art is a battlefield: art battle eleven, toronto

It is a sight to be seen, a scene worth attending. Magnificent in nature. Impressive in size and appearance. Majestic, dignified, grandeur. Painters, painting. In the middle of an open room… …where people look and stare. I liked this one. This was a naked man in a stairwell (painting). Did not win. He asked people walking by “how do you spell descending?” it was charming, so innocent and real he was. I live for realness. This is Simon. He’s my friend who is good looking smart, tall, and fun. He is single and I would love one of my friends to date him. He did not pay me to say this. He is one of the inventors of Art Battle/awesome. This is me… Levis Curve jeans | vintage long wool camel coat | motorola milestone, telus | reading a podcast, Picard | shoes from Aldo, Raymi has same | vintage knit hat | gaga round purse H&M | nella bella change purse | artsy lady beside me with paint on her pants The artist I liked won his round and got to go to the finals. Against this girl… Cheers for Gingers. He won, with this painting. I liked it. I would have bid on it but I bough Courtney’s painting, she is married to Porter. I was hoping I would get to see her because I didn’t see her yet and I missed her round of painting at the start. She is preggers and they are having a baby. I’m happy for them. Being in love is a wonderful thing. I am in love every day. This is her painting…my painting. At the end this guys painting was DESTROYED> YES DESTROYED. Look close. Laying paint on paint in  front of a crowd to eff his painting right up. Bring…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

been reading and watching things in #japan it's really bad over there. we need to help them, they would help us. #japanquakeTO # Photo: tonight i saw paint porn. see blog tomo. this is sneak peak 😉 # Photo: art @thedrakehotel # Came home to this lovely treat. Thanks @itsbrownbarbie, ILU 🙂 #bestroomie # who let the dawgs out (@ Lou Dawg's B-B-Q! w/ @jaypishere @thedanlevy) # Photo: Painting by Jeff Dywelska @artbattleTO Mar.22 # If you have never been to @artbattleTO you are missing out. (@ The Great Hall w/ 2 others) # I uploaded a YouTube video — Jukari & Reebok # Toronto Red Light? Really. Silly. People will be swimming there, will there be a 24 hour ferry "ride". HAHA. # #Jukari Fit to Fly #Toronto launch w/ @ReebokCanada & Cirque du Soleil #blog # Photo: # hey @TuckerMax have you met @raymitheminx yet? # hey @dvln meet my girl @keriblog she has some Q's about music & licencing etc think you can help her out 🙂 #trintro # going to BNotions for my first time tomorrow 🙂 # Photo: the hustle – @sidewalkhustle @hawleydunbar # OH " Photoshop has made me sexually attracted to mannequins" haha # Nick Newman is into startup companies. #yandr # #nerdvana # do i know any @rogers people at the event in Orlando today? # dear friends, i love you. # for the very first #twestivalTO in 2009 we donated to @charitywater, #toronto raised enough to build TWO wells in Ethiopia! #worldwaterday # thanks for a good time last night @philipsparks # take the high road. # parkdale warning: crazy attacker on the loose RT @raymitheminx: dad brang the news # Found money! # New kicks from @reebokcanada,…

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Jukari Fit to Fly Toronto w/ Reebok & Cirque du Soleil

Check out Julie & Carla swingin’ & getting shot by Global TV. I’m up next! Here we GO! Post workout. Totally got a sweat on! If you want to try Jukari, King West Fitness has free classes at noon all week. All this working out is starting to pay off. Check me out 🙂

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Philip Sparks FW 2011 – fashion week begins @burroughes

Models look prettier when they smile. Burroughes is good for parties, not as good for fashion shows. He did this pose for me and smiled right after. Eye contact. Glitter, Julio. I looked like a Nana. Vest knitted by a nana. Yannnnnnnnnnnno you giant, you totall missed Puma Social. Duh! Hi Tristan, nice hustle. Daniel and I worked together at Gap in Kitchener when I was 16. First job ever and to this day one of the very best. I made connections there that will last a LIFETIME. Work it gurllllllllll. Hey Hawley. The end. How much of a difference does my new camera make? Like a zillion. Thanks Olympus!

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Canadian Olympian @Maelle_Ricker and me! #video

Wha, you don’t know who Maelle is? Lemme remind you. Maëlle Ricker is a Canadian snowboarder who is awesome. She won Gold in snowboard cross at the Winter Olympics in Van last year and is the FIRST Canadian woman to win a GOLD at home in the Olympics. Majah win. Way to go sista! Thanks Maelle for answering my questions 🙂

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If you figure out how to harness the power of female customers, you can rock the world.

This article I read on TechCrunch called Why Women Rule the Internet is very interesting. It kinda make it seem that women do all the buying of pretty things however, I firmly believe that women play a huge part in building relationships & spinning the social web. Some things I found interesting: Facebook, Zynga, Groupon and Twitter …the majority of all four properties’ users are female. Make that “horsewomen”. Women played a key role in the early days (of Facebook) by adopting three core activities—posting to walls, adding photos and joining groups. (Why the guys came!) The average social gamer is likely a 43-year-old woman. Women follow more people, tweet more, and have more followers on average than men. Women are thought to be more social, more interested in relationships and connections, better at multi-tasking. Women are the routers and amplifiers of the social web. And they are the rocket fuel of ecommerce. The ongoing debate about women in tech has been missing a key insight.” Read the article here. If you wanna chat me about this kinda thinger  contact media AT Enjoy the day!

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