyeborg Documentary (HD 720p) # Photo: terrysdiary: Lindsey Wixson at my studio #3 http://t.co/6rSDAmVM # What are you thankful for today? @1ThingApp # Took the @NYTimes Personality Test. Turns out I'm a Trendsetter. Take the quiz here http://t.co/G1KXztyD # Photoset: I love you ukamaku:More in our F/W 2011 lines, designs by Caitlin Power. Online and available for… http://t.co/r7r2lPfO # Yes, I read the @NYTimes via Flipboard on my iPad.: I have a thing for… http://t.co/S1stUmIC #thisismylife # i wanna go back to the lake http://t.co/nlV0oCe8 # Photo: @laurenonizzle if i could find this i would buy it for you http://t.co/4QoEzhaZ # Photo: me too. http://t.co/bHwaxU9Z # Screenshot of my current campaign with @HTC. #innovation #inspiration http://t.co/g7doryHH # Volunteering is a amazing thing. Do it! Great post by @djacob on The Positive Power of Selfishness http://t.co/MazjobQh #tedxtoronto # on the phone with casting producer for a new show weeeeeee…

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Gladstone Hotel Melody Bar Relaunch

Last night the Gladstone Hotel held a packed party to celebrate the relaunch of their Melody Bar! I stopped by to check it out and grab some pictures. Busy bar! Yummy looking snacks. Brock talking business 😉 Tunes spinning! And speaking of tunes… Gentleman Reg was there! He’s just as nice as he is handsome. Have you heard/seen/fallen in love with his Stevie Nicks “Wild Heart” cover yet? Here! Enjoy! Thanks so much Gladstone! I’ll be back soon. xo Kate        

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you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday: – impressed with the @rugbyworldcup app! #rwc2011

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“We are all wanderers on this earth. Our hearts are full of wonder, and our souls are deep with dreams.” Gypsy Proverb

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You are the Author

Braided the boy. I had to watch Braveheart though. iPad movie. Can you guess which Brat Pack one this is? Condo fire this week. Fake fire. Many trucks. A few babes. Advice from Mum. Birthday flowers. Delivery, special Drivers seat. Dad made this car for us. Off to Market with Mum now. Tomorrow Muskoka.

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