CORAL TV: Superimpose for iPhone, so fun!

Remember that time I was at SXSW with James Franco? Yeah, well I do. One of my latest iPhone downloads is this app called Superimpose. It’s 99c and allows you to superimpose yourself into any background, anytime, anywhere. No vacation time? No problem. Go on a Google Earth vacation and shop yourself into a pic and share that baby to Facebook! Watch my latest episode of THIS on Coral TV CASIE IN PARIS! CASIE AND SOME SAILOR BABES! CASIE AT THE GOOGLE OFFICE! CASIE AT THE FACEBOOK OFFICE! CASIE AT THE OSCARS! And of course… CASIE AT SXSW w/ JAMES FRANCO! Happy Friday friends 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Video: Grey Goose Cherry Noir at Thompson Toronto

Last month the team at Community put on an awesome launch event for Grey Goose Cherry Noir. Despite the wretched weather that night, the event was a success. We trended to the #1 spot in Canada gaining a few million impressions for our client. It was my first big event with Community as the Director of Social Media and I was pretty happy with the results. Watch the Grey Goose Cherry Noir Launch Video One of my FAV parts of the launch was Instaprint, the Instagram printer we flew in from New York. People could tag their instagrams with #cherrynoir and have them print out at the event. It was so rad. i came home with a stack of about 20. There are smaller launch events happening in Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa over the next few weeks. If you haven’t had the chance to try Grey Goose Cherry Noir, pick up a bottle this weekend and have a go. Check out cocktails recipes and connect on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. <3 CASIE

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“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”

* title Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Hailo Will Change Your Attitude About Taxis Forever

I took a Hailo to work this morning not remembering (you know my bad memory) that this episode was coming out today. Ha! I totally LOVE this app. It’s honestly the BEST way to taxi yourself around. No calling an operator, no fiddling with cash at the drop off, and they drivers are nice. I haven’t called a Beck in weeks. Thanks Hailo! Download the app here and use ‘TORONTO’ for $5 off your first ride. I’d love to know about your experience so LMK in the comments on or the Twitter. Please ignore the wings on my hair in this video. I’m really self conscious about it. CASIE

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Drambuie presents AUSTRA at Canadian Music Week

What are you doing on Saturday, March 23? That weekend is post fashion week/Canadian Music Week and there are SO many things going on. Well,  I’d like to extend an invite for you to come to see Austra at the Danforth Music Hall. I saw them last summer at Fort York in the pouring rain and it was SO GOOD. They are on world tour right now and this is their first stop post SXSW. Wanna go? Send a tweet to @casiestewart and @drambuiecanada that you want to see @austratalks on March 23, 2012. I’ll pick winners early next week and have tickets couriered to your own house. If you don’t have Twitter, get it or leave a lovely comment below.  This will be a good show. Tweet to @casiestewart Date: Saturday March 23rd, 2013 Location: Danforth Music Hall (venue / map) Time: Doors 7pm About Austra: Austra is a Canadian electronic music band from Toronto, Ontario, formed in 2009. The band consists of Katie Stelmanis, her former Galaxy bandmate Maya Postepski and former Spiral Beach bassist Dorian Wolf.

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