Turns out NXNE had me listed three times for a badge so this combo pass gives me full NXNE Media, Interactive and access to the Speakers lounge during the festival. Years ago I used to sneak in to this stuff so it’s pretty neat! [<a href=”http://storify.com/casiestewart/nxne-interactive-what-are-people-saying” target=”_blank”>View the story “NXNE Interactive: What are people saying?” on Storify</a>] OOTD – Yellow denim 3F, green sheer some store in the USA, vintage demin jacket, Chanel wannabe glasses (I always break them so I go for the low price ones!), JewelMint BF ring necklace, NellaBella bag, shoes from some random shop. Check your conference bags for a gift card from 3F and you can get some sweet colours in denim too. I’m on a BOD for the shop and there are HEAPS of nice things in there at the moment. I was asked ‘what is the store like?’. 3F brand comes from a hign end textile company that works with Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, so the clothes are great fabrics, really well made but not high price. They have clothes for men and women. Store is at YD Square near movie theatre entrance. SO MANY BANDS PLAYING. I can’t handle it. I wanna go to everything. Tonight is the official NXNE Interactive Opening Party sponsored by my LOOK AT ME Panel. Here are the details. It’s at my old friend Brennan’s studio. <3 CASIE
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