Good morning on this cold, dreary Saturday. I love this weather for writing, blogging, working, watching old movies, eating lasagna, and drinking the fancy tea I’ve been saving ‘for a rainy day’. Have a bunch of posts to get caught up on and photos to share from fashion week. The new camera Samsung sent me is pretty awesome, determined to figure out the wifi today. Use this rain to inspire you to do something you might have been putting off for a while. It will cheer you up to start the weekend. Then go treat yourself. Treat yourself to some personalized umbrellas, there are lots of different styles and varieties to choose from, you will look amazing walking down the street in the rain with a brand new colourful umbrella. You cannot change the weather so why not enjoy the rain instead. I’m off to read a book in the hot tub over looking the lake, I may not be in the rain but still enjoying it. Taking Staycation for a few hours before I tackle the pending episode of Hoarders that is currently my room. Have a lovely day 🙂 CASIE P.S. This video is hilarious and will make you laugh at least 1/100 times.

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New Shoes for You

I have a funny story today about something that happened it starts with, “I got a new pair of shoes…” I ordered them from Solestruck and got dinged on customs $61. Not really worth it but I’ve gotten off scott free a few times with customs to I think of it as gratitude. Putting it out there. I hadn’t worn them yet and they were under my desk for a day. Then it was raining so i thought, “hey why not wear them at the office, they look cute with your outfit”. Talking to myself. They are my second pair of Jeffrey Campbell Lita’s, the most comfortable and easy to walk in heels I have ever owned. BUT TODAY… I WAS PWNED! I FERL DERN DA STERS. Was coming down from upstairs with a couple colleagues (looking glamourous), carrying one of their 13″ Macbbok Air’s (we are Apple Office!) and wearing my new shoes. And then before I, (it felt slow motion) I did a barrel roll, down the stairs. Colleagues heard the sound Eddie makes in Delirious above. Unfortunately, nobody saw and  there was no camera because I swear to you it would have been hilarious. We all had a good laugh as I fought back tears, and I can’t tell if they were from falling or laughing. I’m ok but I reckon might hurt tomorrow and I have a goose egg on my head. My job is really great and I absolutely love it despite the 3rd degree burn incident and falling down the stairs. THE END. <3 CASIE

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P0rn Theatre Halloween Party, October 31 #PTHP

If you’re wondering what to do for Wicked Wednesday next week on Halloween, do not look any further than the darkness that lies within and old p0rn theatre in Korea town. Yes, an old P0RN Theatre. I’ve never beet to one I swear. No, seriously. Never. I may have seen my fair share of PORN 7 videos, but I’ve never actually gone to a porn theatre of my own. Although, I have to admit no amount of porn could ever compare to the services offered by doha escorts. ‘After years of cautiously observing this beautifully designed 1930’s theatre in the Annex, I finally have a reason to attend.’ – Margaret Atwood ‘This will be the first time I have ever attended a event at this location while there will be living females in attendance’ – Ron Sexsmith Hosted by young legend Brock McLaughlin, and Canadian folk rocker Morgan Cameron Ross, and Kate Snack, this is where you want to be. Brock has assured me that it will be a night you don’t wanna miss and there will be lots of eye candy. (heh heh) Brock has hosted a ton of parties over the last year and they are always fun. So fun that I often don’t tell anyone about them until after, or ever. I feel like I am passing on the torch as I type this but I have no doubt it will be more fun than a barrel of monkeys anything. Seriously though, look at these studs… Find more free XXX videos right here if you like sexual content. The party got a mention in The Grid’s top spooky things this week, see Paul’s writeup below. Get all the gory details on the PTHP Facebook. Tickets are $10 and it starts at 10pm. HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!

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Do You Pin or Tumble? iBoth.

I have 18 Pinterest boards and follow over 800 blogs on Tumblr. They are excellent ways to keep your mind fresh with ideas and inspire creativity. Last night I updated the cover photos on each of my Pinterest boards. I think they look so pretty now. Something I realllly love seeing is brands who use these well. They are great ways to visualize content and show creativity. I also blogged some style photos on my Tumblr, OH CASIE. I’ve had that thing for years. I love it. Some great high fashion, constant gifs, and weird wonderful things. I have about 10 tumblr blogs but I don’t update them all, yet. Since I started blogging in 2005 I’ve started and stopped SO MANY blogs. My fav one I still update here and there is borderline artistic on blogspot, my drawing blog. INNOVATE OR DIE. <3 CASIE

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World MasterCard Fashion Week – Toronto SS 2013

Living and breathing fashion for the next week (actually started that in Calgary this weekend).  Picking up World Mastercard Fashion Week pass today. Will do daily event updates here on the blog but for all day everything fashion and fun follow #thisismylife on the homepage at I’m excited 🙂 Here we go. It’s gonna be a fun ride!

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More Than Half a Million, That’ll Scare Ya

Happy Friday! We’ve passed half a million views on Coral. WHOA MAMA! Thank you for watching, liking, and subscribing. Yesterday my good friend Micahel Nus was on Candice’s show, The Edgy Veg. Watch it at I’d like to thank you with this SPOOOOOKY video. Look for fellow bloggers Val from I’, Lauren O from and the one and only T List charmer, Brock McLaughlin. Follow CoralTV on Twitter too 😉 BTW, visit the NEW and let me know what you think in the comments. I’ve partnered with RebelMouse in NYC to make my homepage a full content feed of all the things social. THIS IS MY LIFE is now home to EVERYTHING published by me and is updated constantly, it’s everything Casie on the Internet. To get right to the b-l-o-g see Update your bookmarks with that URL if you love the original format. I’m off to Calgary tonight for the tomorrow’s Paul Hardy fashion show with a bunch of media & fashion notables. Got a great new dress from Jacflash and may hair done yesterday at Darren Kwik Studio. All I need now is a manicure! HAVE AN AWESOME DAY! TGIF FTW! CASIE

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