beautiful day in the neighborhood

It’s really sunny and the air is warm and there’s a soft breeze blowing my hair around. For the first time I felt scared being up really high.  I’m not even afraid of heights…I guess I was kidding myself this whole time. I got some replacement glasses of the ones I gave you mum. Is there anything that rhymes with neighborhood other than gayborhood? I was trying to open the bag to get the tripod. Nice visit from Dad today. Good day for walking around. Took them to the music garden and harbourfront. So pretty by the water. Calm.

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garage sale vintage steal

One time Jenie and I went out to a fashion party and we decided to wear these vintage dresses from the 1950’s. Mum snagged then at a garage sale. Probably from an old lady. It was awesome wearing them. We both felt so elegant while the other girls wore mall clothes.  It was our debut and the first time they were out in over 20 years. We were a hit! Thanks Mum!

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