51. Hey Chet Shin -> No Guilt

There are free daily meditations on the site here. I find that the more I stay focused on daily meditations thew better I feel on the inside and therefore have more light to shine on the outside. xo love & light ♥

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Thanks Blog T.O.!! Together we did it!!

Live Kangaroos in Nightclub Averted Blog TO posted the following on July 26, 2008: Tonight’s This Is Australia event at Richmond St. nightclub This Is London promises to “transform London into the outback” with DJ Chris La Roque’s outback mash-up sounds, a chance to win a trip to Australia and… live kangaroos? blogTO reader Michelle Palmer brought this event to our attention via a Facebook thread (MY NOTE!!!!) initiated by her animal-loving friends. A number of people contacted the club, organizers and animal rights groups such as PETA, protesting the planned appearance of live kangaroos, which would have been caged around the club premises. I spoke with This Is London’s Sherry Rampersaud, who confirms that “the club has reconsidered and there will be no kangaroos at tonight’s event.” Party organizers INK have not responded as of press time. Activism is not usually the main reason why people sign up on online networking sites, but it is good to know that social and ethical issues are being addressed alongside who’s poked who and who’s in an open relationship, whether the actions of the thread members and their friends were directly involved in the organizer’s final decisions or not.

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Vice Mag – Fashion Issue Cover

Today I picked up the new Vice mag and with more excitement than usual due to the fact that is was the Fashion Issue. As I browsed through the pages, as I always do first I noticed a fw things: New paper – 10% post consumer waste, environmentally friendly, printed in Canada Some raised image on the cover that despite my efforts, I could not distinguish (and neither could my mates!) This, after a quick search, is what I found….. Vice Magazine Changes Everything As Usual [SOURCE]Vice Magazine, which was ironically abandoned by its target audience of dirty trendsetters at the exact moment it became popular, has finally discovered how to sell out IN SECRET. The new issue has an ad for BMW superimposed on the freaking cover itself—but it doesn’t appear until you turn out the lights! As long as you don’t read it in the dark, nobody will know you are bought and owned by corporations just like everything else in this rotten country, dude. This is a brilliant idea that may save the American print media and destroy the editorial/ advertising divide as we know it, and that’s really all we have to say about that. [Media In Canada]

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first post ever

My name is Casie. This is a photo of myself on a beautiful sunny day. I love the sun so much. I also like dancing and drawing. Today is a beautiful day. I am working all day but after work…..LOOK OUT SUN HERE I COME!!

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