photodiary: cambridge, ontario, canada

I didn’t really take that many photos, not like I do when I’m at my house living my nomal (or not so normal) life. Spent most the time re-lax-ing. This was my fav card I found at Walmart. Not including the musical ones. Dad doesn’t have wifi and I didn’t bring my laptop so I only had my phone to blog/tweet/FB. Dad has a comp but he uses EXPLORER and I’m not compatible with that browser. Andy, without wifi, is just …an iPad. Did some Chrissy shopping with a friend. This is a creepy Christmas to me: 24 gives me anxiety, Golum freaks me right out, and well, Hello Kitty is fine. This smiley face is there every year. Welcome to the suburbs. Wahhhhhh. This is an old shirt I used to have. I got it from this guy Luke who said he got it from a crack-head. So classy eh. Luke, who’s your daddy? Had a jam session with some peeps. This is Bonga’s fancy new guit. Play a little ditty for me would ya? They have mad skillz. Old bestie from the Bridge Miss Sara Baker. Crazy how time flies, been about two years since I last saw her. After being in the burbs for a few days, it feel SO GOOD to be home.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Home sweet home (@ LCBO) # i miss you, it might be silly but i do. #blog # Oh Sharon, @victornewman is gonna fuckyou up! #yandr # Dad: "Young & the Useless is on" Me: don't you talk about my damn show like that! #yandr # Napstr. # Feel a cold coming on. Wahhhhh. Please entertain me while I become the couch # Going back to the city tomorrow. Today I shall make the most of relaxing at Dads and do nothing at all. # Watching the Mark Dailey tribute on City, lots of great memories. His voice will live forever in memory. # Morning 🙂 # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #

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i miss you, it might be silly but i do.

I miss my condo and my view. I miss my clothes and my clean room and my fancy sheets and comfy bed. I miss our kitchen and the balcony and all the stuff in the fridge (or lack thereof!). I miss my tv and digital cable and wifi. I just miss it all.  I’ve been away so much this month all I wanna do is spend time at home. I’m coming back to my downtown life tonight, a few days in the burbs is more than enough for me! Back to regular scheduled blogging tomorrow 🙂 xo Casie

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hope you are having a great day

At Riverside Park with friends for old times sake with friends. So many memories here. Made a nice brekky this morning after a night drinking and playing Uno. Life is good. You will never be as young as you are today, make the most of it. 🙂

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I’m so over it. I’d rather be sailing…

Only two fine weeks ago I was sailing on a catamaran in the Caribbean Ocean. Ah…where would you rather be today?

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what are you doing today?

Jenie and I are gonna play some serious Uno followed by some air hockey and games with Andy. Imma try and do as little as possibe but eat and drink. Tonight, we’re gonna cause some holiday trouble in Kitchener. Look the eff out!

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