Oh helloooooo! Today marks one week before I am off until December. See that happy face, oh yeah. Throw two weeks on hot sunny Thailand in there to make it the ultimate break. There’s a bunch of really awesome content creators going on this trip too. All those deets coming soon in a blog post near you (as in right here! :P). Wore cat tights today. Meow! Ordered them from etsy here. So cute. There’s a tail up the back. This is my most popular Tweet that ever was tweeted out of 112,000+. I started yesterday morning with a few shots (not the fun kind!) for my upcoming trip to Thailand. Had to get Hep A, Tetanus, and a couple others. My arms are so sore today. I feel like I was lifting mad weights. (Maybe I should start lifting something though really?) Now that I am back on iPhone I’m loving the TimeHop app again. Each day I get a reminder of what I posted on that day up to 7 years before. It’s awesome to see my changes in hairstyles and outfits, along with friends, family, and experiences. As you can see I was up early today. I remember this day so clearly! It was the opening of Brandy Melville and I was there with April, Rachel, Lauren, and Vitina. The blog post from that day is here. I still have the flower backpack they gave me. Ahhh memories, oh how I love thee! Coral TV ep about the app below. This one’s for you! <3 CASIE be happy! Title quote is by Omar Khayyam via BrainyQuote. Buy celebrex no prescription buy celexa no prescription buy cipro no prescription
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