It’s a trending on twitter and it’s making news. Is this the war of 2012? The war we knew was coming but nobody predicted exactly what because it wasn’t invented then. What if it sneaks up one day, like Sunday and ALL OF A SUDDEN… I can’t even imagine… Just think about how ANGRY and LOST you would be if you didn’t have your Internet life, love, freedom? Would I die? I might. I know I’m being dramatic but when I think about it, it seems like a 2012 movie that I’m IN, happening in real time, right now I don’t know much about hacking but ‘Largest Attack Ever‘ are big words. Four peeps linked to Megaupload were arrested in New Zealand and are now being denied bail. Keri knows all about hacking and online security so naturally I went to her blog. Found this post: You NEED to Care About SOPA and PIPA We can’t vote in Canada on this, we’re counting on you big time, American friends! January 24 – please vote. Sh*t is going down right now! Those feds would shut this blog down in a hot second. I’m not in the USA but I’m sure they could make me stop publishing. The internet doesn’t have boundaries the way countries do. I have seven years of links and content at least. (Back up your blog!) Youtube has the most crazy comments but that’s why it seems like this is a movie. Scary thing is this IS REAL. Random Comments from this Video: Under SOPA, YOU COULD GET FIVE YEARS FOR DOWNLOADING MICHAEL JACKSON.. ONE MORE YEAR THAN THE DOCTOR THAT KILLED HIM! By Jeezo People will commit suicide, lose their jobs, and all hell would break loose if that bill passes. WTF congress?! Why censor our fucking internets?! Navyisgreat476 Mayans: 2012 = end of the world, 2012: pricks in congress…
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