you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday: walked beside a gorgeous mariachi band in full… #thisismylife # You Only Live Once: Make the most of each day. You will never be younger than… #thisismylife # SO MANY BITES. The only bad thing about #summer # wow this guy is so german i love his accent. he can say anything. dis is beuuuuuuuutiFUL. # You can now get gift cards at @bicycletteboutique # Booking this hotel room for the weekend! # I want to live here omg so cool # i miss the #yandr someone please FILL ME IN?!! # new twitter <3 # I liked a @YouTube video Twitter: Yours to discover # Email from Tom at #TED My $20,000 donation to has been received!!!!!!! Sent to them by @TELUS & me 🙂 # Photo: was dancing the the hot summer rain yesterday #whitetshirt # Content Strategy Burger = Hungry for engagement.: HI, i’m on the internet and I… #thisismylife # Last night I helt a baby tiger. It HATED me. Like GROOOOWWWWWLLLLLLLLing. # Photo: love this one of her “wahhhh” # What time is it? NOW. # pina colada time actually! # oh-so-coco: # Walked 30 min to get here for whopper & wifi 🙂 (@ Burger King) [pic]: # Cute little rat tail # Had a baby monkey on my shoulder. MUCH nicer than tiger baby. # Empleado del mes: cat woman # Crazy bites omg hurting # Video: # Tasty view # I'm doing this. What are you doing? # I just ousted @tresdesuadero as the mayor of Reina Roja Hotel on @foursquare! # Booking the "After Hours" room for Saturday night. (@ Reina Roja Hotel) [pic]: # Photo: Skeleton…

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Content Strategy Burger = Hungry for engagement.

  HI, i’m on the internet and I should be outside at the beach. What are you doing? DO something. I just learned about Zarly – what you want, whenever, whatever. NARLY! Kyayyam just posted this and now I want to go to Burger King and Tweet or blog about it. I slept till noon for the first time in ages. It’s amazing how the internet sucks you in. I love learning. (instert nerd smiley) Finishing up this work, charging my phone and going to the beach. I really want to move. I’m going to. If you write things down and tell people you are more likely to do them. I have so many bites on my legs, trying not to scratch them is HELL. I’m thankful for fresh water and sunshine. What are you grateful for? Today Twitter changed, this is new Twitter. If you are not on Twitter or you are, watch this and think about how much you could learn in one day. I consume an insane amount of information & content in a day, which enriches my life greatly. Note to self: GET OUTSIDE.

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You Only Live Once

Make the most of each day. You will never be younger than you are right NOW so go do something awesome. Pura vida! Last night we made friends with six hot flight attendants from Belgium who were totally awesome. I went swimming in the pool at the bar that over looked 5th Avenue. Reconsidering my thoughts about moving to NY and thinking about LA. The team at Thynk Taynk (I’m here with) is really cool! I don’t think I want to have so much stuff or live in one place anymore. Travelling is the most amazing experience and I want to live it everyday. We discovered THE BEST SONG last night. This is it!  

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you missed this yesterday

Photo: # Photoset: i am here with you scrunchycolfer: # Photo: DREAMBOAT. gruesomethursdays: # Photo: @laurenonizzle BFF FTW, cats cjfuckingsewerzz:there has never been a truer gpoy holy shit. # Photo: need sweater sexy-sweaters:art by me! # mydamage: # Photo: # Todays weather – sunny & warm # YYZ > IAH (@ Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ) w/ 15 others) [pic]: # Here We Go Again: Good morning from Pearson airport Gate 272. Boarding shortly… #thisismylife # Photo: # Video: # # I'm at George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) (2800 N Terminal Rd., Houston) w/ 80 others # This lil' mama has a whole row! # Leaving Houston, next stop Cancun! iBlogged 😉 # Hot & sunny. # Melrose Place # Say hello to your money # Flight Bright: Is it douchey to wear sunnies on the plane? What if it’s so… #thisismylife # Office/House for the week (@ Thynk Taynk w/ 2 others) [pic]: # having an international @skype 3way – Canada, New Zealand, Mexico! # RE: @mattjuniper @mattjuniper @thedanlevy Thanks guys! It's nice & warm here. Loving it so far 🙂 #cancuncasie # love these pix. you guys look great! # Shot glasses for everyone this holiday season. #CancunCasie # I posted a new photo to Facebook # I've just snapped a new picture: # I hear it's snowing in Toronto? We have the AC on and it's very humid 😉 #Mexico # Pretty rad campaign: Unwrap The Night – 360-degree interactive holiday party from BACARDI starring you & friends! via @ # the house does the Insanity workout every morning so tomorrow i'm in. get ready to die. #cancuncasie # Photo:…

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Flight Bright

Is it douchey to wear sunnies on the plane? What if it’s so bright it burns your retina and there are heaps of windows open and its really sunny? And you wanna use your gadgets? Whatever. After napping for two hours with heaps of turbulence, glasses seemed like the natural thing to do. Just landed in Houston. Here for < 1 hour before my connection to Cancun. Loving the Tripit app because it gives me do much info. Makes for a very smart traveller and I accessible from airplane mode mid-flight. Pretty warm here!

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Weekend Tune: “I Feel It All” by Feist

It’s December now! Whhhaaaaaaaaattt?! Yeah. I know. Crazy. Get ready for the snow and cold everybody (unless you’re somewhere sunny in which case enjoy the sun you lucky duck)! Luckily for us there are also weekends in December! So here’s our very first December weekend tune! Just this past Thursday night Feist played Toronto’s Massey Hall and I was oh so excited to be there. She played a bunch of her new album Metals as well as a hearty handful of her older well loved songs. About one thrid into her set a bunch of people got on stage to dance along, including myself! After the dance party was over people started to leave the stage but Feist said we could stay and chill if we wanted to, so for the rest of the show a bunch of us sat down on stage around Feist and her band campfire style! I still get goosebumps just thinking about it! Crazy right? The entire night made me feel…well… it made me feel it all! So here’s Feist with “I Feel It All”! Feel free to dance along! Enjoy! xo Kate

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