you missed this yesterday

Got a real cute haircut this time @dkwikstudio # Met babes @toristreats @wardrobeprofessor @thedrakehotel # Never met a girl like you before… (@ The Beaver Café) # you missed this yesterday: – finding a few people have been unfollowed but not… #thisismylife # JUST in time for my trip new luggage from to be delivered tomorrow. Woooooooooohoooooo # Looking at posts from this time last year. Remember this day at #Finch station? Gave away @virginamerica flight! # Vintage @michaelnus & @shrued # What's for lunch? I'm hungry but can't decide. Wanna deliver a surprise lunch? Because, that would be amazing! # Be nice & share. # I liked a @YouTube video Aubade Alarm Clock # A Whole New World: iCasie! It’s like a whole new world now that I’m all Apple… #thisismylife # What inspires you? # Ballerina Rocket Man via @laurenonizzle #BLOG # just did my 600th @dailybooth # Used Siri to ring Mum at work! # RE: @TheDanLevy @thedanlevy @megbutton I blame #hipster culture on the popularity! # RE: yeah man, i was looking back at posts and thinking WHERE DOES THE DAMN TIME GO?! # Sign & sending PDFs on iPad is so satisfying. # Oh my, I will be in Costa Rica for Have Sex with a Man with a Moustache Day – N (@YouTube # #SwarovskiSneakPeek tonight # This makes me sad. I follow YOUR updates for YOU 🙁 RT @aplusk Twitter Management # Ooh boys look at his sexy #movember babe, Josh! # Waiting so long for his taxi I could have walked. #firstworldproblems # Yes please! # Lookin good @keriblog. #swarovskiskisneakpeek # Thanks for the cotton candy & gift @swarovski. # "In…

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A Whole New World

iCasie! It’s like a whole new world now that I’m all Apple, iPhone, IPad & Macbook. I dreamed about this day. No really, I did. Doesn’t everyone? Couple friends gifted their apps to try. Thanks Andrew for StyleStudio fashion design app and Lauren for PhotoForge photo editing. If you want to gift me your app email me at My how time flies. This time last year I had just returned from my first trip to San Francisco to meet the team at Virgin America. I gave away my first flight on Virgin as the Toronto Provocateur. Rochelle won & went to SF too. After the giveaway Calvin took the gang and I out for lunch after at his YS Boston Pizza. I don’t think I’ve been back up that way SINCE.  MAKE THE MOST OF EACH DAY PEEEEPALLLLL! Read a great article yesterday on the Harvard Biz Review about Why Inspiration Matters. Inspiration is very important to me, if you’re here, you probably already know that. I’m feeling really inspired knowing that I’ll be in the ocean and hot weather next week. Got an email from someone yesterday who was in a class I spoke to at Centennial last year. As it turns out, she does PR for a really cool German luggage company and I’ll have a new RIMOWA suitcase tomorrow. I went to purchase one earlier this week and my card didn’t work for some reason, crazy how things work out, eh?! Tonight’s I’m attending the SS 2012 Swarovski preview at Jamie Kennedy in the Gardener Museum. I think it’s a 50/60’s theme dinner! Lauren and I did a sing along to this on the weekend. It will brighten your day 😛

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Looking forward to culture & lifestyle.

It’s been so beautiful out the last couple days.My week has been pretty chilled out which makes me reallllly happy. Everyone needs  a break once in a while. I wasn’t outside for long yesterday but I did have a charming stroll in the sunshine mixed with a few short Bixi rides (thanks Telus). Was almost ‘unplugged’ all say Sunday while we watched a marathon of movies eating Chinese takeout. Perfect day if you ask me. So good to disconnect once in a while. I’ll be less connected next week but not offline. Decidedly detoxing right now (sugar, carbs, drinking lots of water) so I’m cleansed & ready for nine full days of surf, sun, sand and yoga starting this weekend. I booked a room in a 1920’s mansion turned hotel for my first night before I get to Anamaya Resort. Yeowwww. This is going to be me:  My mouth is watering just thinking about fresh fish, bowls of fruit, salty skin and the smell of the ocean. The more I read about CR, I think I might fall in love. Pure love. Pura vida! * Actual Hipster Mermaid wig via Lauren O’Nizzle!  

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Anyone from Twitter YOU would like to meet?

Blogged before bed last night because I had to get up early and go to the office. Ok, I didn’t HAVE to go to an office but I decided to get my booty to Edelman’s Toronto office to meet David Armano their Global EVP from Chicago. I’ve been following @armano on Twitter for YEARS. Sometimes I get people saying they’ve followed me for ages and they’re excited when WE meet, this is one of those people for ME. the power of a post: social media with love I wrote a blog post about him on January 6, 2009 when I WITNESSED him raise money to help a friend who had fallen into an unfortunate situation. It was heart touching to watch as the donation meter on his blog post “Please help Daniella’s Family” went up and up. As I followed along, they raised $12K in 24HR! He’s a rad guy and today we get to meet in person. Today is going to be awesome 🙂 Make the most of it, you’re younger today than you will be again! James Dean reading poetry, 1955

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reach out and touch the sky

It is so lovely & sunny in our house right now, doors open, watching traffic and planes feels like anything is possible. It started out rainy & foggy then got really pretty today. Can’t decide what to wear to the ballet tonight. It’s Elton John music & tribute so I feel sequins are to be expected. Something dazzling.     Massive. I am going to walk right there. Say hello to my little friend…

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I <4 Moustache season.

It’s great for raising awareness about men’s cancers but Movember also raises awareness of two other things, 1) The sexiness of a man who takes care of his health and 2) The sexiness of well groomed facial hair. I don’t think I would ever date a man who didn’t (couldn’t) grow a nice mo/beard. I love it. To start your own donation page register here and to donate to a team go here. I’m planning to donate to a few mates this year. In spirit of moustache season, check out this awesome Playboy interview with one of the most lovely Modern Gentlemen I know, one of the founders of Movember, Adam Garone. He’s Australian too.   This might creep you out but if you donate he’ll do something special for you. Requests are a-ok too.

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