A Video Version of Instagram – VIDDY YO.

Do you know it? Viddy. It’s a video app that integrates with FB timeline and the super short videos (00:15s) are perfect for sharing mini moments. I used to be the #1 Canadian user of 12Seconds TV back before it was bought by AOL. RIP 12seconds 🙁 I love the fun of raw, unedited mini vids that post right to Twitter/FB. There’s all kinds of ‘Instagram‘ style filters you can add to jazz up your Viddy-OHs. I hung out with some of the team and Evan from Viddy at CES in Vegas earlier this year. Thanks Evan for sending some Viddy goodies. Wearing Viddy shirt at FITC today. Let’s see if anyone notices 😉 LMK what you think of the app & follow me on Viddy at viddy.com/casiestewart.

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Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.

It’s hard to deny the fact that we might be facing snow today. Actually, it IS fact and there is nothing I can do about it. Title is a quote by Mark Twain which I’m sure you knew already. When ever someone complains about the weather, this quote runs through my head until I can’t hear them anymore. There’s no point in complaining! I reckon it’s my last chance to don my favourite winter wear and go to bed early (aka hibernate). The sky looks grey and gloomy. I’m brewing up a sage tea to gargle with for the sore throat I woke up with. I managed to avoid getting sick all winter but alas, I am a mere mortal and it got me. Here’s  Mum’s sage tea remedy for sore throat and thyme bath for colds. THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!  Found these old photos of Mum & Dad. Where exactly is this one with the CN tower. I think it’s right near my place? Turned my living room into a DIY studio and made a few accessories. My BFF Keri Blog came back to town yesterday. I’M SO GLAD SHE’S BACK. We watched the show Rogers did on me last month. I can’t wait to show you once I get it online. I’m at FITC (Future. Innovation. Technology. Creativity.) this week from Mon-Wed. The conference features over 70 renowned digital creators from around the globe sharing knowledge of the best and brightest in the digital space. It’s my second year as a Digital Corespondent for TAXI, one of the worlds leading creative agencies. See last year’s writeup on designtaxi.com and this blog. Planning to put on my glasses & nerdy disguise to soak up as much info as I can. It’s going to be a couple quiet days while I get my…

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BRIDLE BASH! July, 28th 2012

No, it doesn’t have anything to do with weddings! Bridle Bash is an awesome party put on by the Bridle Bash Foundation who I’ve been friends with for almost ten years. This summer, the party will once again be rocking one of Toronto’s most elite neighbourhoods, the Bridle Path. Party date is July, 28th. At the last one I attended my siser and I took over a canoe, inside the pool and made the society page of The Globe & Mail: I’m volunteering my time to help out the team with social media & run the twitter. I’d love you to follow & tweet with me at @BridleBash. We’re not decided on who will be rocking the stage yet BUT in lieu of the fee for an awesome band, the Foundation is planning to donate $150,000 to the charity of their choice. Video from BB IV in 2010:  Here’s a wee bit from the press release (read it here): Bridle Bash parties have always featured top-notch talent, with previous parties featuring amazing entertainers such as Burton Cummings, former Supremes singer Mary Wilson, and legendary Motown blues band the Funk Brothers. This year, the foundation is looking for a high-calibre musical act to headline Bridle Bash V, taking place on July 28. In exchange for this one-night engagement, the Bridle Bash Foundation will donate $150,000 to the musician or band’s favourite charity. Hosted on the vast grounds of a private home on Toronto’s exclusive Bridle Path, the Bridle Bash stands apart from other fundraisers. Guests arrive in shorts and jeans, and many get into their bathing suits to watch the band from the pool. But the best thing about the Bridle Bash is the money it raises for great causes. I’ll be doing some super fun giveaways for tickets closer to July. The…

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Stop and see the flowers, they’re nice.

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Vlog: New glasses, new shoes & a kitty cat box

BTW, computer is NOT dead. I’m using it right now. Power supply is toast. YAY! <3 CASIE

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This isn’t happening.

Had a bit of a heart attack today. MacBook isn’t turning on. Thinking its the power cord. Fingers crossed. We’ll be back on schedule in no time. I hope!! <4 CASE

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