Day 236: Let Your Hair Grow Wild, Girl
As much as 2020 has sucked in a lot of ways, I think I’ve made the most out of it! For years I dreamed of living in the woods, growing my hair, and being fit. It was about a year ago when I started working out and as part of that process, I decided not to cut my hair until I felt better about my personal fitness. I love how wild my hair is growing. It’s been over 10 years since I had hair even close to this long! In February 2019, I wrote a post about growing out short hair I followed each of these tips from my team at Sassoon. I found this stuff has all helped my hair grow long and healthy. I also went through about 2 months this past spring when I used rice water as an overnight treatment to boost growth. Tips for Growing Your Short Hair Get regular trims, scissors are your friend! Avoid heat as much as you can. If you can, air dry! Don’t shampoo every time you shower. Cold rinse at the end of your shower. I have learned to love this! Conditioning treatments – Pamper your hair with serums each week. Avoid hair ties, they can break your hair! In other news, I’m feeling good after being back on my fitness game. Over the winter I’m planning to boost my muscles with strength training.
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