changing the way we capture the world
Good Morning world! How are you today? I’m thinking I might evacuate my closet of old items and finally see the floor. It’s practically an episode of hoarders in there right now. Shame on me! Tried Chipotle for the first time the other day when I was at YD Square for Koodonation. It was good. Hung out at Peach Berserk this week helping Kingi with some internetty things. She made me a shirt with my face on it 🙂 You know you gonna want one. Lots of nice things in the store. Colour explosion! Looks kinda gloomy out. Winter is coming. The cold yesterday reminded me how much I love to hibernate. Snuggled up on the couch in wool & blankets and fell asleep with the TV on. New camera arrived Friday, Olympus PEN E-PM1, 12.3 mpx. It’s more compact than the PEN 2 I’ve been shooting with. I’m part of the Olympus Pen Ready Project; 1,000 photographers around the world shooting with the new compact PEN Canera. I’l #884/1000. My profile & photos (will be) here. Beans & I are about to make brekky. Gonna make a bacon & egg pie today too. New Zealand staple and no, not a quiche! This water commercial is neat. Thanks to Patricia for sharing.
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