I Partied at Twitter HQ in Canada…

Made it to the nest! Last night Twitter Canada had a ‘nest warming’ party at their brand new office located in Toronto’s King West.  They invited a small-ish group of Twitteratti (old school Twitter slang for influencers), agency folks, media, and sales people to check out the new digs, connect over drinks, snacks, and of course TWEET. Pretty much anything that could be Twitterized, was. They had Twitter pillows, water, soap, and even a toaster that puts the Twitter bird on your bread.     Brendan Canning from Broken Social Scene was on the decks. Loved his old school beats.    There’s lots of nice art on the walls. I was especially drawn to this, it’s an illustration of how the new Twitter logo was created.     The original Twitter bird was designed by Simon Oxley and I’ve got a tattoo that looks really similar.   Carol Zara and I had a few laughs visiting all the different rooms that were set up with reminders of special Twitter moments and notable users.         THEY HAVE THE DRESS!    Twitter has a group of Vine Magicians, what a cool job! See our Vine here.    Was great to see these two, Abby Ho and I used to work together back in the MuchMusic/MTV days. We used to go to Tweetups ALL THE TIME back in the day, circa 2009/2010.     Thanks Twitter for a nice evening. It was great to check out the new office.  As you can see I made myself right at home! Follow me on Twitter here! If you’re not on Twitter you can still pop in and check out my Tweets at twitter.com/casiestewart. Have an awesome day! 💘🙌🏼 CASIE

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Saw this from Gary Vaynerchuk earlier today and just thought I would INFORM YOU. HUGE pet peeve on Twitter is people who RT everything nice someone says about them. It’s not necessary! It’s bad party form. You wouldn’t do that in real life so, don’t do it on the internet! * BTW thinking about cutting my hair like this again?  To be honest though, I fav all the nice things people say about me, great for uplifting spirits on a bad day or reminding yourself just how awesome you are! Fav is different than ReTweeting though. WHAT IS A BIRDY BRAG? READ THIS: BE HUMAN, PEOPLE! <3 CASIE buy propecia without prescription buy prozac without prescription buy sildenafil without prescription buy tadalafil without prescription

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New to Twitter? Here’s a Few Tips from @CoralTV

I’ve been on Twitter for five years and over that time the platform has evolved heaps. With Twitter approaching their IPO I thought it might be helpful to share some tips from my show on CoralTV. New to Twitter? This is for you! Got a social media question? If you have any questions about social media, Twitter, Facebook, or one of the other guys, let me know in the comments. I’d be more than happy to dedicate an episode to your question! Buy Cytotec Buy Diflucan Buy Doxycycline Buy Finasteride

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Tech | Heart on for Social TV and Data Visualization

If you didn’t see this video on social TV from Twitter check it out. Pretty neat data visualization. I LOVE social TV. Something I’ve been really passionate about since working at a TV station a couple years ago. The magic of Twitter and TV fascinates me. I love real time communication, advertising, and interaction. I hope to work more in that space again one day. Last year at Banff World Media Festival, social TV was such a hot topic. Here’s my episode on Coral TV where I chat about upcoming trends, these are all relevant one year later! In other news, Vizify is a wicked way to visualize your social resume. Made this little ditty the other day. Cool eh! I made a movie of my twitter: vizify.com/casie-stewart/… What do you think?  #Vizify — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 13, 2013   Almost the weekend! HUZZAHHHHHHH! WEEEEE. CASIE

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Peter Shankman at TEDx Times Square

I originally shared this on the Pulp & Fiber blog at work yesterday. I saw a tweet from Peter Shankman with this video from his talk at TEDx Times Square in New York last month. This 15 minutes will give you a a laugh and make you think about the importance of amazing customer service and how it relates to social media in business. He tells you how to get the audience you want by taking care of the audience you have. He’s all about creating great content and sharing things that are awesome. You can follow Peter on Twitter at @petershankman and there’s a good chance if you tweet him, he’ll tweet you back. Peter is a broadcaster, an advistor to NASA, an Ironman, a skydiver, a social media star, and an all around great guy. I’ve been following Peter for a few years now and he is definitely someone I enjoy following and learning from. We’ve never met in person but we’re friends on Twitter and Facebook and I’d call him a friend. He wished me happy birthday this week too. Hey @casiestewart …Happy birthday! 🙂 — Peter Shankman (@petershankman) May 8, 2013

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TIME TO PARTY! Imma go for dinner… and maybe do some of this… he he! Ok, that’s it that’s ALL! HAPPY EASTER LONG WEEKEND B!TCHES BABES! <3 CASIE

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