
crazy awesome

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Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches. Andy Warhol

Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches. Andy Warhol

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WWKCD: What would Kelly Cutrone do?

WWKCD: What would Kelly Cutrone do?

I watch more then I listen, but I dig the Gossip Girl style. Always dressed up, classy. I started K.C’s book today. … View Post
i always wanted to work in fashion until i did

i always wanted to work in fashion until i did

I love this photo. I’m not sure the artist but I wish it was me. I’m polishing off the guestlist fro our … View Post
blog girl gang hang

blog girl gang hang

Invited the girls I’m mentoring from Humber PR over last night for blog chats with me & Breanna. They’re all on Twitter … View Post
stop complaining about the raining

stop complaining about the raining

You will not hear me complaining about this weather, I love it. Pull out a raincoat, throw on some Moovboots or Wellies and walk … View Post
video made the internet star

video made the internet star

I always dreamed of having my own show and thanks to the internet it’s so possible for anyone. I’ve been making some … View Post
let the peoples revolution inspire you & don’t piss her off

let the peoples revolution inspire you & don’t piss her off

Thanks Mum. She got me two dresses so  Sabrina & I both wore them today. Dressing sames/match is hot, two girls one dress. … View Post
i have such a hard on for you honey bee

i have such a hard on for you honey bee

The runaways? Kinda similar themes. Bad girls. Blog Gang. Bangin. Omfgaga. I can not even begin to explain how much I love Lady Gaga. … View Post
the rise of the bloggers, the revolution is coming

the rise of the bloggers, the revolution is coming

I see it more and more, (like every day) people brand themselves online & built a reputation are now getting the same invites and … View Post
the sidewalk is my runway

the sidewalk is my runway

I love walking to work. It makes me so happy. By the time I arrive, I’ve already had fresh air and seen things … View Post
what are you looking at over here there everywhere

what are you looking at over here there everywhere

Been crazy busy this week dudes. I love blogging and get all anxious when I don’t update. All is good. Magazine mini launch … View Post
new dork, online jungle where geeks are made of

new dork, online jungle where geeks are made of

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naked people have little or no influence on society

naked people have little or no influence on society

Feeling the spring fever. It’s lovely walking to work in the brightness. Great way to start the day. Ramping up stuff for the … View Post
you look prettier when you smile sunshine

you look prettier when you smile sunshine

Whining. Complaining. Just wah-wah-ing ALL over the place. Maybe you have friend like that or possibly someone at work who just likes to shit … View Post
blog blog fashion baby, work it, move that bitch crazy

blog blog fashion baby, work it, move that bitch crazy

Started out as a blog hang and turned into a full blown Red Carpet Oscar EXTRAVAGANZA! I want your comments Your RSS feed I … View Post
so you wanna play shy with me boy

so you wanna play shy with me boy

* All these pix taken with my Motorola Milestone from Telus yesterday was beautiful as is today every day is beautiful if you want it … View Post
this is lady blogga

this is lady blogga

this is lady blogga View Post
nerds of a feather flock together

nerds of a feather flock together

Friday night’s #genyto #Canlit was awesome. Rannie took all these great shots. I was on video recording all night. Rannie & Renee, loves! … View Post
isn’t she just the cutest thing

isn’t she just the cutest thing

Alex and Sabrina went to a Prom Party last night. Love PROM.  There was no real prom, it was just the party. So fun! … View Post
you can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls

you can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls

Met Louis Lautman last night at Notable TV’s premiere of The YES Movie. I asked him to tell you about the movie since … View Post
art battle: your loser painting gets destroyed…

art battle: your loser painting gets destroyed…

Cruised over to The Great Hall with Toronto Blog Girls & babes Bre & Keri. Put my name in the hat to compete as … View Post
all nothbound lanes are completely blogged off

all nothbound lanes are completely blogged off

If you’re getting ready to start your very own bad ass bloggy-blog you have to be prepared to face the fact that people … View Post
we used to be tight………me and this dress ♥

we used to be tight………me and this dress ♥

But now we’re not. We’re still a good fit but we’ve given each other some room. It stayed the same, I … View Post
i hid you from my newsfeed on facebook

i hid you from my newsfeed on facebook

i don’t wanna see your updates…i don’t want to know what you are doing…i don’t want to know how … View Post
i had a girl and donna was her name

i had a girl and donna was her name

I love tumblr. There, I said it.  I spend hours each week scanning pages of pretty girls with beautiful style. Dreaming of new clothes … View Post
spring fever baby, take me for a ride

spring fever baby, take me for a ride

Even if it doesn’t last, even if it snows again, I don’t care, this makes me so happy. I need to get … View Post
#genyto #canlit #sxswi: second annual

#genyto #canlit #sxswi: second annual

Canadian Livers in Training symposium once again joins forces with #genyto for the 2010 edition. Last year this party was so fucking fun. It was … View Post