Interview with Peter Bergman (aka Jack Abbott, The Young and the Restless)
I’m not sure if you are aware but I have been watching the Young and the Restless since I was born. I PRV it every single day and watch it religiously. About this time last year I got the opportunity to interview the ONE AND ONLY Victor Newman but was flying out to Costa Rica on a surf trip. I was heartbroken, but sent Barbie to conduct the interivew and it went off with flying colours. Her and Kevin even got a message from Victor for me. He said he missed me. This year at the National Women’s show, Peter Bergman, aka Jack Abbot was in town and I was given the opportunity to interview him. Unfortunately, I was flying to Calagary for a fashion trip and could not do the interview. AGAIN! GAHHHHHH! Below is an awesome interview done by Barbie when she met the REAL Jack Abbot. Please enjoy & comment. Thank you to Mr. Bergman’s PR for arranging and HUGE thank you to Barbie for doing an great job. This her unedited interview with commentary, enjoy! It’s funny. Interview with Peter Bergman (aka Jack Abbott, The Young and the Restless) Last year, I had the pleasure of interviewing Victor Newman (played by Eric Braeden). This year at the National Women’s Show, I got to interview his arch nemesis, Jack Abbott (played by Peter Bergman). I must admit, I wasn’t as excited as I was when I got to meet “the moustache” but I was pleasantly surprised with Peter’s charisma. Sabrina: How do you like Toronto? Peter: I love Toronto; it is a “YandR Mecca” – more devoted YandR fans here than any other city, over Boston, Chicago or New York City. All the cast members love coming to Toronto. When I checked into my hotel last night, 3 guys came up…
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