DESIGN: Let’s talk blogs.
I want a change. Something that integrates these four so called blogs that make up “my life” that really, are ALL part of “THIS IS MY LIFE“. I included FB because timeline looks & feels kinda like a blog to me now. Twitter and Facebook have recently changed their UI (‘user interface’ for non-nerds means the design, layout jazz) and mine has mostly remained the same since it was born. See here: We’re coming up on seven years this spring and I think my baby is deserving of a makeover. These are all the ‘blogs’ I update on the daily, Tumblr, Posterous, Twitter, Facebook, WordPress. I think Facebook is the prettiest. Tumblr Posterous Twitter Facebook WordPress (rotating header) I’d love to know what blog designs you really like, fav blogs? Ideas, things you might love to see here? Ultimately, I’m gonna come up with some creative & fun way to spice things up for 2012. I’m ready for adventure! Ok, now I must prep for being back on stage in ballet shoes for The Nutcracker! I hope Mum brings me flowers! Ok no I don’t 😛
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