:: work it out baby ::

Last week I tweeted that I needed a trainer, this week I downloaded 2 apps for that! Thanks Google. I love you! ♥ App #1: Cardio Trainer [free] Weightloss Trainer Outdoor & treadmill modes (pedometer & GPS) Voice output & music integration Records path, pace, calories, etc. & uploads to website/FB share Race Against Yourself It’s pretty cool, been tracking my walk to/from work this week. Takes me anywhere from 9-14 minutes depending on shoes/lights, I burn about 50 calories and it’s about 1.2 km and my speed averages 6-7 kn/hr. I’m gonna race against myself, see who’s the biggest loser! ha. Interested to see what days I walk fastest on & how shoes/lights impact me. It charts it using GPS and talks to me when the workout starts/stops/pauses. App #2: Body Fitness [free] Exercise journal with clear pictures, detailed instructions, clean UI (user interface) 320+ exercises, separated into Core, Lower Body, Arms,Chest,Shoulders, Back Yoga Cardio workout :: beats putting a real human in your pocket :: BTW, my tumblr’z got it goin on’!

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changing the face & < body > language of advertising

Today I went to FW and I was a media, a real media. Being there challenged/changed any old thoughts I had of how Fashion Week goes down. The internet makes everything instant. I imagine the days when clothes are shown IN season and made to order online from the runway via mobile and delivered shortly after … ah, a girl can dream can’t she? I was in the media room often doing work (otherwise known as FB & Tweets) for MuchMTV. I was surrounded by bloggers and traditional media, however, quite impressed by bloggers. Filling up seats and sitting amongst Elle, Flare and the league of fashion then going straight back to little laptops updating blogs with photos hot off the runway.  Think of all the people it takes to produce something the ‘old way’ (photo, write, produce, edit, post) then a blogger comes along and is this all-in-one media publishing station. It’s truly amazing. Saw this video today via Marketing Mag basically, there’s NO FUTURE if you’re not going digital. I mean, that’s only true if you wanna advertise anything to anyone, ever. Duh, get up on it; power to the people! Did you know that half of FB’s 400 million users check in EVERYDAY? Take that to the bank. That’s like heaps. The Last Advertising Agency On Earth from FITC I’m a huge Saatchi fan for years but mostly since that book I told you about a couple times, remember? I used to dream about working there. Looks like CGI is doing a good job of listening/paying attention…my Tweet showed up on their homepage today retweeting a photo re: Barbie’s show on Wednesday at LGFW. Matel is one of their clients 😉 Most excited for that show to be honest, fingers crossed for gift bags! Yeaw! :: people…

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ahoy matey, this ship’s a sailin’

I was really excited to get it and now that’s it’s done, I’m so happy. I was super picky and we put the stencil on three times before I was ready to go. I knew exactly what I wanted and when you know, you just know and since you’re gonna have it forever, you better get it right. It was done by Stephen Shaw aka @illustratelife and yes, it hurt. I was nervous and excited, my favorite feeling ever. The part near your elbow is so sensitive, so is getting inked on any part that covers a bone.  My last couple were done by Robb Coutts at Bobby Five, he’s amazing but getting in there is near impossible these days. People always ask “is there like, some meaning behind it?” DUH! Of course, like I’d do something just for no reason. All my tattoos are some type of reminder about something special in my life, as well as pretty decorations. I don’t feel like pouring my heart out about why I got each one but feel free to ask me IRL, I’ll tell you. I can’t imagine just walking into a shop, unplanned and getting some random thing off the wall, I gotta think my stuff out. What am I gonna do next? Hmm… just kidding MUM! haha. Ok, bye for now!

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smell you later hot stuff

Last year, about this time, I wrote about Givenchy Play, it was brand new and no one had it yet. Last night at the Buckler show/party for LGFW I got a mini size  in my giftbag and I really hope more dudes start wearing it.  Buckler link goes to the FB page, their site plays music when you click on it and I hate linking to sites like that. Great style for men though,  I recommend checking it out. It’s made for a man but it smells oh so good, I’ve had it in my own rotation. I rewarded Ryan, one of our interns at work with a Play giftset recently. He’s starting out in the music industry and I’m happy to help smell extra good. Keep up the good work & enjoy it RYAN!! You can get yours at The Bay if you wanna smell really good too. Ok, busy day today, heading to Allstrem Centre to catch a  bunch of shows LGFW today. Ah! Exciting. Tattoo pix coming right up next!

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it’s more fun to see you smile

Welcome to a brand new day. What’s new? everything. Exciting times ahead in the world, in my world and probably yours too if you think about it. I’m getting a new tattoo tonight. I’m going to fashion week everyday for the rest of the week. It’s a short week! Testing out two new-ish social media tools for blog & work  SocialTalk and Keen Kong; one if for publishing and the other for engagement & listening. This stuff makes me happy. I could barely sleep last night. I’ve got heaps to do but I figure as long as I keep working hard everyday it will all get done. I always wanted to grow up and be the girl who works at MuchMusic and even works on evenings and weekends because she has an agent and her own business and cool friends who are smart and do the same kinda things and lives cool condo downtown Toronto by the water. This is my life and it’s got it’s ups and downs but I choose to make it as exciting as I possibly can. I hope you do too. Damn rainy AGAIN today so I wore bright garden legs!  Kick kick that gloom right outta’ sight. Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading my blog. I love you.

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things on my desk and in it [old job]

Keep thisa baby around the house “that was easy” sister and me at a rock show music + flyer for band at mitzi’s sister OK, I’m going to tell you exactly what happened. [emily] I fell in love, I fell in love with my daughters boyfriend. [sobs] I’m watching Something’s Gotta Give and just laughed my ass off at her typing out her love story, crying hysterically. She’s so funny, Dianne Keaton. She’s  a writer in this one and she writes the best story into a play.  I’m thinking about writing a script… Well, I’ve been writing it in my head my whole life! HA! She writes a play about her love story in the movie. I’ve been in a couple plays. This one guy I went to school with wrote a play for Sears Fest called, What Wasn’t Said. I was in Guys and Dolls and a few other things before high school. All the worlds a stage, it is. I loved being on stage growing up. I was looking for a quote from this movie but couldn’t find it, so I read the script online. I had read ahead and then it just came, weird reading the script then hearing it. “A Woman to Love” her play was called, he said that’s what she was. I think I’m gonna wear my glasses more often. The old office was a big loft space. I used to take lots of photos there. One day I took like a hundred of things around my desk. I had heaps of crap around there.

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