DESIGN: Let’s talk blogs.

I want a change. Something that integrates these four so called blogs that make up “my life” that really, are ALL part of “THIS IS MY LIFE“. I included FB because timeline looks & feels kinda like a blog to me now. Twitter and Facebook have recently changed their UI (‘user interface’ for non-nerds means the design, layout jazz) and mine has mostly remained the same since it was born. See here: We’re coming up on seven years this spring and I think my baby is deserving of a makeover. These are all the ‘blogs’ I update on the daily, Tumblr, Posterous, Twitter, Facebook, WordPress. I think Facebook is the prettiest. Tumblr Posterous Twitter Facebook WordPress (rotating header) I’d love to know what blog designs you really like, fav blogs? Ideas, things you might love to see here?  Ultimately, I’m gonna come up with some creative & fun way to spice things up for 2012. I’m ready for adventure! Ok, now I must prep for being back on stage in ballet shoes for The Nutcracker! I hope Mum brings me flowers! Ok no I don’t 😛

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“for people to shine” he says. That makes me excited.

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Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-22

"A Very Bubler Christmas" from Buble & Bieber @therealmiamazin # Daily #Twitter News for 2011-12-21: Kinetic energy may power our home/gadgets starting in 5… # A half eaten sandwich is a bad Christmas present.: Watched this yesterday, so lovely. I… # the news honestly has nothing better to talk about than Justin Bieber. i can't take it @CP24. my fault for watching! # Love this Blog: Valfre: Her drawings make me smile. One of my goals for 2012 is to do more… # You may say there's no such thing as Santa, but as for me and grandma, we believe. # East & North # I just unlocked the Level 2 "Mall Rat" badge on @foursquare! In it to win it! # Justin Bieber! # We put glitter on in the card isle. We are 10. # Walmart styles # While at the checkout, they had a sudden urge for chicken. # Found your present! # The Help (@ Future Shop) [pic]: # Photo: Merry Hohoho from Siamese Sisters (Taken with instagram) # First time here (@ Eglinton Square Shopping Centre) # Set fire to the rain # omg i love Jenna Marbles. so funny. # What Bitches Wear At The Airport: I've worn heels but slip them on & off & don't wear all your jewels. Think about… # Mince pie! 🙂 @40deuce @shawnhawaii # Photo: in my dreams i have this hair # Photo: › Twin Peaks (1990-91) # Photo: › Winona Forever – Johnny Depp # Photo: who else wants to be a mermaid? # Photo: Christmas outfit pussylequeer: # "I do not know what it is about you that closes and opens Only something in me…

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Love this Blog: Valfre

Her drawings make me smile. One of my goals for 2012 is to do more drawing. I started my drawing blog BORDERLINE ARTISTIC in 2008. Most of the work was done before 2010 and I’ve been slack since then. Do you have a fav drawing blog?

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A half eaten sandwich is a bad Christmas present.

Watched this yesterday, so lovely. I follow MBF on Twitter but had never seen/heard him sing. I think my dream man will do something like this. The song/video is super cute & will bring sunshine to you on this dreary day. Did you catch The Hobbit trailer? Are you in to LOTR? I kinda am. I fall asleep like, every time but I still watch. Currently waiting for Chevy Sonic to arrive and I’m gonna drive that baby all around town today when it does. Found a gas card in a drawer which is awesome! Only if I could find a PARKING CARD?! This vid from Jimmy Kimmel is quite hilarious. He asked parents to give their kids a pad present early and film it. You’ll have a good “haha” I reckon. Thanks for your votes in the G Adventures contest. With a late entry and only a few days left to go, I made the top 100. Please click this link and vote. You can do once daily until the end of the year. The more the merrier! Do it from all the computers in your house/office 😛 Car’s here. Gotta run!

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Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-21

Kinetic energy may power our home/gadgets starting in 5 years via @zite # Hello hubba arm candy #KateMiddleton #AlexanderMcQueen # first-ever random tattoo, temp would be fun promo #QRcode #Tattoo [VIDEO] # 8 Cool Gifts For The Luxury Traveler via @zite (I have the camera but the rest are on my list too) # Photoset: lomographicsociety: # Photo: bohemea: # What about just looking for things in my house Siri? # Pretzel crackers = tasty! # Love, like love. # Photo: # Photo: # Daily #Twitter News for 2011-12-20: Photo: Sammers is sleepy (Taken with Instagram at… # The Influence Game Has Only Started via @zite # Holiday tunes on the tele trying to get in the spirit. Any fav tunes? # Using "Sorry I can't make it I'm in The Nutcracker" is my fav excuse EVER! # I'll be home for Christmas… like, this weekend, in Cambridge! I wanna see you old friends 🙂 # I just entered the G Adventures You'll Never Forget It contest. Check out my entry and vote me up! #YNFI # If You’re Happy & You Know It, Show It!: Reckon I’ve been a bit slack on work since I got… # I wanna see the world w/ @Gadventures! #YNFI #traveltuesday: On my recent trip I didn’t stay… # My first iMovie ever & all done on iPhone :)… # RE: @BHDiaries He is totally awesome & inspiring. Nice pick w/ @MarcusTroy! #BHDude # Fashion Holiday garland via @PSimadethis via #constantcontact # The more wonderful time of the year 🙂 # the holiday music is starting to work… # Urgh, this link, sorry! # Hanukkah for everyone 🙂 # who is…

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